East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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High top box calf, repnilar price
$3.50. tale price $3.00.
Enamel, welt sole, resiilar price
14.00,'sale price (3.35.
Kid. welt sole, regular price $4.00
sale price $3.00.
All broken lines, tegular price
$2.60, sale price ?l.Po.
Children's and Mlcsos Shoes
Bed School House shoes, sizes
13 to H, regular price 1.60,
sate price $1 10.
Muxes' high top box calf,- elzs
11J to lJv, reKiiIar prico $2.25,
sale price ll.BG.
Children'? high top box calf, 8& .
to 11, w re 11.85, now J1.60.
Knamel, good style, welt sole, regular price t 1)0. ale prico $5.00.
French calf, welt ole, regular price 10.00, fale p toe $5.00.
Patent calf, congress, turn sole, regular price $5.00, sale price $3.50.
Bmdmger, Wilson & Co.,
Phone Main ti&l
El Etnbysk, of Union, Is 1 ntown
C. I. Lisle and wife, of Echo, are in
the city today.
John McCourt went to Unl n today
on legal business.
M. AI. Wyrlck returned' yesterday
evening from Ecno. "--
O. D. Teel, a prominent farmer from
Echo, is in the city today on business
Senator Smith Is home for a few
days, arriving from Salem this morn
The family of Courtwrlghts, near
Pilot Rock is afflicted with tho mea
sles. H. T. Hendryx, postmaster at Sump
ter, is in town today en route to Spo
kane Mr. Nobler, of Freowater, is here
negotiating for the sale of fruit lands
near Freewater.
Miss Mable Anderson, of Salt Lake
City, Utah, is tho guest of Mrs. F. W
Vincent this week.
W. F. Elsa, of San Francisco, Is the
guest today of Mrs. Longley. He Is
en route to Athena on business.
L. W. Lusk, of La Grande, Is in tlio
city on his way to Weston, to spend
a few days with relatives and friends'.
J. "W. Kimbrell, county surveyor,
returned last night from a trip
through the-southern part of the coun
ty. - -A son was born this week to Ralph
Stansficld and wife, of Butter Creek,
who are temporarily residing in Pen
dleton. Sheriff Till C. Taylor, of Umatilla
county, is attending to official busi
ness In this city today. Oregon Dally
Pendleton circle No. 627. of the Wo
men of Woodcraft, gives a ball tonight
in Music Hall. Music by Kirkman's
F. R. Hanke, traveling freight and
passenger agent for the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, was in
the city last evening.
Mrs. Belle JCellar, of Montana, who
has been visiting her friend, Mrs. M.
A. Sheridan, left this morning for
Walla Walla, to visit with friends
Mrs. M. J. Crowner 4ias returned
Irom Huron, where she has been vis-
This celebrated line of
Perfumes, Toilet Water and
Toilet Soaps are now han
dled fcv us. If you want
something exquisitely nice,
ask for Colgates.
ltlng her son, Charles Crowner, whoso
little son has been very 111. The cnlld
is very much better.
Major F. S. Ivanboe, of La Grande,
and Will Wright, cashier of the First
National Bank of Union, passed
through Pendleton this morning on a
short visit to Portland and Salem.
H. S. Stlllman is in receipt of let
ters from distant points, and so many
cf them as to make certain that the
interest in the forthcoming tourna
ment is widespread and certain to re
sult in a largo attendance from
Tom Jordan, after an absence of
over n year in Hot Springs, Arkansas,
whither he went on acount or His
health, has returned. Ills health is
greatly Improved In every respect. He
Is working since his return for Billy
Krasslg, the barber.
Mrs. Ella M. Porter, organizer for
tho Women of Woodcraft, will go to
Adams to meet with the local circle
there. Adams has a very large and
prosperous circle the largest and
best fixed financially It is said, of any
town of its size.
Old Mr. Searcey, of Union district,
has bought a residence property in
Pendleton, in the eastern part of
town, and will move In some time next
month. Mr. Searcey's health Is very
poor, he being afflicted with some
form of heart trouble.
H. F. Harrah and son, of Pilot Rock,
are In town today. Five members of
Mr. Harrah's family are now down
with the measles four of them In the
earlier stages, while one Is nearly re
covered. Mr. Harrah reports the mea
sles Is very prevalent in that neigh
borhood in and around Pilot Rock.
From Upper McKay.
G. F. Dunn, a prominent farmer and
stockman from McKay postofilce, 25
miles from Pendleton, Is In tho city
today. Mr. Dunne reports stock do
ing very well, but says outside range
Is becoming scarce in tnal locality,
which makes It necessary to feed
stock longer during the winter than
formerly. Feed is very plentiful, how-
over. Mr. Dunn said the settlers of
that portion of the county are sur
prised at the large settlement which
has been made In that locality this
Many Changes in Pendleton.
