j get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's. & The latest Belter-Pall Mall Monte Carlos and Dip de signs, jost receded by ex press at the xander Dept. Store OP MILTON TEACHER AT THE MOORE SCHOOL HAS SMALLPOX IQUID AIM LECTURE AND P E RIME NTS sjoyablc Entertainment of Novelty and Instruction Unilor auspices of Pendleton Academy Kiile and H. M. Hanaford, Chicago, Exclusive Managers AIR AS A LIQUID 312 BELOW ZERO fe? Freezes Alcohol, but Burns Steel; Males Iron. tin and rubber brittle; Renders mercury hard as iron; Runs a steam engine and does W DOZENS OF WONDERFUL FEATS dadTfBBgStnbcrri In an Ice mm OPERA HOUSE, ONE .NIGHT ONLY INDAY JANUARY 26 L PRICES, 50c and $1; children under 15, 50c. Selection its, Subscribers only, opens at 9 a. m. Jan. 24. Sale of seats, jsbscribers begins at 4 p. m., Jan. 24. ie Columbia iging House LY FUBNIHFTRD ilS CONNECTION KSTER OF BLOCK f ALTA & WEBB 8T8 SCHEJVIPP, Prop. )R SALE : DENCE PROPERTIES idling House and two yabaded lawn, on prom 1 court meet, $2500. even rooms, centrally htfectrlo lights, bath and suiiaded lawn, 42500. 6 'wiling, stable and two dlot, centrally locat- 1 with Iota from 700 bm 1125 to (300. y property on easy rlw estate jott have to pay more. ,a wait until real ea- NOW , III Court SV'j I til Despam & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Will oav cash for poultry. The Market price always. Bring it in every day and all day. Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkeys. Office in Savings Bank Building Come, Get Our Quotations Pine Syrups Tea Garden Drips Canadian Maple Syrup Log Cabin Maple Syrup Monopole Syrup Acorn Syup Buckwheat and material your hot cakes for D. KEMLER & SON A Big Grocery Smallpox Has Disappeared In the Up rcr Hudson Bay Country Dance at the New Opera House Quite Success Hogs Killed by Freight Milton, Jan. 20. Dallas Garrod, of Whitman college, came home Friday evening and returned Sunday. au me rnerennnts in Milton arc selling goods at cost or at least at qulto a reduction, that Is they are' having their mid-winter sales. Smallpox has disappeared in thej Upper Hudson Bay country and the school opened up again last Monday, The school Is being taught by Kylo McDanlels and Nellie Sanderson. Mrs. Etta Pell, of Adams, came up Monday morning far a short visit with her parents, who live up the Walla ."Walla river about five miles. Mr. S. F. Harrington went over to his ranch r.car Waltsburg Monday to look after his stock and attend to sowing about 400 acres of wheat. Rev. D. C. Sanderson came home from Huntsville, Wash., Saturday and ommenced a series of revival meet ings at thla place. The dance at the new opera lionise last Friday ovening In this city, under the management of thp ennipnny wns a decided success In eveiy respect. The teacher In what Is known as the Moore school, broke out with the unallpox in school a .few days ago, acd as a matter of fact, the school Is closed for the present. This is the first victim In the pedagogulc lino that has come to our notice and as no one has taken It from her, we still ray that wo have the first case tfj hear of, that has ever been caught at school. , Oliver Osbom up the river In dis trict No. 9. known as the DeHaveu school wag taken down with small pox last Friday. He is at the homo of his sister, Mrs. William Dorothy. The Walla Walla freight which passes hero about 8 o'clock p. m., ran into a drove of- hogs near the mouth of Dry Creek Monday eyenlng and killed six. ' John Miller, from near Dixie, pass ed through Milton Tuesday on his way to lone, where he has a ranch. Fruit is All Right. Some people here say that the buds on the trees are swollen enough, that the fruit lu this section will be scarce next year, but we hardly be lieve It yot. We have had occasion to look several times, but failed to seo anything that would Indicate it yet, Trade Increasing. Tho city meat market, under the management of Frank J. Beale, with Scott Richie behind the block, pre sents an appearance since the appitlon of the new furniture; two new blocks a mnrhle counter 3x10 feet, and new scales, that would tempt the palate of a millionaire. The trade has in creased from one beef a week to five with the addition of from three, to eight sheep and hogs occasionally. Union eRvival Services. The Rev. Sanderson of the M. E. church and the Rev. Gibbs of the M E. church, South, and