East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 27, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Big Discounts on
Boys' loiiirit
All Knee Pants Suits
AH Yestee Suits
A11 Two-Piece-Sults.. -.
allo.w Discount of
20 Per Cent
Buy while you have a chance to save money.
aer & Daley
Oue-i'i'Lcu Clothiers, Hattora and Furnishers
Braill..lias deckled to.. send troops
i"to the disuted territory -t Acre.
After a brief spell of inactivity the
volcano Sttohiboll, 'Italy, is again in
A serious revolt in GhiHa is threat
ened by General Tung Fu .Ilslan in
Kansu province.
A 10 per cent advance in 'wages has
been granted to their trainmen by the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad.
3lt. Pelee is again in eruption
About S00 fedt ofthe cone of Uio vol-.
cano has been -blown -away, .
A decisive battle is. expected soon
at Fez. JLarge forces of the' revolu
tionists ars ndvanclng on the city.
The street car employes of .South
Bend. Elkhart, Goshen and Mishawa
?a. Indiana, are on a strike for higher
Judge W. - R, Day. of Canton, Ohio,
-has accepted a "tender of appointment
os -associate Justice .of the United
The stearner Dawson City, 80 days
from Nome reached Port Townsend;
Washington. Sunday, under sail, after
-a most tempestuous voyage.
Officials' and delegates of the union'
organizations connected with the
printing industries are holding n con
frrence 'in Indianapolis Ind . to set
tie long standing disputes.
Sirs. Esle Herron, of New York,
didn't .know her .father's- pistol was
loaded "and pointed it at her cousin,
11 years .of,.age. The builett struck
the boy in the chest. He may recover.
Hotel Pendleton.
AV. R. Patty. Chicago.
AV. .Allen. Pullman. . ,
I. Allen, Pullman.
5. N. Bolton. Ui Grande.
G. ,P. .Mulcahy, Spokane.
C. M. Smith. Portland.
William .Alaher. Portland.
V, K-Garrett, Portland.
J. J. Unlleray. city.
K. J. Hurke, Hartford.
C. W. Slocum, New York.
C. H. Parson, ..Minneapolis.
C. A. .Carten. .Chicago.
George Sliarpe Wane.
Golden Rule.
J. R. Claff and wife. Baker City.
ilrs. U B, Rlnehart, North Yakima.
D. S. Smith. Los Angeles.
-J. F. Morton, Los Angeles.
S. C. Morton, l.os Angeles.
-S. J. Morton, Los Angeles.
F. E. -Morton. Los Angeles.
Airs. Nixon. Walla Walla.
Ethel J. Nixon. Walla AVnlla.
airs. J. McLaughlin. Aluckland.
II. DutoherAValla -Walla.
. F. ai. Manning. I.ewistpn.
N TJ, Brench, Lqwistori. 1 i'
C. E. Alasson, fportland.
W. D. Alarks. Spokane.
H. C. Corey, Co! fax.
W. J. Moore. -Spokane. . . ;
W. R. AlcRoberts, Spokane.
,. R. E. Porter and wife, Meacliam.
J J. GaulnerTTortland.
John 1-awrence, Spokane.
J. Under. "Yakima.
James aioore. Spokane
C- U Downer. Spokane. . .
A. H. Sanderson. Pilot Rock.
H. .1. Hohies, Athena.
AV. ai. Ferran. Echo.
C H. Sherman. Athena,
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With locnl applications. . as ther cannot
It is reported from Manila thii ai Wood or .cm,tlutlonal dlieaws, and In
volunteer force of natives organized ! order to care It you must take Internal
Bt Bollnao for the purpose or dispos- ""' Ca", Core taken In-
"'fa -.-.. ! nrraces. nana fararrn unre ii not a
cd and three Americans, one a school
teacher, were killed. The Americans
.'died fighting.
The '"Peck's Bad Boy'.' .dramaticvj
-company is stranded at Albany,.
