East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Complete External and Internl
Treatment Ql.M
Ootif Istlnr of CimcrniA Saw (iVj ), to clcamo
the f kin of cruets and scales, CtmcuitA Oint.
ncnt (SOc.l, to allay Itching anil eooUic nml
Mat. anil rirrtintn i nvdiinvminui . .
nil cleaned the blood. A Elnglo set i often
iofficlcnt to euro the ccrcreat humor.
IfokHhrwixh'mHh. vm-M. IHrtTiR IRro AVD Cnuu
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
Bu i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
Because They Are for a Specific Pur
pose. Nothing can bo good lor everything.
Doing one thing well brings suc
Doan'e Kidney Fills do one thing
They're for sick kidneys.
They cure backache, every kidney
Here is undeniable evidenco to
prove it:
Mrs. A. M. Weaver, of 115 N. A
street, Cripple Creek, Colo., whose
husband is superintendent of the U.
P. a. F. quarries, says: "Doan's Kid
ney Pills are a remedy in which I
have great confidence and I heartily
re-endorse what I have before stat
ed about them in our Cripple Creek
papers. Some three years ago I gave
tfcem to our'llttlo girl, who was troubl'
ed with a weakness of the kidneys.
A few doses checked the annoyance
and in a short time after a continua
tion of the treatment cured her. She
has had very little trouble since,
with the exception of when she
caught a severe cold; then there were
symptoms of a recurrence, but a few
doses of the pills never fail to ward
oft an attack. I recommended them
to a lady friend of mine some time
ago, who used them and was greatly
benefited. I keep them constantly in
the house so as to have them on hand
in case of recurrences. I do not hes
itate to advise any motier to use
them in her family where necessity
For .sale by all dealers. . JPrico 60
cents. Foster-SIIIburn Co.," 'Buffalo,
N. Y solo agents for the TJnlted
Remember the name DOAN'S
and take no substitute.
No Deficiency In the Asylum Fun
Will Ask for Increased Aproprla-
tlons for Next Two Years Table
of Salaries Paid.
The report of the Buperlntondent
or the Oregon Insane Asylum says
"There wns appointed by the last
legislature the sum of $288,000 for
the maintenance of the insane asy
lum for the two years ending Decem
ber 31, 1902, for the payment of the
salaries of tho officers nnd omnlovecs
and for tho maintenance nnd general
contingent expenses or the asylum,
being tho same amount as appropriat
ed for the preceding two years. Wo
nro pleased to bo able to report that,
notwithstanding tho increase In popu
lation and advance In tho price of
tho necessary supplies, fuel, etc., tho
cost of maintenance has been kept
within the appropriation, and thero
will be no deficiency. The sunerin-
, , . . ; i wuu, ivuu nun lur burnt! uuiu ueui
SSKraS. iL rJT ,P,i W operator at Telocassct. Mr. Ban
Mr. Hallock Has New Set of Assist
ants In His Office at the Mining
Baker City, Jan. 1C Slnco the ad
vent of II. II. Hallock ns agent for tho
O R, & N. Co., at Baker City, thorc
has been a number of Important
changes at this station. Mr. Hallock
st ted yesterday that theso changes
0 not indicate thnt he was making
! 'lean Bweep and that thero was a
tumoral rustling of dry bones. All
weight as his property. A visit to tho
Young apartments furnished ample
r-videnco of tho commlslson of tho
ctlmc. About tho same timo tho Chi
cngo polled discovered a itrunk which
had been shipped to that city By
p.riMFR up for i Young nnd which contained tho dead
TRIAL NEXT WEEK, woman's clothes and valuables. For
I WO or uireo uuyu uiu nuw iuni po
lice Bcoured tho city in search of the
jounc man. Before tho end of the
wcok ho hnd been captured In Con
necltcut in tho dlsgulso of a tramp
It Is nllcged that ho made a full con
capita as 32.55 cents; average cost
per month, per capita, $9.90.
Salaries Paid.
The appended table shows the sal
aries that are paid tho officers and
employes of the Oregon State Insano
Superintendent, annual sal
ary $2,500.00
First assistant physician ... 1.800.00
Second assistant physician . . 1,200.00
Consulting physician ....... 1,020.00
Druggist, per month 50.00
Bookkeeper 100.00
Stenographer , 50.00
Department overseer 75.00
Engineer 100.00
Assistant engineer 30.00
Engineer at cottage farm .. C5.00
Assistant engineer at cottage
farm 35.00
Plumber 50.00
Blacksmith 40.00
Tinner .-. 40.00
Shoemaker 40.00
Tailor 45.00
Laundryman ' . . 40.00
Laundress 35,00
Assistant laundryman 37.50
Seamstress 30.00
Bascmentman : .. 45.00
Steward go.oo
Chief cook 75.00
tirst assistant cook 40.00
faecond assistant cook .
Cook, Cottage farm
Table girls (3)
Can washer
Farmer, main building
Farmer, Cottage farm .
Hackman and messenger
A Grandson of Old Brlgham Young to
Be Tried for Brutally Murdering
Mrs. Anna Pulitzer.
