East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Out Big Clearance Sale
On White Goods
?ec our biR display in corner window. Never before
s (here such an opportunity to buy at such wonderfully low
-rices Everything you want, we have it. See circular and
come in anu uuJ"ub.
ft Few Coats and Winter Garments
at Halt Price
IX Howard, farm loans.
Gratz's clam chowdor.
fi&i fish dally at Castle's.
tatfthing smokers want at Neu-
iftse repairing; we do the best.
l! make candy fresh every day.
It Delta.
Itolor sale. Burglar and lire-
Call at Rees' cigar store.
3ar for sale Barley, wheat or ul-
Leavo orders at Hawley Bros.
fees' cigar store for smoking artl-
(fill kinds. Pattons oia stanu.
( firemn Dallv Journal can he
tsi on sale at Frazier's book store.
doll 4 Wolls will reopen their
k counter near the depot tomor-
IHiji' cigar store, Maloy's old
uJ, headquarters for smokers' sup-a.
I to rate on club subscriptions for
nines are as low as the lowest.
I Wood and coal by 'car lots a spec
ify. P. P. Collier & Co., 'phone
1 1121.
I When you want a first-class cab,
or night, call for Irvln Baiter's.
iona Main 791.
I For Sale Brick building with
demerit, 5090, nn Main street. Good
Shitty at a bargain. Easy terms.
LI Wade.
K.1. Biter has moved Into his of
fice, room I and 6. or the Judd build-
Ifct ul slice his removal has added
i lirje number or books to his libra-1-
Jtr M. H. Marvin will deliver .his
anted Itj'ure on "Gladstone" at
e Presbyterian church Friday even-
none stiould fall to hear this
iVuted By gentleman, wife and
ram, lurnisnea house, furnished
repirg rooms or rooms and
i to private family. Permanent
Mwtory Apply at E. O. office.
IF Harrnh, of Pilot Roelt, reports
"try acie of his 320 acres of
swoeat is in fine condition and
any every acre of winter wheat
p part of the country Is In equal
V condition.
bale23 suctions of grazing
Imlng lands in Umatilla and
counties. fiooil lmllillnfH
'H feed 15.000 to 10.000
Plenty of wntor Alar. im.
1 11,000 ami i2.nnn nr
MJO head of cattle. 30 horsos.
". narness, plows, seeders and
larmlnfr Hnnniioa a.i.i....
'Vey, Pendleton.
Halt soles at Teutsch's.
Sea food fresh at Castle's.
Rubber heels at Teutsch's.
Oyster cocktails at Gratz's.
Clothing cleaned by Joerger.
Try Teutsch for shoe repairing.
Imported llmburger . and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz's.
No Chinese cooking at PhllllpB' res
taurant. Everything tastes good.
Hoar "Gladstone" Friday night at
the Presbyterian church. Admission
25 cents.
The Daily East Oregonlan Is on sale
In Portland at the Rich news stand in
Hotel PerkiuB. and at the Hotel Port
land. Tomorrow night will take place the
installation of the new corps of offic
ers or Eureka lodge No. 32, of the I.
O. O. F., and .also of the subordinate
lodges thereof, including the Re
bekahs. The Prohibition Alliance held a ses
sion this morning at the M. E. church
and elected officers as follows: Presl
dent, Rev. Koppell; vice-president,
Rev. Robert Warner; secretary, M. B.
Scott; treasurer, John Chandler;
chaplain, G. W. Rigby.
New Marble Works.
Jlonterastelli Brothers will next
spring put up a brick business house
with a stone front on the ground ad
joining the steam laundry on Court
street, on the cast. Upon Its comple
tion they will occupy it with their
marble works. The lower story will
be used for the works and the upper
story as a residence. The structure
will be 38x50 feet in size. It will be in
every respect modern and a model -of
Its kind, and will cost not less than
$4500. T. F. Howard is the architect.
Lecture Tonight,
The promoters of the Men's Resort
hope for and expect a largeattendance
to listen to Rev, Marvin's lecture on
"Gladstone," at the Presbyterian
church. This address is highly com
pllmented, and deservedly so every
where It has been heard. It will he
Inrgely historical, containing u resume
of the life of the "Grand Old Man" of
England, whose life Is a chapter of
the history ot the British empire.
