0 1Q03 OpC!s:.ig a set of books ? Then see us for Ledgers. Journals. Cash Books and Da Books We liave all sizes Full iine of Stationery for bus.neas nsid social use. Latest styles BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 193. Men att- saviuj, of ovory pos session -xcjpt time. Tlioy wor ry over the loss of tHrjiw anil dollars and the prices df their products but stand on street corners daily and throw away the mon'entB with a lirudigal hand. 'Wealth is guarded with a zealous cate. opportunity is clasped to the breast and the '.slightest leakage in the haul; ac- count is detected and stopped but time. th stuff .that life Is - iBiade of." 1& allowed to run to waste at a thousand flood-gates of idleness and procrastination. THE PEOPLE DISREGARDED. rl.Hr ivspiH-tlvo back porches, and tl.iu hereafter the 5".rtOO to $G0,O0i guneral appropriation for legislative; expense, will be spent in the in- i teles, of the state at large. ! frhe legislature Is rapidly becomin it publlolmie ring, whore local Interd eats are rubbed down and patted' Ultoii the back .'by lobbyists who are in' the pay of private concerns The, fight ends in countless .scars, but no. d4clslve victory, and another 'fight l&t matched for two ; years hence.' .. while tile combatants are yet scowl! hue at the rii.g side. ,Two county scat fights are now be ing nlrrd before the legislative eoni i nilttees.. Xo less than a dozen clty charters Ulrcciouy -tocuments) are now belns i "made orer" .In the legislative "tailor bhop." .'Will-not the twenty-second leglsla- " tiyt assembly remove these two ob- .Tfhc vote on United States senator atacles, that the next session may "Jjuesuayv is a strlKlnp example or not be compelled to stumble over modern partisanlsm. , them? all sides. The. Monroe doctrlno- has been ononly violated iu South Ameri ca and England is dictating the terms of tho Alaskan boundary rettlement on the north If the trusts were traveling on foot through the country, with a ball and chain upon each aulclc and a .mill stone hanging on tholr neck. Attorney-Genera! Knox would not bp swift enough to catch them. DESCRIBES A KANSAS ZEPHYR. And no one over dcscrlled the hnrstlug of a Knnscs storm as John J lngnlls has done. He pictures first the Jong succession or dazzling sum mer days, days without cloud and nights without dew. days when the effulgent sun Hoods the dome with I.erce and blinding radiance, days of flittering leaves mid burnished blades or serried ranks of com. (layB when the transparent air. uurgeri of all earth.lv exhalation and alloy, weal ing a remoter borlxon and a pro ' lounder sky " and then he describes i the cloud, no bigger than the hnnd which quickly resolves Itself Into' ebony or purple Vapor, and pictures for us the storm: Birds and insects disappear 'and cattle abruptly stand agaze. On np . palling silence, an awful darkness. fills the atmosphere. A continuous roll of mullled thunder, increasing I In volume, shakes the solid earth, j The air suddenly grows chill and smells ilke an unused cellar. : ..CLEARANCE PRICES. This week is to be one of Big Bargains at our store. Spring goods are soon coming in and we want room. Help us pake room and at the same time supply your wardrobe with clothing at little more thr.n half prue. All 'Men's Suits and Overcoats at Special Redac tion of 20 per cent Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Special Redaction of 20 per cent 1 r j Ladies' Woolen Waists, Special Reduction of 20 per cent Ladies' Skirts of all kinds, Special Reeaction of 20 pet cent FRIDAY AND SATURDAY... Outing Flannel 7c grade at 5c Outing Flannel . tOcand ile grades at 9c Cotton toweling 10 yds for 30c Colico, iO yds to one person, 3c per yd. Muslin iO yds to one person, 3c per yd. Heavy dress goods, J. 20 values at 85c THE FAIR THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY A fume of yellow dust conceals the , base of. the meteor. The jagged aclm-1 Itar of lightning drawn from Its I cloudy scabbard, is brandished for a I terrible Instant in the abyss and then thrust Into the affrighted city with I crash as if the rafters of the earth had fallen. The wind, hitherto n-;Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once ef i t T ice fight of a republican in Oregon and that will foice those Interested to pay cut. for the past ten years, who was the expense- of the legislation and selected by the party to be governor people will not be so ready to rush -of tho state; who was placed upon Into trouble. the ticket of his party as a candidate Let local matters be settled at lor United States senator, and was home. Allow the paid represonta- voted for by 45,000 republicans of tlves of the people to spend their Oregon, gets but