, " ' " SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1303. RAINO THE PURE V J sn aim pncrre In comparing Grain-0 nnd coffee remember tliat whilo tho taste is the same Grnin-O given health and strength while coffee Shatters the nervous system nnd breeds disease of the digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Grain-O and its ben efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. SUNDAY AT 1 THE CHURCHES f i I Methodist Church, South Sunday j services ah follows: Sunday school at ,10 o'clock, I. E. Earl, superintendent i Prcachlnc at 11 a. m.. hv Mr. liltrliv. IJunior League at 3:30, Senior Ep- Wnrrh Titnmin nf fi.fjfl anftlnMt r.. ...... ... v.vw, "lUJl.k, " 1' worth Loaders In Training for Church Work." lender, Mrs. E. B. .Jones. Preaching nt 7:30 by Itev. t-oppio. Prayer meeting on Thursday night. All arc welcome. E. J, Jones, pastor. First Baptist Church Tho revival services which have been cnrrlprl nn i during this week with such eood riv 4groci Ttrjwbtre; is. andssc. per package. ! suits, will lie continued during next week in tho audienco room, of tho , chilrch. In the morning at 11 o'clock, uev. a. j. miguelet will preach and in ; tho evening the pastor will preach and hold evangelistic service. There are number who are ready to come into I tho church nnd these will be given the opportunity tomorrow mornlnc with any others who may wish to come. All who will come to theso services will! recolvo a hearty welcome. It. TV. King, pastor. THIS REMEDY Is Sure to GIVE Satisfaction CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Sires rellcfat ones It clesnaet, .o3tbea aad heala the dUeased membrane, it sum Catarrh and rtrtrea way Bead sbaorbed. lieali and protecta the membrane. Keatorea tne aenao of lute and amell. Full die c at drareltti or by mall: trial ilte 10c by wall. KLY BROTOKR8, 66 Warren tweet, Hew Tort. iffivSCOLD'uHEAD bed. Ileal! and protecta tbe membrane. Pendleton Fish and Poultry Market 310 Court Street Everything he best. Prices Tight. We handle Fresh Pish, which we receive daily. Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys ters and all salt water foods. .Ranch and Creamery Butter, Fresh Eggs, Game in season, Produce of ail kinds. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. We pay cash for country pro duce. A trial order is solicited. Connregational Church Services Sunday ns follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m., Dr. Robinson, superintend ent. Morning worship nnd preachind m jti o ciock. uev. c. F. Clapp will yrencn morning and evening. Christian Church Services In the lecture room of the new church, cor ner 01 jonnson ana water streets, at -iu a. m. uiuie scnooi, j. h. Garrett, superintendent, 11 n. m. Sermon, overcoming Temptation." 7:30 p, m sermon, "Crowns." It will bo quite comfortable in the leetnrn rnnm which has been clothed and japaned thi3 week. J. B, Lister, pastor pro- Methodist Episcopal Church Sun day school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, su perintendent. Preachinsr. 11 a. m Class meeting, 12:15 p. m., G. W. Jlig- ut, leaner, upworth League, 6:30 p. ni. Evangelistic services, 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Robert War ner, pastor. Church of the Redeemer Rev. W. E. Potwine, rector. Divine service tomorrow at hours as follows: Early celebration of tho holy communion, at S a. m. Sunday school session at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and litany and sermon nt 11 a. m. Evening prayer, uuuim, wun uuuress at 7:au. 1 msam ma je&HKiswd&ifim TafieM, LVl I Vman Prnn ! Mrst Presbyterian Church 10 a. III. lYlllall, riup. jm.. Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon. Phone Bed 591 Lumber, Lumber, Lumber. All kinc'r frr all purposes. Creation": 3 d. m.. Junior Endeavor; 6;45 p. m., Senior Endeavor; 7:30 p. , ni., sermon. The morning sermon in , tLe flrst in a series of discourses, land it is hoped that all our people j will follow the series carefully. Strangers are especially invited. Rob ert J. Dlven, pastor. West End Chapel Sunday school at I '.111 I'rniohlnf. 