East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Fuli line of Stationery for business and social use.
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The fellow who fights the fight
With never a word of cheor,
"With never a friend his help to
"With never a comrade near
Tis he baa need of a stalwart
And a heart not Riven to
Oh. brave and grim is the heart
of him,
The fellow who fights alone.
God bless the fellow who fights
And arm his soul with
Till safely out of the little rout
He conquering comes at
nil far end near into every ear
The fame of his fight is
Till friend and foe in the victor
The fellow who fights alone.
New York Sun.
land. Their great, opportunity has
i placed them In a position where their
, example ml;ht te far-reaching.
- ' They have a scope of endeavcr
i whose nossibility for good is unequal
:jed. Favored by law and fortunes,,
"jitney might use the great forces atj
' r"tiv mmmn 1 in lipttorlntr socletv:
! .. . . , , ..... , ,...', a r i anywhere to be had they are golne
, ,they might bt builders Instead ot ue- t0 u Ma w only reasona,,,e ,
jstroyers. (price for it. This is socialism in ac-
! How can they complain at future) tion: nay. it is a species of anarhy:.
sirik5 ncenmnan!iii nv violence? ""'" .'-""s m niunt.-iucu ui
tuui iruM. u is an ameisiic ana 1 1
llntnnnhlA li?finnpa nf flrA htnionK ! I
.w .. uuu ......... ... ;
tection ngalrst passions their own mines and the means to build and op-
cne end of Oregon to the other. Thoro
is no cause to believe that the people
would object to the measure. Thei
assurances ot tliel rogod will and;
sanction have been so numerous and ,
vmphatic that It Is already passed, In
the public mind. (
But meanwhile the revolt is rising.'
and socialism Is passing from theory
Into practice. Detroit Is buying coal
an; selling it at cost. As soon as the
bill makluj foreign coal duty tree is
farsed. Chicago will do the same, pro-
curing its coal from Canada. In that
city nobody in authority can be found
to punish or prosecute those who pick
up loose coal In the coal yards, and ,
a Bellevue. O.. the city authorities,
without any warrant of law whatever.
confiscated eicht car loads of anthra
cite coat in the railroad yard and dis
tributed it to the citizens at SS a'
ton. about $8 less than the dealers'
price, and several car loads of soft
ccal were also appropriated.
Unless the situation is relieved
other cities will do the same. These
acts are groat crimes, crimes not only
against the coal trust and its allies,
but against high heaven, in the eyes
of the Baers. Johnsons, ot a!., but
in a great emergency the People are
a law unto themselves: if coal is
Rubber Goods Sale
Wo want to clean up all heavy winter overshoes,
felt boots, etc., and for a short time will make great
reductions in the prices. Note some of the bargains
offered below:
Men's Lined Arctics, all sizes, heavy, $1.00.
Men's two-buckle Perfections, for Felt Boots or
Socks, $.45. ,
Men's one buckle Perfection, for Felt Boots or
Men's White Felts, test grade, 85c; Grey Felts, J
Men's Alaska Protectors, first grade, 80c; second
grade, 70c
Women's Arctics, 75c; Women's Alaska Protect
ors, 60c and 55c.
Misses' Arctics, 55c ? Misses' Alaska Protectors,
Child's Arctics, 50c ; Child's Alaska Protectors,
Ladies' Jersey Leggins, 70c ; Misses' Jersey Leg
gins, 60c.
Men's German Sox, heavy grade, 75c.
Come soon and you will be sure to find your size.
Some who come late will be disappointed.
How can they go before the United s
States government and ask for pro-'
Dress SiJ
Rainy Day
''perfidy has roused? I crate railroads, and whose fiscal and'
j. The trusts, thank heaven, are great iH,"I e-rejents they are- but
Ji , ' . ., .. G1 has not so revealed himself to'
i leacners. inc iime Biaiuunwu mci
' . Amrelcan people have had in the past j
I 'six months, will teach lessons that no'.
campaign literature could convey. U'
a vote should be taken uiou. there
; would be no solid South or North, but
j.thi solid vote of an outraged people
i tu.alnst the anarchy of" greed.
I the people who are cold.
t'.r-JIIK'Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
the coal barons and their allies and
tools are plundering them of millions.
