East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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I lllfl fM i
Discounts on
Boys' Clothing
All Knee Pants Salts
AllVestee Suits
All Two-Piece Salts
"We allow a Discount of
20 Per Cent
Bay while you have a chance to save money.
ae & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
Sheepmen Attend Committee Meeting
and Persuade Lawmakers It Would
Harm Wool Industry.
Salem. Ore., Jnn. 24. The house
committee on agriculture met Thurs
ciay aud decided to make an adverse
renort on Ilurlelgh'a onomilo limit
irtieop grazing bill. The subject has
become a Uvo Issue In many parts of
Eastern Oregon and a formidable
movement has developed against un
restricted use of the ranges by large
bands of sheep. The small stock
men think their Interest are Jeopard
lied, and some of the cattlemen are
of the opinion that anything detrl
mental to the sheep and wool Indus
try mutt 'jo beneficial to them.
The session of the committee was
attended by all tho representatives
from the Twenty-first and Twenty
eighth representative districts, by A
M. Kelsey. Representative Phelps
UWVVNNriAwwvwvvtwVN n"d A. McQreer, of Wasco, and by It
r . iiynus, ex-secretary oi uie uregon
Woolgrowors' Association. All were
opposed to the Burleigh measure,
which provides "that It shall bo un
lawful for any persons owning and
having charge of any sheep, to herd
the same, or permit them to bo herd
ed on the lands of possessory claims
of other persons, or to herd tho same
or permit them to graze upon unaiv
proprlated lands within one mile of
t the dwelling house of the owner or
owners of such lands or possessory
claims, or within one-half mile of tho
boundary lines of such lands or pos
sossory claims."
The measure further provides that
sheep, cattlo or horses cannot run at
large In a county in which the owner
does not reside, unless a permit shall
be obtained: and the tax thereon
shall be 20 cents each for sheep and
?i per head for horses and cattle.
Tho sheepmen appear to agree that
It is proper to Impose a reasonable
tax on sheep owned In one county and
t reeaing in another, and a measure
carrying out that policy will. It is
said, be presented by them.
feast (fegwl
Fran!: Smith and George J-. Rhodes
were arrested at Roseburg Friday, for
robbing Charles Harmon's saloon.
J. II. Kemph, of Tangent, Or., was
struck by n freight train In tho Alba
ny yards, Friday, arid -seriously Injur
ed. A tramp assaulted Fireman McCor
mack, of tho Astoria railroad, Friday,
breaking his nose and Injuring one of
bis hands severely. '
A shipment of 43,000 pounds of
concentrates from the North Pole
mine near Bourn?, was sent to the
Tacoma smelter Friday,
Chinese are said to be using the
certificates of friends to gain admis
sion to the United States, at the
Northwest orts of entry.
Coffin Bros., of North Yakima, sold
43 sections, of wheat land In the
Horse Heaven couritry Friday, to
Spokane capitalists, for $100,000.
Representative Carnahan, of Clat
eop county, has Introduced a bill to
nbolish the present poll tax law of
Oregon, which requires each citizen
between 21 and 50 to pay $1 tax.
A band of 20 horses, in a starving
condition, was found by a prospector
en the head of Trout Creek, Grant
county, Thursday. The snow is so
deep the horses cannot travel and
.they are perishing one by one.
E. E. Quick has been discharged
from the receivership of the St.
Helens Lumber Company, as the prop
erty has been turned over to a reor
ganized company, which Is on a eood
financial basis.
William Brattle, an 'Englishman, 25,
5-ears of age, appeared at Spokane,
police headquarters Friday and ask-!
cd to be locked up, as he feared a
Bpell of madness was coming over
blm, and he did not want to Injure
imyone wane crazy.
It. Sunderland an employe of the
Crown Paper Company at Oregon
'City, was tadly mangled Friday, and
nay die. He was oiling some of the
machinery, when the power was
turned on, and before his cries were
beard, was almost crushed to death.
Yellow fever has made Its annual
appearance in Vera Cruz.
Richard Pearson, of Ashevllle, N.
C, has been appointed United States
minister to Persia.
Mild weather and free Imports have
brought the price of coal down to $9
,e ton In New York.
Newfoundland is experiencing a
very severo snowstorm and trains and
traffic are all Impeded.
A driving snowstorm prevailed Frl
Hay In the Central West. It was es
pecially heavy In Kansas.
The International Bricklayers'
Union now In convention at Memphis
bus a membership of 77.23C.
Judge Harney, of Butte, is to bo Im
peached for awarding the rich Minnie
Healey mlno to F, A. Ilelnze.
Louis Dryer, who disappeared from
Jersey City Monday, has returned
home dazed and minus $11,000.
Count von Ballestrom has resigned
as president of the German relchstag
because of the socialist agitatlorl.
The Joint high commission' has re
sumed sessions to settle the differ
ences between' Canada and the United
Inventor Marconi will bring action
against the United States for Infringe
ments of his system of wireless tel
egraphy. The New Orleans Special' on the Il
linois Central was wrecked at Mem
phis Friday hy an open switch. The
engineer and fireman were fatally in
Hotel Pendleton.