Now York, Jan. 16. With tho Mol-
thn mon. hn said, who have ouit. are lneux trial RtlU fresh in the pumic lession to mo poiico, out implicated
n,n nmi mnat ,,f i,om im in . .i inU Dlslirow mur- another porson in the ncniai murder,
rC rV.i: ' 4, r;j . ifho authorities, however, rorused to
X: T.' ' ' ' v ' J rlal nc,w on' su" mowm credit the story of an accomplice ns
, ' , . ... bio murder case, and one of absorb- aIi tll0 evidence tended to show that
J. van zant, who tor somo time nas , , ..,,,,., m
i.amh .-ut f iH .up inc interest iu tiuiuuuiu(,,oio. ...l .................. .
(mill mnnrltlno nml whn fnr turn pnmn. un for trial next Week. This IS I"0 uuuy,
woni tin a wn rnniiinr in tlm Ttniror ilio rasn nf William Hooper Young. a Tho relatives of tho accused, who
City office, has resigned and will go grandson of Brlgham Young, who was are leaders lu the Mormon church,
in nrt r.a rnalilnr Indicieil ir October last for tho inur-iwlll bring to his dofonso nil their
in thn n n. jc- n nfiirn. Tin win lin tier of Mrs. Anna Pulitzer, a woman wealth and Influence enn commnnd
rnc.pppilnii hv .T. n Tinmlltnn wlinsn whom he brd lured to his rooms in. The finding in Young's room of writ
father Is tho O. R. & N. agent at j West Fifty cigth street. Ings and Biblical quotations on "blood
Washtucna, Idaho. The crime was one ot the mostj atonement" hnvo suggested thnt tho
Iko Hermann, who has been ticket brutal the police navo neon cnneui victim was sacrificed By a religious
clerk sinco January 1, has resigned I upon to deal with since tho Gulden- fanatic, and this has stirred the Mor-
t.uppo murder, tor somo time prior mon church to angry protests nnu mi
to his alleged commission of thc!i,cr denials. The church authorities.
crime Young had been occupying n 1 ln faot nBsert that they nro not at all
loom In tho luxurlus apartments of interested in the defense of tho
his fnthor, John W. Young, a pro-! young man and that despite his de?'
motor and capitalist of wealth nnd'cen from the great Mormon leader
high flnnnclal position, and who wasii,E. wilB not one of their number, hnv
at the time absent in Europe on bus-hnB renounced the faith of his fathers
mess. Tho son Jiaci tno reputation oin number of yents ago.
uoiiiB i nut uu-u, Umi...b u.u u. Joh w Young, father of the ac-
uucuuiiuuu lu UHUiiiut Mini uviub ui.
and accepted work ln anothor field.
His place will bo filled by R. D. Ban
croft, who has for some timo been
croft is nn old railroad man from the
East and was formerly with the
Orand Trunk.
New Head of Indiana University.
Bloomlnglon, Ind., Jan. 1G. Propa
rations on an elaborate scalo have
been made for the installation of Wil
Ham Lowo Bryan as president of In
diana University noxt week, when
foundation day will also bo celebrat
ed. The installation of President
Bryan will take placo on Wednesday
morning. Governor Durbln will pre
side and tho other prominent partici
pants In the exercises of the day will
include President E. B. Androws, of
tho university of Nebraska: Chief
Justice Ha.'ley, of the, Indiana su
preme court; President W. H. P.
Faunce, of Brown University; Pres
ident Joseph Smith, of Swartmoro
College; Professor Edward L. Nich
ols, or Cornell Unlvorslty, and Profes
sor John M. Coulter, of tho Unlversltv
of Chlcngo.
The Dominion Iron and Steel Com
pany, of Canada, threatens to become
serious competitor of Groat Britain
in foreign markets.
various times in Utah, the state of
Washington and various other parts
of the country. Evidenco collected
by tho police, strengthened by tho
confession alleged to have been made
by Young nfter his arrest, goes to
show that tho young man took the
woman, with whom ho had had somo
previous acquaintance, to his rooms
on tho night of tho murder and there
drugged her and then proceeded to
cut up tho body In the most diaboli
cal manner. Tho romalnB were then
tuken in a trunk across the North
river, whoic they were thrown Into
the shallow waters of a canal. Tho
body was found next day weighted
down with a hitching weight Tho
first duo to tho identity of the mur
derer was furnished by a Jersey liv
eryman who identified a photograph
of Young as the man to whom he had
hired a rig the day beforo and who
cused, Is expected to bo present at
the trial. Eminent counsel has been
engaged to conduct tho defense The
police consider their case so com
ploto that they oxpect a plea of In
sanity to bo entered. It is known
that Young for many years has been
n victim of the use of morphine, co
caine nnd other drugs.
Bits of Philosophy.
Obstinacy Is the other fellow's Arm
ross; firmness Is your own obstinacy.
Happy Is tho man who makes his
toilet by turning his cuffs.
Wo mark our umbrella not to keep
It from being stolen, but to lot the
thief know whoso umbrella bo has
For every wlso man In tho world
thero Is a fool to teach him.
You can send enough trouble
through tho malls for two cents to
also identified tho hitching strap and start a divorce suit. Baltimore Nows.