Pendleton's New Firm.
Baker & Folsom, who succeed Jesse
Failing In the undertaking business,
now have (heir parlors open and are
preparing to furnish supplies of all
kinds and direct funerals. They have
placed nn order for a magnificent new
funeral car, which will arrive In a few
weeks. A night bell has been put in
end calls will bo responded to day or
Maccabees Notice.
All Sir Knights and Lady Macca
bees are requested to meet at Secret
Society Hall Sunday alternoon at i
o'clock. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper
Is Not In Favor of Repealing the
Present Homestead Laws Thinks
We Need Further Legislation on
Subject of Irrigation.
United States Senator-elect Hey
burn, of Idaho, passed through Pendle
ton this mcrnlng en route from Idaho
to Spokane. During the Ave minute
interval between the arrival of the
westbound train and the departure ot
the Spokane train, he was Interv low
ed at the depot by an East Oregonlan
He was asked whether he favored
the repeal of the present law by which
settlers on government lands have the
privilege of paying out on lands they
lfave taken at the end of 14 months
His reply was prompt, evidently
showing tha ttho senator had given
reflection to the question. He said:
"I'm not in favor of the rqpeal of the
law. Its general effect is to make
It easier for the settler to acquire a
home from the public domain, and
that nlone Is reason enough for its re.
"What attitude are you in in rela
tion to the Irrigation question?"
"Briefly, I favor the present federal
irrigation law. I do not regard It as a
perfect measure. But what Initial leg.
islatlon on any question Is ever per
fect? It is a great stride in the right
direction, and 'will undoubtedly be per-
lecten, or approximately perfected In
time. I believe In enlarging the legis
lation on this question: that Is. en
larging the scone of the legislation so
it will reach all the present condi-
Ions, correcting errors and adapting
it to the requirements of the people in
the various regions sought to be ben
Senator, how do you stand on the
Chinese exclusion law?"
'I favor the Chinese exclusion law
nd believe In its enforcement. I be
lieve also its weak places should be
strengthened by amendments passed
ith a view to rendering the law more
NATION PINKS Are arriving again daily. Good variety
u mouerate prices.
n.ways have on hand a good selection of-Forshaw's Palms
tin.., c.lc, ome in ana iook tnem over, rou
don't have to buy.
. HOT SODA is delicious and only 5 cents.
KQEPPEN's nmia stoke
Sieps prom Main St., Toward the Court House
City Mail Delivery Will Extend as
More Sidewalks Are Constructed.
Postmaster Llvermore states that
he present force of carriers Is ade
quate to all the demandH now made
upon them, and will probably bo for
a year to come, unless the growth of
Ihe city should be absolutely unprece
dented. One thing that will lend invariably
to an Increase in the duties of the
carriers Is the extension o,f the side
walk system and the numbering of
the houses. The regulations allow
every citizen to be served by carrier
whose house Is numbered and whose
premises are connected with a good
and sufficient sidewalk with the prem
ises of any other citizen who Is served
by carrier. In other words, the side
walk must be continuous from house
to house in the territory served by
carrier. Houses Isolated by not be-
ing connected by sidewaiking with
other premises already served by car
rier cannot have carrier service.
There will lie no new carriers until
the volume of. business required of
the present force Is too great for them
to handle in eight hours. Mr. Liver
more believes the' reason there Is no
more extension of the rural delivery
eystem in this county to be simply be
cause the county Is too spanely settled.
Prices on this line of goods should attract
$1.25 Evening Gloves, lace tops, In black and white, sale price, $(.05.
$(.25 Walking Gloves, plqoe stitched, all shades, $1.05.
$J.OO to $5.00 Tans greatly reduced.
65c all wool Tailor Suiting, sale price 49c.
$X.OO all wool Prunella Cloth, sale price 72c.
$(.65 all wool Novelty Skirt Goods, sale price $(.32.
' Tailor Made Suits, half price.
Walking Skirts, half price.
Long and Short Coats, half price.
Domestics at a big reduction.
