15; GOOD GOODS mmmmsmmmm t Alexander's. r The latest Belts Pall Hall Monte Carlos and Dip de signs, fast received by ex press at the :ander Dept. Store m UID LECTURE PERIM AND E NTS yaLIe Entertainment of Novelty and Instruction Under auspices of Pendleton Academy snd H. M. Hanaford, Chicago, Exclusive Managers AIR AS A LIQUID 312 BELOW ZERO Freezes Alcohol, but Burns Steel; Makes Iron. tin and rubber brittle; Renders mercury hard as iron; 1 Runs a steam engine and does DOZENS OF WONDERFULIEEATS Frten Strawberries fa u Ice 7RAZER OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY NDAY JANUARY 26 Ib PRICES. BQc uid $1: children under 15, 50c. Selection Subscribers only, opens at 9 a. m. Jan. 24. Sale of seats, ibers begins at 4 p. m., Jan. 24. Columbia House ILY FUBNIBHEC IXJXNEfJTION SOF BLOCK 1TA4WEBB8T8 WP.Prop. SALE SCE PROPERTIES flou! and two Juiadfdlawn. on iirom- fjwen roonitt centrally ' Jfeetiic light, bath and 6 "Wed iawu, $i50O. I ling, stable and two I t lK centrally locnt- PN with lots from $700 1123 to (3C0. Property on easy Otf 111 rIMllatlnn 'J Mate art) rising. .yepay more. alt until real e- Despain & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants Will drv cash for poultry. The Market price always. Bring it in ever' day and all day. Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkeys. Office in Savings Bank Building Come,JGet Our Quotations? OF MILTON JOHN ZELL'S DAUGHTER HAS SMALLPOX TWICE. Opera House Is Furnished Several Have Smallpox A. 0. U. W. Install Officers German Measles Make Their Appearance School Enter tainment at the Bolus School Much Trouble In Freewater. Milton, Jan. 19. The Milton Furni ture Co. sold the new opera company S00 chairs last week to seat their tall. It also received a half car load to fill up tho vacancy. Mr. Boyce, who lives three miles north of Freewater, is Quite low with heart trouble. As he is well along in jrnrs, his condition is critical. S. A. Miller, Mac Alexander and a child of A. Franke have the smallpox. S. A. Miller, D. J. Phelps and E. U Smaller appraised the Harris estate as follows: Real estate, $12,100; per sonal 'property, $2199; total, $14,299, The following officers were instan ce in the A. O. U. W. Lodge at their last regular meeting: Past master orkman, Rcbert Frazier; master workman, Chas. B. Demaris; fore men, Guy Edwards; overseer, C. D. Walters; recorder. Nelson Manda; guide, Asa Troyer; inside watchman. Ernest Hudson; watchman, A. R. Har rison. Claud Steen, of Dry Creek, sold 14 head of fat beef steers to John Kauf- 1. an last week for $3.80 a hundred. Rev. D. C. Sanderson returned heme from Oaksdale last Wednesday where he was assisting in a revival meeting, and left Thursday morning for HuntBville, Wash., to assist in another. Mrs. David Bailey and two child ren, ci Missouri, were guests or Air. James Frazier last week. They left Friday morning for Dayton, Wash., where Mr. Bailey has been in busi ness for the past six months. Oscar Waiters has concluded to make a druggist of himself, and has entered Chastain's drug store for the purpose of learning the drug busi ness. The German measles have made their appearance a couple of miles north of Freewater. A school entertainment and box so cial will be given at the Bolus school house next Friday evening. The re- Soak tho bands thoroughly, on retirinj;, iu a hot lather of CuncuKi. Boat, the most effective skin purifying soap, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery, liry, anoint freely with Cpticura Ointment, the creat skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear old cloves during night. For sorehands, itchlnir. liurntns palms and painfnl fincer ends, this one night trrtitmmt Is wonderful. (Sold Ihroortiouttli. world. roTTll D. tvo C.Cotr, rniZ. Norton. " Ilo lo htre lit.ullfll llUndt," fre. Fine Syrups Tea Garden Drips Canadian Maple Syrup Log Cabin Maple Syrup Monopole Syrup Acorn Syrup Buckwheat and material for your hot cakes NOW HI Court Street D. KEMLER & SON A Big Grocery In a Small Room INDIGESTION Is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that 'you want and they are good for yoi you are distressed. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will make jour digestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its attendant disagree- aide symptoms. You can safely eat. anything at any time. If you take one of these tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guaran tee. 25 cents. Money refunded it you are not batisfled. Send to ub for a free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. Economy is Wealth 1 cwpis to go towards uuying more booKs for their library. Wc heard a hunter say the other oay, that thero were so many tres pass notices on the ranches around here that a law abiding citizen could "not shoot in any dlrectlbn, except straight up, and be safo from arrest Among tho "visitors in Milton last week were Chief or Police Kaufman r.nd wife, and Mrs. Broughton and daughter, of Walla Walla, Wash., Rev. C. W. Howard, of Dayton, Wash.; J. W. Bishop, of Wasco, Ore.' Mrs. H. Nelstn, of Weston, Oro. Mr. Louis Beardsley has accepted a position as waiter and clerk in tho new restaurant. Emma Turner, a student at Colum Ida college, left for Lexington Friday, where her parents reislde. The telephone company has always used the electric light lwles for their wires, but last week they put in a set of poles of their own and "will soon have the wires striine and ready for use. Dr. M. A. Mortensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mortensen of this city. and a graduate of Ann Arbor .Michi gan, passed a medical examination before thte stato medical board In Portland recently and will practice his profession in Eastern Oregon. Not Much Harmony. Frewater, with three salons- no street to the depot; a postmaster not tuttable to nil and eight citizens tint have farms in tho corporation, and a petition before the legislature to be stricken off, and a saloon stove fa Lilly shot, with the assassins at large or refugees from Justice and not tho sweetest harmony with the remaining list that is left, we don't wonder that Milton will not give her a foot of the gravel flat that lies north of tho rail- road. Helped Himself to Wheat. Some petty thief, who has been helping himself to wheat while it was stored on platforms, broke Into the Peacock mill one night last week, but as far as the company could discover nothing was taken. It is pretty well known who the parties are and it would be well enough for them to stop before they are stopped. To Have a Pest House. A bill to establish a pest house in Milton was up before the council at its last meeting, but no action was taken. Tho marshal was put on tho salary system and J. F. Campbell was made deputy by request of tho opera house company. j A Peculiar Case, About six weeks ago, John Zell's little child had the smallpox. When it had about recovered, three other members of tho family took down with it, so about a week ago they cleaned up and raised tho quaran tine. The next day the little child that had it first, took sick again and broke out the second time as bad, if not worse than the first. All were In a mild form. Dr. Dittebrandt says mat a similar case occurred near here about two years ago. Wounded Herself. Mrs. Nellie Julius, who lives out northeast of Spofford, about four miles from here, met with a bad ac cident on last Friday. About noon she went out to split some wood to get dinner with, and caught the ax on a limb of a tree above her head causing the ax to glance and hit the back part of her head with the edge, cutting a bad gash and knocking her down. She was unconscious for some t.me and did not regain her senses until some time after. She Anally n.anaged to make her way to where tome men were working close by and they seein? her covered with blood, vent to her assistance, took her to her home and sent to Walla Walla for a physician. The doctor thought at first her skull had been fractured 1 ut a closer examination proved that it was not. The cut was sewed and the patient made as comfortable as possible. Last report, Sunday noon, f.he had entirely recovered from the stupor and will bo able to be about her work again in a few days. The Pe-ru-na Almanac. Tho druggists have already