DMDfENjNBEDlTIDH Eastern Oregon Weather Its " m""0" u' rr, w r A wPFK. Tonight and Sunday, generally fair PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OllEGON, SATUHDAY, JANUABY 11, 1903. NO. iG-itf 111"' HERS MEET ates Arriving at Indian a's for the Thirty-first 8ual Convention. CTED THAT FULLY 1200 i DELEGATES WILL ATTEND the Largest and Most Import- j letting Ever Held Dy Miners lAik for an Increase In Pay Mitchell to Be Given an ident ipolls, Ind., Jan. 17. Dele- e arriving for tho thirty-first convention of tho United Workers of America, which will Mocday in -romlinson Hall. It led that fully 1200 delegate? ad, and there is some appre- tlat the body will prove un u this Is tho largest labor loo ever held. emvention will bo not only tho bat tho ciost Important in the ol Ihe organization. The great ia the Pennsylvania anthracite ud tho many smaller strikes tear will bo reported by the ud an explanation made of trosccation. The roport of Fres Mlttlell will deal with tho an itrlke and will bo long. The el Secretary nnd Treasurer Wll Tin include tho roportB of tho and executive committees on Torit durlnc tho year. The lat retorts, covering tno uisDurse U for relief during uio umurucue sulll contain the 'largest figures known In a lauor organization :dil report. Is understood that the. minora ask for an Increase of from 10 to c.nt in wages, Imt this will pe ibornly resisted by tho operators e Joint wa?o conferenco -which follow the miners' convention, ( foundation for their Btrlke was Utoe last January, bat as the de lta, ot tie arbitration commission itj tmn a period of three years iej may not be vitally concerned In U proceMfiigs. Proldait Mitchell will preside over proceedings and it Is expected a Bbcr of promlnont labor leaders In ier JeMs will occupy places on the ecra as lnlr-ested auditors. The t order of business to come before Ncpening session Monday morning P m tie report of tho cerdentlals (niUee. This, will require consld ft time, though It Is understood jre no contestta to speak of for wg of delegates. The commit rules nnd order of business will K announced by President Mlt Immediately following he will annual report. In their or follow the annual ronort of went Lewis and Secretary nrcr Wilson. The reading reports is expected to occu hole of the first day of the on and the election of office Hy will not bo reached be- nay Prudent Mitchell and 7 ana Treasurer Wlltpn stand uon without onnoslt on. and probabli) that Vice-President llfbe renamed by acclama- 'sa some talk is heard of op- ranainates for ha office. Jf the executive committee W eleotpd nnd flnlnrrataa o represent the organization i annual convention of the feneration of Labor. toe delegates already nn hn I a much talk in favor of Ultti HC tinan mmfA (n fle salaries paid to President -rament Mitchell in Jisnn creiary Wilson receives w"ng tho anthraclto strike ' J!ers contributed 25 per ljC "'"""kb to tno defense paying their regular as 7 it .la suggested that Pres- .T?"leS salary fthnnld h In. ?m 3000 and that of unions In pioparlng for the event and Mr. Mitchell will be escorted from the station to the convention head tjuarters by an imposing procession headed, by bands of music. In tho evening ho will bo the guest at n big public reception In his honor. Meeting of Woolgrowers. Kansas City. Mo., Jan. 17. The feature of the closing day of the great gathering of persons Interested In the livestock Industry held hero this week was tho nnnual mooting of the Na tional Woolgrowers' Association. The meeting was well attended and num erous matters affecting the interests of those ongagdd In tho Industry wore aiscussed. Chief among the questions to receive attention was tariff re vision, insofar at It may relate to wool, lildes and polts. Eminent Churchmen to Attend. Wnterbury, Conn., Jan. 17. A num ber of well known priests and prelates of tho Roman Catholic church are here to take part In the ceremonies tomor row Incident to the dedication of the j new portion of St. Patrick's church. Cardinal Gibbons is expected to say tho mass and Bishop Tierney, of Hart- loru, is to officiate at the dedicatory ceremony. Otheo eminent churchmen will also take part. 117 