j0&ess Kj&tas and societies MISSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. 1 PHYSICIANS. FRATERNAL. ORDERS. -TcoleT office in jodd r. 6 JjS hoars, JO tL 12 . m. y.tnhone red oil 11 . D. dspaik uiwm eye trouble. caur I,"'" Impaired bearlnc. L,i. fitted ror retractile ci- iaejlaln 1181. ir.Mitnu fcTILB ' -v k!T? ..inhoae. Mtln SOI, kELD M - HOMEOPATHIC rKd.uron. ("Bee. In Jndd , Uct 2 l-TTf psTTI.L. ROOM 17 ASSOCIA- icci Telephone, main 931: real Mepaoor. j nENlJtiltin'A, liuoiuian EatfHVD Specialties, cjc. :-, nun f fiffk-e In Savins Hank build- Kau, -sin 331 hfrns eetes. osteopathic 03IPC one uiiii. it ui rtBCCfllV I'HVSICtAN AND St7R 1 ItrtS BLA.KESLBB, CnilONIC Irj Dulluiafit tuiuct Aiaiu nuu I I Of . T UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Mfu ln f:t Society hall, aecond and . m eacn month, All visit lnc Sir Hnlgbts cordially Invited. J. R. Kecs. Record Keeper; K. D. KsUbrook, lAIUUH, NO. 52, A. F. AND . m meets orat ana third Mondays of .u.u uivuiu. .IBILlUir DIHTnMn HI .nma inc-uj, n. joe 11. l 'art c, sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28--.T. a -wwuu nuu luuria i riLiaji ot each vuiu iu aiosuuic nan. UAMU.N LODGE, NO. . KNIGHT OP t letcher. K. of IL nii r. rt. , I O . tV - . . . WW. .uwiiuaj m orcret oocieiy nail. MODEUN WO0MEN OF AMERICA.- Tutnilln Plmn Yn 9QO kfj. ... and" third Mondays of each month at Odd renown nail. uporci A llnmhlln rnn sol; a. A. Rchblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF TnE WORLD REGULAR mpcunrg or l'enaieton camn. A'a 41. w. of W. r.re held ln Secret Society ball every Saturday evening. Vlsltlnc nclshbora are sinuya welcome. J. i: walker, Clerk; A. Owen, C. C PENDLETON CIRCLE NO 527, WOMES OF Woodcr.lt, meets every Frldav evening at Hendrix Hall, All visiting neighbors are cor dially Invite I to attend Minnie 8tlUman, Guardian Neighbor; Eva Fletcher, Clerk TRAINED NURSES. nTOABDEX. GRADUATE NUUSK yt) ar aaarew ni ihuux .uu airoci I EANKS AND BR0KER8. ATTORNEYS. JAMES 'A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. HA1LEY & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT mw. umce in Deapain mock. 1904 CONVENTIONS LIVESTOCK MEN JUBILANT OVER ORGEON'S SUCCESS BALLERAT McCOURT, LAWYERS. A8- aociauon Duiimne. CARTER & HALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Savings Bank building. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street I NATIONAL BANK OK ATH UNA, Capital, 3U,ouo; snrplna and i HMO. Intereat on time denoalta. I k fotlcn vnd domestic exchange. promptly atienaea to. ueary . trnldent . T. J. Kirk. vIce-DresI- (i L Barnett, cashier) F S. Le LR8tat cashier. llUIEIt8 BANK OF WK8TON, , urtgan. uoca a general bank. t:xciumse bougbt and aold. cromptly attended to. B. , frcfldent ; George W. Proebatel, i C A. Bartman, M. M. Johns, T. 1 t n uraw, j. F Kllgore, Bobert lb. n i-roensiei. RTtr.r.nrAV PirnrR ATmrtKTCTH at L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY ( Tendleton, Oregon. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY Office In Association Block. AT LAW, AT LAW. . E. COLLIER, LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and 8, Association building. HKDLETON SAYINGS BANK, . urecon. orranized uarcn i. t Qlul tSO.000 ; anrplus, $90,000 ; wnta an time aepuaita. isx i badit and aold on all principal Special attention given to col t. 3 Furnish, president: J. N, ttopttldent: T J. Morris, cashier; Muse;, assistant easnier. I law, Mr. Btlllman baa been admitted to practice ln united States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Booms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association Block. XillONAL BANK OF PENDLE- Cijltil, 70,000; anrpina, xuo.tXHj. irt i rrarral banklnc business. Ex- t ul ulegraphlc tranafera aold on BU Francisco, xoew xora ana i iAH in the Northwest. Drifts ie CtUu, Japan and Europe. Makea tin ea ttasoname lerms. -ti tral&nt . W F. Matlock, vlce-preal Bit B. Oe. CUUIft, u. - au-uuu, nt eunlcr, DENTISTS. Ii. VaCGBAS. BEST18T. OFFICE IN ! lu41s. 