L. Larsen, l.ewlston.
J. S. Jent. Lewlston. '
P. .Frazler, Lewlston,
W. N Butler, Lowlston.
John Anderson, Portland.
W. R. Glendenlne. Portland.
John Verstey and wife, Portland.
W. A .Storey and wife, Portland.
S. H. Soule, Portland.
H. J. Russell. Portland.
M. E. Everett, Portland.
L. H. Dixon, St. Joseph.
F. W. Jackson, New York.
J. B. Bache, Seattle.
A. M. Glllis, Athena.
A. B. McEwen, Athena.
D. B. Jarman, Athena.
E. R. Cox, Athena.
O. E. Waymouth, San Francisco.
A. Peppie, San Francisco.'
D. Williams, Athena.
Charles H. Miller, Echo.
C. L. Fee, Echo.
William Maker, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
R. H. Carton, Spokane.
S. S. GUI, Spokane.
Golden Rule.
F. Taney and wife, New York.
E, L. Longmier, Pasco.
S. C. Longmier, Pasco,
E. J. Longmier, Pasco.
M. J .Longmier, Pasco.
F. J. Longmier, Pasco.
L. M! Longmier, Pasco.
G. W. Longmier, Pasco.
J. F. Ward and wife. New York.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
Ella Lawsou, Portland.
Pearl Bunker, Portland.
J. M. McCoy and wife, Echo.
E. W. Helm, Portland.
N. Painting and wife, Athena.
Ben King and wife, lone.
A. Engleman and wife, lone.
A. Engleman and wife, lone.
E. S. Duran, Heppner.
Mrs. C. S. Duian, Heppner.
C. L. Duran, Heppner.
E. J. Duran, Heppner.
F .L. Duran, Heppner.
C. F. Flothert, Prescott.
Frank Rack, Echo.
R. Jones. Echo.
E. Kuestcrman, Portland.
G. W. Williams, Portland.
A. G. Howard,, Spokane.
A. S. Pearson, Freewater.
John Under. Freewater.
G. W, Bradley, Athena.
M. F. Wright, Athena,
J. R. Hays, Eartllng.
Wi. P. Jimmet. Adams.
C. A. Perkins, city.
H. T. Hill, Helix.
The 8ecret of Long Life.
Consists in keeping all the main or
gans of tho body in healthy, recular
action, and In quickly destroying
deadly disease germs. Electric Bit
ters regulate stomach, liver and kid
neys, purify the blood and give a
splendid appetite. They work won
ders in curing kidney troubles, fe
male complaints, nervous diseases,
constipation. drsnensla and malaria.
Vigorous health and strength alwayn
follow their use. Only 60c, guaran
teed by Tallman & Co., druggists.
. Anyone thinking,
me the !. ..." Vi
r r i . . . n in
,cs n. i.
auuiiiii rnii - .
going ,o
""ins rn f7i...
desire to .. t .
"'""unients we k,...
to nearly cost ti,:.-
a rarp n....
low or ci..
We Eiiarant.. .... . ,
..MLimnrt i Of11-l t nnrC MAIHll P ANIl fiDAWrr. ....
I t m M . m, a a . L .r' I m -A U . B M & m m . .'II, 1 1 1 1 U k
7 - . " ' 7 HUM 11 I HYVV
Experiments With Liquid Air Pro
nounced Marvelous Here Monday
Whatcom. Wash., Nov. 21, 1902.-
W B. Pattv cavo an Illustrated lec
ture on liquid air in this Institution
before an audience of 1000 people, and
nil worn iinltfil In thoir- praise of th'
entertainment , The lecture was clear
and concise, while the experiments
wero wonderful, often bordering on
tho miraculous. Respectfully, K.
Principal State Normal
Heads Should Never Aehe.
Never endure this trouble. Use at
once the remedy that stopped It for
Mrs. N. A. Webster, of winme, va
She writes: "Dr. King's New Life
Pills wholly cured me of sick head
aches I had suffered from two years.'
Cure headache, constipation, billlous
ness. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s dniR
For Sale .23 sections of grazing
and farming lands In .Umatilla aud
Morrow counties. Good buildings
Ranch will feed 15,000 to 10,000
sheep. Plenty of water. Also be
tween 11,000 and 12,000 head Of
sheep, 130 head of cattle, 30 horses
ivagons, harness, plows, seeders and
other farming supplies. Address
Joseph Vey, Pendleton.
Death of Mrs. Martha Morgan at He
Daughter's Home in This City,
Mrs. Martha Morgan, a pioneer wo
man of Weston, died this morning at
8 o'clock at the home of her daughter
Airs, sarah McDougal. in this citv.
at tho age of 70 years, after a short
illness with pneumonia.
