East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 17, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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l mil
1!! I'
Opening a set ot 'looks ? Tlien see us for Ledgers,
Journal. Cash Books and Day Books. We have all
Full line ol Stationery for business and social use.
Latest styles.
tlicv carried all Uie others, ami stilt'
win. I
The situation stands thus:
"Electoral j
South, excluding Delaware, Mary- i
land and west Virginia joi,
Voir Vorfc 39 ' I
New Jersey 1-
Pmnuillfi!jl ....... I
Inillnlm 15!
Maryland 8 '
Delaware ' 3
llhode Island ..'
Nevada 3
Total 2
Necessary to a Choice .."... ...2.19
Majority 3'
Unquestionably the proposed alii-.
nnce between the South and "East may i
have portentous consequences for the
republican party In 1904.
-4 y , "ik ! to deepen the Injustice of
fotlSt' jfcKVVa The only equitable way tc
HI ' i the perplexing points in I
What does America owe to her
Indian tightens, exploiers, hunt
ers, trappers, missionaries and
adventurers? They, before ail
others, took the land and held
many a dark and bloody ground
for civilization. They held in
trust, a home for posterity. Our
Institutions are their monu
ments. Eva Emery Dye.
Since the county court purclinsed ,
vthe farm near this city, to be convert--ed
into a poor farm for the mainte
iiiance of county charges, a warm de
ibate has been going on in different
localities, as to the expediency of that
i action.
to meet all
the school
: I fund question is to make a fixed ap
i proprlation as the Pierce law pro
: ! poses, and In addition to this, an ap--,
j portlonmcnt to each district large
1 ' enough to provide good schools Tor
, at least eight months of the yenr.
j The state owes each child a public
J school education, no matter whether
j there be one child in a district or
I one hundred children. The law should
I be such that a term of school, of a
fixed duration should be held in each
j school district In Oregon each year,
independent of all outside considera
tions. The districts should employ
'such teachers ns may be necessary
at wages proportionate to the require
ments of their profession, nud the
.'county and state should furnish each
district with sufficient funds for this
purpose, just as regularly as other
salaries are paid.
j The meaning of the public school
system is that It furnish each child j
Manj' objections to the move have
li.in tnnilo Kv nltlvptio In -nil nnrMA
. . , , , . i no possibility of interference by any
ind from various standpoints. 4 , . . ... .
Briefly summing up the objections
'ithe rudiments of an education, with
'ino possibility of interference by any
! agency. The term of the public school
A bundle cf ciissedness wrapped in a
1 skin
As tough as the hide of the father of
A link of chain lightning In every,
With leaps not a greyhound on carrli
could outpoint.
Nerves br.stling with firo of .demon
nlac brand, . ,
Eiwlt'i..'.n llml oil rit n i.trr a'tii-nl lie .1. '
UIIUIIIUIII.U tlllll JU"D II 'b M.i.I. . j j
.t's eve al! n-spnrl;le with dazKle of
Tho place whore the air has a sul-j
phury smell.
'Tis off at Its work like the crack ot arJ
gun, j j
its mane in a laugteu uisuuvei, i
When the rider Is up In .the seat for
a run
On tho cowboy's autogodevil.
Rubber Goods Sale
Wo want to clean up all ln-avy winter overshoes,
felt boots, etc., and for a short time will make great
reduc ions in the prices. Note some of tho bargains
offered below:
Men's Lined Arctics, all sizes, heavy, $t.Q0.
Men's two-Buckle Perfections, for Felt Boots or
Socks, $1.45. r ,
Men's one buckle Perfection, for Felt Boots or
Socks, $X.X5.
Men's White Felts, best grade, 85c; Grey Felts,
6tMen's Alaska Protectors, first grade, 80c; second
Womens Arctics, 75c; Women's Alaska Protect
ors, 60c and 55c.
Misses' Arctics, 55c ; Misses' Alaska Protectors,
Child's Arctics, 50c ; Child's Alaska Protectors,
38Ladies' Jersey Lcggins, 70c; Misses' Jersey Leg
gins, 60c.
Men's German Sox, heavy grade, 75c.
Come soon and you will be sure to find your size.
Somo who come late will be disappointed.
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
which have been raised against this
action, the following points are perti
nent at this time:
1. Whero did tho county court get
authority in law, to buy this farm,
since the law strictly provides that
no county shall go In debt more than
?5,000, except to suppress revolt or to
meet other like public emergency'
2. Was not the price paid, highei
than is warranted by the prices of
surrounding land?