C. G. Columbus and family, of Nez
Perce, Idaho, aro here on a visit with
Mr. Columbus' brother-in-law, W. A.
Ferguson, and John Krcbs. This Is
Mr. Columbus' first visit to Pendle
ton In eight years. He formerly re
bided here. He notes great changes
In Pendleton and vicinity that have
taken place In that time. He Is In
the stock business in Idaho, and
while he Is very well satisfied with
that country, he may nevertheless re
turn here to reside.
Cheap Rates Westbound.
From February 15 to April 30, 1903,
inclusive, the O. R. ft N. Co. will
bc.ve on 3alo tickets from Missouri
River points to Pendleton for $22.50;
Horn St. Paul, 2.50; from St. Louis.
S27.50. Call on tho O. R. & N. ticket
agent for full particulars.'
Cut an Artery.
Clarence A. Sunden last evening
cut an artery In his wrist while open
ing a can of lye at the Domestic Steam
Laundry. The cut Is said to be a
very severe one, and of course will
disable him from work for some time.
7-room houe with bath room, wood shed, cellar, good lawn with
shade tree-, on Lincoln street, near lilufl'. A Hiinp for $1300.
Tom Hweareinjer place on West Alia Htrett Two lots, good resi
dence, Only $2t00.
Good 6 room houm West Alta. Corner lot. A bargain, $1000.
0 acres adjolnlnc the city. Good 5-room house, good stable and other
lutldiiif!H. Only $1850.
320 acres, wood house and barn, Kood orchard, SO acres in alfalfu, on
river, 12 miles from city. Just 1C00.
160 acres 5 miles from town, small house, plenty water. A good
proposition to take, $1600.
BUSINESS CHANCES The Old Hutch Henry Feed Yard,
a good lnventnient, $7600. Depot livery stable, only $700. Hayden's
confectionery ator on Court street, at invoice price.
Accompanied by Congressional Com
mittee, Oregon's Honored Dead Will
Arrive at Hlllsboro Sunday Morn
ingCar Delayed on Eastern Roads.
The remains of Hon. Thomas H.
Tongue, accompanied by a congres
sional committee, will pass through
this city on No. 5 tonight. The party
expected to reach Portland Satnrday
mornlng and according to the sched
ule of the funeral car, arranged when
It left Washington, would have passed
hero on No. 1 this morning, but una
voidable delays have occurred at dif
ferent points which will somewhat In
terfere with the funeral arrangements
at Hlllsboro.
Tho O. R. & N. Is determined that
not a hitch shnll occur while the hon
ored dead Is In Its care, and every
possible effort will bo made to arrive
In Portland on time, despite tno tie
lays farther east.
It Is not possible to say at tho time
of going to press at what time No. 5
will arrive here. The train is due at
1:46 a. m., but owing to the serious
delays of eastern connections, has
not passed through on time for sev
eral weeks.
Mayor Halley has appointed the fol
lowing committee to meet the train
at the depot In this city, as an ex-
nresslon of the high esteem In which
Hon. Thomas H. Tongue was held In
this community, and to convey to the
relatives and friends the sympathy of
the city of Pendleton: J. A. Fee, C.
E, Roosevelt, G .A. Hartman, Leo
Moorhouse, W. F. Matlock, J. F. Rob
ins'on. Senator C. J. Smith. R. Alexan
der ,M. E .Lyons, J. M. Fergusoil, C.
H Carter and Bert Huffman.
Arrangements in Portland.
Concerning the arangements for
transportation of the remains from
Portland to Hlllsboro, the Oregon
Dailv Journal says:
'"The Southern Pacific general of
fices In this city are humming with
the buslle of arrangements for the
lapid transportation of the remains
of Congressman Tongue to the for
mer home of the deceased, at Hills
There will be hardly a moment's de
lay In Portland. The special In which
the body Is being brought back to
Its friends and to the state It repre
sented when Imbued with the spirit
of life, will be detached from the Ore
gon Short Hpe train at the Union
depot nnd connected with the South
ern Pacific passenger If all plans car
ry. If there Is a hitch through failure
of tho O. R. & N. train to reach Port
land on time, the Southern has made
trovislon for a special train to bear
the funeral party and the corpse to
their destination.
"There will most certainly be no
hitch here.' said General Agent Co-
man of the Southern Pacific, to a re
porter for The Journal this morning.
"Tho Southern Pacific will do nil in
its power to take the remains of the
honored dead to Hlllsboro on time
and if tho special car reaches Port
land as we now figure, this will be
done. If the O. R. & N. Is late we will
have a special engine waiting at the
ctepot to take the funeral car upon Its
Additional accommodations will bo
provided In any event for those who
oesiro to accompany the body to Hills
boro and pay their last respects to
the dead. It Is expected by the com
pany that several hundred from Port
land will desire to attend the last
tervlces at the grave.
