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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1903)
DAILY EVEN1NGEDITI0H Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight and Tuesday occa Monnl scow; warmer tonight. PENDLETON, TOCATLLLA COUNTY, OEEGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1903. NO. 4614 1 T''", "-.-Lfegw 1H II ALSO en Much Compli Cleveland by a 'Strike. INCREASE OF wages IS REFUSED. It Wheeling & Lake , to Strike Because 4 Will Not Meet Their rw Increase lit Pay. lie 19 The coal situ ...... Implicated touay ny a ana a tnreatenca .mfcmen of the Wheel- Lfcii railway and the itasen ana inunmen jtlO per cent increase tins been recused. art Found Guilty. . Jm. 19. The special laid to Investigate the hg, reisroed indictments m aumauais ana opera liA with conspiring to Kt, Bjarious to tne puo- Ifniluted by the state t segues waiter nogei. i Solrkle and many GIRL. FOUND. cf Southern Pad I for Abducting a 16- f im. 19. Ida Brown Kjlii, ho has been miss- !jt from her nome in i found today. She al- s was abducted by uon nf h Rmithern Pact s i trntel. then to a lodg- w ' - ... Its? ihtw nEhta. ana men Tar in tell her Barents, - . lisr EOtaS nome to sne las a domestic, tonauc- l-as been arrested. ITA DIVORCE FRAUD. i DecUret That a Real ity BUts for Divorce is Jtz 1). In the case lAsdren, tie divorced wife i iwtvs, the widow of MissMhusetts resident ! dlrorce in Dakota and 1 a second wife, the su ms morning declared i dlrorce was unlawful. s penult the second wife i tie estate The court iserely to gain the rest' for the purpose of (tic real domicile is in Se. Is a fraud. THE REPORT. pit Not to Be Paid by for His' Services. iu. 19. The state de ceived a dlsnatch- lowen. who emnhati. reports that he is to meia for his services. ed tn arvnnt tsnnn (Castro to pay his ex- wee states. appropriation. 1 Rports a Bill for Um. 19. Immediately penea this morning PU legislative exec- annronriatinn hiu - ... ...... W, an lncreasn nf s Ule CSUrrmtpa nnH . Ppropriation by SUCCESS. Cm . . k - rresiaent tm Edward by Wire- ;'n 10 tr- J to Podhu this 'io King Edward eterelt.,.. ' WP'e of America "ICOmln UVg) Jj-. ... rterAmer' IN MEMORY OF ROBERT E. LEE. Birthday of the Great General Cele brated Throughout the South. Richmond, Va., Jan. 19. The birth aay oi uenerai Hobcrt B. Leo was celebrated in all the leading cities of the South today, by the Societies of the Army and Navy of the Confeder ate States and Daughters of tho Con federacy. In this city the anniversary was observed by a closing of the state and city public offices, a parade of tno local companies of militia, and tho firing of an artillery saluto by the Kicnmona Howitzers. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 19. Appropriate exercises wore held this morning in tne nan or tne house of representa tives in observance of tho birthday anniversary of Robert E. Leo. This evening the Virginia Society holds Its customary celebration when the annual address will be delivered by i nomas Nelson Page. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 19. Robert R. Lee's birthday was celebrated today by a parade of all the white military of the city. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 19. Business wns largely suspended in Nashville today In celebration of the birthday of Robert E. Lee. This evening Gen. Fitzhugh Lee delivers an address un der the auspices of the local societies of Confederate VeteranB for the bene fit of the fnnd that is being raised for the erection of a monument to the private Confederate soldiers on the custom-house grounds. UNITED MINE WORKERS MEET IN CONVENTION u. Fully 1200 Delegates Present in Indianapolis tor the Thirty first Annual Meeting. 13 THE LARGEST AND MOST IMPORTNAT MEETING EVER HELD BY MINERS. W DOWN II TROLLEY TWO PERSON8 FATALLY AND 12 8ERIOUSLY HURT. Passenger Train Runs Down a Street Car in a Suburb of Pittsburg. Pa., Early This Morning. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 19. Two -were fatally and 12 seriously Injured here early this morning. The Versailles passenger ran down a trolley car at a grade crossing In Hazelwood. The car was crowded. The wreckage was carried several yards along the track before the train could be stopped. CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE. The Recent. Resignation of the Color ed Postmistress at Indianola. "Washington, Jan. 19. Crumpacker, oi Indiana, introduced a resolution in -the houco requiring the postmaster-general to transmit if not incon sistent to public interests, a copy of all correspondence and documents pertaining to the recent resignation of the colored postmistress at Indian ola, Miss. Also to state why the res lgnation was unaccepted and new ap pointment made. The resolution was referred to the committee on postof-flees. DENOUNCE OFFICIALS. English