East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 17, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Our Annual Clearance S.ilo is in full swing
Three Great Specials
Black Clay Worsted Suits at $8. J 5
Aubuta Meltons at $9.60
Blue Serge at $9.60
Bargains in Overcoats, Shoes, rlabrancl 'Furnish
Baei? & Daley
One-Price Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
Report of Special Agent Greene, Who
Investigated the Officer's Career,
Said to Be Very Spicy Reading and
Very Convincing.
Washington. Jnn. 17. Snrvcyor-
Cieneral Meldrum will bo suspended
Raldness Cured by Destroying
Parasite Germ That Causes It.
Baldness follows falling hnir. fall
ing: bnlr followa clnn.lruft. and dan
druff is the result of a Bonn dlgfilng
Its way into the scalp to the root or
the hair where It snr the vitality ot
the hall. To destroy thai genu a to
prevent as well ns to oure dandruff,
falling hair. ami. lnstly. ba dnosH.
The-e Is only one preparation known
... ,i ,iit N'ewbro's Herpirldo, an
..niirnU new. scieniinc dlseoveryJ
vi.nx.vM It has been -tried It has
atit Hill I !
The official figures are that -1714
persons lost their lives and 33,112
houses were destroyed as a result of
the recent earthquake at Andljan,
Russian Turkestan.
For the first time iu many years the
Thames is frozen over. At Marlow,
England, the lee Is nearly an iuch
thick. Drift ice has formed in solid
packs on the river at Windsor, nnd
The secretary ot the Interior ha?
approved the selection of the North
ern Pacific railroad under grant, em
bracing G891 acres in the Oregon City
land district, and 12.14G acres In the
State of Washington.
, Through the alleged interference of
a messenger boy. a wreck was caus
ed on the Baltimore & Ohio road east
of Cumberland early Friday, In which
four employes of the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad were killed and three Injur
ed. A bill was Introduced in the Mis
souri legislature Friday to establish a
whipping po3t for persons convicted
of petit larceny. The bill provides
that a constable -will inflict from 10
to SO lashes, according to the sentence
ot the court.
Hotel Pendleton.
"W R domiciling, Portland .
William Maher. Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
William Kenbaur, Portland.
R. O .Thompson, Portland.
W. T. Hislop, Portland.
J. E. Duke'nart. Portland.
J. H. Kloeckncr, Portland.
Mrs. J. R. Keeny, Elgin.
A. Buiinard, Kansas City.
Roscoe S. Seeds, Spokane.
C. Gundee, British Columbia.
The Colden Rule.
J. D. Enis, New York.
C. E Boulder, Frankfort.
T. W. Lusk. La Grande.
.M. Morrison. Adams.
G. T. West, New York.
M. P. Morris, Heppner.
R. E .Porter and wife, Meacham.
E. Kirk. Niagara.
O. D. Galley, Portland.
Ira ti. Brown, Moscow.
Margaret Strellnauer, Moscow.
Mrs. Henry Taylor, Echo.
Myrtle Helwort, Athena.
Martha Bonefer, Athena.
H. J. Biddle, Portland.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
W. D. 'Murks, Spoknno.
M. F. Roddy, city.
B. B. Richards, Helix.
J. P. McManus, Adams.
Finds Way to ulve Long.
The startling announcement of a
discovery that will surely lengthen
Eight young persons coasting on a . life, is made by Editor O. H. Downey,
long sled on the Mulberry street hill at
Scranton, Pa., Thursday night, were
hurled against a telegraph pole by the
sled striking a smaller sled. AH wero
seriously injured and four of them
will probably die.
Rudyard Kipling has declined to
of Churubusco, Ind. "I wish to state,"
he writes, "that Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption Is the moat
infallible remedy that I have ever
known for coughs, colds nnd grip. It's
Invaluable to people with weak lungs.
Having this wonderful medicine, no
one need dread pneumonia or con
permit the Ladies' Relief Society of sumption. Its relief Is instant and
uuKiunu 10 puonsn a caicnuar con
talning excerpts from his works. The
calendar was to have been sold for
the financial benefit of the Old Ladles'
Home at Alden. Cal.
Jose Yves Limantour. the Mexican
statesman who. It Is said, is almost
certain to succeed Porfirio Diaz in the
presidency of the republic, was recent
ly claimed to be ineligible to that of
fice and . alleged to be a .foreign-born
citizen. This assertion, however, was
recently exploded, and Limantour
shown to have been born in the City
of Mexico.
cure certain." Tallman & Co. guar
antee every 50c and ?1 bottle, and
give trial bottles free.
At the annual meeting of the Ore
gon Hopgrowers' Association, Thurs
day, in Portland, a bill was framed
to be presented to the legislature pro
viding for a hop inspector.
Two men have been caught in Doug
las county and brought back to an
swer the charge ot stealing horses
liom the ranch ot W. M. Morris, near
Rock Point, east of Grant's Pass.