Mrs. Morgan was born in Missouri
January 9, 1833, and was married to
her first husband, James M. Lieual
len, November C, 1851, In the same
state. They crossed tho plains In tho
same Immigrant train with her par
ents, air. ana Mrs. Andrew Klleore.
and located near Weston in 1863 on
tne place now occupied by C. F. Bui
finch, being among the first settlers
In this neighborhood. Mr. Lieuallen
died in 1888, and his widow was re
married November 1G, 1890. to J. S.
Morgan, who also preceded her to the
grave. Weston Leader.
Ten Dollars Reward.
Lost Last May, one bav horse
weight about 1200 pounds, branded
65 on left shoulder, mane roarherl
Will pay above reward
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local annlfCAtlnnft. na thn nnnnt
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh la last sui-inir.
ordberto 7uroTyU''E InteUl retUrD 0t am Purl Bwm
remedies. Hall's Catarrh f!nr la tan in.
trrnally, and acts directly on the ssncous The Dally East Oregonian Is on sale
qUDrcaKCeBmed!cfnef SV'wL cSbeSb," ? "and
one of the best physicians In this country "Otel PerklDB, and at the Hotel
ipr years ana is a regoiar prescription. uruauu.
u cuuipuseu qi me Dest tonics Known,
combined with the beat blood nnrlfUra.
rctlne directly on the mucons . surfaces. msnSS5SJiWWTOWAWS
dlents la what produces such wonderful lis TtY TfllD
results In curlnj catarrh. Bend for tcs g Pi III I K
tlmonlals free. g XJUIXJU t i
r. j. uuicmsi & co. preps Toledo, O.
ouhi uruKgtsiB, price foe.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Was it Booth?
D. E. George, an aged and wealthy
citizen of Guthrie, O.. made the state
ment Just before he died last week
tlia.ll lm wan Tnnipn WllUta TtnnHi Hia I .i
assassin of Abraham Lincoln. George it yu use
attempted suicide at El Reno, and g
made second successful attempt at Yt
an Enid hotel, taking nolson. He
elated that ho had successfully eluded w and if you would be in fash- $
the officers after killing Lincoln, and S . ' y , D , 0 De ,,n ,as11 $
a . .. 1 V, mn unit tyi i . .i , tin,.a V
naa remained unknown to the world s " nave mu now
ever since. Ho was reputed to bo $ esi.iueas.
very wealthy, owning land in Oklaho
ma, Indian Territory and at Dallas,
Your up-to dateness is
shown in the kind of station-
Stationerv chnrnip? nruloc
yi ' o
He g tnesame as wearing apparel
Lot for sale, great bargain; Raley's
addition. Inquire at 103 Altn street.
Card of Thanks.
We doslro to express our heartfelt
thanks .to Iho friends and neighbors
who so generously assisted us and
showed thtlr -sympathy by beautiful
floral tributes, during our late be,
reavem,ent In. the sickness and death
of our daughter. .
We have an exquisite new
line of the real chic makes
and ask you to take a glance
at our window for some of
of the late styles.
Book and Stationery Store
There is nothing tough
sheepish about our Mutton.
Our steaks are always tender
and juicy.
Your meals will be better And
more palatable if you allow us to
nil your meat bill.
Full weight, best meats, lowest
prices and prompt delivery are
our traae builders.
Otto Miescke
Hoaser's Old Stand
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come early and
select a bargain
ji American Field and Hog Fe
stay winca 4w. II. il
.m.oBiH. ...J
"" -rl 4-B?
I I N Mill
ib BsBssaa re sS .Lij'i) i. ii i ii ! sat &
I have on hand i
stock of the "Am
iMelil Ience," vrL'l
tne strongest and
i market I also
heights of yard and pi
trv nitlinu T k....'
load lots and can save
money on the above. 1
Examine my line before buying
74J Main Street
Having sold all my carpets, I now offer the balance
stock for sale, regardless of cost. The goods to be sold consia
Fiber Matting, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Portieres,
Paper, Sewing Machines, Pictures and Pictu
We have the largest stock qf carpets, outside of Portland,!
the state, llus is an undisputable fact, We otfer Detter n
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoffice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors j
connection with our furniture and carpet store anawimaan
calls day or night. Phone Black .273.
Is reached in BYERS' BEST. Better flour cannot be mi
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Myers di
Flour, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
nQTwnPAFPTi qiq rpnnMPsntf STREET.
OSTEOPATHY Ts common sense. It will bear nvcsiigj
is in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom fails and nevci 1
t. : . t?:i. r m. o r.fir nor liiei."l
1. t i 1 i t onntomv ana
,ii i uoacu u(uii u buiicui iuiuwib dialed 1
irv. A larce ner cent nf sn.rnl p incurable cases aic
i,,i ir, n..,: : i" il.: trtnA: Eve, ear anu i
hMrt nnH lnnrc tivnr m1 t-Mntfc hlaflfler and UretU3l Ui
and deforroi l
atuiuni.il aim iiiibatitiui uuuuira, ait uhiui.""- QnefillUM
vniiR ili5Pn;pci crnnpr-il fllcBnano niaonnnB nf WOEteil a DPl'"M7
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Murphy & Langever, Proprs
'I ii mi n 1 i ii i IM'
wws ... -