East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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islin Underwear
For the Money,,
j . ,- '
lour lorner nuiuuw wr iisiJiuy
and Prices. .
. A Tl
HT, JANUARY 24, 1903,
tit Stolen $3.95 From the;
of Miss Neal.
nnnifiil A. HollwOE
. Mo custody yesterday!
riecassd of the theft o
ilhc purse ot Miss iter
ttchool student, with a1
,!iiss Neal had Just re-(
File high school building'
(ci, where she had been;
j tae ulgn scnooi puper.r
phe had collected, the
was m her purse anu;
t Into the school room1
liprse with her wraps, In
i. Only a moment alter
iMlwee. who had been
Unwind the corridors, was.
e something from the plle
i tie hall and hurriedly,
ildinz. In a few moments,
mm that tliQ nurse be-!
i Mien Neal was missing.
rlt Mlnweri bV some: high
IrietU down town, where he
i to Uitow something into a
i nfliAdi wnn nnt.tflpfl
IUIm, Ail UUltvi , "
m taken in custody. An
:oI money corresponding to
the purs, was found upon
li d tew, moment mmc
Llonglng to Miss Neal was
km', where HpHieg was seen
omAftUJiiir.' Hollweg was
In Jail, where lie now la, una-
live ball. He.ia.quue a young
Ilio has teesurere but a tew
comlnj lere from La Grande,
pirns WW a 'leacnor oi mn-
f to k i native of Holland,
ft.ivfl wMlthv and Influential
Jons. Since coming here he
teoclltM utmie f with nhnrrh
find las sung In the Episcopal
The etldencb against him
to be conclusive.
k Is some evidence to indicate
L'Hclweffir. whn wnn nrrdatnil
fc, clarsai with stealing' at
i scoooi'Dunaing, is the same
a several months ago Jurap
li.WJI la Walla Walla, was
wk to lbs town and served
see for the offense. About
we lie ran a big livery
! StOrv e-nnn. nmr hnrl If
S Ud sent In tn n. fnmllv
I SOOd Erapp.i hn hint irnt.
wv. oi course repudiated
i nuiwegg as well.
N Estate Case Has Been
Court Today.
H A. s.
-ot Freewater. Involving
a of a commission of
'ale, has occupied the
Mho court today, Mr,
Pearson had a contract to soil a 20
aero tract of fruit land for Mr. Hoon,
and It Is claimed by Mr. Pearson that
the land wus sold by Hoon while the
contract for the sale was In existence
and ithercfore Mr. Pearson desires the
regular commission due on the
amount ot the sale.
At the time of going to press the
case is bolng submitted to the Jury.
J. T. Hlnklo Is attorney for Mr. Pear
son and Lowell & Halley for' Mr.
John McCabe, ,charged with forg
ery, was acquitted.
The trial of pick Briscbois, Jor, lar
ceny, of a horse from William Murray
at, the agency, wll be heard Mon
day, William Hess, barkeeper at the
Golden Utile basement, will also, be
tried Monday for soiling' liquor Ito n
minor. James A. Fee Is attorney for
Mr. Hess.
Contest Ip Team Work.
Ai.nlit tt.n nvHl- wppk in March' the
Knights of Pythias of Umatilla, Baiter-and
Union counties will meet for
a contest in team work that will
probably be somecning une, judging
irrlm, TiA nrmllnt t nn c nf the local
Knights, Tho convention win meet
in La Grando. The district conven
tlon nwinaratorv to the event has al
icndy been hold in tls county The
Union county convention win ue, new
January 29 and the Baker county
convention January 31.
City Limits to Be Extended.
"A bill Will soon be presented to 'the
leclslaturo bV Senator W. M. iPe'rce
to' bo .change the city boundalres of
Y,t,siou mpi tvuiiuiHH aumiiiw.-piiuw,
itnttpil with manv' new residences and
known as Nprmal Heights will,ibe, In
cluded, says, the Weston Loader., At
the same time any otner aesirea ex
tension1 of boundaries will be Includ
ed in tho bill, and neighboring .land
owners who desire to. plat additions
can take advantage ot the opportunity
by notifying W. M. Pierce at once.
Dry Murrlan.
