East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    ! W
Our Annual Clearance Sale is in full swing
Three Great Specials
Black Clay Worsted Suits at $8.15
Auburn Meltons at $9.60
Blue Serge at $9.60
Bargains in Overcoats, Shoes, Hats and Furnish-
&ae? & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
A boiler explosion at Bell's mills,
Meet Newton. Pa., wrecked a saw
mill, killed two men and injured two
others, one probably fatally, Satur
day. Forty indictments have been voted
by the special grand jury which, dur
ing the last week has been Investi
gating the causes of the shortage of
coal in Chicago No names were
given out.
Five men were killed and four
. ethers were wounded, one cf them
fatally, by the explosion of a powder
charge of an eight-inch gun on board
the United States battleship Massa
chusetts, Friday, while at target prac
tice. By a new Dutch process, it Is
claimed that a moist hide can be turn
ed Into leather ready for the saddlers
and 8hoomakers's use In from two to
three days, while by following the
usual method of preparation. It takes
about six months.
At the end of a struggle which pro
longed the day's session until alter 6
o'clock Saturday, the house passed
the substitute to the senate bill to
establish a department of commerce
and labor. All the republicans and
i'J democrats voted for the bill.
The most powerful gun ever built!
In America a huge lC-inch coast de
fense rifle was successfully tested at
the government proving grounds,
Sandy Hook, Saturday. The gun was
fired three times In tie tours e of the
afternoon, in the presence of several
hundred army officers.
Owing to loaded trains being rob
bed of fuel and. to guard such trains
being held up by people rendered des
perate because of the coal famine -existing
in near-by places In the agri
cultural belt, policemen guard loaded
trains while- in transit to market
through the districts where the fam
ine is the worst.
August St. Pierre, aged 41, foreman
of the Great Northern stone quarry
at Baring, Wash., was killed Friday
while attempting to couple cars. His
family lives In Salem, Mass.
The Oregon 3tate land board has
prepared a very complete report rel
ative to desert lands granted the state
under the Carey act, and the opera
tions under the law of 1901 accepting
the same.
. The record price for blue stem
wneat on the local market at Walla
Walla, was reached Saturday, when
approximately 50,009 bushels chang
ed hands, the price paid being 75c
f. o. b.
Rather than be held a prisoner for
burglary, John Lee. of Spokane, a
junkman 52 years old, hurled himself
to bis death Saturday night down the
cliffs of the Spokane River, and into
the malestiom below the Monroe
street falls. I
A tremendously rich strike, thew,t local applications, u they cannot
magnitude of which has never been
'AntialtAtf tinr Rob Htfntlpr5tnn tnlil t
kfH ..nn.lAVr.l .,f irsn.WL- !
has been made 18 miles north of
r .- - it- rt i .nfi tt .
uii luuuiiu. iuici, iiuu uiuca;
ftora it source
Former United States Senator Ed
ward O. Wolcott, who la a candidate
for election as successor to Henry
M. Teller, of Colorado, has Issued an
appeal" to the republican members of
Itbe bouse to unite and expel 17 dem
ocratic rncrr hers whose seats are con
tested. Otherwise, he declares a
demoorat will be elected senator.
iue nuu uio i uui, ir 1
propriating tSOO.000 for tbe great Um
esrositlon. is now before tbe lephla-.
The Lewis and Clark fair bill, ap-;
ture for its consideration. It Is on
second renrtlntr in each house, and Is
in tbe hands of special committees.
It will be urged for early passage,
and it is llkoly that a final vote will
be reached during th present week.
Hotel Pendleton.
G. S Youngman. Portland.
A. Nylander, Portland.
J. C. Levins. Portland.
J B. Crossfield. Portland.
George Harris. Portland.
F. D. Newberry. Philadelphia.
J. W. Ruuyon, Omaha.
W. T. Dugger, St. Joe.
V. D. Tenklss. city.
M. H. PPtton, Spokane.
Virgil Patton. Spokane.
B. O. Killen, Spokane.
N. R, Ctem. Spokane.
H. Darby, Spokane.
Sam Riser, city.
T. R. Browne. San Francisco. .
W. H. Boyd. Echo.
T Logan. Blalock.
J. J. Burns. Portland.
C. H. Burke, Portland.
V. Markillie. St. Paul.
William Fitzgerald, Portland.
H. S. Donovan and wife, Duluth.
M. J. Schmidt, San Francisco.
Iran Lloyd, Chicago.
S. B. Martin, Chicago.
Charles Holman. Portland.
X. AV. Slusher. city.
Pete Kauffman. TValla TVlIa.
S. S. Gill, Spokane.
E. I.. Masterson, Pilot Rock.
The Colden Rule.
John McPhail. Adams.
L. L. Rogers, Adams.
J M. Banister Weston.
M. R. Morris, Weston.
J. W. Duncan, Umatilla.
S Olem. Freewater.