These cormorants would be wiser not
to add these insults to injuries al
ready become intolerable. Saturdav
The Associated Press
If Umatilla county pays 49-1000 of
jthe entire state tax for the year 1903
j'or a total amount of $37,240. On the
-1 proposition to raise $230,000 annually
I. r two years, as a half million ap-
f !.! . 1. t I .1 A, 1 1
CRIMINALS sfair, Umatilla county, in the same
.ratio of assessment, would contribute: Atf,t !ia..nti..
dispatches 51450 for two years, or a total of intr about them to
The Hetall Clear Dealers' Associa
tion, in session at Chicago, will ask
Senator Cullom to oppose the reduc
tion of duty on Cuban tobacco.
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
Fust-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltimber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
say that forty indictments have been.J4.500 toward the fair appropriation, indicate their true
v.- v,n rhi, onsAioi mi. .. .i. . mature, iner
look like ordinary soies and are usually
salve, wasn
grand Jury, against the members of ty j8 19,000. and by an increase for
the murderous gang that has con- the next two years.
it,.-,inn , ,k ..... j ,. , inetnem npana
I 1 , but while the place may temporarily scab
over, it again innames and letters, be
comine as bad or worse tliau ever. After 1
. treated as such, some simple
corresDondine to ' or powder being- used in the hore of dry-
i ing inem np ana stopping uie aiscuarge.
lag tne past weeic. j js safe to place the population at
In an apologetic tone, the corpora-12"1-00 la I905- This would bring the
'tlor. press says the list contains some'cost of the fair to tl each for the
Jiien of "high standing." How higb,'ent're population of the county. If
Is not stated. j there Is any one person in Umatilla
Jt makes the reluctant announce-1 county who Is not willing to pay this.
inent that these are "captains of in-lIet- n,n" speak now or forever after
dnstrj"." that now stand before the
"bar of Justice It whispered the sad
news that the forty guilty reprobates
-r-t-ar silk h:.ts and broadcloth.
The headlines announcing this ac
tion 'Of the grand jury, representing
"lite onragtid people ol Chicago are
vary tame. The great trust papers
lon't want it advertised.
But the American people shall
Ituow it. and shall understand the
wilfulness with which these parasites
hold his peace.
Congressman-elect J. is'. Williamson
truthfully says the new members ot
jcorgress from Oregon will sadly feel
jthe loss of Thomas
requires one term in
state legislature for a man to famil
iarize himself with the routine, that
j In the second term, he may begin to
H. Tongue. It
the national or
awhile the deadly poison begins to eat
into the surrounding flesh uud the tore '
sprcadi with frightful rapidity. Then the
sharp shooting pains, which distinguish
the cancerous from the common ulcer,
are felt, and the unfortunate patient is
brought face to face with the most dread- ,
ed of all maladies, a cancerous ulcer.
Whenever an nicer of any kind is slow
in healing it should be closely watched,
particularly if there is au inherited pre
disposition to cancer. Often times a ma
lignant, stubborn ulcer starts from a boil, ,
wart, mole, bruise, blister or pimple, for '
when the blood is tainted and the germs ;
ana seeas or cancer ate nnpianica in uie
system, you cannot tell when nor where
the deadiy po'son is going to break out
S. S. S. cures thee cancerous ulcers aad
chronic !ores. b v driving out of the svstem
Use Perrln's Pile Specific
No raw eiisti It will oat eniv.
This luterosl remtdf cares U dl
nsti ol the digestive orgm For
ale br all dramlsts
De. Plans Mr.DiciL Co .
Helem. ilnnl.
Interesting pamphlet mailed tree
bj asking
The Full Line of Monopole
Canned Goods '
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
,; Hartford Fire Insurance Co.$12,S59,078
i Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,963
. iunou & .Lancashire Fire
, Insurance Co 2,644,683
! Xorth British & Mercantile
i Co 19,695,974
, Koval Insurance Co. 22,897,153
,ger results. The legislative term Is all the morbid and unhealthy matter that
too short for the good of the country. keeps the ulcer irritated and ds--UdrKiug
(There is a tendency to
. t It nitrifies and stremjUiens the blooii
set about to extort from the public. hnnft nf , . ,M . ! enabling it to throw off the germs and
this was a handful of poor laborers I " ,K nT'f w
r . conditions: nf tho rfiimtrv n To corv I tflSHB JKm MM jntr thf ftirther for-
committing euch an offense against ,. ,.,,,., . . 6 : matiou of cancer
; conditions of the
.ami forbids a thorough test of a
lislators' wisdom and ability.