their respec tive congregations will hold a union revival services each evening of this week and s much longer as It seems best. There is quite an interest In the scries of meetings In the M. E. church, South, and with the help of the M, E.s congregation, great ex pectations are anticipated. The serv ices will be held In the M. E. church. checks off the telegraphic signs tn snch a low sound as to be Inaudible except to tho operator. While the ordinary sounders were being used rn operator could stand a fow fee? eway and l.ear the message received. Now there Is no opportunity for eavesdropping around the teWran'i desk. One of tbe operato-s employed at the capttol during the last sMon said: "If ray shoes could talk what secrets Uiey would tell." Now not even the operator's: right ear knows what his lftt ear hears. This Is the only secret sounder on the cout Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped It for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., She writes; "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick head aches I had suffered from two years." Cure headache, constipation, billions-' ncss. 25c at Tallraan & Co.'s drug store. JAPS SEEK AN EDUCATION. Reports of Montana Officials Say They Don't Care for Wages, But Want to Learn. n the biennial report of the bureau of agriculture, labor and industry, Commissioner J. A. Ferguson gives statistics showing the growth of the Asiatic population In Montana during the past 12 years. According to these reports thtre were, in this state on the 30th of June, 1900, 2441 Japanese und 1739 Chinese, 39 of the latter be ing women. "Notwithstanding tho tact that a btatciiiC'iit ws given out fome time ago that certain railroads had become dissatisfied with this class of labor," Commissioner Fergu son says, "It Is certain that the num ber of both Chinese and Japanese In this state has increased since th,e f-bove fietues were collected. They are invading other classes of employ ment than railroad work. -and so far s tho bureau is able to learn .the Japanese, especially, are not navnc- nlsr upon the question of waees, their main object being to get in op jortimtty to learn the langua c and methods of the Americans. HELIX HAPPENINGS. Personal and Local News Masque rade Ball Friday Night Was a Success. Helix, Jsn. 20. Boin, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank" Richmond, on Sunday January 18, a son. A. B. and Wesley Groner will leave today for lone, where they go to visit the former's brother, Andrew Groner. Mr. aid Mrs. John Scott were Pen dleton visitors last week Miss Alcy Foss, who has been teaching school In the Hill district. went to her home In Athena yester day for a' short vacation. Mr. and NMrs. Tassey Stewart, of Milton, ar-j visiting their daughter, Mrs. Frank Richmond. Mr, and Mrs. Will Kern have re turned to their home In Lewjston after a bried" visit with relatives. u. a. nern is nome irom utisco where ho rpent the past month. D. B. Richardson - Is absent from Helix for a few days. Roscoe King, of Weston, has been Msltlng his sister, Mrs. Ben Decker The masquerade given by Ed Hush last Friday night, was a success In every respecL TO SUPPRESS NEW8. In a Small Room Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank Politicians Fear the People Will Hear Some of Their Schemes Over the Wires. The Western Union has provided Us operator at tho state house with a "secret sounder." This Is a small in strument which is held tp the operat or's ear by a spring over tho top pf tho head, says the Salem Journal. It contains a Email sounder which The Secret of Long Life. Consists in keeping all the main or gans of the body In healthy, regular ( action, ana in quicaiy destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bit ters regulate stomach, liver and kid neys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work won ders In curing kidney troubles, fe- male complaints, nervous diseases., A . I -J . . 1. .1 1.