Papers Bitterly Attack Steamship Company for Allowing the St. Louis to Sail. London, Jan. 19. The English press today bitterly denounces the American line officials for permitting the BL Louis to sail. They say Gris com'a statement is as complete a con demnation of the company's methods as should be needed by any court of law. SEVEN MEN DEAD. One More of the Gunners Injured in the Explosion on the Massachu setts, Dies Sunday. Washington, Jan. 19. A dispatch to tho navy department this morning from San Juan, says that one more of those Injured on the Massachusetts, died in the hospital yesterday, mak- ng a total of seven dead. One other is expected to die. FIRE IN PRIVATE HOTEL. Aged Couple Burned to Death Child ren Suffocated One Woman Injur ed by Jumping to' Ground. Pittsburg. Jan. 19. An aged cou ple were burned to death, two child ren are supposed to be dead and a number made narrow escapes from suffocation and are now in the hos pitals and one woman was injured by jumping as a result of a fire In a pri vate hotel this afternoon. The loss Is $30,000. Passed Dick Military BUI. Washington, Jan. 19. The bouse today agreed to the senate amend ments to the Dick military bill, which becomes a law as soon as President Roosevelt signs it. . Indianapolis, inl., Jan. 19. The opening of the annual convention ot the United Mineworkers ot America today developed into a popular ova tion tor the head of the great organiz ation, President John Mitchell. The convention's approval of tho manner in which Mr. Mitchell conducted the recent strike of the anthracite miners was evidenced by the hearty applause that frequently Interrupted the pres ident in the reading of his annual ad dress. The day was designated as Mitchell Day" by the citizens of In dianapolis, and ail classes joined in the celebration. Mr. Mitchell was escorted to Tore linson Hall, where tho sessions of the convention are being held, by a pro cession of several thousand union men with banners flying and bands playing. Washington street. Market street and other thoroughfares through which the parade passed, were lined with spectators who cheer ed the great labor leader to tho echo. Another ovation awaited Mr. Mitchell when he made his appearance on the convention platform. More than 1500 delegates and visitors filled the hall. They represented the union miners of Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illi nois, Michigan, Missouri and other states whero the United Mineworkers has secured a foothold. The appear ance of Mr. Mitchell on the platform was the signal for wild and enthusi astic cheering and it was several min utes before order was restored. Secretary-Treasurer Wilson, Vice-President Lewis and the members of the executive committee were likewise treated to enthusiastic receptions. After the gathering had ben form ally called- to order the convention listened to the usual addresses of welcome and responses. These for malities concluded, the convention immediately got under way. The re port of the credentials committee was the first order of business and this occupied considerable time owing to GRAIN MARKET8. the unusually large number of dele gates. The other committees were appointed and then the convention heard the annual reports of the offic ers. These were or extraordinary in terest as they concerned largely the great strike in the anthracite field and contained tho official facts and figures showing the part tho national organization had taken in sustaining the struggle. The address of Presi dent Mitchell was listened to with closest attention and his remarks were frequently interrupted with ap plause. Mr. Mitchell reviewd at con siderable length the history of tho strike, his statements in a measure being a repitition of his testimony previously given before the strike commission. Tho reports of the secretary-treasurer and of the execu tive committee followed and these with a quantity of routine business occupied the remainder of the open ing session. Great plans have been completed for the popular meeting to be held to night in honor of President Mitchell Ihe affair will take place in Tomlln eon Hall, whither the guest of the evening will be escorted by a big pa- rado headed by a band composed of all the union musicians of Indianapo lis. On arriving at the hall tho fol lowing wil be the order of the even lng's proceedings: John L. Feltman will act as master of ceremonies and will deliver an address on behalf of organized labor of Indianapolis; Mayor Bookwaiter will then extend welcome on behalf of the city. Mayor Bookwaiter will be followed by Pres ident Samuel Gompers of the Ameri can Federation of Labor. President Mitchell will then deliver the princl pal address of the evening. Secretary Wilson, of the mine workers, and President James Lynch, of the Inter national Typographical Union