SUPPLY CMS President Mitchell Bitterly At tacks the Coal Operators . for Their Bad Faith. IN DEFIANCE OF AGREEMENT LOCKED OUT 3000 MINERS THE GIT! GHftRTER Petition With 250 Signatures Now in the Hands of the Promoters. Monument to Von Ketteler. Poktn, Jan. 17. The monument to Baron Von Ketteler, the German min ister who was killed In Pekln shortly after tho outbreak of tho Boxer trou bles, will be dedicated tomorrow, Chi neso and German officials participat ing In the ceremonies. The monument is a white marble arch spanning the principal street at the spot where Baron Von Ketteler was nssassinated. On ralaitil I i it uii l , a Proportion. ii.: jr" the sessions .of thn R5 wiche" la not flxpected tTf-neforo next Mnndnv n , ,7 i has never boforo boen tUL": Business ',Hlc wun the labor BELATED ST. LOUIS ARRIVES MANY PASSENGERS WILL BRING DAMAGE SUITS. Report That the Vessel Put to Sea In Bad Condition Trip Took Thirteen Days and Five Houre Officers Complain of Leaky Boilers. Now York, Jan. 17. The Belated St. Louis was sighted off Fire Island at 0 o'clock this morning. The Hamburg American liner Pennsylvania, arrived In quarantine a few hours before. She reports that sho fell in with tho St. Louis steaming slowly. A boat from the St. Louis boarded her and sent mall. The officers said the boilers wero leaking so badly they could onI steam five knots an hour in good weather. The St.. Louis has abundant provis ions and there is no danger of discom fort. The Pennsylvania brought 13 seamen being the entire crew taken off the disabled Norwegian steamer Slggon, In mid-ocean. The SIggen was loaded with steel, bound for New Haven. During the storm she lost her propeller and rud der and was leaking. Before board ing the Pennsylvania, the captain opened her seacocks sinking the ves sel to avoid menacing navigation. The vessel had been drifting lielplessly for five days. Put "to Sea in Bad Condition. New York, Jan. 17. Many passen gers on the St. Louis say they will bring damigo suits as the vessel put to sea In bad condition, being only a dny out when the speed was re duced. The trip took thirteen days and five hours. The first person to board her was an agent sent by Oris com, after-which not' even the deck hands could bo Induced to "talk as etrlct Instructions for silence had been made. Resolutions of Censure. The St. Louis docked at 11:10. Thousands had assombled on the pier. The passengers wero very indignant and passed resolutions at sea, declar Ing that after a thorough lnvestlga tlon they find that tho steamer enter ed Southampton In an unseaworthy condition; that she sailed the follow ing day, taking no time for repairs, Her condition was known to the com pany, which Is severely condemned, They presented a petition to the captain asking either to be put aboard eomo westbound vessel, or have the steamer run to Halifax If feasible, Tno captain declined to do cither. The resolution concludes by saying tbnt It Is a matter of regret that a steamer popularly supposed to be a first-class vessel, should not be sup plied with tho Marconi system, the want of which was soverely felt dur ing the voyage. Because it Would Cost a Little Money the Operators Will Not Move- the Breakers From Over the Shafts Lives of Miners Endangered Money Weighed Against Human Lives. Philadelphia, Jan. 17. A sensation In today's anthracite hearing came when President Mitcholl bitterly at tacked tho coal operators, charging them with bad faith in having locked out 3000 miners in defiance of their agreement with the commission. Ue taid the present scarcity of coal was a result of the failure on the part of the coal carrying roads to supply cars. The testimony of the witnesses was along tho usual lines. Judge Gray brought out by a question that the breakers are being built over the coal shafts, thus endangering the lives of the men. There Is a law against It, but the collieries wero built before said law was passed. Gray said they should be compell ed to move. A mine superintendent ou. the stand said it would cost too much to move them. Gray replied that money was not to be weighted against human lives. BODY OF BUCK INTERRED. the At the Request of His Widow, Services Were Very