3. Will it not require the expendi
ture of at least one-fifth of the pur
chase price, to put the farm in condi
tion to fill the purpose for which It is
4. Do the people of the county want
a poor farm?
The. East Oregonian will take up
the various phases of these objec
tions and endeavor to give the true
situation that now confronts the coun
ty in the matter of caring for the poor.
it is a subject which deserves thor
ough consideration by the people and
the court. It should be discussed in
its various lights, and to that end tho
matter will be presented from time to
time in these columns.
State Superintendent Ackerman
lies signified his intention of support
ing Senator Pierce's school tax bill,
which has keen introduced by him In
the state senate, and which is being
heartily seconded by every senator
who favors higher valuation of prop
erty in this state.
In his report to the legislative as
sembly Superintendent Ackerman rec
ommended that the fixed levy of Ave
mills be raised to sis mills, as a rem-
should be a certainty, a fixture, so
thoroughly Ingrafted into tho organic
law that no emergency could arise to
curtail its length or scope.
K this great institution of a free
people be made subject to the whims
ot men whose Ideas of its usefulness
may vary; If it be left to the mercy
of assessment laws aud individual
opinions of courts or officials, it will
certainly suffer.
Tho regular term of public school
should be held, every year, with uni
formity and regularity The state has
nu enormous fund at interest; it has
resources from which to draw suffi
cient means to guarantee eight
months' school In each district, every
year, whether It contains a dozen or a
thousand scholars, and that Is the
only true meaning of the public school
The agitation for a new county
down 1 none corner of Crook, is the
forerunner of a season ot pruning
which will soon have to begin on the
edges of tho great empires of interior
Oregon, which we call counties. There
Is room to hide half a dozen Eastern
states In the vast area of Malheur,
Crook, Lake or Harney and as enough
people drift out into these regipns, to
hold offices, new counties must be
laid out to accommodate them.
A foot in the .stirrup, a grasp of the '
And uoTn 'the air goes the muscled Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
In wildest contortions that ever were
The cut of the quirt leaves a track in 1
the fur,
The blood spreads a blotch at the dig
of the spur
As now In the air aud now back to
the earth
The bronk goes gyrating for all it is i
The imps of perdition inside of the
Of the beast seem to hold a mad
When the cowboy swings up in the
seat for a ride
On the back of his autogodevil.
But when It discovers its efforts are'
That hand of a master is grasping the '
It wisely concludes to surrender to
And pulls itself down to a traveling!
gait. ,
The master and beast soon are warm-i
est of chums
And ready to face any racket that!
By nlg'ut and by day, in the storm i
and tho sun, j
Together they work as if they were,
but one. i
In measuring ground with its quick-1
action feet ,
O'er hills or upon the dead level,
There's not a machine on the earth
that can beat
The cowboy's tough autogodevil.
James Barton Adams, In Denver
YerlDRton, Net , Oct. a) 19C2
Mr C A I'crrlu, Helena, Mont
IeT Sir: I bTC near y finished
the former bottle and am practically
well, Jly case was one moit phyjf.
clans would have pronounced In
cuiable. My appetite 1) good, have
f rained 10 pounds In weight and feel
lkc a new lease of life was Riven
me. Oneol the bottles I lend for
this time Is for a friend and the
other for myie'f. as 1 do not intend
to lie without it.
T B. lUitltls.
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
cbmpanieb stand first in the
The Full Line of Monopole
Canned Goods
j Hartford Fire Iuauruuue Co.;i2,250,076
! Alliance Assurance Co 29,039,003
London & Lancashire Fire
, Insurance Co 2.544,083
Xorth British & Mercantile
I Co 10,095,074
1 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,163
Oregon has set a most excellent ex
ample for her counties to follow. She
is out of debt. She don't owe a cent.
Don't forget this.
The 13 states composing the solid
South of recent years will have 151
votes In the electoral college of 1904.