B. AV. S. Folk, of Glendale, Or.,
-killed a couger. Monday, measuring
nine feet In length and weighing 200
npports have reached Walla
"Walla that a strong flow of artesian
rcater has been struck near Blalock
Island, on the XTolumbfa.
La Fayette hopgrowers' aro holding
about 30.000' pounds "of hops for hlghi
cr prices. As much as 27 cents have
been offered, but the growers refused.
A. E. Lyfdrd, formerly of Corvallis,
has embezzled $3000 of county funds.
In Rock Island, 111. He left a family
jn that city and haa not ben heard
Jlis. Jacob Summers, of Floras
Creek, near Mansfield,' committed sui
cide aionday by taking strychnine.
She was an Indian woman CO years of
High water In Southern Oregon Is
doing considerable damage. Atany
county bridges are out and numer
ous trestles on thfe Corvallis & East
ern are In danger.
quack medicine It was prescribed br
me ot tlie best physicians In tbls country
Tor Tears and is a. regular prescription.
Jt Is composed of tlie 'best tonics known,
combined -with lbe best blood partners,
ctlns directly on tbe mneotis surfaces.
li" wr : mniMnatlqn of the two Ingre
dients Is wbat .produces such wonderful
repairs in. curing catarrn. Mend ror tea
ilmonlals' free.'
? J. CUBNBV A CO.. Props Toledo, O.
Rolrt by druggists, price 7Sc.
Hall's Family Pills arc tbe beat.
Rural Free Mall Delivery.
At no distant day the rural free
mall, delivery service .will -require
40,000 carriers. This is a large mini
ter. When we consider the brief
time this service Has been In opera
tion. Its success may be considered
phenomenal. During the past year
over 12,000 petitions have been 'filed
at AVashlngton for this rural service,
This proves that the farmers aro
waking up to their privileges. All
this Is gratifying to the- members of
the Order of Patrons of Husbandry,
for theirs was the first organization
that attempted to secure the estab
lishment -of the free mall delivery (-
service. Indeed, It Is the direct Tesult
of -their efforts; Ex".
Finds Way-to -ulve Long.
The startling 'announcement of a
discovery that will surely lengthen
life, is Diftfle byUCdltor O. H. Downey,
of Ghurubusco,.Ind.t 'I w!shr to-state,"
he writes "that Dr. Kins'? New DIs-
:. -
Rust Bros. Sell 73 Head of .Beef Cat-
tie 8novif at Uklah Chinook and
Plenty of Ra'n Some are Plowing.
Utdge. Jan. 2t.-7Iames L. Hall, of
Gdrdnne. has sold his town property
in- Puudlotou.aud .la.mQylnr..hlsahiugs
K. Mt Gnrdane ranch and expects to
l.nv his family moved by February I.
He.ls still nddlng lubieinmlijestatT' tti
his Gurdanc fnrmT ' " "
J. II. Hunt and J. A. Ilust. who are
feeding several himdied beef cattle
nt thf old home ranch on liutter
creek and in thr Hudson bny vicin
ity, have sold 75 head at a fair figure
.1. H. Is visiting his brother. J. A
Kust -just now In this vldfnlty.
Willie Futter, of Uklah. made a bus
Iness trip t6 Pendleton this week.
He says his nrother Charles Is btny
lng in Pendleton and hns the measles.
His father. William Futter and his
brother, Amps, are uvor north of Pen
dleton looking alter their cattle. Ho
was a guest of tho Ogles' Thursday
night and reports a fall of about tluee
int'hes of ?now in his locality Wed
nesday night and very rough, sloppy
r, George AV. Liusiiar: made n trip to
PemUetQii this week on business
,;li""F. Ogle, of Athena.' 'is again in
this vicinity -visiting tand looking nf
ter his interests for n tew days. Air.
'Ogle had an attack of erysipelas
mm bin" fntx' a short time ago but la
all right now.
Georga ,1. Hor8mnn, of. Ourdane. is
Fiiid to havq .purchased the stock and
farm of Calge Itee'dor. of Lena, at a
fair price.