Simple. Washington, Jan. 17. The body of the late United States minister to Japan, Buck, arrived this morning. The Japanese minister and almost the entire embassy was In the party which escorted it to the cemetery. Colonel Michael represented the state depart ment, and General Johnson and Ma jor Homey the army. Hanna, Foraker, Grosvenor and Warneck represented the Loyal Legion of Ohio, to which aucic belonged. His widow requested no display, hence the services were very simple. SENATOR SMITH EXPLAINS HIS POSITION ON THE CHANGE MASSACRED BY GUARDS. Two Hundred and Fifty Macedolans Are Ambushed by Turkish Guards and Killed. Vienna, Jan. 17. Die Information today received a report that 250 Mac edonians returning home from Kos teidt, Bulgaria, were massacred by the Turkish frontier guards. The inhabi tants of tho neighboring villages are lieelng, terror stricken, to the hills. Henry Meyer, a saloon-keeper of Portland, lies at the Good Samaritan hospital hovering between life nnd death from a pistol shot wound over tho heart by three unknown men who entered his saloon about 1 o'clock Friday morning, presumably for the purpose of robbery. , .Big Auto Sho'w Opens. New York, Jan. 17. Proof of tho rapid advance that America has made hi automobile construction is given at Madison Square Garden, where the aimual -automobile show opened to- tlay. Two years ago the makers were copying foreign machines, hut the dis play at this year's show furnishes con vincing evidence of the originality and mechanical genius of tho American workmen. The models show that al though speed is the main considera tion amonif many manufacturers es pecial attention also Is being given to the appearance and comfort of the carriages. Another innovation notice' Says Petitions Must Have a Majority of Representative People Evidence That a Change Is Wanted, Must Be Conclusive Cannot Accept the Wishes of Any One Class - as Final. While tho petitioners for the pro posed change In the city charter to 1'rovlde for the election of recorder and marshal' are expecting Dr. Smith to introduce the measure, the doctor, In conversation with an East Oregon Ian reporter, said: "I shall Introduce and suppcrt the measure provided the evidence Is so conclusive that it cannot be caviled at, that a majority of the representa tive people of the city want the change. By representative people, I mean, not a majority, or even all of any one, two or three classes of peo ple. I mean representative in the broad sense that Includes the me chanics and common laborers no less than the wealthy people." A. w. Nye, who Is one of the active promoters of tho scheme, has secured tho signatures ot 250 voters to one petition requesting the legislature to stake the change. There are two other petitions of the same Import, In clrcu latlon. The exact language of the pe tition Is as follows: "We, the undersigned voters of the city of Pendleton, respectfully pet! tion the legislators of the state at the present biennall session, to amend the city charter of the city of Pendle ton so as to provide for the election of city marhsal and city recorder by direct vote instead of by appoin ment as now provided. The members of the legislature from Umatilla coun ty are especially requested to secure such an amendment to -the city char. ter." GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by the Coe Commission Company I, C. Major Local Manager, Room 4, Associa tion Block. . Chicago, Jan. 17. Cables wero strong on tho opening, but closed steady at i advance Tho cash de mand was good and receipts were light, being only 40 cars. Minneapo lis, 2S1 cars against 470 samo day Inst year; Duluth, 15 cars, against 35 fiamo day last year. May wheat clos ed strong at V4 advance from yester day's close. Today's range of May wheat, 77T6 79. Opened 78 74U Closed. 78 74 Wheat- May . . . July ... Corn May 44 U July 43 Oats May 3GV6 Pork May 1(145 Minneapolis, Jan. 17. Wheat Opened May 77 July 78 Now York, Jan. 17. Wheat Openod May 81 Livestock. U. S. Stockyards, Chicago, Jan. 17. Hogs 20,000; left over, COOO; slow at yesterday's decline. Light, fS 0 IB; mixed, $6.206.80; heavy, JG.30 STCflO; yorkers, $G.156.25. Cattle 20,000, unchanged. Sheep 20,000, market steady. 