-1. l UUbUiiiLluu, ujapepism duu uiataua. Vigorous health and strencth always follow their use. Only 60c, guaran teed by Tallman & Co., druggists. I $3.50 m $3.50 intiii'iifciy 1 nift nnTi I Mh nllii jJBWBW W W W 1 ' BARBERS' ITCH. Pattern's Sanitary Barber Shop Pro tects Customers Against Disease Tools and Towels Thoroughly Steri lized. The much-feared and dreaded dis ease has again broken oct In Pendle ton and we have gono to tho limit In taking precautions. In an experience of 15 years In the barber business, w'e have never had a case of barber's Itch come froin our shop, and the rea son for this Is' that we conduct our business according to the best known sanitary rules. All tools are thor oughly sterilized before being used, and each customer Is given a clean towel, the same one never being used on two persons. All our towels are washed by the Domestic Steam 1-aun- j dry, separate from all other clothing, being placed in a tub by themselves,! pnd after being washed alone, thoy undergo a process of steralizatlon under 80 pounds pressure of steam. Tbe highest sanitary methods are In vogue In our shop and we Incite you to come where every precaution j is tauen o protect, you against dis ease. PATTON'S BARBER SHOP, i THE J 903 GLORIA $350 SHOE For Women AND YOUNG LADIES This Shoe is certainly the best value of all the Shoes sold in Pendleton. We claim the reputation ol having the best, and this is evidence. Any lady who has worn a pair will be glad to say a good word lor the Shoe. u L MISS HOSE OWENS No. 720 Seventeenth St., WASHINGTON "If every sulferintf woman has the same experience with Wine of Cardul that I had, your medietas will be most popular. About a year ago 1 began to have a won; out tired feeling with lassitude, pains in the back and head which kept Increasing every month. I felt that I needed something, but fo get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally decided on your Wine of Cardul and only needed to take three bottles when I was fully recovered." , D. C. i Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cuied by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures con stipation and Indigestion, maki s vou j eat, sleep, work and happy. 25 cents f d 50 cents. Write to W. H. Hook er & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free1 sample.- F. W. Schmidt & Co., drug-' gists. Miss Iloso Owens, who h:is a responsible iKMition in . tin O o vernmeni hi'rvice at u asiiiufrtuti, l). l uocitlcil to try Wine of C.irdui, she made a wiso choice. Over a million women have been relieved of female weakness by this same Vina of Cardui. It is not a strong medicino but may bo taken every day in tbe year by any woman with benefit. Tt does not force results, but corrects derangements o the menstrual organs. It strengthen tho nervous system, 'ves tone to the bodily func tions, atus directly on the genital organs, and is the finest tonic for wo men known to the bcicnte of medicino. I vou aro a sutTcrinu wo- a man wo would say to you t, thai Wino of I'ardui scluom fi tails to completely cure any caseol temale ills. Wo say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Every day hun dreds of BUfleri-rs uro writing to our Ladies' Advisory De partment. Tho letters are opened by persons compe tent to Rive advice. Mrs. Jones wns cured bv follow ing tho advice which was freely given her by tho Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. Alias Owcna was cured without advice by just buying a 61.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from her druggist and inking this great medicino in tho pri- i vacy of her home. No doctor's ex amination, treatment or advice is neo essarv. l on havo read what those two cured women havo written. Is this not enough to lead you to detennino to bo rid of suffering? August 13, 1900, Mrs. W. II. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes: "I suffered terribly at monthly periods for three years. I would sometimes go for seven months with no How at t!L Not? I have my health back again and m expecting to be confined In January. I cannot praise your medicine enough." WINEofCAIUM A million Buffering women have found relief in Wino of Cardui. J Write the East Ore contan for a free cat alogue of them. A fuii supply always kept in stock. 3 . - - $ Monuments Anyone thinking of mark ing the last resting place of their relatives or friends should call at our Mai bio and Granite Works on Maui St. and sec the monument. 4 We are going to move our works toCourt street and desire to' save handling the monuments we have in stock and have reduced the price to nearly cos), This makes a rare opportunity to get beautiful monuments at a low price. We guarantee satisfaction MONTERASTELLI BROS., ""KS t mn f " - " - i & - - - .