' J.-'L. Hall says there was no fog at
1 Is Gurdaue home, when we were so
besieged by that terrible pest.
Ed Ben'tl;, of Pendleton, was visit
ing friends and relatives at Gurdanc
last week.
E R. Baker, o!' Pendleton, was vis
iting his friends and relatives in this
part last week.
D. -I Fenton. of Pilot Rock, wns a
visitor in Alba last week
Eugpne Cofley, of TJurdane. Is said
to have been -purchasing 1more real
estate lately.
The Gurdntie people arc busy build
ing a barbed' wire telephone to AV. E.
Baker's 'phone, in this vicinity to con
nect therewith.
Our neighborhood has been visited
with a Chinook, plenty of rain and a
series of heavy night winds, which
are throwing fences and telephone
posts over. Some people are plow
'Four men aro nt present omployod
Ion the work, but wheiUjlnstlng begins
tho force wlU"b(f doubled.'
! Notice,
i Ail Atodern Woodmen nnr. their
! friends arc cordlally.ilnvlted.tc n baa
ket social given by the iRoynl Nelghj
bors Tuesday evening. Jim. 27, nji
n.i.1 Allows Hall: . , "5
The CheeffUl .'Many '
With tingling cheok and frosted enr
And almost frozen fingers,
llr ne're complains that coal Is dear
Nor by ,'ho car atove Hnjiers.
lit prances round to ,wnrm bis -toes
1 Anil oeais ins irius wsiuci
' ii(l yells nt everyone he knows.
"What glorious winter wwer.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
AmcrfcawT Field and Hot P..
stock of
Field Fence" -i
, -"""Best lti
made fielrj Ien.... '
market I als. V
height, ni T i
sMSMMNSMWIMIRMHRBStuuaain e 91,, ... ' i
Examine my Tme befoteWy
DAIN-'fliim n miVTAD mnrj frxT.TTn1Hi(!
I F.ven children drink Graln-0
I because they like it and tho doc
I tors say It Is good for them. AVhy
not? It contains all of tho nourish
.meat of tho pure grain and none
of the poisons of coffee,
Atgtoctn aTftywhere; !. nd tic per pAclcige.
A Lesson That Other Counties Might
Learn At a Profit.
out on the philomath ioad, a
quarter of a mile south of the high
way, and between the Hayes and
Thomas Cooper farms is a huge
tent, says the Corvallis Times. It is
75 feet square, and In the distance it
looks like it might be a camp meeting
or a circus. It Is however, neither,
but Is spread there as a protection
from the weather, while workmen
underneath it got out rock for use
in next summer's, road work fn the
vicinity. Tho rock is later to be re
duced to a size for road purposes
by the county rock, crusher, which is
now at the form, of Thomas Cooper.
The rock operations aro under di
rection of Ix;roy AIcReynolds, who
has a contract with the county court
for supplying Benton county with
200 to 1000 tons or stone fonroad pur
poses. He is to receive 40 cents per
yard, delivered on the dump at the
quarry. The county Is also to pay
John V. Ingle who owns .the ledge,
uiree cents per load tor the stone af
ter it is qrushed. The spot from
where the rock Is tnken is only about
a quarter of-a mile From the ,Phllo-
mam roan ami the grade Is down hi.
o that after rock Is finally crushed,
me uenvery will he easy and Inexpen
sive. In getting the rock out nf th
ledge olastlng will be necessary.
1 ELITE ....
Petitions for the removal Qt theCQVery fQr Consumption la -the Wostl g!
county seat of Union county from
Union to La Grande, have been slgn
ed by 2548 voters. out of a total of
3100. foi- tho entire county.
George AV. Baker, a sergeant in tho
10th battery, who deserted a short
timo ago at Wala AValla. -was arrest
ed Alonlav and turned oyer to tho
military authorities at that place.
A band of Japanese outlaws has
organized in .Seattle. The organiza-
Infallible remedy that I have ever
known, for coughs, colds. and. grip. H'js
Invaluable to people with weak lungs.