twenty votes on a time in the people's service. Com joint ballot of seventy republican mon justice demands this change. So -votes, in the Oregon legislature. .many Importnnt laws are left un The other republican candidates touched, ko many tangles are allow liave no claim upon the party what- ed to grow, so many trifling issues ever for support, if popular choice creep Into the legislature, at best. means anything. The 45,000 republl- that every Irrelevant matter Ksslble can voters who cast their ballots for should be primed out Sir. Geer are cuffed aside as If they . -were s-o many barking dogs. Monday evenh'g the police of the "What does the franchise mean, am- pIt" of Lansing, Mich., stopped the -way, from the standpoint of the poll- s'reet cars of the Electric Transpor tlclan? What are elections held for,'Ultion Company, wherever found, and at enormous cost, if not to permit the ' ,ool: charge or them In the name of sovereign people to essert their now-,ne e,ty. Such flagrant abuses of er and .rights. By what logic can this ,Ile charter privileges, such open dis vote be set aside by the members 0f',oeard of Public needs and such per- the legislatures? Jeistent disobedience f the orders of Ito they hope to iierpetuate good t,le cl,' council had been practiced sovernment, obedience to the laws of ' by the company that the city revok- the land and fraternal feeling among ;et its franchise for the public good, their fellow laborers, by such fla.;Uncleanllners, Incivility to patrons. rushes the earth with scourges at' rain. The broken cisterns of the clouds can hold no water, and rivers, run Iu the ntmosphere. Dry ravines become turbid torrents, bearing car-' goes of rubbish on their swift des- cent." Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel AGAINST COOLIE LABOR. by Brant violation of tho expressed con fidence of the people? "What example 3a this, that these leading men of the state set before the country? refusal to furnish sufficient cars to accommodate the public are the charges against the company. It Is only a step from the municipal coal In all fairness and friendship. let;yard to the municipal street car and it be said that If this Is a sample orinotn aro 80reI' needed the esteem in which republican poli ticians hold republican voters, the majority of 250 given to George E. Chamberlain last June will very like ly swell to ten times that number four years hence. If this is an ex ample of the sacredness with which republican principle Is observed, is It any wonder that the factions are go ing down a toboggan slide in oppo site directions? Tho 45,000 sovereign citizens who voted for Geer are virtually disfran chised. Their voice is lost Jn the maddening roar of political warfare.! Their Itin Van Winltln ntiftrloa in all earnestness and candor, reveal U mar be Umt ohlca0 nnd not their own whereabouts nor that:"'" ue bu "ccusiomeu io aeaung in of their candidate. municipal coal when the fa,ralne ends. that they will not care to give up tho good old castom, and the country will be gladdened continuously by the municipal coal cart, to the dlscom- The Oregon Dally Journal Is pub j Hshlng a series of letters from differ ent prominent men of Oregon, under the caption, "What the Lewis one Clark Fair "Will Mean to Oregon." These letters would form a symposl um of sentiment worthy of a place In the history of the state, as they con tain the best thought of the best men expressed upon the greatest opportu nlty of the century. The story of Lewis and Clark -.will be told in Ore gon long after the last celebration of their triumph Is over. RELIEVE THE LEGISLATURE. ' "Was there over a more onnortuno time than now at which to urge upon!flturB ot tne trust. the legislature tho need of two spec ial laws for the state of Oregon? The first is a general law covering Senator C. J. Smith deserves the I hearty congratulation of every man countv cent removal,, rfnrt rnnn.v .it. ,n re&. who travels a wagon road; vision. ;fr his strenuous efforts and practl- The second is the enactment of a ' ca looking to better country general city charter law, taking the 'ad8' U ls vlclory for Senator local fights out of the legislature. ibmlih to,hve presented the bill .even To be plain, the legislature should thp"8h 11 ahould 'no I'a9S serve notice to the .effect that all' The. Roosevelt dare dovJllaui that dirty linen belonging ,to cities .and shook Its flstiln the .face (of the world counties will hereaf er ;be washed on six months' ago. Is being humbled on Dr. Felix Adler. In an address In Carnegie Hall Sunday on "Anti-Dem ocratic Tendencies in American Life." i said. In r3gard to Professor Jenk's lCCOmmendation for thn lntrnilnrtlnn Of ftmllo lAhrm In Amnrlnn'c