Dr. G. W. Vaughan, V. S., reports
both cattle and horses as singularly.
free from disease this winter In this
county, the only disease among the
cattle now, and there fs very little of
IL Ib dry murrlan. caused by too
much dry feed and too little water
,and at Irregular Intervals. Among
horses there Is little disease aside
from gleet and swinney, and there Is
'very little disease of any kind.
Built a Dyke,
Labor volunteored by tho' farmers
Adonis, has built isomethlng
Lover 30p foqt of dylfe along the.ieast
aide ot the 'jjumatum, uoiow jiuuon, iu
inrovent. further depredations by the,
irlvor imon thn farmlne land. The,
high, water about the, ,flrst pf tjie
Imontb Is sofd to havi cut ,put land to
the value, of., apQtit infi.
TION PINKS Art! arrivinlr attain finSlv. ' Good varietV.
h'nd moderate prices, P , '
lV$ have on 1m
m V". Ktq. gome
Bwn'thavo to buy,
SODA is deljcious ,and only 5 cents
selection of Forshaw's Palms
in and, .look .them over. You
Prom Main St.g, Toward the Cocrt House
J. A. Howard, farm loans.
Try Gratz's clam chowder.
Sea food fresh at Castle's,
Liquid air Monday night.
Oyster cocktails at Grate's.
Fresh fish daily at Castle's.
Seo llqulu air Monday night.
Clothing cleaned by Joerger.
Smoke the Pendleton Favorite.
Everything smokers want at Neu
Men'a half soles, 76c. The best.
The best half soles for ladles, 40c.
Teutsch. ,
Don't forget shoe repairing at
A gentleman's smoke, The Pendle-,
ton Favorite.' '
Corsets 39 cents at the, , Peoples
Ware house'.,. , t '
George Staitdago is building' a res
idence In Milton. '
Novelty Woisting 19 cents at the
'Peoples 1 'Warehouse.
M, B. Bcilcy, of Milton, has just
completed a residence.
Children's underwear 10 clents at
the People Warehouse. ' '
A' 'furnished ' hotel, with ' paying
trade. ?2000: N T. Conklln,,
Imported 1 llmburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
There 'Is nothing so astounding as
the oXper(rceritS bf liquid air.
Twenty per pent, discount on, ,all
boys' clothing. Baer & Daley.
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
taurant. Everything tastes good.
One of the best lodging .houses in
Pendleton, $3000. N. T. Conklln.
Garden seeds, In bulk and package,
Fresh goods, loweBt prices. Nolf's.
For. Rent Two furnished front
100ms. Address Mrs, H. 3. Dorman.
Rees' cigar store for smoking artl
es of all kinds. Patton'e old stand.
Exhibition of wonderful liquid air
at Frazer's opera house Monday even'
Alfred Oelse. drunk and disorderly.
was fined $5 in police court this morn
ing, t
Hays' cigar store, Maloy's old
Jtand, headquarters for smokers' sup
A suprise, when you see that cozy
home I can sell you for $1000. E. T.
Liquid all experiments under aus
pices of Pendleton Academy, Monday
Wood and coal by car lots a spec
ialty. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
Main 1121.
Wanted Three rooms for .light
housekeeping in good locality. Ad
dresB G. W. D., care E. O.
Beautiful 5-room cottage, two lota,
shade and fruit trees, nicely located
Reduced to $1500. E. T. Wade.
Wllllatn Wagner, of Milton, Js
building a lesidenpe which he exnects
to occupy by the, middle of ,March,
.For, BaleA, nice business in, Pen
dleton .suitable for man ,or woman
of moderate, means. N., Tj ooniuini
Hobabh's' baking' tn unsurpassed 'for
excollency: 'Everything and best nia'
terial used. New shop on Johnson
For Sale Brick building -with
basement, 50x90, on Main street. Good
property at a bargain, Easy terms.
E. T. Wade.
Seo W. B. Jenkins for door name
plate, signs, numbers, etc. Newest
novelties. Prices low. Office, Commer
cial Association.
The attendance and Interest at the
Baptist meetings is increasing. There
have been eight conversions to record
from tho last two meetings. .
Judge Westbrook Decker, of Den'
ver, brother of Mrs, Mary Maule,
of Pendleton, died recently at hU
home In Denver, of pneumonia.
