East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Opening a set of hooks ? Then see us for Ledgers,
Journals, Cash Books and Daj Books, We have all
Full line of Stationery for business and social use.
Latest styles.
"I ictiro from tin executive
office bearing no malice toward
any citizen ot Oregon, imbued
with a feeling of charity toward
those who, having misjudged me
without understanding, have
misrepresented me without rea-
j son. If time has i.ot already
I softened those who have uspers-
1 ed nio, It will accomplish thin
j end In the future. Jly best
wishes are -.for the prosperity of
every citizen m he Rtaw and.
therefore, of the commonwealth
itself." T. T. Oeer.
The Inland Umpire cannot afford to
fpoll the promise th.v lies before It.
by Internal dissension?. The great
industries that are now on their feet
unci others that nre ttruggling, in
the effort to stand nlone, need and
demand orderly, harmonious effort on
the part of nil. :
There Is no room for the knocker
I or the croaker. There if. no room for
! the prejudiced nor the selfish. Theie
! is no place for the Industry which
puffs Itself up and tries to occupy
all tho brenthlug.space within the bor
ders of this splendid domain.
There nre demands now being ninile
upon the nation by Knstern Oregon
and Washington which only harmony i
and united effort can win. Irrigation
Is the bow nf -promise that spreads
Mt i.. r- . ,., . i. i.i.. in m ono norner nr nip- nimmt kit
Jnnectacle.as conductor of a coal train. I"'"' to tlic other. It .vlll be the life-
lieddling priceless lumps to his shlv- Glvlll ellxir to the waste )laces in
ering customers. vast territory.
The open Columbia River from the
Umatilla county is just now begin- Washington and British Columbia
ning to get In shape to take care of borders, to Astoria, stands as the in
lier Indigent. The excellent poor farm troductory chapter to the closed
bought by the county court Is a valu- book of the Inland Empire's needs and
able, II costly, addition to her re- hopes.
sources. The gradual change Irom the old
order of the pioneer settlement in
Sixteen Oregon senators voted oregon to the new adjustment that
jesiuruuy io nnpuMe a useless expense mu3t inevitably come, will lie
of ?150 a day upon tno people, by fraught with much friction and con
.giving eacn senator a private cierK, filct of interests. It Ik the lilstnrv nf
in audition to the regular quota af-ja great changes.
makes It Impossible for the Chinaman
to quit, complain, or nsk for hlghpr
pay. on penalty of forfeiting his ac
cumulated wages nnrt being ttirupd
adrift or punished for violation' nf his
contrapt. The labor contract will hold
good for a period of 20 years."or until
the Chinaman becomes too old to
work, when ho is to he shipped buck
to his native land. This la the sys
tem that supplants the civilization of
the Iiocrs.
The union label bill before the leg
islature should pass without a dis
senting voice. If union among rnll
road presidents, sugar manufacturers
and coal magnates Is good, it certain
ly is all right lor printers, prune rais
ers, sheepmen and tradesmen of nvery
class. The union label should be
found standing at the head of the
page on all the state printing of Ore
gon hereafter. Certainly the men
who contribute to the support of tho
vnrlous industrial and mercantile as
sociations In this state do not object j
to seeing the union encouraged.
The .Montana stnte senate did an
ungnllant thing last Wednesday, whenj
It voted down, by an aye and nay vote
of 13 to 12, the proposition to submit
tho woman ' suffrage amendment to
the people. The people, and not n few
politicians, should decide such mo
mentous issues as this.
lorded by the Kuykendall bill, Xlma
Ilia county did not assist at the hold
up. thank heaven.
C. J. Mlllls writes from the Nation
nl Livestock convention . at Kansas
City that the supply of apples taken
along by Iho Oregon delegation Is
about exhausted, as all their visitors
till their pockets. Oregon can afford
to send them a tralnload, if It will
land the 19(14 convention.
A dozen words, spoken by W. D,
Ketchum, of Tho Dalles, in n recent
Interview In Portland, expsesses n
world of meaning.
Tile day of the open range is
past," said Mr. Ketchum, "as too
many homcseekers are coming into
tho Inland, Empiie to make it feasible
much longer. But let the settlor
come. He Is welcome."