Plillii.. OXJB. Q&ADUA' pine possessions: raa 8t a oaarae wtm vm PTC WfeM " " " ' hav Aoae tor yotmz pojie kt tta .My contention Is that this propo-fat w can do mow fcctfer suion is io esiauusn unman slavery iwtoic, iwuuw of imjuorad 40 years after we went through war! onr school la always spokoo of """'" uioouaueu io uanisn mis i etmj -n m.neriof nuuun iorever. me evil irom our coolie contract is no contract. The essence of a contract is the fact that it can be broken. The coolie must labor whether he will or not- I call this qualified slavery. "When we have the example of the hapitcnings which have occurred in the Philippines at the very mo ment when the eyes of the world have been turned in that direction. what shall we expect with our coolie I slaves when public attention has beenj diverted in another channul? "Will the cries of those yellow slaves be heard i across 8000 miles of water then? I "I found my hopes for a new nnd better country on the passing of this blinding storm of materialism and the recognition by humanity of the in equality of man and the cultivation of social tendencies." Uu aw thorough work, ha glvea rt tbte hail standing- Open all the year; ataAaata admitted at any time; catalogs tm. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE POIVrXAA'D, OREUOH 4 1". A1U1STJIONG, I'BJBCIPAL The Fall Line of Monopole Canned Goods LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companieb stand first in . the world. AsBeta Hartford Fire Insurance Co.f 12,250,076 Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,003 .London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2.544,083 -urm jjrmsu a. juercautue Co 10,095,074 Iloyal Insurance Co .. 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTOH AGENT 800 MAIN STREET nutiftUHni Glair makes gjeautiful; jgjomen KEWBRO'8 HEM'ICIDE MAKES BEAUTIFUL 1IAIE, because It de stroys the deadly microbe at work upon the hair roots, thus making dandruff and falling hair impos sible, and promoting a thick, luxu riant growth of hair, increasing tho owner's good looks fullylCW percent. It irlllaUoMrorourfaAn-r, t,rotbr.brti uvnd or iwefthean or auj aMra lory inj liave. txn laldneu, for liworki like a eli mi upon Uh tiaulru ints. Um It TQantU,ibtn jva vuliurelTruuuuueudll. For Si! at all Fint-Ous ru Slorti. And there are none better put up anywiiere, are Handled by us. No matter what you desire in canned goods come to us and get Monopole Brand and ,then go home and be satisfied for you al ways get satisfaction in this brand. THE Standard Grocery Ccwrt Street Low Sellers of Groceries Grays Harbor Commercial Co. Bargains in -IN. -AND- AT Real Estate I have a larger and better list, oi x arms, btock Jttanches and (Jity Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wneai section ot .Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNBELT.OB-AT-IjA'W TJ. B. Supreme Court UEGIBTBKED ATTORNEY U. B. Patent Office U. . and FOREIBN PATENTS Trade Markj and Coprrtg&U Itb.nt. N. IV.. -Waahtogton. D. c Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity ISO barrels ft day Flour whanged ifor.wheat Flour. UM 'Feed. Chomvd VA always on hand. ' i We Don't Keep Everything Hut we flo Keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooriug, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Iltilldlng and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes ls complete, and any one In need of Lumber will . inot be wrong In placing their order with the : : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. OPP- W; & C. R. Depot GOOD SOUND WOOD Babbit Metal, best In thft' uynrlH In bars. Price, $1 per bar, at the East Oreoonlan Office. - Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and j.v,. iiPinGi. it' ' . ; ; Hu i J dti . ' Why buy poor coal when you can get the bost for. .the same price?, j ' i ' ' s , , 5 ? LaatzBros. Tekpbxme Male 5J ,;i tit I '." We Put Our Shoulder to tij In the mostpraeticaisortJ when it comes to getting j hide into successful runnl difion that's figurativelJ ing; as a matter of fact w our best energies to the repairing your carnage, J 6urrey, runabout any sol hide you may bring us- result attests our abilities! NEAQLE BROTHERa Blonr ruoltns entin.i r n vJ pniu lux ueo, iOPYDKlrlT. Don't Fwget 'l'lanfr tiro itMll iQiinnPf vniir I a manner that wur'doyou nnr nn ii rtnr nmr. mil time; not one ett, oui 1. -.1 AUb tilttt ft. -Jl sure, tboueh. trv.ujw trnn'ii tro !iq tne resiui tw. .. ... - . We ask vour taucuiy cause we can do it right- TUP TUWbV ' h i nn in i. vi i 11 11, iin Tons AND Tons i 1 1151 icucn . i A t PnilltrV far i 1 1 UL a. v m j stock supplies at the h m m . w m m w m sjiirn Mil viiv - .'127 ana is ill WBllTB'- . 1 Vm . AT rp,U. on rt.