Supervisor 60.00
Porter, minimum 25.00
Porter, maximum 37.F0
fortress, minimum 25.00
fortress, maximum .... 32.E0
Night watchman GO.OO
"It will be necessary to appropriate
$15.00 for the payment of electric
nnd gas lighting; $1000 for the pay
ment or expenses in returning pa
Uentr. to their homes; $1000 to pro
vide for library and amusement;
?1G,300 for general repairs and Im
provements; $1875 for the purchase
of machinery, farming imnlGmentr
etc., which, together with the appro
priation for the construction and ad-
ouion or buildings, will make-a total
oi ?4i.',475 for the ensuing two years
MoklVrea positively cures sick Head.
acne, muigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions-or tho skin, producing a per
feet complexion or money refunded,
25c and 50c Write to us for free sam
ple. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N.
' w. tscnraiar, &: uo., druggist.
a narv d
us any.
Hoadquartora for Travel
uuuiuiuuiuuB aampje jojjj
Rates $2 & $2,5
Special rates by week or month
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt Dlnlneroom
Every Modem Converted
Bar andTailliard room in connect)
Only Three Blocks from Dm
Corner Court Hnd Johnron SIru
Pendleton, Oregon.
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor.
ii mmmmmmmm.
Ever offere
in eastern
Sale Starts at Once
All kinds for all purposes.
ash, Doors and Blinds.
Planing of all descriptions done
10 oiuer.
Don't place your order for
Building Material until you have
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing Mill
r Lumber Yard.
ROBERT fOSSTEft, Proprietor
Labor Representatives Will Introduce
a Bill In Behalf of Women Who
A little bill which will earn for tho
janor representatives of the JItiltno-
man aeiegation, oy whom Jt will be
jnirouueeu, me gratitude of the work
ing women and Kirls of thn RtntA i
as follows:
"Section I, That no femnin ho om.
Ployed in .-ny mechanical or mercan
tile establishment, laundry, hotel or
restaurant In this 'state more than 10
hours during any day. The hours of
wont may uo so arranged as to per
mit tho employment of females at any
time, so that they shall not work
inure man iu nours of each zK
"Section 2. Every employer in es-
launaiirnenis wnoro females are cm
ployed shall nrovido honta fnr
uuu aunii permit tho uso nf mir.,
L'cats by them when th f V nrn rinf nn
Kvu Jn trie active duties for which
iuey are employed.
section 3. An employer, overseer.
, v , -""WW wuo snau violate any
ui me provisions of th s art i.ti
upon conviction thereof
mui,uuwwp a Bum not less than ?10
w wutu man ,0,
Everything must go. The sooner we close
the stock the better pleased we will be.
70 Sets of Buggy, Hack and Team Harness.
40 Stock Saddles.
Chaparejos, Leggins, Collars, Halters, Curry
Combs, Brushes, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets,
Harness Oil, Gloves, Buggy Whips and everything
in me enure siock, winch is complete.
Aiiiuriuiin J'lnn, iiitcttSl
imp ilni-
l".iii-))cnn l'lmi. AOc, Tfic, S1.00,
Kpoclul riitvH by wik ornionth.
Free 'bus meetstill lralnsl
Commercial trade solicited
Mne sample ro
SpcciaJLAttcutinn Given Country In
MCKer'8 HlOOd Elixir nnllwlu
wtJ wmimiiiu uiuuu rjniBnninn nrA nii
scrofulous affections. At all times a
matchless system tonln
Money refunded If you .are, not l8atls
fled. E0c and $1.00." F, W. Schmidt
& Co., druggists.
Every article in the store nt qioot.
Cln.,L 3 WOiaUU. d-llU
VUi umcv;i xs io sen evervthina in 1,
ai-n.U no iii ... , -V. "t C11HJLC
t. pusiuvexy retire from business,
ihe goods must so and nnw t,q i,
get Bargains. "
T I. n U TX 4
Elegantly F urnisheii
Steam Heatl
Ixuropcan Plan.
Block and a half from depot.
Sample room In connection.
50c, 75c, $11
. t . .w.- rial' SllQ ODWfl
American j'ihu, tm
Hcac!qurter8 for tourists and cowmcjdjij
clem. Siwialraltsuiaa. lc tlmii$ gaJcl
KCtlliUtWU. 1 IC 111 t-iM"- - ...j 1
. 1l .1...... 4.. rnnw flflQ ILH pnC-l
mode Turkhh
tnfTTTriT a Mfn nuns rui.
iitage leave reudlcton idtllj, M.'"
. in., lor uKiau uu ""?T,. ini
turn, Jl.25! To Nye. II H. Nj "d ' V. !
Vo Kldce. 1 76; to Hideo and r'ijBi
U. Irl flVlal, mil ...llirtl. ll .00
Office In Oalden Rule Hotel, Pendletj
Tk. - . nmnnnhll is EBStem 0
I IIB Mfc M,U.I" f - , ..
n.Hr,)lu naoer ll
and the people appreciate It anp,"
It by their liberal patronage, it "1
advertlilna medium of this iectl"-!