East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Discounts on
Boys' Clothing
All Knee Pants Suits
AH Vcstec Salts
All Two-Picce Salts
We allow a Discount of
20 Per Cent
Bay -while yoa have a chance to save money.
- - 1
Bae & Daley
Oue-ricj Mothird. Hatters and Furnishers
18 V vvvvsvvvvy-vvvsfa BVvwwwwvwwvsswWB
elvetia Milk Condensing Company
c.nrfe nut Work of Art. W
The Enst Orcgonlan Is in receipt oi
a copy nf "Motherhood." n duplicate
EDDY, OF TILLAMOOK, WOULD of Herbert J. Day's famous painting.
RAISE PRICE OF SCHOOL LAND , The Helvetia Milk Condensing Com-1
' pony, of nighlanu. m.. is semilog uiu
Object of Bill is to Protect the State ) tnls inn
Aaaln.J Ldk hv Statute of Limlta-1 customers
Ametjcan new and Ha c
jmiflcent work of nrt to Its-g
re. In return for labels from IK
cans of Its Bvnpornteu 1 3
. . , 1 . .,-. i m- lllltlf I
lions rrice 01 uieu.i-ana to ne o - - .,,,,,- t .vnrthv of n
Instead of $1.25 as at Present. io,.P in nnv house and customers oil
Salem. Jan. SS.KroprcsentnUve H , thi wide .wahc firm should edmum
I. K.ldv. of Tillamook and Yamhill ' it a rnre treat to he nl.le to secure It ,
has introduced three bills In the1"- n'a"ncr-
house, one referring to the stntii's- Notice.' ' '.
limitations running ugaltuit 'the Kt tottorn Woodmen ana their,
and the othors In regnrd to state' ri-i'ds are cordially Invited tc a has-' I
lands which are of considerable ini lKet social given by the Roynl Neigh- ;j
portauce to the state, as they may of-1 bors Tuesday evening. Jun. -1.
TY WlltCS 4t( III ' TT
it in. or . in. T 17
""" " " '
1 have on ha,,, :
of the
thf ...... '
- -xongest
naret I alio
eights of y, J
t 1
at 1
Examine my line before huy J
'1 hat's the meaning of pro-1 is
Scotland shipped 11.279.422 tons of
coal laat year, constituting a record.
Edward Halley introduced, mercury
ns the liquid for use iu thermometers
In 16S0.
Fifteen large vessels and about j
-400 boats ure now icebouud in thej
lower Danube. j
Within 20 years the South has ln-
crea3ed Its railway mileage 1G2 peri
cent and its exports 95 per cent.
A cablegram from General Davis,'
nt Manila, reports the death , Sunday
of First Lieutenant William K. Arm
strong. 2Stti Infantry, from Alabama,
of smallpox.
Of the land in Russia, as shown by
the government report, the nobility
own 1S1.000.000 acres and the mer
chants 36.000.000. while the peasants
own but 35.000,000.
A curious characteristic peculiar to
the California redwood tree Is that if
the head ie cut off by lightning a
new one will gradually grow out in
its place as shapely as the first.
Governor Hunt, acting Independent
3y of judicial proceedings. Monday
suspended Manuel Esoszcue. mayor
of San Juan, from office and ordered
independent investigation into the
-city's affairs.
There has been a steady decrease
of the rural population of Ohio. Indi
ana. Illinois. Kansas. Nebraska and
each of ihe North Atlantic states, ex
cept Rhode Island. Connecticut and
The trouble which' has existed be
tween the independent photo-engravers
and the branch remaining with
the Typographical Union, have been
adjusted. TJnder the agreement, all
Hotel Pendleton.
K. Geary. Seattle.
It Yerker. Seattle.
C. Wignolre. Monlth.
D. Chase. Portland.
C. Osterhagen. Portland.
F. S .McMahon and wife, Portland.
W. R. Glendenlng. Portland.
F. fatter. Hpppner.
J H. Illake, Heppner.
Mrs. C. Miller. Heppner. .