will nlEo speak. The crowds of visitors In the city ere so great that 100 special police were sworn in to keep the line of pa rade open. Quotations Furnished by tho Coe Commission Company I. C. Major Local Manager, Room 4, Associa tion Block. . Chicago, Jan. 19. Foreign markets wero strong this morning. Liverpool closed higher. Markets hero open ed firm and a llttlo higher. There was somo profit-taking on the ad vance, but good domand held the market strong, closing higher than Saturday. Wheat Opened. Closed. May 78Tft 79 July 74 74 Corn May 43Tb 43 July 42T4 " 42 Oats May 36 35 Pork May 1640 1640 Minneapolis, Jan. 19. Wheat Opened. Closed. May 78 78 July 78 78 Chicago, Jan. 19. Receipts in live stock last week increased 64,954, mostly hogs; last week, 384,260. Pro vious week, 319,307 last year, 339.294, Estimated receipts today Hogs, 54,- 000. Market 10 to 15c lower. Loft over, 6000. Light, $5.65 6.70; heavy, ?6.206.80; rough, $6.2006.40. Cattle 30,000; choice steady; others weak and lowor. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 19. Wheat 78 79 cents per bushel. BUBONIC PLOE IS SPREADING Health Officials Now in Secret Session to Discuss the Situ ation in California. FORTY-NINE DEATHS OCCUR. RED DURING PA8T YEAR' FEW SPECTATORS AT REARING CHIEF WITNESS WAS SUPERINTENDENT PHILLIPS, STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. Bill to Appoint Board of Six by the Governor. Salem, Ore., Jan. 19. "A bill for nn act to establish a state board of health; to establish a county board of health In each and every county of the state of Oregon; to provide for tho election of a secretary of vital statistics; to provide for uniform blanks and reports, and to assign cer tain duties to the state, city and coun ty board of health, and to provide a penalty." Such is the title, wherein is de clared its purpose, of a bill introduced in tho senate by Smith of Multnomah. It Is provided that the state board of health shall be composed of six phy sicians to be appointed by the gover nor, and a secretary. The appoint ments shall be made "with the con sent of the senate," and tho six mem bers first appointed shall be so desig nated by the governor, that the term of office of three shall expire every two years, on the 15th of January, Thereafter the governor with the con sent of the senate, shall appoint three members of the board biennially. The secretary shall be elected by tho board, which shall tlx bis salary And allow his expenses to an amount not to exceed $5000 a year. The mem bers of tho board shall receive no per diem or salary, but their traveling or other expenses Incurred in the trans action of official business shall be paid by the state. der by President Thomas M. Hanley Alter addresses of welcome and ro sponses had been delivered tho con ventlon listened to the annual re- ports of Secretary C. P. Adams and ctber officers, all of which showed a flourishing condition of affairs. The convention will continue until Thurs, day. The parcels post law, an equit able collection law, the hankrptcy law and the law regulating the gam ishment of wages are somo of the matters to receive attention, FURNACE EXPLOSION. Five Steel Workers at Pittsburg, Burned With Molten Metal. Pittsburg, Jan. 19. Five men were badly burned by an explosion In the Duquense Steel plant this morning, and all will die. They were working underneath the furnace, which ex plodod, and deluged the men with a rain of molten metal. Kansas Grocers Meet. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 19. The annual convention of the Kansas Retail Gro cers' Association, which opened here today, is tho largest in point of at tendance ever held by the associa tion. Members from all parts of the state were present this afternoon when the gathering was called to or- Chlcago Pet Stock Show. Chicago, 111., Jan. 19. Tho seventh annual pet stock show of tbo Nation al Fanciers and Breeders' Associa tion is now open and will be the ren ter of Interest among poultry lovers uiitll It closes Jan. 24. Tho largest display of birds In the association's history la offered. Every state In tho Mississippi valley is represented, and the competition among tho ex hibitors is lively. Ono of the mont striking features of the show is tho exnlblt of pigeons, which contains over 1000 birds. Turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens are also shown lis great numbers, Bowen In United States. Charleston, S. C Jan, 19 Minis ter Bowen landed here this morning and immediately started for Washington. Declared That the Men Preferred to Be Payed by tho Car System Using 20 Per Cent More Men Than Formerly. Philadelphia, Jan. 19. Thero was a noticeable falling off- of attendance in the anthracites commission hearing today. Only a few spectators were present when they opened this morn mg. Tho chief witness was Superintend