43 43 35" . 1642 Closed. 77 78 Closed. 82 Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 17. Wheat 78 cents per bushel. A GOAL RAID IN TOLEDO OHIO FLAT SALARY BILL. All State Platforms Last Spring Asked for This Reform Would Pay Gov- ernor $5,000 State Treasurer Low est on the List With $3,000. Salem, Jan. 17. Senator M. A. Mil ler, of Linn county, has Introduced a bill In the senate that proposes the placing of the four principal state of ficers on flat salaries. This bill Is pre sented by Mr. Miller In good faith since all the platforms of tho different parties In the recent state campaign contained a plank demanding that state officers bo placed on flat salaries and that all fees be turned Into the htato treasury The bill proposes Kalarles as follows: Governor ,...$5,000 Secretary of state . . , 4,000 State treasurer , 3,000 State printer 4,500 The measure further provlres as follows: ah luws in reierence to the pay ment of fees or perquisites to any of said officers shall remain In force, ex cept that all fees or perquisites to be paid to any of said officers by existing laws shall bo collected by such of' fleers, hut no part thereof shall be re tulned by him, but shall be paid over to the atato treasurer mpnthly, to ho credited to th genera fund of the state of Oregon. No salaries are fixed for the su able Is fhn use nf aluminum in hnrfv construction, this material saving con-l"c,no JuriKes, clerk of the supreme slderable weight and also furnishing court' superintendent of public In a body for tho finest kind of painting, atructlon or attorney-general. The The gasoline machines predominate. secUon relating to fees applies only although there Is a goodly showing of steam and electric vehicles. Improve ments In tires; wheels and aecessorles are also shown. May Recover. Columbia, Jan. U. Gonzales' con dition is unchanged. The physicians say that if he lasts the day out he will have a chance for recovery. To Arbitrate Strike. Baltimore, Jan. 17. Cardinal Gib bons left this morning for Waterbury Conn.,, where he will arbitrate thr trolley strike. M. Cabot Dead. Paris, Jan. 17.T-M. Cabot, the auth or of the libretto of the "Chimes of Normandy," died today aged 83. to existing laws', and not to laws which may hereafter be passed for the collection of other fees. It is provided that as to the state printer tho law shall not take effect until 1907, An emergency clause Is attached, declaring that It is neces sary for the Immediate preservation of the public peace and safety that the act take pffeet upon the approval of the governor. In reference to the reported serious rebellion in the Kwang-Si province, a dispatch from Shanghai says that the provincial governor. Wang Chi Chun, purposely permits an Increase of brigandago; magnifying, the opera tions of tho local, bandettl Into a seri ous rebellion with the deliberate pur pose of afterward invoking the assist ance of the French troops. FIVE CAR8 CONFISCATED WHILE CROWD CHEERED Railway Officials Strove to Check the Raid Large Crowd Gathered to Witness the Performance. Toledo, O., Jan. 17. Two hundred men raided somo coal cars on the Wheeling road at noon, well equipped with wagons and other means of transportation and carried away five rars of coal consigned to tho Mallea ble Casting Company. The railway officials strove to check tho raid. A large crowd witnessed and cheered the performance. BREAKING THE L L 1 The Chicago Grand Jury Will Not Bo Able to Convict tho Millionaire Anarchists. TO RETURN INDICTMENT8 TO TE8T NEW LAW. As They Are Rich, the Jury May Let Them Off by Holding Them' Up to Public Reproach In the Meanwhile People Are Freezing. Chicago, Jan. 17. Tho grand Jury finished hearing tho testimony con cerning tho coal conspiracy this morning. There Is doubt as to tho Jury's ability to secure convictions on tho proof oftorod. It may return In dictments against 10 millionaire deal ers and operators to teat the law. If not, they will mako a roport denounc ing them as guilty of breaking tho moral law and holding thorn up to pub lic reproach. FOR UNIFORM STANDARD. Secretary Shaw Makes Speech Beforo Pan-American Congress. Now York, Jan. 