'ltMe rw 71. Ii w.w nrvr 1QT OP1PTPP IV 1C IsKlatlon tiodr over Schmidt's new drug TnoM red Zll. aRCHlTECTS AND BUILDERS, F. BOWIE! ARCHITECT AND BU- f otaatt tut kes complete and rella t at! nr Kiiamgs in toe city or conn mm ii joaa ouuaing. I COLE. CONTRACTORS AND I liM-ru Enlnttes furnished on short Jit Work a specialty. Prompt sirp oo uiuc street near iialn. Ii 1!AI, C0.VTRACTOR AND BUILD. If Ettlaiatea lurnlshed on all klnda Iumj, rtBent walks, stone walla, etc. i nrnt n tast uregonlan once. llflOCTJJAN, ARCHITECT AND 8U- soeit. It com is. Association Pendleton, Oregon. tCLLAE, PLASTERING AND CE- sas. tement walks a specialty. Ea- I BraUDed ft. Wnrlr ntintntM. J"ri at Badley and Zehner'a cigar ia bu, r u. box lot. LECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ISROS 217 COURT 8TREET, -viiraani, aeaiers in eiec Piles. Houses, stores, wired for nti, belli or teleohonea. KIk. lores of all kinds. Get oar prices, fwk a specialty R. B BRYBoN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; Col lections and Insurance. Office ln S. O. building. R. J. BLATER, ATTORNEY. RO0M8 425 JUDD isuiiaing. ine National Livestock and Wool growers' Conventions Will be Edu catlonal Will Aid in Development of Livestock Interests of the State, The livestock men oC Umatilla coun ly aro jubilant over the announcement made in the Associated Press dls- patches that the next annual meetlne ci ine national livestock Association will be held in Orecon. The American National Livestock Association Is thn leading association ot the kind In the world. It has thousands ot members, all men of means and influence, and it Is belfeved that when these thousands of livestock men como to Oregon they win not only aid in the further de- elopment of the livestock interests or this state and Washington, but that their visit will result in the changing of the present methods of raising and marketing stock here to the scientific one of fatteninc cattln on the home ranch and throwing the penected meat onto the local mar- kets. As public ranees become senrrn .mil the price of land advances, it does not pay to run cattle on the public range and ship the scraeelv beef to uie iencea farms of Nebraska and Iowa to fatten before it can en on the market. The same rule anulles to flie production of mutton and wool. In 1904 Orgegon will show to the livestock men of the East and Middle nest the unexcelled opportunities here for scientific stockraislug and will absorb something of the capital and brains of the Eastern men. : if svuuie, m wnicn no mood was drawn, two of them began an animat ed discussion in the sign language, while the other two stood up against the building and with fcmnsed expres sions watched the colloaur. Tim rod headed man was manifestly hot-head-1 rd, and his violent gesticulations.' with occasional demonstrations of his fists, were interpreted to mean that he had a. great cause of grievance end was bound to give the two Wall flowers a sound drubbing. Now and then the gestures plainly meant giv ing them black eyes, and then his left elbow crooked as though holding uia auversary s head in chaiirerv and pummelling his head with his fist, then there was a funny flnaleas "though wiping tne earth" with him. To all this the black-haired man listened with the air of a peacemaker, miliar- cntly dissenting from the red-headed mans side or the story- The enter taining pantomime continued for the better part of an hour. For a quarrel without words Is a striking Illustra- t'on of the graphic resources of sign language. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE. CORNER OF R. Court and Johnson streets. Good inn-, ciean rooms witn comtortabl beds. Rates 23c and 50c a night Thoa. Smart, On Trial for Treason. Ixjnilon, Jan. 20. The flrst trial f jr high treason England has known In nearly three-quarters of a century was called at the bar today. The case is that of Col. Arthur lnch. member of parliament from Galway, who was arrested on June 11. on land Ing in England from the continent, on the charge of high treason in con nection with the part he took In the feouth African war. Col. Lynch was sent to south Africa as a war corres pondent, but he entered active serv ice on the side of the Doers and com manded the Second Irish Corps. It was wiille serving against the British forces that he was elected In Novem ber, 1901, to represent County Galway in the British parliament.' TONSO.1l' PARLORS. BILLY KRASaiQ. BARBER SHOP AND bath roora, Main street, throe doors north ot Hotel tit. ueorge. mm ciass service. KEW TONSORIAL PARLORS. COURT 8T Three doors west ot Golden Rule Hotel. J, H Pace, Prop. First claia Workmen, overy- ining clean, an modern improvements. PATTON'B SANITARY BARBER SHOP, DE8- Fain block, catm street; Dtit wortm&ninip the modern improvements; all tools ateril lied ; batn rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPHER8. W. 8. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGBA Dher of the clhr. Harvest views. In dlan ohotoa for aale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St, near bridge. 'Phone red 278. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. GREENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First-class repairing with best materials. Shop In rear of DIndlnger Wilson & CO. JOHN WILSON. FIBBT-CLA8S 8HOE nmker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St. LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLE8. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Stable, M, J Carney, proprietor, lor fine turnouts, siaoioiia Alia street. LIVERY, PEED AND BALES 8TABLE, A. C. Dretatr. I'ron.. Old Scmnle Stable. 72! Cotton wood street: careful attention given to horses leit witn us. COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. F1100UE Prnn r.l-rrr. feed and boardlna?. All (Inds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Fendieton. 'oae main 101. OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOXNTON nron. BuMlal care etren to norses leit with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone red 2t. COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 Ptod Sells Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton for Cash or Future Delivery In government. munlclDal and miscellaneous securities. Own- 'operating the most extensive private wire system in the world we large or small orders more promptly ana sausiaciory man f concern tuarft&tee tn examira nt-riom irhoi, Ifm1f dm rpurhed. We do not responsible for more than the margin you place In trade. We F Interest for carrying long stocks, BINS REQUIRED Grain, lc per bushel; stocks, $2 per share, n Grain U no- iati. -w,i. 1 1 --t tin .end you our Book of Statistics and Dally Market free. Write WFERENCE: 75 Matlnnal nrl R. Rsnlii. LOCAL REFERENCE: PencHeton .8v!nn Bank1. 'JH?a?8e- B1 ot Commerce Building. Minneapolis, Minn., Ex- 5 WKw, Pullman, nitirllle, Dayton, Walla Walla, Moscow, Pendle- UndAr mnlHtAltnn . jt ft . aMwt. v.mH trA . P'- wmwm UI.UUKI W mUWIU, 1IKUIIIB, OTAMiV, A . VI V VV - If Tn I. . . ... u Bn open traoe or account witn ua job can opviuim i wr 5 offices. B Office, Room 4, Asaoclatlon Block- 'Phone Main 951. I. C. MAJOR. Manager GOVERNMENT JOBS. Many Persons Desire Such Positions, But Are. Opposed to Government Ownership of Public Utilities. Isn't it odd that men who will stand up and maintain that it is not the bus iness of the government to employ the citizens, will spend time and money to get public employment hemselves? See how eagerly every public placs is sought from president down to mall carrier. Men who seek in vain for a position in the postal service, bocause there are not enough places. ote for men who are opposed to hav ing tho public operate the railroad, leiegrayu, express and other indus tries that would make many times uie opportunity for public employ mem. 