Legislature to Attend Funeral.
Salem, Or.. Jan. 1G. The Oregon
legislature will nttond In a body the
luneral of Thomas H. Tongue, Sun
Much Interest Shown.
The iiiteiest in the preparatory
meetings which begun last Monday
night In the Baptist church has -been
almost unprecedented. Thero have
been st.veral conversions and tho at
tendance hns been steadily Increas
ing. Every session now practically
fills the rear room or tho church,
where the meetings have been held
thus far, and beginning with Sunday
he meetings, which will be continued
all of next week will be held In tho
general audience room of the church.
I. O. O. F. Installation."
No. 17 has
uranium .
Inatnltml ihe following ofllcors for tho
term of one year: ,
John Hnlley, Jr.. I). D. O. P., officiating.
Philip Mcurlan, u. r.
J. E. Beam, H. P.
A. J. Gibson, Sr. W.
T. F .Howard, Scribe.
R Alexander. Trcas.
C. P. Davis, Jr. W.
G. "V. Hrown, First W.
John Hayes. Second W.
W H .MtCormnek, Third W.
D. E. Carplll, Fourth W.
J. J Hlndeman. J. S.
Ed Hanson, First G. of T.
Integrity Lodge No. 92 1. O. O. V.
1 as installed the following ofllcors tor
the term of six months:
T. J, Tweedy. D. D. G. M. officiating.
C. P. Davis, N. O.
S. A. Newburry. V. G.
T. F. Howard, Sec.
J. F. Seals, War.
A. M. Erb, Con.
John Hays, I. G.
E. E .Baltezorc. O. G.
J. B. McDill. It S. N- G.
William Folsom, L. S. N. G.
W. H. McCormack. R. S. V. O,
A. C. Funk, L. S. V. G.
John Brown, R. S. S.
Philip McBrlan. L. S. S.
' Installation 6f Officers.
Th now officers for tho ensuing
wnr nf tin- Knlchts of Pythlni In this
place are as follows: Dr. W. J. Kcyes
chancellor commander, J. Duncan
Tlno-rnmmfinilnr. Charles Sham nre
intn. a. n. (voennen master-at-arms.
R. W. Fletcher keeper of the records
and seals. Charles uution master oi
the exchequer. Dug Glenn outer guard,
Jlr. Zellner inner guard. J. T. Hlnklo
trustee. The Installation was con
ducted by District Deputy J. H.
Thn Tiovt illstrlrt convention
will he held about March 1 at La
Orando. Competing teams will be
nresnn frnm Tlmntllln. TTnlnn. Wal-
Iowa and Baker counties, In all of
which counties the oruor is very
strong, and a large crowd of visiting
knights will undoubtedly bo at La
Revival at Birch Creek.
Rev. W. Orchard Hayes Is conduct
ing a revival at the Birch Creek
school house, which has been In pro
gress but a few nights, but which has
been blessed with nine conversions.
Mr. Hays Is a Christian, but the revi
val Is strictly evangelical. These
converts will bo baptized tomorrow at
2 o'clock In Birch Creek, near tho
bridge near the Patton place, four
miles this side of Pilot Rock.
With District Attorney Hnlley Yes
terday Afterncon.
Informations were filed yesterday
afternoon in a number of criminal
cases by District Attorney Halley. in
inch case the stnry nf the alleged
..i.nvtnntnim-R nt thn defendant hnn
been told In the East Oregonlan. and
tho Informations are nieu at mis junc
ture as a necessmry preliminary to sc
rum h nnneardnco of the dofendnntB
In the circuit court next week.
nnn Infnrmntlnn Is acillnst Ira
Rose, charged with stealing a horso,
saddle and bridlo from R. L. Simpson,
the Adams liveryman the 24th of Inst
Novembor. Tho sauiuo ine young
man traded for a pistol horo in rcn
riintnn thn hnrso for another horse
and left tho country on the last nnl-
mnl ho secured possession oi, nose
Is only about 18 years of ago, and
his homo Is said to be near Grnngor
vllle, Idaho. Ho Is said to have lived
herewith his people when u small boy.
A nntli ni- Infnrmntlnn Is ucnlnBt Bort
Wisdom, and the charge Is that of as
sault. He Is accused or lassoing a
hoy named Bon Fix about 25 miles
southwest of Pendleton, nnd to havo
been assisted by Clarence Hole, who
afterward suicided, It Is said, ns the
easiest way out of tho scrape into
-hlMi hn nml Wlmlnm hnil cotton.
Tlx was dragged from his horso by
tho lasso nml severely injured.
Another Information charges Tim
Kelly and LouIb E. Albee with tho
theft of some bedding and undorwoar
from tho Last Chance saloon.
