its ,1,1 .1 f Mi .Mi Pi TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900. THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE If yoa uso Grain-0 ia place of coffee yoa will enjoy it just as much for it tastes the same; yet, it is lite a food to the system, dis tributing the foil substance of the pnregraia 'with every drop. THY IT TO-DAY. jttl,iui.m nr. j licudSc jwr puisne. Nasal CATARRH la J It lint chocid be cieuUxc-L Ely's Crcaia Bain cic,ott2S5d aria tiw 2iKl Mia ItctmactMniiodd: e m coil ia lb bod uiekty. Crnun Balm is pinecd Into lie noajgi, rprcxj we tbe peabns ami is tiaaibti. Belief bha mVxtn tnl care foaowv It U cat drris 4oet aetjsoilaeeiweiiixs. larfe Ea, SO nt El Dreg gtesortrraiH; Trill El, 10 mbj-ioLn. XLY BBOTiliUiS, Wtitta Sana. Sew York Pendleton Fish and Poultry Market THE FELLOW SERVANT Bill NEW LAW SUGGESTED IS A FACSIMILE OF VIRGINIA'S. 310 Court Street best. Prices Every thing the right. We handle Fresh Fish, which we receive daily. Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys ters and all salt water foods. Ranch and Creamery Butter, Fresh Eggs, Game in season, Produce of all kinds. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. We pay cash for country pro duce. A trial order is solicited. .L M. Lyman, Prop. Phone Bed 591 Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kinf5 fcr all purposes. Sash, (Doors and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions dote to older. Don't place your order lot Building Material until you have consulted us. Pendleton Planing Mill mi Lnniber Yard. ROBERT FOSSTER, Proprietor Concede to be Reasonable and Just Twenty-two States Already Have Similar Laws Will Have Many Good Results. Sal era. Ore.. Jan. 20. The common law of "fellow servants or co-employes," which. Is now In effect In this state, releases the employer from all responsibility for injury of. one employe, caused by the negligent act of another, whether they be employed in the same department or not- The simple fact of their employment by the same person or company Is, owing to the ordinary wide construction t-lvpn hv th rfimmnn amntp de- Ifense against any action. This is es pecially true as regards railroad cm-! ployes, and owing to the particularly hazardous conditions of their employ ment it has become a great injustice upon thosfc engaged therein. This lin as introduced in the senate and house is a fac simile of the Virginia law enacted by the legislature of that state in March, 1902. This law is not an abrogation of the common law of "fellow servants" but a modi fication and is conceded to be reason able and just It applies only to cor porations ' operating railroads and therefore has no reference to other classes of employment. In 22 states laws similar to this law have been enacted and in every in stance where the courts have Ijad oc casion to consider their constiutional ity they have been unanimously up held. The supreme court of the "United States and also the courts of many states, nave repeatedly held that such Innovations upon the common laws ore valid and not in conflict with the fourteenth amendment or the Federal constitution. In regard to the connection that leg islation directed to the employes of one class of labor is class legislation, nnd in contravention to the state con stitution is not well taken and has not been upheld by the courts as re gards railroad employes. The rule of liability as applied under this bill is diflerent from that which ordinari ly applies between master and serv ant; but this difference is founded on the hazardous character of service. end. is not iutended to discriminate against employers. The hazards In cident to the use and operation of rail roads Is a natural and reasonable classification which justifies this ex ceptional legislation. Under the enm-j man law an employe assumes all risks of injury from defective or un safe condition of cars, engines, appli ences, etc. If it can be shown that he knew of or should have known of such defects, whether these defects had been reported to the proper per son or not. The courts of Oregon have held that knowledge by employe of unsafe con dition of appliances with which he works and a continuance in the same employment -is a bar to recovery, even though such defects had been reported to proper officials and sufficient time had elapsed to remedy the defects. The situation of the employes of rail roads in this state is simply this: Either work with the appliances fur nished or resign, end resignation of ten would result In privations to him self and family. The following results would unques tionably follow the enactment of this bill into a law: First A noticeable decrease, in the number of accidents both to the trav- teling public and employes. j Second Better service to the pub lic in both pa.6enger and freight sen' ! ice. t . Third Owing to the plain wording or the measure there will be fewer cases brought -before the courts and consequently less expense to all con may Be clven for the above results. First The railroad companies will Le more careful In the selection of their servants and thereby obtain a better class of employes. Second By Improving the condi tions of their cars, engines, tracks. etc. .there will be less liability for accidents. Third By improving the conditions of employment of their servants, will tend