Muslin Underwear at a big reduction.
A 'Phone Message From Pilot Rock
Says the Report About Rynerson Is
The report which was given public
ity this morning to the effect that EJ
Rynerson, of Pilot Rock, had disap
peared, seems to be untrue from be
ginning to end. The sheriff's office
has received no Information of his
disappearance and a 'phone inquiry to
Pilot Rock this mqi'iilng was answer
ed by the surprising news that such
n repoit had not been heard In that
place. The police here have not been
notified and several prominent citi
zens of this city, one of whom drove
in from Pilot Rock yesterday, say they
have heard no such report, although
In direct communication with Pilot
Ho'ek every day.
There Is every reaton to believe
that a frantic attempt to 'manufacture
a Herniation has resulted In neaping an
unmerited disgrace upon a prominent
citizen of that community. In whom
the people had the utmost confidence
when they elected him recorder of
Pilot Rock.
W. F. Matlock Will Erect a
Structure on Court and
W. F. Matlock will next spring, as
soon as the weather will allow, pro
ceed with the erection of his, com
bined business house and residence,
which has been on tho tapis for some
months as a possibility, and which is
low an assured fact.
The building, which will cost about
$10,000, will be built on the north
east corner- of Court and Garden
streets, will be of brick and two
stories In height. The- ground plans
show that it will' be 50x75 feet in size.
T. F. Howard is the architect. The
ground upon which it will stand Is
now vacant. The building will . be
modern throughout In' all ljs equip
ments, as well as architecture. It will
be a testimonial of Mr. Matlock's
faith in Pendleton.
25c Each 25c
Hose Company Meeting.
All the members of Protection Hose
Company are requested to be present
at a meeting which will be held to
night In the council chambers. There
le now about $150 in the treasury and
the meeting tonight Is for the purposo
of prorating it among the members.
Conspiracy indictments against the
members of the coal combine doing
business in Illinois and Indiana, are
expected from the special graud jury
In the coal famine Inquiry.
Charles M. Wright and Miss Anna
Brown, both of Pilot Rock, wero unit
ed In marriage yesterday at 2 p. m..
at tho Golden Rule hotel in this city.
In tho uresenco of a small uartv of
lelatlvos and Intimate friends. Rev.
Robort Warner officiated. Mr. and
Mrs, Wright will mako their home at
Pilot Rock.
At a party given by the students of
SI. Francis" college. Brooklyn, Tues
day night, 7DQ0 persons played ourhre
at one time. 'at 1875 tables, and 12
bands played In unison.
Drop in at the
Boston Store
Purchase a pair of
Douglas Shoes
...... For Men ......
Or a pair of
Gloria Shoes
For such popular books as
"Eli Perkins' Wit and Humor,"
American Wit and Humor,"
"Peck's Fun,"
"Peck's Irish Friend,"
"Bill Nye's Baled Hay,"
"40 Liars and Other Lies,"
"How Private Geo. W. Peck Put
Down the Rebellion."
"Bill Nye and Boomerang,"
"Betsey Jane on Wheels,"
Etc., Etc., Etc. '
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Finest Oysters Frog
Legs f Clams Crabs
and f Lobsters $
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The Ft ench
The Nolf Store
Telephone M11I11 4
.For Women.
Walk away and unlets you look
down you do not know new shoes
are on your feet.
are a blessing to humanity. The
best, and best selling in the 'mar
ket, genuine oak tanned soles.
dressy, durable and a perfect fit, '
combining ease and elegance. We'
sell warranted goods.
We thank a customer after
purchas6 and they thank us.
ror tne xvuenen
Have you an adequate sup
ply of cooking utensils roast
ing pans, cake tins, pois, pans
and kettles' generally, ready for
culinary operations incident to
feasting? Make an inventory
of your needs in this line and
bring it to us. See what quan
tity and quality you'll get here
at small expense.
8 3"ZXZ?r -J
Price $1.00
per bar at the
Best In the
World in Bars
E. O. Office
Boston Store HOW do you r..ir,r;.ua.i.
Where 'Whole Families are
The new efnrt nn nvr h
Shod. J known nnless It advertises
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