Thn tnsf tnfnrmnHnn Ir acnlnst
Ezra Brlsbols, charged with stealing
a horse irom w. u. ranter, near itui
ton. All these cases wore narrated
In detail by tho East Oregonlan Im
mediately alter tho occurrences which
led to the arrest of the various
One of the Judges.
. J. J. Balleray wont to Walla Walla
this morning to be present nt the
oratorical contest to take place at
Whitman college tonight, between a
team from the University of Oregon
nnd Whitman. Mr. Bnlloray has been
selected as one of tho judges.
See Here!
w :
. B,vc our CURtnn.
cfit of low r,r; " "'"Kl e
" vveHeront
irvi iT-vi im..
That Sold fnr Cn.
. .VB vwv ,1 1 .
rr. i . per
. : wuju ior .
ic ana Ron tnr un n
17 lbs Sugar J,l0o
13.000 acre tract and llcsnj,
S00 acres. 8 mil. fZtt?P-
720 aero stock ranch, ruaifc
820 acres, 100 tons of hw in
4.ono. 1 a
360 aorea in Camas Prairie, 8,200.
'2O0 acres on thn rlroi- n tu- .
. . . 1 uum 1
rendition, fz.ouu,
160 nnrcx wheat lnmt 1 raii
, UilKS
reno 01011 on mmrvntinn t
.140 aoreB 1111 the river, 12 mllea fJ
Pendletou, $1,800. ,
This Is n partial list of many t'j
aud wheat farms which I have IM
Ctty Pr opetty a Specialty
I havo a long list of detirfl
lots, residences, and btabJ
houses. 1
I co not list property anlm
price la right
Real Estate Dealer.
In Police Court.
Bud Somera was arrested last night
and was this morning taken before
Judge Fitz Gerald and plead guilty to
being drunk and disorderly. Tho judge
fined him ?5, which ho paid,
t J
It will pay you $
I to hxsy yotnr stoes
dating out Jana- $
ay clearing sale. I
I All shoes ate?
I cheaper and some j
I kinds that ?
Were $5.00 now $3.35
" 3-5o " 2.95
" 3-50 ' 2.50
" 3 00 " 1.69
' 2.50 ' 1.50
1.50 " gs
" t.25 " 89
Good Record Expected.
George Hill, a young man whoso
homo Is near Helix, writes to his
friend. J .T. Hlnkle. from Pullman,
Wash., whore he Is taking the course
In pharmacy at the State Agricultural
College. Young Hill Is said to be an
uncommonly level-headed boy, besides
having a high character In every sense
of tho word. An enviable record at
Pullman on his part is confidently ex
pected by nil his acquaintances.
Wheat Farm Sold,
John K. Dickson, as trustee, hua
sold to William Roberts, of Pendle
top, the northeast half of section 3,
in town 2. and tho east half of section
34 and the west half of section 35. In
jown 3, range 31. The consideration
was $8000. The property lies north
west of Pendleton about six miles, and
la a wheat farm. Mr. Roberts, who
resides In Pendleton, will lease the
place. '
t Bargains if we t
I can fit yoti.
! i-H-H'H
Notice of Proposed Improvement of
East Court 8treet.
Notice la hereby given that at s meeting of
the Common Council of tlie City of 'Pemileton
held on toe UtU ilay of January, A . II. 19 3, It
wat ordered that Eajt fourl itreet, between
tho wtit tide of Million itreet and the eastern
boundary llneol Ibe lieservmlon Addition 10
tho Town of Pendleton, U- Improved by grad
ing the arnc with crutbed rock, tbo cut of
ucli improvement to be nutcd agalmt the
abutting properly.
Itemonitraoce agalmt said proposed im
provement may bo filed with thocity Kecnrder
within leu days from tbedatool this notice.
lly order of the Common Council.
Attest: Tiioa. Fnz Geiuld,
City Recorder.
Dated tb 14th day of January, A. U. lixfl.
We are mahing Big Cut Prices in All Departments of Onr
Store, and will continue to do this until February it. j
Our Special Muslin Underwear
Will Occur in February. We will show all the new, up-to-date
goods fresh (torn tht looms. A nicer line was never on exhi
bition in this city. Wait for this sale.
Remember: The largest stock of goods hi tho city to select from.
M. m.
"Pine f "pamine
ornittfre igurcs
Radeff, Reliable Retatfet
Main and Wefcb Streets.
Our 25c Coffee
It can't bo improved on by any priced coflee.
Maple Syrup, Pure and Delicious
Buckwheat for your hot cakes. All kinds of mushes. Tht
complete, clean and low priced place to buy groceries.
Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery
Interest in t
Wood business, and now we aro ready to furnish tlio
Piione J 2t. P. P. COLLINS & CO.
T . . I AT- - A r T m 1 . a n tTAflT Y T 1 MWW
tuogve wi iuem. j ioji soppxy iwj