J. M. Hpcn, of Milton, a fruit raiser,
believes that, judging from all pres
ent indications, a(i Kinus ot iruit w
come out next spring in good condi
tion In fact, thn,t It is bound to
barring possible damage by ,trpst
'Every variety Is sturdy and vigorous
Father Neate's morning sermon, at
10:30 tomorrow will be from the
topic, "The Gospel of the Day." An
lesneclal effort will be made tomor
row1 to raise whatever delicti exists
incident to the extensive repairs that
have been made upon the church,
1 11 1
1 All Modern Woodmen anc. their
jfrleods' are cordially Invite.-! to a has'
. I 1 il- 1 I
Jtet. pociai given oy me nuyui cibh
bors Tuesday evening. Jan. 27, at
'n,l,l Ti-ollrm-H' IlRll .
wr-iff ,fitT7"i,
j , , ,, .License. to Wed. ,
1 A marriage license was issued to
William P. Card and Clara Kessler,
both of McKay Creole, umatuia coun
Sues for Divorce.
Mary E. Day, of Pendlet,on, today
filed a potitlon for dtvonjo from her
husband, J. franK uay.
Miss Giddy I suppose you medical
students have some gay limes. Young
Medlcus Yea, wo do cut up quite a
good deal, Chicago Dally Nows.
Clearance sale
I We are offering the Latest
at Clearing
and Most Up-to-Date Goods
Sale Prices
I 100,000 Yds. Val Laces
"Reg. Price Clearance Price
156 1 dozen yds. 8c dozen yds
25c 1 dozen yds . 12c dozen yds
30c 1 dozen yds' '. ..13c dozen yds
3jc t dozen yds 15c dozen yds
All Val Laces at Half Price
Reg. Price Clearance Price
$1.00 Basket 'Etamine.. . $ .6g per yd(
2.25 Basket Etamine, . i . 1.79 per yd
1.65 Tailor suiting ; . ... , 1.32 per yd
1. 10 Peau de Soie k . .70 per yd
1. 10 Crepe de Chene .72 per yd
I mi
A Broken Lot of Children's Winter
Underwear at Clearance Price to close
Reg. Price Clearance Price
ji2 oo Tailor Made Suits 5 7.00
15 ,50 Tailor Made Suits 10.00
25.00 Tailor Made Suits .. 15 00
5,25 Ladies' Jackets 2.25
10 00 Ladies Jackets 6.98
15.50 Ladies' Jackets U 39
.'h,'." JLUliST Illi:3'flENur. ,
M h dttl you, threw him In tlidt
' 'O'nuHd Jost 'citiise he's etehl' y6ars '
old, lie"H lway;, tdlla' ut about the
heavy unowstoriu dey had when lis wus
tyounei" 1 1
The six ored Bhdll In which Presi
dent Elliot,. Alexander' Agasslz and
the Crownlnshields rowed for' Har
vard has been presented to the Uni
versity by T. S. Watson. The boat
was built in 1857;
For Ladies Have Arrived
Boston Store
Where Whole Families are Shod.
Store News
A new line ol fancy box pape
tries in fancy shapes and new tints
19c to 48c. Call and see them
We sell stationery, blank books
and office supplies
Our new Spring Goods. "ine
Berry and Fruit Bowls in New
Cut Glass effects, 20c. Fancy
Water Jugs, 20c to 45c. '' '
. Specials- 1 .1
Sanitary Toilet Paper, 3 rolls
for 25c '
New Mounting Books, 10c.
Paste, Ink and Mucilages
complete lines 5c up.
The Nolf Sto e
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs j Clams f Crabs
and f Lobsters $
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Telopliouv Main 4
Solid Comfort
Wty Is enjoyed when your homo is
heatfd by one of the Acorn
stoves. They don't need cons
tant attention as the use of coal
in them is more economical
than in any other stove manu
Uctured, and the bright, cheer
ftil fire that glows from one is
pleasant and cheery. The
Acorn stoves are sold in Pen
dleton only by ,
We have bought of the Allen Brothers, their Interest in tv
Wood buBineus, and now we are ready to furnish the best
dry wood on short notiqe. Office 038 Main Street.
Pfaode 2. P. P. COLLIER & CO.
U AlAI V1 V I 0 expect people to know what
MUW DkJ T JU you have to sell If you don't
The new store can never be
known nnless II Advertises