been supplied with -Peruna Almanacs There is sure to bo a great demand for these almanacs on account of the articles on astrology which tbey con tain, ine suoiect or astrology is a I very attractive one to most people. l ut n f'inx rin nsirn mfv in rnn I'nni. Save money on your fuel and , na almanac have been furnished by have your home or place of busi- a very competent astrologlst, and tho ness always comfortable by using I nieiiuu cnaractensucs or eacn sign i Is given, constituting almost a, com- 1-lete horoscope, A JUt of questions I ind answers on astrology sent free upon request. Thero will be a great HOT AIR TFAAI HOT WATFP ru or tucse ocoks, Ask your drug- gone. Boynton Famous- HOT AIR, STEAM, HOT WATER) FURNACES RECORD BREAKING BEEF, Alta Street. Opposite Savings Bank 'I he genuine Boynton Furnaces are the most successful, oldest and most economical heating devices on th i market. Manufactured by the oldest and largest heater man you how much we can save you Geo. Phillips Cottonwood Street, between Alta and Webb Streets. Steer Slaughtered by Milton Firm Weighed 1100 Dressed Market Gossip. The largest beef of which there Is any record, which nan over been kill- i n.l In TX'nlln WiHn vnlln.t " - ....... ufacturers in the United States, irundinz countrv. was brought tn th Let us figure with you and show city yesterday morning from Milton, raH the Union, It was killed at the slaughter house of Berry & Loof, of MSIton, and owing to the Immense size could not bo handled by so small a firm, and the hind quarters were brought to Urn Walla Walla Meat Company. Tlie i wo hind quarters of the beef $3.50 $3.50 THE 903 GLORIA $3.50 SHOE For Women AND YOUNG LADIES This Shoe is certainly the best value of all the Shoes sold in Pendleton. Wc claim the reputation oi having the best, and this is evidence. Any lady who has worn a pair will be glad to say a good word for the Shoe. BIG BOSTON STORE weighed 506 pounds, whilo tho whole beef, after it bad been dressed, weigh ed 1160 pounds. Selling as good beef does at the present time, at 9 cents per pound, tho part received by tho local meat company will bring more than $15, which Is as much as the avtrago beef brings. Taking the whole beef, it would sell at tho rate of 8 cents, which would be almost ?93. Hogs and sheep uro more plentiful on the market at the present time than they have been for several l onths. Dealers aro paying 5 and G4 cents fcr live hogs. A leal cattle buyer said yesterday: "Wo have no troublo in getting all of tho sheep we want, and the prospects, for tho sup ply to hold out through the winter r.re good." The story that Georgo Chapman, the London saloon-keeper, charged with murdering three women, is an American citizen ,1s untrue. Art Exhibit at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pjv., Jan. 19. Tho best exhibition of paintings over made by tho Ponnsylvnnla Academy of Fine Arts wns opened to tho pub lic today. It is tho sovonty-tsecond an nual show and besides tho largo ex hibition of canvesscs thero aro many notable pieces of statuary. Tho ex hibits represent somo of tho boat work of all tho leading artists not only of Philadelphia, but tho wholo country, Tho academy jury will award for tho first timo this year tho Jennie Scsnnn prize, a gold medal endowed by Allsa Elizabeth W. Rob erts, for tho best landscape) In tho ex hibition. Tho Templo Trust Fund geld medal, tho Walter L-ippIncott ?;(00 prlzo and tho Mary Smith $100 prlzo will bo awarded as usual. Tho Dally East Oregonlan Ik on sala in Portland at tho Rich news stand in Hotel Perkins, and at tho Hotel Portland. r J ' "WH08E BABY 13 YOU." This Comedy Will Appear at the Fra- zer Friday, January 23. Myron B. Hice, whoso latest come dy success, "Whoso Baby Are You," will be goon at the Krazer, January 23, hag secured a cast peculiarly adapted to tho prosmitatlon of legitimate furce. Mr. John V, Ward, Miss Juno MiiUiIh and Ming Ida Ward, und a number of others well known for ar tistic excellenco, arc In tho company, Mr. RIce'B attraction is winniug an high prnlBO for tho manner of prcsou to (Ion as for the acknowledged merit of tho comedy llnelf, i