This leaves out Delaware, Maryland
null Woaf Vlrflnln whlnli hnv been
edy for the scarcity of funds in many carrIed by tne republicans in most of
rural districts of the state. the recent canvasses. A majority of
The situation was fully appreciated . the electoral college o 1904 will be
by the superintendent when he of-' M. the entire i college, with the esist
, , ... ,'Ing number of states, comprising 470
fered this as a solution for the vexed erajjerg
school fund Issue. He saw the low with New York's 39 electroal votes!
valuation of property that prevailed " and the narowness of tho republican
throughout Oregon, and also recog-1 margin in New York In 190 gives the
. . . . , . , . .'democrats a hope of winning that
nlzed the need of longer terms of eate ,n the e,ectlonthey
school in many districts. He evident- K0iA have 190 votes, or only 49 short
ly figured that six mills on the present of the number required to choose a
property valuation would provldo suf-' president. New Jersey. Connecticut
nclent funds, but would not the as- "Slalvefy0 far'Som.
sessor in bis effort to keep down an lng 8ure for the republicans,
excessive school fund In the wealthy The antl-Addicks republicans made
districts, place a still lower valuation Delaware democratic in 1902, and the
noon Droneriy As the school levy unfortunate factional fight Is not fin
upon property, as tne scnom mvy The den)0crata leA ,n tne vot.
was raised, would not the valuation ing ,n uhmle islaml jn 1&02 Nevada
be lowered, thus allowing more and (H likely to remain with the South a
more property to escape Just taxation, few years longer. These states, with
h Memntiont New York and the solid South would
by exemption. E,ve the democrats 242 votes In the
:The increase of the fixed levy to Iectora, conege, or three more than
six mills, as recommended iby suporln- enough to elect, so that they cou'1
tendent Ackerman would -only serve loose either Delaware or Terada. if
Will be fatal to the sleep-walker. Will
lie draw back or will he take the final,
fatal step? A great many people are in
peril like the sleep-walker. They are
diseased. The disease U progressing
day by day. The time comes when one
more step away from health is fatal.
The man who has suffered from indi
gestion or gastric trouble
goes some night to a
dinner and returns home
to find he has taken that
last step from health
which can never be tak
en back.
To neglect the cure
of indigestion or some
other form of stomach
trouble is dangerous. It
is also inexcusable. "Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures diseases
of the stomach aud other
organs of digestion and
nutrition. It purifies
the blood, stimulates the
liver, cures biliousness.
stud eliminates bilious.
poisons from the xy&- I
"The praise I would like
to zlve yotir tioldva Mtiltcal
IR WJ nlK-orery' I cannot utler in
Pi words or describe with peu,
writes Jas B. Ambrose, Ki..
of laoj !i Mifflin St., Hunt
Incrdon. Pa. I was taken
wltn what our physicians Mid was Indigestion.
I doctored with the best around here ami fonnd
no relief. Z wrote you, and you advised me to
use Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I
took three bottles and I fait so good that I
stopped being cured. I have no symptoms of
gastric trouble or indifesUoa now.'
If you ask your dealer for "Golden
Medical Discovery" because you have
confidence in Its cureA4o not allow
yourself to be switched oft to a medicine
claimed to be "lust as good," but which
you did not usk for and of which you
know nothing
You can get the People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser, icoS pages, pa
per covers, free by sending 31 one-cent
stamps, to pay expense of walling only
Addrs Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. ,Y.
-I MllH.il ll'sJI
Bargains in
And there are none bettei put up
anywhere, are handled by us.
No matter what you desire in
canned goods come to us and get
Monopole Brand and then go
home and be satisfied for you al
ways get satisfaction in this brand.
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Gray's Harbor
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms, Stock RancheB
and Uit' Property to sell
than ever before. Also a big
lot of land in the coming
wheat s.ction of Eastern
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
. Celling, .Rustic and Finish,
iu all gradMi. Alw all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and ShlngleH.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper uud Apple
Boxes U complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Dispot
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
. ..Pine..
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone JMata Si
: Spec
i Barga
Rainy Day
sea e 8segs
Glangl Olangl Beer
As it beats out in rythJ
our success in carriage
repairing. Felloe or
or spring, seat or sid
one to us. We put in
materials with a know
paint or varnish, and
vehicle SDick and sDan!
but as to expense. Thai
1 i vw
Smiles ol Satfcfaa
AUvavs ornamtntil
i I ni
countenances u
patrons. QmUi
i fir !. tk .(!
ary vvoisu'-a
ol periecuw.
finish so greatlj I
Court and Thompsons
ved ana
.A ia f Poultry!
car juau -,
stock supplies at inl
127 and. 129 East Altf
ahalT.es : J
OIIBUUi""" a
111 nulls wt. " -
.v h UIANT
JOB. pfftC.