T. L. DIggins. Freewater.
D. S .Phelps, Freewater.
D. E. Jones. Freewater.
J. C. Hoogen, Freewater.
G. Chastaln, North Milton.
J. C. Pritchett, Freewater.
L. Cunningham. Portland.
W. C. Cunningham. Portland.
"W. J. Moore. Spokane.
S. A. Fracs. Spokane.
Mrs. A. Clark. Spokane.
R. Jones. Echo.
N. K. Nelson, Echo.
B. B. Richards, Helix.
A, C. Cessna, Kansas City.
J. W. Terry, Kansas City.
D. C. Brown, Pilot Rock.
Fred Gamble, city.
Oscar Tibbett8 Union.
M. S. Turnbull. Union.
William Mills. Juniper.
L. Douglas. Weston.
R. F. McDanlel, Weston.
Sam Lk. Spokane.
A. C. Howard. Spokane.
T. W. Luik. La Grande,
J. W. Kooiitz, The Dalles.
J. E. Ijigrange. The Dalles.
G. W. Williams. Spokane.
E. Knestainan, Spokane.
H. Hill. Helix.
J G. Abbott. Walla Walla.
John Logan. Blaylock.
Hank Fanning, Cold Springs.
Julia D'Nell. Chicago.
M. O. Lindsay. Lewis ton.
J. C. Lindsay, Lewlston.
F. E. Lindsay, Lewlston.
W. D. Gunner. Boise
Mrs. B. Delaney, Tacoraa.
Mrs. E. Cox Tacoma.
J. S. Cox, Tacoma.
B. E. Thompson, Portland.
William Anderson, Milton.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
nJS.SJS ""S1 .
- nnt tn mm it i
KDImIIm. Hull's f'ntarr-h ftir tn In. '
a22tfSr n$,tfl' X Jf .m?'
. ... J
qcacx medicine, it was prescribed by
one of tbe best phjslclao In tnb eocntrj
for years anil is a regular prescription.
Jt U composed of tbe beat tonics known,
combined with tbe best blood purifiers,
retlng directlr on tbe mucous nurftc.
Tne perfert combination of tbe two Ingre
dients U what produces sacb wonderful
rtaulu In curing catarrh. Send for tt
tlmonlal free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. I'repa Toledo, 0.
Hold by druggUts. price 75c
UaU's Family Pill are tbe beat
Cheap Rates Westbound.
rrora t earuary 10 to April 3U J3Q3,
inclusive, the O. IL & N Co. -will
hrwe or sale tickets from Missouri
River point? to Pendleton for J22.50
from St Paul $25.00: from St. Louis,
827.50. Call on the O. n. & N. ticket
agent for full particulars.
Rubber heels. TeutschV
Petitions Beino Signed by People I
From All Classes No Partisan)
Feeling Apparent on the Surface
Will be Difficult to Determine!
Which Side Is Stronger. When Ik !
sue Goes Before Lawmakers. I
The petitions Tor a change of the'
citv charter, making the offices oij
marshal and recorder elective Instead
of appointive arc twins very general
ly signed by some members of every
class of reople In the community.
The movement does not seem to lw
tonflued to any one olas.. The bus!-,
teas men consulted mon the sulJect
by the East Oregonlan are as widely,
divided In their opinions as the labor- j
lug people.
No two men In the same business, i
look at the different phases ot the is
sue, in the same light.
Sentiment Is now in a formative!
period, with many of the lending fi-i
tizens. Tb-y seem averse to making1
a change before the present method!
has had a thorough test. They rec-j
ognlze the right of every man to vote'
for every officer, and yet they reoog-j
nlze the necessity of some means of
holding public officers tinder the di-,
rect supervision of the people. '
through a city council. In case a'
public officer Is unsatisfactory, under
the elective system, he cannot lie re-1
placed until his term expires, unless
his actions warranted severe mens-.
tires. Under the appointive system
the council is the medium between
the official and the people and any
complaint from the citizens, of dis
obedience of ordinances or careless-1
nes3 In the p?rlormance of duty bv I
the officials would result in an inves-J
tigation and removal, if the charges)
were found to be well founded. 1
It Is the current opinion that a
longer period for the trial cf the pres-j
cut system should elapse before a ;
change is made. Many men have re
fused to sign the petition, who be-
Heve In the right of the people to se-i
lect their officers, but who are very
desirous of seeing the present law
fully tested before making a change.
There Is no partlsanlsm in the
movement, apparent on the surface. .
at least, as men ot all political par-,
ties are fighting on all sides of the i
question. The aim of every fair-,
minded citizen is to make conditions!
just as good as possible, no matter I
where the burden falls. i
La Grande is trying to change her
charter to make these officers ap-1
pointtve, believing it to be the surest j
way to get good government i
Many business men of Pendleton'
are non-committal on the subject. I
nnd public sentiment is divided, so it i
will be difficult to determine which
side prevails, when the petitions are I
sent to the legislature. f
The Secret of Long Life.