Having thin wonderful medicine, no
one need dread pneumonia or .con
sumption. Its relief Is Instant and
cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
antee every 50c and $1 bottle, and
give trial bottles free.
To 'Meet on Mat.
Mnn' VnrV Inn 01 Hha 'Piihnn
Hon Teaembles tha Chinese high
binders and Is fully as morclless. The ,mrv boniff-hns uttracted considerable
authorities) are trying io stamp it. p'ttehHori iatcl, will be eceh'inVcoa-out-
test with Frank Herrlclc. the well
An unknown man died while bath. krioVri Wrestler, "nt "the Now Polo A
in? :-u the Spokane River, Aionday f c. .tonight: The? conditions are oatch
morjilng: .-iHe had started to dress and-( ns-catcb-can... two out of three falls,
bad put one foot Into ,hls-. pants leg, Eoth -men aro -.In splendid condition
when 'he fell over doadiJ"o .ctaw to. (nnd;a lively contest Is -expected to be
his identity has been found.
the outcome, ,,.
. s
shown in tho kind of station- .;!
erj you usu. J
Your up-to dateness
Nice Dressed
Fine Sauerkraut
Dill Sweet and Sour Rickles in
bulk. . ,
Fresh and Salt Fish.', . ,
Fresh Eggs and 'Butter.
Shrimps, Crabs, Lobsters and
Pendleton Fish and
Poultry Market
310 Court Street
Phone Red 591
Mushes and prepared foods,
nf ail kinds.
Pancake and H-O Bock
wheat Flour for your
Best Maple Syrup
Out Tea is th'e very
choicest, on the market.
Miller Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 511
Stationery changes styles S
it the same as wearing apparel
' and if voii would Up in fad,, li
' ion vou mn5t lmup din nou, vi
- j ........ ... . w ,,.w 1 1 ... I
Si est ideas 5$
We have an exquisite new g
jt line of the real chic makes g
and ask you to take a glance I
at out1 window- for some of
of ihe late styles, Jf
E Bobk and Stationery Store f
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come early - and
select a bargain
an .couut 8THKET
, : i
315, Ea8t Court Street. , ,
B 4 U By
Piano or Organ
Easy Payment Plan
Jesse Failing's Retiring From .Business Sale isjnoviiJ
rapidly. It means a bic saving if you call now.
Don't miss the chance. .Every article in the stock mtistj
We have the largest stock of. carpets, outside of Portlm
the state. This is an undisputa.ble fact. Wq offer better"!
eains'than can be had in Eastern Oreeon. .another fact ni
is proven by the low prices we are offering
Next door to Pastofiice, i
Wo announce that we have ppened undertakiog piilorsj
connection with our furniture and carpet store and yviiiaa
calls day or night. Phone Black 27.3.
nsTwnPATTT. Ria TnnMPsnw STRBBr.
OSTEOPATHY is common sense. It will bear investigaii
is in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom fails ana never uu-
I. : . t?:.u -. -it.?..' - . . nnr iEeCtri
" i iiui i-iiuii umc iwiiribimu science, laK""'"
It is based upon a correct knowlege of anatomy a""
A large per cent of so-called incurable casssate neaiea 1
.i ti. fn 11.. P.(".ieat ,anui
heart nnd 1
stomach at
irge per cent of so-called incurable casssate heaieaj
The following especially are treated: Eye.;,?at f
ii i. .... ' , , , 1 ...alhll DlieS
i tungsj jiver anu Kianeys, oiaaaer auu V 7 oimttl
vuub uiseases, general diseases.
Diseases of Women a Spec
Ir rn.ir.riPfl ?n RVPPS' RWqT Rfftpr Hour Cannot be ui
The cream 6i the wheat crop ,enters in tiyer? y
r?i ...i.:t. rn, Kr,nrl and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. flyers, Proprietor.
t-n sltf. III UMU
Pleasure Drink
Murphy & Langever, Proprs
if nnnifrnif III
mi mm i
--i ' ;,.,