'Appeal to Ileason. DEAF AND DUMB QUARREL. Amusing Controversy Without Words Takes Place on Tacoma Streets. An amusing scene attracted a large crowd of interested spectators near ihe corner of Ninth and Commerce stieets yetterday, says the Tacoma News. Four deaf mutes cot into 'scrap" and affer an apparently live- Gov. Pennypacker Inaugurated, Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 20. Judge Pennypacker was today inaugurated governor of Pennsylvania. The other new state officers at the same time were Inducted into oulce. The In augural procession was one of the most imposing ever seen In Harrls burg. Congressman M. E. Olmstead was chief marshal of the parade. A leading feature was the fine appear ance and marching of the National Guard. The inaugural ceremonies took place at noon on the west side of the capitol in the presence of the members or tho general assembly, state officials and numerous other spectators. Economy is Wealth Save money on your fuel and nave your home or place of busi ness always comfortable by using Boynton Famous HOT AIR, STEAA1, HOT WATER FURNACES The geauine Boynton Furnaces are the most successful, oldest and most economical heating devices on tli2 market. Manufactured by tne oiaest ana largest heater man ufacturers in the United States. Let us figure with you and show you how much we can save you. Geo. Phillips Cottonwood Street, between Alta and Webb Streets. LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and sa v e you money. DOORS WINDOWS Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House in For Prltchard's Place. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 20. Keen terest is manifested in the session of the 3tate legislature which met to csy to elect a successor to Unite btates Senator Pritchard. A number of active candidates are in the -field including Lee S. Overman, of Sails bun'; Cyrus B. Watson late demo cratic candidate for governor and Julian S. Carr, a millionaire tobacco manufacturer. The members of the assembly are bo divided among the various candidates that a deadlock is among the piobabilities. In this evening, according to un Interesting rumor, former Senator Matt W. Ran som may enter the contest in hn at tempt to gather enough votes from each faction to insure his election HOTEL ALTA, COrtNKIt ALTA AND .miii streets. Hoard by the day or week. Cood table act Itatea 4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Tart In connection. U Not, prop. TlIK 8T OEORQK rStAORANT. REOU lr meals cents. Short orders a specialty. Open day and night. T. A. Qldlather. Prop. THE 8TRA1IOM ROOMING HOUSK 18 MAIN street, Mrs. It. K. Coopar, Prop. Rrerrthins new anil strictly first class, run avs, 50c and U per day LODQINO AND ttOAKMKG HOUSE: UOOM8 for lod-era and light housekeeping, K. V. ?uU!l,n, Proprietor, Cott nwood street, next to Wheeler's l'noto Gallery. TI1K WHITE LODuLsa HOC8K, 301 SOUTH Main street. Mrs. Mary Williams, Prop, Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, well kept beds. Lodging 25 cents. ROOMS TO REST, 817 COLLKOE STREET. FOR RENTNEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, well located. Call at a West Coutt Street. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RTjnitKrt Tints hack, new and vert lates atyle, for the aerrtre ot the Dobllc C. D. Canin and Jaa. B. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main 101 and the hack will call far yon. CITY CAn LINK. F.RUIN BAKF.R, TROP Telephone Main 791 Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Savings Rank Illdg. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. O. W. VAUGHAN, GRADUATE OF THE San Francisco Veterinary Collcira: calls at tended to dr or nlEht. Offico at Denot Stables; pliono Red Ml. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm. OREGON H0J(rlINE ad union Pacific INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. J.M. DENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable Are and acctdent ininr. ance companies. Office with Hartman Ab stract Co. JOE n. lA RICES, OFP1CB COTTONWOOD bl upera nonse diock ;iana onice cos iness, such as filing of claims and Initiating contests A specialty. JOnN II A 1 LEY, JR., U, 8. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made of land Alines and proof: Inanrance and collections. Of fice ln Judd building, room lii. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. narakT Ttmo Sohrolnle AaaiTl roa From I'omllotou no Tortland Portland Special No. t The East 8:10 am txa a. a. Chicago Chicago Special No. 3 Portland CM pea S:Mpn Portland Mall and Express NoJ The Xat ltbOara luiaaa The Kait Mall and Express Ko.o PoiUan4 0m :Masa Pendleton Passenger SpokaM No, 7 S:13H Spokane Spokann Passenger 8:13 a m No. 8 Tendleton nranch Mixed Train No. 41 1:00 p as a-oonm Walla Walla Branch ewupm Mixed Train No. 4J Ocean andTRTver Schedule FROM PORTLAND. All sailing datoa sub- P--- FofsVn&oo Ball every 5 days. Tuuy ' ' SunaV Columbia River iM) swop m. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 10:00 p. m. GEORQE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND band goods bought and aold. Court Ht.. Opera house block. Call and aee him. IN BECOND- V. STROCLE. DEALER hand goods. If there Is anything yon need In new or second-hand furniture. stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get nis prices, ko ziz court street. International Ice Yacht Races. Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 20, Ice yachts from various parts of the United States and Canada aro gather ed at cull i,ake, 12 miles from here, for the big International race meet to be held there during the next few days. From all Indications the meet will be the bigefit affair of the kind ever pulled off in America. The en tries come from Milwaukee, Minneap 011s, osnitosii, Toledo, Detroit. Mus kpgon,1 Battle Creek, London, Out. Rend Bank, N. J and various other places. A prominent competitor Is the Jack Frost of the Hudson Bay neet, now cnampion of the world. South Dakota Merchants. Sioux Kails, S. I) Jan. 20. The South Dakota Rptail Merchants' As aHKoctlon began Its annual canvention in this city to-lay with a coot' attend ance of membHf: The session cn tinues luree day lur-ii-r wii.'ch lliro tho recent increase in insurance rates sr.d vaiious other matters affecting tne interests of Jie retail merchants. win oe considered. Weds Army Officer. Washington, D. C. Jan. 20. The marriage of Miss Henrietta Sands, aanguter of Mr. ajui Mrs. Francis P. B. Sands, to Captain Kdward Ander son, U. S. A., took place at noon to day at the family residence In Con necticut avenie. Tin' ceremony was itenueu omy oy tne family and Inti mate friends. A large reception ol lowed. To Colonize More Negroes, Savannah, Ga., Jan, 20. The third argo of negroes fiom Savannah for Liberia sails today on tho steamer Donnalde of New York. Tho enter- prise is In charge of the Llberlan col onization society of - Birmingham. Men has already sent several huiu drcd negroes to the West African coast, where they aro reported as contented and doing well. Senator Perkins Re-elected. Sacromento, Cal Jan. 20. The leg islature today re-elected United States Senator George C. Perldns for another term, NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS nOUGHT and sold: pawn bukers; money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters Sherry, props., "Willamette Ktvor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Bandar, 'stage of water permitting) for Wlllametta a4 Yamhill River points. Leave Illparla I OS a. m. Dally Kxcpt Mon Snake River Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Lewlstoa 7:00 a.m. Dally Kxcpt Most F. F. WAMSLEY, Agent, Pendleton. BLACK8MITHINQ. COPELAND 4 BON FOn WHEAT RACKS Cbeapeat and beat In town, J14 Webb Bt TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. P. 8. MERRILL. 8POKANH. WASH, Agent New Densmore. Second-hand type- t iters, supplies, mining, repairing. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 8POONEMORE,Tfl EMPLOYMENT AGKNT and Messenger man. If you want employ ment or ncip. or reuaDie messenger service at all hours, call on him, 220 Court St., Phone 11 you need help or seek employment call on us. 1 none Aiaio lull. WANTED. WANTED YOUR ORDERS FOR ENGRAVED cards, weddlnir Invitations, etc: MOenarraved visiting cards with plate, I1S0J additional cards in luture. si oer hundred. The lust egoalan WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE USE of these classified columns If von bava something you have no use for, offer to traoe it lor aometmng mat some otner body may have and have no use for, some thing tbat you may need lu your bnslneas. You may have an extra horse that too may wish to trade for a cow or r. vehicle. oome body may have tne cow ana Venice and want tbe horse. ICe or 25 cent want ad will probably do tbe business. Notice of Proposed Improvement of East Court Street. Notice Is herebv el ven thut at a mretlnr of the Common Council of tbe City of Pendleton held on the Hth day of January, A D. 19j3, It wasoroerea mi jsasi uourt street, between the west side of Mission street and the eastern boundary line of tbe Reservation Addition to tu 'jown 01 renaieton, be improved by grad ing tbe same with crushed rock, the cost of such Improvement to bs assessed against tbe auutiing property. uemonsirance aaainst sain nroaoieu im provement may be filed with the City Recorder witmn ten cays srom tne uate 01 tuis notice. uyoraeroi me common council. Attest: Tnos FnzOEUiLU, City Recorder. Dated the 16th day of January, A D. 1903. 'laiucj MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Dig O tot nnostora dlcliarsu,liiilammatlaiis. latitat it W irlMlloos or ausriuaus ut u sMuurt. 01 nnoosi SKninnn, I rntnii (!-urlM. fslnlrw, ana not ssuai: lit UHEH.CU CO. Ii'l- 3 or skl In plsla wnttsV, by cipruM, prepaid, aor fUW, ur a butlUs, li.Vs. Circular scut vu request. V.ilbJ.MM.f.llAf. Standard remedy for Gleet, uonorrlioa and Runnings IN 4B HOURS. Cure Kid ney and Bladder Troubles. mm Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route forw Chicago, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kui sas City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, ami AH Points East and South Portlarid and nolota on the Sound TIME CARD, Leave Pendleton, dally except Bandars al 7:00. pm. ' Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Friday llttS pm. Arrive Tendleton Tnesdav. Thnr.rtn a Batnrday 8 as am. Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound, 11 Ml pm. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound, tuiasa. For Information recardlna rates and uvm. modatloni, call on or address tv. ai ah b, a gent, I'AlldlAtAii. nrnm 8, B, CALDEUIIKAD.O P. A., nana nana, nasn. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Gira, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. Br. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH PAROO TOJ ) GRAND FOItKfl UKUOKJJ1XJN WINNKPEQ HELENA and IBD1TE. THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON aud nil point East Mid South rnrourb tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoma and Northern Pacific Bteamshlp C, and American line. TIME SCH8DULB, Trains leave Pendleton daily axcani lasidaa at7ap.m. ' ' For farther Information, time cards, sjum and tickets, call on or write W, Adams, Pejav dleton, Oregon, or A. D. CUAKLTOM, inira ana ssornson nis., roniaao, ure, Mormon Bishops' Pills - I :a U mo our j - ly lb lc4.U lllw Manws Oiurch I IU11 IJimul r l-oUU'ciy ewet llu tuix tun In 14 swt yuuair trUta liam tdtxt tt M..-, wnmm, ciuHO, v. M.WW,Wl Illy, or uvnsi VOUAT uurei i.oi( Mnnngoq, im irowar, rfjKntkotit. fipormacorrnoen innomnin, rain pes l re ii e.mlnnl mUlono. uamm liaoK Nrvou U chaiUnn.ntoMarryri.p of trvm &m&n$ vnrlcool uni ui 1 o I (iiisB uinunuM u u i b.i uiiiiriraa iiiuui rvsnr' iMiUl L'Cl tiriWUk UI. al UJfat II KI ajlfVl. sTJJ'si lM.t.r L'Ct U.'tMiiTuI. A CUf il It li-lkl. neir it: itctis r Jvi, 6 fir W nuit. 4cM f-lLX LU.IL. xzias. StuuulafM eh br-lik suul nci-a tc itcti. i vi. tffw iiatr n oyrrfa, wiu. t cutuUr. tc. Addr6i( Olnhop RamoUr i Gtn f runclco Omit UckUMCfl bUsalts UUkJcvtlaoi SOLO BY TALLMAN 1 CO., DRUGGISTS, PENDLETON, OREGON, aawilSlsa