Consists In keeping all the main or- '
gans of the body In healthy, regular '
action, and In quickly destroying'
deadly disease germs. Electric Bit-!
ters regulate stomach, liver and kid-'
r.eys, purify the blood and give ai
splendid appetite. They work won-,
ders in curing kidney troubles, fe-l
male complaints, nervous diseases, i
constipation, dyspepsia and malaria.
Vigorous health and strength always!
follow their use. Only 50c, gnaran-i
teed by Tallman & Co, druggists. '
To Attend Board Meeting.
Colonel J. H. Baler left last nleht
for Salem to attend a meatine of ,
the board of directors of the Lewis.
cud Clark fair, which will be held at!
tne capital today. Colonel Raley saysf
lie believes there is no doubt about
the passage of the fair appropriation
hill, which has been Introduced and
Is now Ip the hands of a special com i
n-ittee. i
"W. J. Lewis, the Seventh Ttav Ail i
ventiat. who refused to work in the
postonice department Saturdays, will
i-me mat nay orr without pay.
Typewriter paper Large )F.
assortment direct from the
Carbon Paper Multi-kopy 5
j Berkshire and Invincible, at
4l all colors. 5
yr jg f
g Webster, Royal, Diamond Si
S and Gerber typewriter rib-
Blank books of all kinds
at bed rock prices.
See our combination ink
set, worth $2.50, our price g
75- S
I Book and Stationery Store
A Monstrosity.
The Portland Telegram ot Tuesday
printed a sketch ot some Imaginary
nian-at least we suppose It was ftpm
imagination as we never saw anything
like It then labeled the monstrosity
U T Harris.' Eugeno Guard.
When our appetite lags,
when we want to be unnatur
ally quiet, when the body
responds slowly and rather
painfully to the demands upon
it, we say we are " run down."
We're all of that and more.
Our reserve force is at a low
ebb; we're at the dividing
line between health and the
first ailment that happens
along. The system is just in
a condition then to take on
sickness. It's altogether too
common a condition, but it
need never last long ; it can
often be avoided altogether.
Is it a simple matter? Very.
Within the means of every
body? Yes. Easily under
stood? By everyone of ordin
ary intelligence. What should
be done? What common
sense advises for the most
part Rest? Yes; more than
under ordinary conditions
much more, all that is possible
without giving in to the attack.
Air? Plenty; get out into
the sunshine; walk; think of
something cheerful; keep out
of the night air; avoid damp
ness. And as to food ? Your
good sense ought to direct
you. Whatever will be likely
to give real strength. Much
depends on proper nourish
ment, some authorities say all.
And whatever your diet,
combine with it Scott's Emul
sion ; nothing will cause the
tired body to respond more
quickly. There is in Scott's
Emulsion a peculiar element
of nourishment that acts di
rectly on exhausted forces,
repairs waste and restores
worn-out energy. Scott's
Emulsion works quickly and
without effort, yet one very
soon feels the effects of the
new force it brings. There is
nothing better for the "run
down " system.
These claims are not made off-hand. We
know from nearly thirty years contact with
inch cases that Scott's Emulsion will do
just what we say it will do. We will be
glad to send you a sample free so that you
can judge for yourself.
409 Pearl St.. New York.
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come earlv and
select a bargain
For Health, Strength
neasure Drink
Murphy & Langever, Proprs
I have a full line of pirfl
Arms, Hunting Coats
Knives and all kinds 0f
See display in window.
74 Main Street
315 East Court Street.
B 4 U By
Piano ot Organ
Easy Payment Pi
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of
the state. This is an (indisputable fact, We offer 1
tjams than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postofnce.
We announce that we have opened undertaking
connection with our furniture and carpet store and i
calls day or night. Phone Black 273.
Having sold, all my carpets, I now offer the bail
siock ior saie, regardless 01 cost. 1 ne gooas to ne soia 1
Fiber Matting, Rugs, Lace Curtains,
Paper, Sewing- Machines, Pictures and I
Is reached in BYERS' BEST Better Bout cannot ,
The cream of the wheat crop enters in j)u
Flour, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
nQTFnn a rpirv :,. . , c.c Tt wni bear nvu
wajuvaao.ua 'a buiuuiuu t . ... - . .
in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom fails ana ot
is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Magnem.
f. 1 j . . 1 ,. f anatom)
11 is uuseu upon a correct Kouwicg. -.
a 1 ' . . ,, , i.io .aepc are n"
t large per cent o: so-caneu incui"'t
.t I 1M. lt - 11.. i..o(.rl bver
heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, bladder and u,e!"?,
cinmsi-ii iMtini ,n..i,i..- i;incations ana ucii
diseases, general diseases Diseases of Women 1
. r