H. Grabb and wife, Omaha.
J. D. McLain. Joseph.
Don Davenport. Helena.
r N. Hughes. St. Joseph. '
1 L. Cohn. Minneapolis.
C. U Fee. Echo.
W. H. Booth. Arlington.
W. P. Smith", San Francisco.
M. H. Patton. Spokane.
R. H. Carton, Spokane.
teid. the substance which
builds healthy cells in the hu
man body. People ought tc
know more about proteids
At thf present timo it is as; ar(J constanty jn neefJ
nht.iln nosspssinn mminst the ... .
Golden Rule.
Mrs. E. M. Smith. Portland.
L. C. Smith. Portland.
J. C. Smith. Portland.
J. Clem, Frewater.
G. Beck. Rusk, Iowa.
R. M. Akers. Milton.
Jlrs. J. Lawson. Milton.
Nellie Dlenn, Milton.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
A. E. McBreen. Portland.
G. W. Williams. Portland.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
Sam l.ee. Spokane.
H. II. Horton. city.
E. F. Fairchild. San Francisco.
Norman Reeves. Portland.
Lee Cunningham. Portland.
Mr. Under. Yakima,
feet the people of Oregon more orlorii! Fellows' Hall,
The first hill referred to is that tf
rrevent the statute of limitations run
nlng against the state. As the la .
now stands the state can lose Inm! ,
by private persons malntalnliiK pos-,
session- for ten years. That thly it '
liable to happen at any time is Ul ) '
trated by the fatjt that the state n
ently lost an entire section of scIukii
land In Eautera Oregon by this
tusj IU ouuiiu puiw!mu UKUlliai mi , , . T 4. 1.1 J
state as against any privnto person., ui mem. mil arc iiiLy auu
In addition, the state is unable to, whv do they "take first place?'
recover on any bond of a public oM A 11 nrrit'i rinQii miter rnn.
ficer on which the statute of limlta AU acme "SSUes must COD-
tions mav have run. tain proteids. They are a t
Any person may settle on public, necessary article of diet tC
school lands In Oregon, and If their i , , ,. . ,, . ,
presence Is not discovered after 10 replace the Jiving cells that
... . .... ' i i . i . i
years iney win ve eniuieu to ierma. are destroyed in great I1UU1
unit jfuaocoaiuu. ivo iiua nct;u nmicu.
the new bill provides that the statute
shall not run against the state. .
The reason advance for this by Mr.
Eddy Is that the state Is continually:
changlnc officers, nnd It Is Imnracti-'
cable for them to keep track of the gain healthy flesh, means of
1 1 i...i i . ......i o . . J
luuua uiiil are (ll.il ncLiici urt-,
not occupying them. j
Another bill that will be introduced
by the representative will be to
amend the state land law so as to givo j
an owner upland on tidal waters ai
priority to right to purchase from
the state the tide land in front of his'
property. So far as the state ie now
concerned, persons not interested in
the upland property can purchase a 1
narrow ribbon of land and shut off'
the upland owner completely from the
water front Under the rule of thei
flate land board, the upland owner
has been accorded thi sright. hut '
Representative Eddy's bill proposes'
to fix It so this right must be given. ;
The same hill amends sectidn 3032 i
ofi Bellinger and Cotton's Code so tha '
from the time the act takes effect!
until July 1. 1905. none of the school-
lands now belonging to the state in
the 16th and 32d sections of each
STWFtet Place"! T. C. TAYLOR THE HARDfllj
74 Main Street
bers ever)' day by wear and
tear on the body. They fur
nish resisting force powerto
withstand illness, ability toi
:trnallT, and acts dlrcctlr on the mneoiu
nrrav. nails catarrh I'ure la not a
icatk medicine It was prescribed by
me- of tbe bent Dhvilclana to tbla country
for years and Is a regular prescription.
.! Is i-orarcseil of the beat tonics known.
photo-engravers will come under one wnjolned with the beat blood partners.
organization, which will be permitted, " JTt fiSt
ig use int? miici aim ui nae icijic-' lieni is wnar producer such wonderful
sentation in the central body. , f -iilif In curing catarrh. Send for tea
s tlmoniala free.
. J- CHENEY & CO.. Preps Toledo. O.
PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEW8. fiold by dnipelsu, price 70c.
i Ilall'a Family I'llla are tb beat.
Hood River has secured rural free
'delivery route No. 2, through the ef-i
forts of Congressman Moody. j
The demand for alfalfa seed in!New Church Organized at Plalnvlew
Eastern Oregon and Washington Is School With 46 Members.