cnt Phillips, of the Lackawanna Coal Company. Ho contended that the men really preferred tho car instead of tho weight system In payment for coat mined. Ho declared that his compa' ny used 20 per cent moro men to ac complish tho same amount of pro ductlon than formerly, as ordered. Commissioner Wright sarcastically said: "In other words, you now store men, whereas you once stored coal." REFORM8 FOR MACEDONIA. War Austria Fitting Up Fourteen ships to Coerce Turkey. Vienna, Jan, 19. Tho government is hurrying and fitting up 14 warships with tho supposed object of coercing Turkey into introducing reforms In Macedonia. RAN A BRACE GAME. Proprietor of Rainier Grand at Seat tle, Arrested. eSattle, Jan. 19. Horace B. Dun bar, tho proprietor of tho Rainier Grand hotel, was nrrested on an In, dlctment charging his with conduct' Ing a gambling game in tho hotel. It was said to bo a "brace" game. Immigration Record. May was the record mouth for Im migration, tbo total number of steer age passengers from foreign countries passing through the nation's gato on the bit of land called Ellis Island be ing 88,500. The one-day record was broken on May 5, when 6613 men, wo men and chlldron from almost every country in Europe, as well as a few Horn Asia and Africa, stepped foot on American soil for the first time. The two-day record was broken May 2-3, the total arrivals being 13,000. For tho fiscal year ending Juno 30 last 648,743 aliens entered this coun try as steerage pasengers and 83,056 ns cabin passengers. The largest number of steerage passengers that over arrived at Now York in one ves sel came In March on the Hamburg- American liner Batavla, tho number being 2692. Most Remarkable Old Person. The most extraordinary old person of the year 1902 was Senora Catallna Flores of Pasadena; Cal., who peace fully passed away at the age of 117, having continued her usual round of work until tho day of her death. She really did not die, but simply faded Into tho invisible. She had lived un the shadow of the San Gabriel mis sion for over 90 years. Situation In California Said to B Scarcely Less Serious Than It la In Mexico, Where the Disease l Spreading Rapidly. Washington, Jan. 19. The conven tion of tho state health board offic ials, called by Surgeon-Gonoral Wy nian, to discuss tho bubonic plaguo eiluatlon in California and Moxico, met this morning In secret session at tho offices of tho marino hospital sor-vlco. Twouty state and territorial board of health woro represented, including California. Tho California situation. in which tho marino hospital aervic records shew 49 deaths In 1902, In scarcely less serious than In Moxico, whero the officials claim that the plaguo Is spreading. WOULD VI8IT PENDLETON. Street Fair Promoters Address a Com munlcatlon to This City. Tho Northwestern Midway Compa ny, ot Paris, Toxas, has addroaaod a letter to the business men of Pondlo ton, through tho press, asking tho ad visability of arranging a street fair, horse show or other public entertain ment hero for the second weok la June. Tho letter has been roferrod to tho Commercial Association for consider ation and the matter of holding a horse show, or other llko attraction, ' during tho early summer, will prob ably be disposed of at tbo next moot ing. GOVERNMENT TELEGRAPH Line Has Been Completed 300 Mlloc up the Tanana River, In Alaska. Tacoma, Jan. 19. Lieutenant Gtbb reports from Rampart that 300 miles of govornmont telegraph baa been completed up tho Tanana River la Alaska. He will comploto tho con nection to Vnldesi In tho spring, plac ing tho ontlro Yukon In tolegraphlc communication with tho outslclft world. Jelks Begins Second Term. Montgomery, AIn., Jan, 19. At noon today William D. Jollta was in augurated tor tho second tlmo, gover nor of tho state of Alabama. Tho cap- Itol building was appropriately dec orated and tho Inaugural chamber was filled with high officials anil citi zens of the fitate. After taking tha oath of offlco, Governor Jelks deliv ered his Inaugural address. A prom inent feature of tho dayVi ceromonlea was a big pnrado of military, includ ing organizations from Birmingham. Annlston and other parts of the state. Attention Knlghtal Damon Lodgo No, 4, K. of B. will work In tho third rank this evening, All knights are requested to ho present, especially members of the degroo team, W. J. Keys, C. C, R. W, Fletchor, K. of R. and S, Gonzales Died Today. Columbia, S, C, Jan. 19. Editor Gonzales, who was shot by Lieutenant-Governor Tillman last Thursday, died at 1:10 today. Thos. Gahagan .. mining uruKcr Office with Hartman Abstract Co, Pendleton. Oreion. Buys and sells stocks in all min ing companies, SOUTH POLE STOCK A Specialty. Mining claims bought and sold. BUY SOUTH POLE I i , , . v ,,3 mmm mmu,mt-fr 'riinmmmiMrmmKrtmm'rTrwTmm yrrmimmmiw imBm-" .-.-....,I..VII , irrm lim -n-nm