.humanity, their names and crimes
would now be printed In ten lan-
guagea and wires would be at melt-j It was not a compliment, only, for
ing heat with condemnations of an-, the Xational Livestock and Wool---archy
and riot, from the offices of the ! growers' Associations to bring the
.subsidized otgans. (1S04 conventions to Oregon, but it
For the wanton outrages practiced was rendering the greatest livestock
by these vampires, upon the helpless, 1 state in the West her just dues.
there is no defense. It is open, wilful,
.BUllt. It is insult heaped upon in-' Lleulenani Hobson has been as
irolt, to the law of the land. It is "'S1 to tbe 'cked Bremerton navyt
defiance to ell government. It is pure'yard" H,s paat experiences in soci-j
vlllany. It in the most contemptible et nnd war- fit Wm .for even the dan-
Bargains in
cells, and when all
impurities have been
removed from the
blood and system the ulcer heals natu
rally and permanently
All ulcers, even the' smallest, should be
looked upon wi h suspicion ami treated
promptly before they become cancerous.
S. S. S. is a purety vegetable rvmedv, a
perfect blood purifier, and an inrigoraung j
tonic. Write tor our free buok on Cancer. !
Thl Swift Spetific Ca., Atlanta, fia,
And there are none better put
anywhere, are handled by us.
No matter what you- desire in
canned goods come to us and get
Monopole Brand and then go
home and be satisfied for you al
ways get satisfaction in this brand.
serous suburbs of Seattle
expressed from
outlawry, because It Is accompanied
bj no show of gallantry, no respect, The Lewis and Clark fair is now ini
lor the innocent and helpless, no pity ,he hollow of the legislature's hand
for age. nor relaxation of severity in The people await its decision Thn'
ic e w wie jjucuua upntn ui men is no doubt about the public
cuecri iuj auummra 10 oeing ment that has been
robbed, so long as loved ones could ;
be shielded from suffering.
Forty common, calloused, debased,
unprincipled thieves. Millionaires,
financiers, captains of industry, or
iranlzers, social leaders, business men
all these proud ranks and titles are
swept awa)'. These wretched, lust
Tesotted bigots, who have posed o
long as Ideals, who have pointed
their flngera at John Mitchell a.s a
dangbfoii man in society, atand stri
ped before the world their infamy
towering above the horizon, their
utter depravity pleading for mercy.
Jn the Judgment of the masses.
These men should be the most
jtflfllous guardians of the law of the
ear ouk oaABum i
tbt a cobjw wMk m bsm. M '
osm tar yeaac olo tm tka I
More, becaas ti temimast
Gar aeboo! U alwmjv apokaa a
dura In an ratpact. Superior
thorough work, h&a cim It '
atanrtlny, Open ail the rear;
admitted at any tlaia; cataloga
Pnysicians prescrib
it for their most deli
cate oatients
tor iA,c by
Standard Grocery
Cocrt Street
Low Seliers of Groceries
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good, big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Bustle and Finish,
in all grades AH. nil kinds
of Dimension Luiubtr, in
cluding Lath and Bhluglea.
Our stock of Doom, Win
dow. Moulding, Bnlldlug
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxeals complete, and anv
one in need of Lumlwr will
not be wrong Iu placing
their order with the : : ;
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
rr. w: & c. y. Depot
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list ol .barms, btock Ranches
and City Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wneat section of Eastern
T I , .
in aiways received wnen you
piace your order with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros-
Telephone Main 5
We Put Our SheaMtr to 1
In the most praeticilsoj
when it comes to genial
hide into successful nil
difion that's figurathl
ing; as a matter of fact!
our best energies to thJ
repairing your camagl
surrey, runabout my m
hide you may bring usl
result attests onr abilitii
Btorer nsollss enrtnei uiilil
. . . m
aevnts lor ucm.
Ml''Ai'aii"'-a'Tlinast 'tPl
Don't Fofgeij
That we will launderjoBii
a manner that wiU'wjsd
nnt nnlv one UBC vm
tim' not one VtCt. DU
week of the fiftrW-
sure, though, t9,Bjte,y
you'll try us theresiww
W nk vow JauadiT'
cause we can do it right
Court andThomf""
Incr receded M
i ,A of PoulUTl
stock supples t tbl
127 and 129 EmI Alt!
too. Oittfea-
.X '1