Let the settler come, let tho old be
replaced by the new, and let perfect
the Ilarmdn' accompany tho transforma
Congress will investigate
charges hioucht nenlnst nrnminent
Eastern inimiernHnn .,,...!. wh rJ The ,lttle flurrv f tho range law ag-
accused of decoying Innocent girls """" l"'-' ' sine iignts mat
iroin various Euronean cm.ntrlps. into wl" ,l,,tter for an instant as the Jlfe
louses of Ill-fame, in American cities. ,)Ulst of 01,1 reBO" oeaBes """ u,
The Pacific Coast has its honstlv "cw u,e"01' L,8,ns to llve
Phlnpsw tr,.,i in i,i i.f it Settlers will crowd down into the
has not r,,..ml whim In 'v..t s can's ot tlie foothills, plant their
nomes upon the borders of the desert
and soon tho herd will not bo found
The Intent ot the republican leaders
to approach the trust problem with
tny other purposo than tho preserva
tion, and gratification of the trusts
we neither affirm nor deny. We are.
at. we say, In doubt. But on one point
we are not all in (loUbt.
ir the republican leaders loudly im
agine that the desire for justice from
these cormorant corporations, laying
about them upon h?Ipless independ
ent producers and equally helpless
consumers; with special privileges
trom Iniquitous tariffs granted them
generations ago as infants, and from
unjust railway rebates obtained bv
iraud, violence and penury: with In-
ordinate fortunes gained from under
paid labor In factory and mine if
they fondly imagine that tho desire
tor correction of these ovlls is a
inning popuustic or socialistic mania
that will pass awny in a few weeks or
monins, or If they lull themselves
security with the thought that thoy
can pass n counterfeit anti-trust.
Pleasure mat will do tiic duty as tlu
genuine with American public suntl
"eiu men tiiey are making the mi
iane oi a lifetime.
Rubber Goods Sale
Wo wnut to cloan up all li6avy winter overshoes,
felt boots, etc., and for a short time will moke great
reductions in the prices. Note some of the bargains
offered bolow:
Men's Lined Arctics, all slfces, heavy, $.00.
Men's two-buckle Perfections, for Felt Boots or
Socks, $1.45.
Men's one tackle Perfection, for Felt Boots or
Socks, $1.15.
Men's White Felts, test grade, .85c; Grey Felts,
Men's Alaska Protectors, first grade, 80c; second
grade, 70c.
Women's Arctics, 75c; Women's Alaska Protect
ors, 60c and 55c.
Misses' Arctics, 55c ; Misses' Alaska Protectors,
Child's Arctics, 50c; Child's Alaska Protectors,
Ladies' Jersey Leggins, 70c ; Misses' Jersey Leg
gins, 60c.
Men's German Sox, heavy grade, 75c.
Come, soon and you will be sure to find your size.
Some who come late will be disappointed.
! Speck
Dress Ski
I ?ny Day S
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
They will learn their nrrm wh.
vhirlwlnd of popular ilisanmoval him
iwepi tneni and their holm iMnir j
from the temple of justice which they
. ui-iu.u 'wiiii meir tratllc In th
i-iiouc weal. Oiegonian.
unutterably debased.
One irner of the county poor farm at larse uPn the public domain. That
wight bo. utilized as a nursery for condition H. approaching It will be
useful and ornamental trees, to be 1,10 next step in the progress of settle-
planted along county roads, and to be ment. The West should prepare for
presented In lots of from 10 to 100 to u-
each citizen who builds a new resl 00 as U)ese changes come to Cre
dence in the county. The way to 1m- 8n her citizens should meet them
prove appearances Is to begin to fix without bitterness. No transient con
permanent ornaments In the country. "ict of settlement should disorganize
Nature will do the rest. lne "ned efforts now beltig made
lor the betterment or the state .at
For twenty years the trust ovll hns large.
been strengthening Itself behind na-
tlonal legislation. It feels secure In An Indiana representative In con-
Its position and doubtless believes the I Kress has introduced a constitutional
people too blind to see its true form, amendment to prohibit private for-
ln tho raazo of deluding laws, its de. tunes of over ?10,000.000. If the same
fenders have ' passed. lint necessity energy thnt Is spent on such jolies as
will cause the ppopl to put their this, was dovoted to tearing the curio
"specs" on. When they are once of the tiusts from American soil, tho
awakened by tho cruel touch of its $10,000,000 fortune would be forever
clnws. fnrowell, trust. settled. The combines are the root
of ninety-nine per cent of tho evils
Tho Chinese admitted into the ,0rne by tho people, yet they clasp
United States for tho purposo of su-, tbo same old politicians to their
pcrintendlng the Chlneso exhibit and breasts, at each succeeding election
of forming part of the Chlneso village jf jt WCer not that the Innocent suf
at the St. Louis fair, will bo held fcr, a coal famine would bo a good,
nnner nonn. in the sum or &uu eacn, campaign of reform. Some of tho
lr C n m (. raltoliln oaMipltv Mmnflntf ! . . . f."