Btronger this spring than ever known' The protracted meeting at Plain
before. t view 3chooI house, Birch Creek, came
"Red" Morris, a noted Portland ;tc' cIse last Sunday evening with
crook was sentenced to two years ina crowded house. The meeting had
the penitentiary for burglar-, at!,)6en in progress three weeks with
Eosehurf Tuesday. unaoaiea interest, in tact me interest
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is
i blood or constintlonal disease, and In
iroer to tore it mo mast taxe internal present time, amounts to $730,000. It
similla Hall's fT-ath m. im bWmk I.. I - '
is argued that there is no reason why '
these lands should be sacrificed at ;
less than their true value and pile up!
acquiring energy. 1
The body gets them in the '
best form-froi)i the flesh and
fat of animals. But there are j
lots of people who do not or
cannot eat the proper food to
get these necessary proteids.
What can they do to get their
share? It has been found
that Scott's Emulsion fur
nishes the necessary proteid ,
elements and provides them
in a way that insures their j
proper distribution ' in the '
In addition there are hypo
phosphites of lime and soda,
township shall be sold. In the mean-1 which, when carefully and
time, the state land board will be: r .i i, jj !
directed to list and appraise the lands I pciicuuy uicuuca Willi tne
and report to the next legislature, i
The money received from, thr lands
now being disposed of goes into the,
irreducible school fund, which at the1
315 East Court Street.
B 4 U By
Piano o Ofgan
Easy Payment Plan
Portland and the Sound are In a
was greater at the close than at any
me buuiiu are ill a , . .. , . , -
transient flurrv. over the report that I""" Tk J.
Admiral Schley wil visit the North-j ,eaat anothpr week The resu)t of thft
I protracted effort was the establish-
.west during the spring.
Oregon club women will spend
Thursday and Friday in Salem,
Studying the manner in which state
Institutions are conducted
The harness 3tore of George Au
miller, of North Yakima, was broken
Into Tuesday night and several pairs
of valuablr 'harness stolen.
The Portland, Vancouver & Yakl-j
ma railroad will receive new rolling!
etock this week, consisting of two!
new engines and 100 flat cars.
riient or a Church of Christ with 46
members, the outlook for the new or
ganization being very bright.
this fund. It means, therefore, a tem
porary withdrawal to take stock. i
The third bill which is fathered by,
Mr Eddy is to fix the minimum price ,
of the lieu lands of the state at So
per acre, instead of $1.25. the price!
at the present time. 1
whole oil as in Scott's Emul
sion, represent one of the
most valuable forms of nour
ishment known to the medical ,
We'll KB.! you a uaple free upon request
409 Pearl St,. New York.
Horses High Here.
C. M. Peck, or Ottumwa. Ta.. an ex
tensive breeder or and dealer in fine
l orses. is in Pendleton making this
point on an extensive tour of the
West and Northwest. Mr. Peck de
clares that the same gTade and all- and dyspepsia
round quality of horses can be bought nny time and take an Acker
now cneaper anywnere in tne Miuuie aiterwara. Positively guaranteed.
West than in this vicinity. From the! Your money will always be refunded
Dakotas to Texas the same animals j if you are not satisfied. Write to us
are cheaper than here. Mr. Peck de-lfor a free sample. W. H. Hooker &
Clares that he sees in and around Pen-, Co., Buffalo. N. Y. F W Kclirniiif .
j of suffering rrom indigestion If you
cm. wubi jou want, or or starving
yourself to avoid such, distress?
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets taken
after eating will digest your food per
fectly and free you from all the dis-
greeable symptoms of indigestion
Eat what you like at
Finds Way to t-lve Long.
The startling announcement of a
discover- that will surely lengthen
life, is made by Editor O. H. Downey,
of Churubusco, Ind. "J wish to atate,"
he writes, "that Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption is the moat
infallible remedy that I have ever
I bnnmn fm mlin nl A rr Ih
Sixteen inmates and attendants of .opplew h weak lungs"
one need areaa pneumonia or con-
dlotnn the best, bred and formed
horses, especially roadsters, to be
seen anywhere In. the Northwest, and
he has been all over Oregon and
Washington during the present win
Jesse Falling's Retiring From Business Sale is moril
rapidly. It means a biR saving if you call now.