17. Secretary of tho Treasury Shaw, In a speech beforo tho Pan-American Customs Congress this morning, on tariff, advocated as a means of increasing tho trade- of tho South American republics, an im provement ot tho meaus of inter-com-munlcatiou, uniform standards of weights and measures, Interchangea ble currency and ultimately a common language. New Method of Travel. Paris. Jan. 17. Much Interest at- FUNERAL TRAIN PAS8ES. Large Crowd of Citizens Pay Respects to Oregon's Dead. The train bearing the remains of Hon. Thomas H. Tongue, arrived In Pendleton at 9 o'clock this moraine. and was met at the depot by Mayor Halley nnd tho committee of cltlzenn appointed yesterday evening. A largo number of friends nnd nc qualutance3 of Mr. Tongue, hesidos many citizens of Pendleton who only knew him as a public servant, were also present to pay the tribute ot re spect to tho dead congressman. A beautiful floral wreath, nrenared by S. H. Foreshaw. was "resented bv the committee. The train left Pendleton at 9:45 and v. HI arrive in Portland at 8 o'clock to night. tuclics to tho experiment to bo mado tomorrow ot tho now system of rail way traevling by automobile Ar rangements havo been mado for a train of threo automobile carriages to leavo tho Hotel do VIJlo tomorrow, morning -for Dijon, Tho train will travel C2 miles an hour, Tho carrlagon will take 40 passengers each, as well as luggugo, and a lavatory and bar will bo provided. Under the system employed a small quantity of petro leum converts a small quantity of wa ter Into the greatest posslblo propell ing power, tho steam acting directly; on the wheels, Thus locomotives are superseded and each carriage la In dependent. Tho promotoiB of tho ven ture believe that a speed of more than 60 miles an hour can lie maintained; lor the whole dlstnnce from Paris to Nice. Indians In Town. Quito a number of Indians are in town, but they are either ex-vneci. nationlsts or Immunes for tho most part. Several put In an appearance today, however who were neither, and the attention of tho nollco helne mil. cd to them they were notified to do tneir trading wtihout delay and go henco. As a matter of fact, those In. dians who wish to come to town have nttio trouble In doing so, provided they wish to travel several miles to get Into town, as it 1b Imnoa- ii ... ...... uwie 10 rnio city s pickets to take care or tno entiro reservation frontier.' Dr. Marvin's Lecture. Rev. M. H. Marvlu's lecturo nn Gladstone" attracted nulto a larirn audience and to everyone present the ciscourse was a treat. Mr. Marvin has the faculty of teaching the most beautiful lessons from tho "Grand Old Man's" life In the most attractive vay, and tho result Is a discourse of rare attractiveness and artnt vnino from an educational standpoint. More over, the lecture from a literary point of vlow, Is a more than ordinary production. Assigned to La Grande, Lieutenant WIeman. who lias had barge of the Salvation Armv nnat here for some tlmo, has been assign ed .to La Grande. Tho lleutonant Is an earnest Christian worker, and can be depended upon by the people of La as such. Dinner for Secretary Hay. New York, Jan. 17. Socratary of State Hay camo over from Washing ton today to attend tho dinner to b given In Mi honor this evening by the Ohio Society of Now York. Tho utfalr takeB placo at tho Waldorf-Astoria and promises to bo a brilliant oveut. All tho foreign ambassadors to tho Uujtcd States havo uc.cppted the In vitation of the society and wll) honor the occasion by their prcsonco as will ulso many prominent Htato officials and other representative citizens of the state of Ohio. Cardinal Seraflno Vannutelll ha been appointed vice-chancellor of tho Catholic church in succession to Car dinal Parocchl, who riled Thursday, Tho haste with which tho popo filled tho vacant ofllco Is much commonted upon. Cardinal Vannutelll Is now re garded as probable successor of I'opo Leo, as vice-chancellor of tho church Is oho of tho highest positions In tho papacy. Thos. Gahagan Mining: Broker Office with Hartman Abstract Co, Pendleton, Oregon, Buys and sells stocks in all min ing companies, SOUTH POLE STOCK A Specialty, Mining claims fought and sold. BUY SOUTH POLE mssm