... v, v.,..M...... voters wno snouien so loua for trust
They will also he reuulred to -return I'camlidates might be converted.
to that port of oijjry through which '
they enmo Into the country, within. The British mineownurs of South
thirty days after the close of the fair. Africa, chafing under tho demands of
This very much resembles tho condl- whlto miners for .wagi'S proportionate
tlons under which a kicking mule to their living expenses, are now con
would be led into a parlor, but It Is trading for 100,000 Chlneso coolies,
necessary precaution. -under a system of Indenture, which
Of Contatrious Blood Poison never exis
ted. It is always bad, though sometimes
no external symptoms of the disease ap
pear lor a long time.
Because the disease is slow in devel
oping does not -indicate that the case is
a mild one, for the poisonous virus at
work in the blood and system may be
eyciiuiug us lurcc upon some internal
... . i , i-
viim uigau Tvimc you are luoKiug ior ex
ternal signs. Contagious Blood Poison
does not affect all alike. In most cases
the first little sore is quickly followed by
painful swellings in the groins, a red
eruption upon the body, sores or ulcers
in the mouth and throat, unsightly copper
colored blotches, loss of hair and eye
brows and other symptoms of this miser
able disease. When the poison is thus
fighting its way to the surface, exposing
iuc uncase in an us niueousiiess, we can
it a bad case; but Contagious Blood Poi
son, whether -working internally or exter
nally, is a oangerous, treacuerous disease.
S. S. S. is the only remedy that cures
v-unuiniuuB jjioou roison inorouguiy aim
Sermanently. It is an antidote for the
eadly vims that produces the awful
eruptions, gores and ulcers, and destroys
iuc Dunes, iuercury auu 1'otasn ury up
the skin eruptions, but in eo doing drive
the poison further into the svstem. where
it slumbers for a time, but comes back
again with redoubled fury.
S. S. S. is a vegetable remedv that hns
been used, successfully for years in treat-
cures itinallstagesand
forms. If you have the
slightest symptom ; an
occasional sore mouth.
or muscular and bone
pins, your bloodis tainted and thedisease
is liable to break out again at anvtime.
A course of S. S. S. will remove every
trace of poison and at the same timo
build up your general health.
Write for our Free Home Treatment
booic. ro charge for medical advice.
Tho SwirtSpeclfio Co., Atlanta, 0a.
the most dreaded and deadly of all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all lung troubles are relieved at once
and cured by Acker's English Remedy
"the king of all cough cures." Cures
coughs and colds in a day. 25 cents.
Your money back If dissatisfied.
Write for free sample. W. H. Hooker
& Co., Buffalo. N. Y. P. W, Schmidt
& .Co., drugglfct.
in our acQooL Instruction la riven In
warding, capitalizing, punctuating, para-
ETaphlnff, etc. All our teaching Is practi
cal; the education we Eire la mania. X
course with tu pays the aucecea ot our
graduates, eg business men and women.
and aa bookkeepers and (tenographera.
proves this. Open all th year; atudente
admitted at any time; catalogue free.
Portland, onnaoff
The Fall Line .of Monopole
Canned Goods
And there are none better put tip"
anywhere, are handled by us.
No matter what you desire in
canned goods come to us and get
Monopole Brand and then go
Home anil be satished lor you al
ways get satisfaction in this brand
By the Fire Insurance Com
names we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
Hartford l-'ire Insurance Co.12,25D,070
Alliance Assurance Co 20,030,003
loudou & Lancashire Flro
Insurance Co 2,544.083
i.xurui jiniisn a mercantile
Co 10,003,074
Itoyal Insurance Co 22,807,163
Bargains in
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
Real Estate
I have a larger and better
list of Farms,' Stock Ranches'
and Uity Property to sell
than .evrirnbbfore. Also a big
lot of larid in tie.-comiug
wneai section ot Jfiastern
Clangl Clang! Bear
As it beats out In rythnl
our success in carnage!
repairing, renoe or
or spring, seat or side
one to us. We put in
materials with a know I
paint or varnish, and
vehicle spick and span
but as to expense. Thafl
Btorer euoline cnilnei in HiM
ngcuui iur mem.
We Don't Keep Everything
r But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Hustle and Finish,
in nllgradw. Alo nil kinds
of DimeiiHion Luinbtr, n.
eluding Lath and Shingles,
Our stock of Doore, Svin
dowa, Sfouldlng, Building
and Tar pr und Apple
Boxes h complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the : : ;
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Depot"
Is always received when von
i - , ... j
inace.your oroer- witii us.
Fir, Tamarack and'
Why buy poor coal when you
can ,Ret the'.hest for the same
price? "
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5 1
Smiles of Satlsfad
Always ornament ll
countenances oi
natrons Otrl
dry VVorkistheiq
of perfection.
cive it that gea
finish so greatly
THE irac u
Court and Thomps
limt received an
car load of PouM
stock supplies at tn
127 and l- A"i
pin - m
ton, ir"