to atttact a superior class or em ployes and ultimately prove a benefit' not only io tht puMIr and employes, but to the rallrods themselves. C. C LOUCKS. ARTESIAN WELL BILL. Purposes to Raise a Permanent Fund for Eastern Oregon. Salem. Jan. 0. "An act to encour age the sinking of artesian wells in Eastern Oregon" Is the title of a bill introduced in the house yesterday by Danneman of Glllam. Tbe counties nffectej are Wasco. Sherman. Baker Umatilla. Morrow. Gilliam. Crook, Grant. Harney. Malheur, Klamath, Union, "Wallowa and Wheeler The county judge of each of these counties is to be & member of the commission to carry out the provisions of the act I Each of the counties is to pay 51000 tt- the commission for an "arteslarl well fund." The commission is re- quired to drill at least one well In1 rash of the counties. P ONEER S EARLY HANGING IN UMATILLA COUNTY. cerned. There are several reasons which THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUK"' FAMOUS MEOtWUEB FM TABLE UStv A11 kinds of imported lunches, hot wiener wurst, sauerkraut and pigs feet at KOfiLER & GO'S Main Streets near Postofnce Breakfast Delights.;. Mushes and ' prepared foods of all kinds. Pancake and H-O Beck- wneat riotst tor your uakes. Best Maple Syrup Out Tea. is the very choicest on the market. Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 Some Speedy Justice Meted Out to Horse Thieves by Vigilantes Adams Advance Corrects a Story. "Some men ' can be funny, even in death," remarked the squint-eyed man, sending a stream of tobacco juice in the vicinity of a spittoon. But the other barnacles clustered about the stove appeared not to heed the re mark and the speaker mustered up nerve ana delivered nimself on a story, says the Walla Walla Union. "Hit was 'way back in '8S. Hoss thievin' had begun to be a regular business with a certain class in Umn ti:ia county. From Pendleton to th state line farmers were losln' stock. Finally one day the citizens of Wes ton, Pendleton and Centerville. which is now Athena, formed a vigilance committee and suddenly started the all rollin' by stringin up a man nam- eu tveitn. The hangin' took place where Adams was afterwards located "Hearin' of the fate of Keith, those! with guilty consciences throughout the country, took the long hike and either never returned or stayed away I until the trouble had blown over. ! Tho nnlr MllmnJ I. . . ' ws a spur of the old Baker narrow-1 gauge that extended from Walla Walia to Blue Mountain Station. I From Blue Mountain on over the hill to Weston and Centerville and down tc Pendleton travelers had to stage it "well, toe next mornin after the necktie party at Adams, a certain Weston citizen who was feeling un comfortable, hastened to Blue iloun- tam to caich the train to Walla Walla. "When the cars nulled in. a fellow Jeff was his fust name, and his depu tation was not of the best, alighted nnd entered the station. " "Hello. Jeff,' raid the Weston man by way of greeting. 'I suppose youl miowea tney tung Keith last night.' "Ycoa don't say so?' drawled Jeff. Who done It?" A mob, came the response They're ecttJn' d d netickipr Gimme a ticket to Walla Walla'" The author of the above humorous ' reminiscence forcot that even an alleged witticiom on historical sub jects should have some truth mixed with it. While it is true that a man vas hanged ir. Umatilla county by ajS r.iob. it is not true that his name was 5 Kieth; that It was dom In 7R nn- 1st HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON Tftr Rr TT., . L ' iuwa ixx P0 and as jod u letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia K Pinfcriam's Vegetable Compound. "DEAirilns. PrxrciiAii: I suffered for several years with general weakness and beariiis-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My appe tite was fitful, and 1 -would lie awake for hours, and could not Bleep, until I seemed more -weary in tho morning than when I retired. After reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of iydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compo und, and I am 60 glad I did. JSo one can desarik: the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and besides building up mv general health, it drove all disease and poison out of my bodv, and made me feci as rpry and active as a young girL Sirs. Pinkhani's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be." Mns. 3L E. Hronso.v, 347 East Ohio fct, Chicago, I1L 31 rs. Plnkhain Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. Apnarentlv trifling; incidents in wemcn's dtily life frequently produce ' displacements of ttie womb. A slip on the stairs liftinp; during- menstruation, 1 utindincr at a counter, runnintr a scwinrr machine, or attending to the moxt ! ordinary tasis may result in displacement, end a train of serious evils is started. flirt 1 -1 tl i 1 ff BTinH irrmli1 chm-ld 1 tli" fciraal for Quick action. Don't let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken idea that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than a million women have regained health by the use of Lydia 23. plnkham's A'egetablo Compound. If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand write to Irs. Plnkham, nt Lynn, 3Inss for her advice, and a lew timely -words from her will show you the right thing to do. This ndvice costs you nothing, nut it may mean life or happiness or