Superintendent Shelter, of the Rai
nier forest reserve, has debarred a
large number of sheepmen from graz
ing privileges this year on account of
violation of the rules governing the
Excellent samples of coal have been
hrought into Grant's Pass by miners
from the Upper Applegate district.
The discoverers report that the vein
uncovered has a width of 22 feot. and
that the whole fate of the ledge shows
the same quality of the black dia
mond. Hawaii's protest against tbo plan
to placo the Molakia leper settlement
under federal control and make it
national lazaretto, will be voiced by
the Honolulu Chambor of Commerce,
Merchants' Association, Builders' nnd
Traders' Exchange, Republican Terri
torial Central Committee and other
The Smith River Bounty Asuocia
Liveliest of Its Size in the World.
"Beyond doubt Seattle Is the livell
est town of Its size In the world,"
said ex-Govornor Frank Steunenborg
Of Idaho.
"I have Just come from tliere and
can state truthfully that it is a won
der. The way the people throng the
f-treets reminds one of some grent
Eastern metropolis. There is not a
vacant store or residence, and the
people can hardly handle the busl
: ess. There is no prospect of a ces
sation of this marvelous activity, and
its citizens seem to have good reason
for their faith that it will not take
many years for Seattle to reach San
Francisco In population and wealth.";
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With local applications, as they cannot
reach the (eat of the disease. Catarrh Is
a blood or constlutlonal disease, and In
order to cure It you must take Internal
remedies. Ball's Catarrh Care Is taken In
teraallr, and acta directly on the mucous
surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a
cack medicine. It was Drescrlbwl br
enc of the best physicians In tbU country
ror years and is a regular prescription.
It Is composed of the beat tonics known,
combined with the best blocd purifiers,
rctlng directly on the mucous surfaces.
nie uertect comoinauon or. ine two ingre
dients Is what produces such wonderful
results In curias catarrh. Send for tea
timonlals tree.
F. 3. CHENEY & CO.. Props Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
trr.m nfllon tvltllln TI fnf llltVS illRt HR I tfrmitltrftlllr BllCCCSRftll. It
soon as arrangements can lie madeccnt . otherwise, because it utterly
to send fiome competent man to Port-j aestrov- the dandruff germ. "You de
land temporarily to tnko charge of the , stro. "ti,P muse, you remove the of
oillco. George E. Waggoner. Mel-, tPrl
drum's chief clerk. Is to be dismissed J
Mum the service, his previous reslg-l cheap Rates Westbound,
nation ami the acceptance or the same! From February 15 to April 30, 1P03.
by Commissioner Hermann being to-, inclusive, the O. R. & N. Co. will
tally Ignored as having no bearing In t i,r ve or sale tickets from Missouri
the case whatever. - i River liolnts to Pendleton for $22.f0 ;
It was slated by sovoral officials iiom St Paul $25.00: from St. J.ouis,
lhat Meldnim Is making himself rl- S'JT.BO. Call on the O. R. & N. tUket
diculous by declaring what he will do ueent for full particulars.
nnd what the department must do.1
It is a matter of precedent nnd of, To Leave Umatilla,
record that the secretary of the In- j Mr. Bell, a rnrmer who lives about
terlor can remove Meldrum from of-: throe miles north-of town, expects to
flee; when there Is a cause. In Identl-isell his farm of 320 acres hero and
rally the same mannor that he recent-! remove to Franklin count.v. Wnshlug
Iv relieved the chief of the drafting ton, where he has bought a section of
division of the general land office. It land Mr. Hell has lived In this vlcln
Is a power given him by law, nnd for' in about 14 yenrs.
any subordinate employe to declare
that "they'll find they have more to
do than file charges before they get
rid of me," plnces him Jn nn 'absurd
The department has no Idea of
"scaring Meldrnm Into resigning,"
which he seems to believe Secretary
Hitchcock's intention. He will not he
allowed the privilege ot resigning. He
Is to be forced out of the service un
der charges. The suspension of Mel
drum Is only a step In the direction
of ultimately dismissing htm uutright.
There are reasons why he is not cut
off altogether at this time, which rea-!
sons will be made known in good sea- J
The Investigation which Meldrum
appears to welcome will not be made;
It has been concluded, and a mass of
testimony Is now before the secretary.
being examined In detail. There is no!
necessity whatever for more facts. I
.Enough aro now available tc show
beyond any question the necessity for1
a new surveyor-general and a new
chief clerk.
When Secretary Hitchcock was told
ot Waggoner's statement that he was
ready to "meet any charges that
might be made against him." he!
asked: ,
"Is lie ready to go before a grand
jury to meet them?"
The remark Is significant, and is-
taken to mean that, on the facts now
on record, some one connected wlthl
the surveyor-general's office Is to be
proceeded against through the courts, I
having made himself crimlnnllv tin..
Just what the report of Snecial'
Agent Greene -contains Is not told, but
Is said to be very spicy reading and1
very convincing. It is known that the,
report casts no reflections on Mel
dnim's ability as a surveyor. This Is
admitted. He Is nt fault more as an
administrative official than as a sur
veyor. He himself admits in his in
terview one of the serious charges
hrought against him, that of being ad
dicted to drink, adding that when he
urmics ho keeps away from the office.