1 xi n day school. There was a hurry call for tho ambulance of the City Hospital. In the course of a few moments a very sick woman was brought in on a stretcher she was pale as death and evidently suffering keen agony. There -was a hasty examination and consultation, and in less than a quarter of an hour the poor creature was on tho operating table to undergo an operation for ovaritis. Tho above is an accurate account of an incident which occured in Kew York recently; the young woman in question had warnings enough of her dangerous condition in the terriblo pains and burning sensation low down in her loft side. She had no one to odviso her, and she suffered torture until it was too late for anything to save her life. Women should remember that if they do not care to tell a doctor their troubles, they should be willing; to tell them to a woman, who stands ever ready to advise and help them. Again we state that Mrs. Pinkham's advice is freely and confidentially given to every one who asks for it. Address, Lynn, floss. The following letters prove beyond question that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the power to cure, and does cure thousands of cases of inflammation of the ovaries, womb, and all other derangements of the female organism. ants, ottoson saved from a surgical- operation. "Dear Mrs. Pckham: I cannot thank you enough for what your Vegetable Compound has dono for mc If it had not been for your medicine, I think I would have died. "I will tell you how I suffered. I could hardly walk, was enable to sleep or cat. Menstruation was Irregular. At last I had to stay in my bed, and flowed. so badly that they sent for a doctor, who said I had inflammation of tho ovaries, and must go through an operation, as no medicine could help me, but I could not do that. " I received a little book of vours. and after readlnir it I concluded to trv Ivdln, E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound, and I am now a well woman. I shall praise 1 ELECTION IN FRANCE. Sash, DoorS and Blinds. Planing of all descriptions done to otder. Don't place your order (01 Building Material until you havt consulted us. rajuieiuii ridii Loraber Yard. ROBERT fORSTER, Proprietor Dally East Oregonlan only 15 cents a week. Socialists and Radicals Elect Over Half of the Senators. fans, Jan. 17. Franco held an election for 98 senators on Sunday. January 4. being one-third of that ! body. At this election the socialists elected 34, and the radicals (similar to our populists or radical democrats) elected 18. If this represents the changed condition of public sentiment it means that the socialists will have ' more than one-third of the members , as the terms expire, whereas they , ! have heretofore had only about one- eigutn. The radical element vote ; with the socialists on many measures nnd these two will have a majority as soon as the terms of hold-overs ex- . piro and new elections are held. This la mi HTmrrilfnti1 cmtn Tr nmmmt by carrier, to almost a revolution In public at- , fnirs. It means that the French so- A WONDERFUL MEDICINE S FOKALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. Sakt msw mxmoaOm SIX MfLHOtt Bmxem me Annum Pnfani ealy by the Proprietor. THOMAS BBCCIIAM, Si. Keteai, EaflaML Sold Everywhere, in Boxes, IOc and 25c. U. B. A. Dtpot, MSCaaalStrMt, Hw Yaric. your medicine as long as I lire, nnd also recommend the same to any one Buffering as I was.- iins. .minnie uttoson, otuo, iowa. iJune u, ivui.) Follow the record of this medicine, and remember that these thousands of cures 01 women wnose letters are constantly printed in tins paper were not brought about by "something else," but by Lydia E. Pinkham'ti "Vegetable Compound, the great "Woman's Remedy for "Woman's Ills. Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thouaand times, for thev cct what tnev want a cure. Moral 1- i 1 - it i t s Tl i lir. i i - r Si . l r . . ' ubiuti Lg vuu uieuicine inac you jsjiuw is juesu vrito to mis. l'lnnnam ior auvice. INFLAMMATION OF THE OVARIES CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE. "Deaii Mrs. Pijikiiam: I wish to express my gratitude for the restored health and happiness Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vcprctalilo Compound has brought into my life. " I had suffered for three years with terrible pains at the time of menstruation, and did not know what the trouble was until the doctor nrononneed it inflammation of the ovaries, and nronoscd nn one ration. " I felt so weak and sick that I felt sure I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not The following week I read an advertisement in the paper of your Vegetable Compound in such an rjreney, ana so 1 decided to 1 no I kept takintr it for ten weeks, nnd at the ena Great was my joy to find .that I actually improved after taking two bottles, nndergo It. tmenrener. and so I decided to trv it. po I kent takintr it for ten weeks, and at the end of that time I was cured. I had trained eighteen pounds ana was in excellent health, and am now. " You surely deserve great Buccess, and yon have my very best wishes." Miss Alice Baxlet, 80 North Boulevard. Atlanta, Qa., Treasurer