both. Airs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington St,, Kingston, Ont., writes : "Dhah 31ns. PiKKrAii: You are indeed a godsend to wracn, and if they all knew what ynu could do for them, there would be no need of tli"ir dragging ont miserable lives in agony. "I suffered for years with tearing-down pains, womb trouble, iiervousneFs, nnd excruciating head ache, ' ut a few bottles cf X.ydia E. Pinkhani's. vegetable Compound made Hie JooK new and promising to me. I am light and kappy, and I do not know what sickness is, and I now enjoy the best of health." Lydla E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Cnrrmnnml ran alxrrivR lw rplind tinnn to restore health to women who thus suffer. It is a sorereira cure for the worst forms of female complaints, that bearinc-down feeling-, weak back, falling and displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, end all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the uterus in the early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancer ous humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up the entire icmale system. Its record of cures is the greatest in the world, and shonld be rrlied upon with confidence. nte ' -m I I Rates $2 & $2 Special rates by week or rasmh. excellent cuisine. Prompt Dlnlnrroom Ever)' Modern Cob Bar and billiard room la connect; Only Three Blocks from GOLDEN ROLE HI Cornrr Court nod John Strmj. ttmllcttm. Ortfros. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.! R5rX $5000 FORFEIT " nn t forthwith produce th nn-lnal lettn and ligxatnrM rf nbjTii tMttnipoHH, irb'f' v'U jroT thir arwolut cenn!nneM T-Tilia I l'inkham -Hrrilelue Co., J.ynn, Mm. I m American IMnn, rn"eifl sStoJJ.t EurrMnii Plan. 30c. 75c, S1.00. i1mh;iiu nut uj- tok or inontli. Free 'bus meets all trains! Commercial trade solicited Hne sample i Special Attention Giren fonntrrTrdl HOTEL ST. GEORGi CORNER MAIN AND WIBB STS rRAZER OPERA HOUSE BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK MO0RHOUSE, Local Mgr. ;.as the scene of execution whero the town of Adams ;s now located. Thp story the Union man was endeavoring to get funny about is somelhlntr Hi... this, says ibe Adams Advance: In lgst a man hv the Damp f Ceorge Keath, a Spanish cowboy. vns uansea on tne old stage road from i -ncneton o Walla Walla nlmut four- mues irom the. even then, prosperous iuwb oi-Acams. The old knight of tne riouons. Charier Potter on hi. trip coming out of Pendleton, was the nrst so DUd the body. Hp nntir1! tho lMopie at Adams and they summoned uie coroner. Unor his arrival th uouj was laKen down. That there was any greet csodus of suspicious cuaracifm is news to the oldest in iiduiiani. mare was a man whose urst name was Jeff." who found a j-um-t -acnea on als door with the uunai insiRnia or mob law. I. ?.. the death's head and a notify to leave wiinin n nours. a few raornlnss clter Keach was banged, bi he did not take "the long hike." On the con trary, he and a friend sent word to the visliantf-s as to where they werr end asfced them to come and get them The utter silence that follow ed thia request was noted by all. Nor was the mob law carried any frrther. The facts as above stated, with more bearing: on the same sub! ject, if needed, can be fully verified by people living; all over this part of the country. One Night, That's All THURSDAY, JAN. 22 I :Uyron B. Rice presents Mark Swan's Greatest Comedy, with a Brilliant Cast of Comedians Whose Baby Ate. You ? Headed by tho-e ever popular stars, MR. JOHN F. WARD and MISS JUNE MATHIS A play that has caused millions to laugh. Built for lauch tng purposes only. Something for the nice folks. See the pretty girls, the funny men, the event of the season. SEATS NOW ON SALE BARBERS' ITCH. Patton's Sanitary Barber Shop Pro tect Customers Against Disease Tools and Towels Thoroughly Steri. lised. The much-feared and dreads .ii. t-ase has again broken out in Pendle ton and we have gone to the limit in taking precautions. In an experience of IS years in the barber hnninne we have never had a case o? barber's itch come from our shon. and tho son for this is that we conduct our uL-ciirumg tOjtnv best known T Banltarj- rules. All tools are ihor- jougniy sterilized before being used. ana eacn customer is given a clean towel, the came one never being used on two persons. All our towels are wasneu by the Domestic Steam laun dry, separate from all other clothing, being placed in a tub by themselves, and after being washed alone, they undergo a process or sterallzatlon lindcrS0 pounds pressure of steam. The highest sanitary methods are In vogue In our shop and we invite you to come where every precaution is taKen o protect you against dis ease. PATTON'S BAItBER SHOP. I GEO. DARVEAU.Prop- i lEIecantiv Furnished I Steam fieatl liirfkruftt f 'Inn. Block and a half from dewt Sample room In connerou". ROOM RATE - 50c, THE PORTLAND pnpTLAND. OREGON HcCqunrter fur touruts ".'JSd, ecntlemen Tbe reig i mi umc 10 wok ro","f.ri.,.ii ilitl Jl U ix PENDLETON- UKIA STAGE LINE 8TUKDI VAST M&&3 turn. 1.K: To Kye. 1 as. ie ui 1 rewl To Kldire. JI 7ft; to Itldfe ua r""': HJ Alb,TS.: to Alt ma '; to Ckinh nd retorn,. Office la Olden gylcnow."-; The ZM Oregonlan 1 Eastern 0 ntative B9Per. and the Deoele ppreclt It ana it by their liberal patronage, it i rtvirtkln medium cf thlt tJcn-l m I