It Is this drink that is charged against
him. With a eomnntrmt nlorlpnt fnroo I
it is said here that the office could!
I have n full line of Fire
Arms, Hunting Coats
Knives and all kinds of
Seo display in window.
74 Main Street
tail i mra mini ,
My IlUk sti.i a luilr tliil not jirovr. It was
harsh ami ir,;inl uiM tn-c.iW oil. ami her
Ecalo xm full of fin fl.tt'.lruf tJi.it I oiultlnot
comb out. A pl.R'u .tiouml tin buck of Iter
Iienil w:i- Uil , &nl 01: Hi- toi ot her IkmiI the
Iu(r wad onlv two or thrm Inchi'- Ion jr. 1
ueU Ct'TicuiiA &i.U' uih( Mjiue ltticuba
Ointment, ami her huh h.tM-inm In tliifk and
asHiftasulll. Mit. A. DoWNl.Y, Airrvi.,0.
Warm tJmpAMwUh C tici ha Str m.l hgh' Jr.
lor with Ipii 'M, rii'i-t f tm(iiet, r h c'rtr
tfitftilpjn l ia r( c ui -ei'es.i..'! ijiudrufl, leeth
IrriUtMsUi f .Ah Sliili',M-
315 East Court Street.
B 4 U By
Piano ot Organ
Easy Payment Plan
ir a way. run Itself If Meldrum never ;utf lMflllK'? CAMnilft
put in appearance. But when the gov- inH-WMUfl"' rfllUU
frit 111 Ofl t tllVC tilrvi n mm.l,...
ornment pays him a regular salary.;
It expects his full services and his!
full time, and If one man Is too busy1
wtlh drink to give this service, the 1
department believes there wllj be no
difficulty In getting someone else who
can fill the place satisfactorily. A
reputation as a surveyor Is not the
only requisite for the office.
All kinds of imported lunches,
hot wiener wur.st, sauerkraut and
pigs feet at
Main Streets near Postoffice
We have the largest stock of carpets, outside of Portland
the state. Tins is an undisputable fact, We offer better I
gains than can be had in Eastern Oregon, another fact wl
is proven by the low prices we are offering.
Next door to Postoffice.
We announce that we have opened undertaking parlors
connection with our furniture and carpet store and will ansn
calls day or night. Phone Black 273.
Having sold all my carpets, I now offer the balance oj
stocic tor sale, regardless ot cost, ine goous to uc soia consist 1
Piber Matting, ugs, Lace Curtains, Portieres,
Paper, Sewing Machines, Pictures and Pictor
Hose Company Officers.
Protection Hose Company elected
officers for the ensuing year at their
meeting last night. The now board
Is as follows: It. W. Fletcher, presU
dent; J. L. Sharon, treasurer; w. II.
Harrison, secretary; Charles Oreultch,
foreman; Peter Youug, first assistant
foreman; N. Drink, second assistant
Bound to See the Point.
"Now," said the Eastern teacher In
New .Mexico, "of course you don't put!
pins in your teacher's chair?"
"Of course not," yelled the wholo,
class, "we put cactus buds."
New, Century Comfort.
Millions are dally finding a world
nf rnmfnrf fn Ttnrklpn'ii Amirn flnlvp.
tlon of Montana, has become alarmed
over tho tremeiulous increase or lack i brulsea; conquers ulcers and fever
sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum,
bolls and felons; removes corns and
warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only
25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store.
rabbits as a result of the killing of
wolves and coyotes, which has been
Btlmulated tho last few years by lib
eral bounties, and an appropriation
may be asked of the legislature to
help defray the expense of a proposed
big war of extermination.
Imported llmburger and
cheese sandwiches at Qratz's.
w Typewriter paper Large
f( assortment direct from the
g Carbon Paper Multi-kopy
ja Berkshire and Invincible,
s all colors.
i Webster, Royal, Diamond
g and Gerber typewriter rib-
s bons.
Blank books of all kinds
at bed rock prices.
See our combination ink
set, worth 2.50, our price
Book and Stationery Store
Going oat of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come early and
select a bargain
Is reached in BYER8 BEST Better flour cannot be m
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Byeis' Km'
Flour, which is right for bread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
. OSTEOPATHY is common sense. . It will bear vestjg5
ic 5n l.armnnv with Nnhiro'o lowm c1lrm fatlfi and ncVCf 0 1
It is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Magnetic nor El"K'h
ing. It is based upon a correct knowlege of anatomy ami V
gy. A large per cent of so-called incurable cases are 1,eaie.
method. The following especially are treated Eye, ear anu
heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, bladder and uretlial cus,"
stomach and intestinal troubles, all dislocations and d10tmj
vous diseases, general diseases. BlseaBBS of Women a SpM181
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Murphy & Langever, Proprs U UuLllLlil ljU