St Francis Benevolent Association. j CAV FORFEIT 1' " cannot forthwith produe tha original Utters nnd jIirBalores of abore teitlmonlaU, whloa Trill pror QvluviwU' their HlMul-itegenulnenesa. I.jriHu K. I'lnkliam Medicine Co., Jjftm, Xiiaa. clnllats have passed their German comrades in gain and discounted thorn in number of memberp of the national house. LIQUID Ala EXPERIMENTS. The Most Marvelous Discovery of the Age to Be Demonstrated Here. Every person has read and marvel ed at the paradoxical and, startling things dono by liquid air. Most peo ple want to sec and know more of this wonderful fluid, and Monday eve ning, January 26, at the Opera House all will have a chance to do so. Himd reds have already spoken for tickets and all going should sccuro scats early. The liquid air for the many experi ments will he shipped from the fac tory In such quantity that an abund ant supply will be on hand, despite tho constant evaporation. Theso dem onstratlons in other cities have drawn great numbers of people, who have lalrly reveled In the marvelous cxnor iments of this unlquo and wonderful power that gives promise of Immense Industrial changes through its aeency, It Is not a sensational lecture, hut tho evening is a series of sensations from Start to finish, because of the new wonders revealed. We feel assured that this miracle-worker will be greet ed with a tun house. Tho lecture and experiments will be given here under the auspices of thu Pendleton Academy and the nroceeds derived therefrom will be used to buy seats for the now chapel. Tho timtfin hill nllntulnr ntta I. Alaska to take 320 acres was ordered mvuruuiy rupurieu oy uio senate com mltteo on public lands Friday. Mrs. Laura S. WeBb, Vice-President of Women's Democratic Quia of Nc.thern Ohio. I HERE ARE MANY. sickly women bo tween the ages of 15 and 65, but there are very few invalids over 55 and CO years of age. The change of life coming to a woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an Invalid or gives her a now leaso on life. Thoso who meet this chango in ill health sel dom livo ten years afterward, whllo a woman who lays asido tho nctivo dnties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after she has passed 60. This U truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Wobb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes tho chango of lifo as a dangerous period and she' also has faith In Wine of Cardul. 8ho writes: "A I had alwayi oeen troubled more or leas at the menstrual period, I dreaded Uru Laura S.-Wtlb. the change of life which was fast approaching. While vis iting with a friend 'I noticed that she was taking -your "Wine oi Cardul, and she was so enthusiastic about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex perienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax. I do not dread it now, as I am sure that your Wine cf Cardul will be of great benefit at this time." Wine of Cardul is the remedy to re-inf orco a woman against tho shock that comes with tho chango of .life. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of suffering. In doing this it has saved thousands of uf ferers just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparations should be made in advance. Begin the Wine of Cardul treatment today. HHTci '"ILL PENDLETON VAN DRAN nunc The Best Hotel s any. Headcmarters fnr Tr,..i.- , Commodious Sample. Rates $2 & $2 Special rates by week or month Excellent Cuisine. Prompt DlnlngroomSenli . every Modern Convert Bar and billiard roominconii Only Three Blocks from Dei GOLDEN RULE I Corner Court and Johnson itxnu. Pendleton Oregon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor, HEATED BY STEAAl LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITrj American J'lun, rnttl as to JiJ Ieruar. Etironenn 1'litn. nop. 7Ri. si r 8iuvlal rntcb by wek or month, Free 'bus meets all trains) commercial traae solicited Fine sampler Special Attention Given Country Iii " HOTEL ST. GEORG CORNER MAIN AND WIBB ! WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women have found relief fa Wine of Cardui. Itdasignatnrei on every box ot the aeunln aiiu RAA.n..!.! . .. . . tT-l'iu ra&Md that eaa-M a M la ae .Oay. GEO."DAfiVEM).VroP- EIegantl Furnished Steam uro.pe,i:,,":(i,r,mlk. OlOCK anu n "-"J Sample room In conntft'1 ROOM RATE 50c, 75q tmp PfiRTLAS ir.V.,.rtrr for tuunt na vv" , elera SBialrale nuieW"" t iitlemcii. The nuS'"" i modern jm.-.. B0fliM.m PRMDLETON-Uf STAGE LWEl . " . i." e..i t) r "3 "if 1 III" :- moi WOklab " return... -rwi. in flolden Rule Hotel.' I ne nd tha people PPre,6,ant' It.By wieir iipi r , advertising medium of hl