Don't miss the chance. Every article in the stock mutj
w Mil. IUlL,l.JV OlUL, Ul V.UiUb 3. J U lalUv Ui I Ui ilsulK
the state. This is an undisDutable fact. We otter better
is proven by the low prices we are offering
Next door to Postoffice.
Vt announce that we have opened undertaking parlors
i nil iiMnii its wirn nnr Tiirinriirj. r n trwraw t rra inn win jus
calls cay or night. Phone Black 273.
arreawil Tuesday, as a result
Mayor Williams' determination
cloeiv the Joints and dens.
My Som-nna Katheiine
f The BlaePIowrReory Van Dyke R
Cecella-r Marlon Crawford. " p
A Captured Bsnta Clant Thos. Kelton c
Avery Elisabeth Sliwrl PnWr
5i aieozarry School Days-Kalph Connor. t5
t On ol
K Oreen.
to i ,, .t t. 1 n .j I V John (iajthe '1 GardenFrank St.ck. is
I cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
William Merriman. agent of the:a"tee every 50c and l bottle, and
Southern Pacific at Salera. succeeds
T. A Bancroft as freight agent at
Portland Mr. Bancroft has been ap
pointed postmaster at Portland.
The Columbia Southern is prepar
ing to extend its line from Shanlko
to Bend, near the southern boundary
of Crook county. During 1902 this
little rood carried 100 000 tons of
freight and 40.000 passengers.
TN- aupreme court has refused to
gram ranrUnrer Balding at new hear
ing. Hf : found guilty of murder
In ihe first degree In .Multnomah
coiiny. for the killing of iDeliorah A.
McCroskey. In Portland, on July ll.
give trial bottles free.
Fine Draft Horses.
M. C. Gray, of Beatrice. Neb., will
be In Pendleton about February 6,
with a carload of Percheron- Clyde
and Shire stallions. His headquarters
will be at the Froomc barn, on Main
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
From McKay place on Umatilla:
river, one 2-yeartoltl- heifer with line
back. No ear mark or brands. A suit
able reward will be given for any In
formation or return. 'Ed Morgan,
Half soles at Teutsch's.
if Marietta ol Out We,tKlla Ulrsinwn
0j Taeutrirroposltlon-aeorre Ade. 5
Song ola Single Note AmIUBarr.
'ft J'rancieita-Mollle Elliott SeawWJ.
Sj Moth and Unit Mary Cb-iljnoodeley.
tf Letters of a S4lf-Made Merchant to IIU
a. Son-George Horace Lo rimer.
V Little Whlt Blrd -J M. Barrle.
s The fc'plendld Idle Forties -Gertrude
g Athertoo.
S TheBeaotllalMn. Moalton,
S The Vol lores-Henry Ston Merriman
g Woven With Ihe Shlp-Atnes Towsend
S, InirnMonsof Pee7-Ani)ony Hope
Book and Stationery Store
Goingr out of
All sewmg machines
in stock to be -disposed
of at cost
Come early and
select a bargain
cLTS. I I tLM. LM I 111 UlU
uuijauiAj.ni is uummuii sense, it win u" -a-
is iu imiiuuuy wiiii i-iaiure s laws, seiaom iuiis o""
i i nui i ami v..ure inrisiian acience. aeu:-
nig. 11 i uaseu upon a correct niiowiege 01 aiiivv -
rv. A larpf nor runt rf cn-.iltwl .' 1 ,1 p9pi ale ntilCQ
jj - -- -" - n " (- wwm v. .iu v.u (t v.vj tublliauib ,
mpflinrl Tii. ir.iir,,,.'n.. ,...:n.. ..oo.ori P.ve. eat and
Miuiiiuun auu intestinal trnnn i. mi ms ncations a" : ..
vous diseases, general diseases. DlseaseB of Women a ep
is reaciierj ip hyrhs' rfrt Hcrtcr KCur
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byers ries
Flour, whicli is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
1 ui ,rt rt Tr-irTrf.T ir- rf-Tr t i j iwi 1 1 ,
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Uirphy & Langever, Proprs-
v V