East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    dwelling firm 90 and two
.iiariafi fiwt nn nrnm.
orn moms, central! v
TIMttu liath tmrt
w iu in in uuui uu
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.1.1 t.. ..n.nlnMnn
kTnindwalt until real es-
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Ulfl M.C
THAT mm?
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tra nam aal
- 1 rilYIVSlHB
' rm TARlK lloei
C i . .
""jwica lunches,
wu,. sauerkraut and
,BrPostofnce v
GOOD GOODS nt Alexander's.
The latest Belts-Patt Mall
Monte Carlos and Dip de
signs; fast received -by ex
press at the
Under Dept. Store i
Fine Syrups
Tea Garden Drips
Canadian Maple Syrup
Log Cabin Maple Syrup
Monopole Syrup
Acorn Syup
Buckwheat and .material for
your hot cakes
A Big Grocery
In a Small Room
Alta Street, Opposito Savings Bank
Despain & Clark
Wholesale Com-"
mission Merchants
Will pay cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys, jjjggg
Office in Savings Bank Building
Come,JGet Out Quotations
Baking arid
At money-saving prices at the
Miller Cash Grocery. Every
thing first-class.
Prompt Delivery
Our Cash System saves pur
chasers money. ,
Miller Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone JMain 51 1
orlan clyde-cuu-EN
counsellor-at-law !
TJ. H. Bunreme Court
U. S. Patent .Office
Trde Warkiand Copjrlguti
700 7tb.Bt. N, W., Vnblrurton, . C
Says the Day of Free, Open Range
Has Passed Settlement Makes De
mand for Home Products Don't
Want Two Mile Limit Law.
W. K. Kotchnm, a prominent shcon-
man from r.car The-Dalles, Is a visitor
In the city, says the Oregon Dallv
Journal. He. says that tho sheep bus
iness In Eastern- Oregon has been
f.nfmiially r,ood during the "past year
or two, and prophesies that wool Is
going to advance In price considera
bly before very long. His principal
leason for thinking so Is on account
or tho protracted drouth In Australia,
which has been the means of largely
curtailing tho wool production In that
country. Speaking of legislative mat
ters of lnterost to stockmen, he says:
Relative to Ranges.
"I have heard that a bill is to be
introduced at Salem making It unlaw
ful for stock to be permitted to graze
within two miles of a habitation. If
such a mil shoudl pass, It would provo
disastrous to tho small stockmen. The
largo companies engaged in tho bus
iness would buy up all the govern
ment land on all sides of the small
ownor and practically shut him out of
any free range. Tho natural conse-
ouenee would bo that ho would to
forced to soil out. All the country
would soon be under tkd control of tho
companies, and nothing could be more
deplorable. It wouhl retard tho de
velopment or tno country more than
anytning else.
Want Settlers.
"The clay of the free open range,
however, will soon aave passed. Too
many homeseekers are coming to
Eastern Oregon to make it feasible
much longer. -And it is a good thing
for the state, too, even if Itdoes oper
ate against the Interests of the stock
men for somo time. Every settler
adds that much to the wealth of tho
state, and makes Increased consump
tion of Oregon products. There Is
plenty of room over our way for set
tlers, and they aro welcome, the more
the better."
Inspector Clark Arrested the Guilty
Parties Wednesday Parents Are
Largely Responsible for Such Deeds.
Postofflco Inspector Thomas J.
Clarke addressed ' a communication
yesterday to tho East Oresonian in
ample time for its contents to have
L'cen used in yesterday's paper, nut
ino communication was hem up en
route by a violation of Mr. Clarks's
confidence, which accounts for its?
ron-appearanqo yesterday. In- sub
stance, it is as follows: William Han
cock, William Devoro and Chester
Coons are accused of having entered
tho postofflco at Covo and stealing
5&m or postal funds and $4.50 private
funds and a number of articles of
value besides, among which wero a
revolver, several pocket books, some
bicycle sundries, etc.
Inspector Clark arrived ir Covo in
answer to a telegram on Tuesday,
nnd within three hours after arriving
in Cove accumulated evidence that
apparently is abundantly sufficient to
convict tho boys named. A portion
of the evidence was finding the boys
iu a secluded-spot practicing at target
shooting wllh the revolver, which was
Identified as the one taken from the
The boys wore arrested Wednesday
morning and taken before United
States Commissioner L. J. Davis at
Union, who considered the evidence
sufficient to require each of the boys
to give $500 bonds to appear before
tho next session of the United States
grand jury- The bond was given and
Economy is Wealth
Save mpney on your fuel and I
have vour home or nlace of busi-
,i, k
w. . "-"b
Boy n ton Famous
1 he genuine Boynton Furnaces
are the most successful) oldest and
most economical heating devices
on th j market. Manufactured by
thetildest and largest heater man
ufactureis in the United States.
Let us figure with you and show
you how much we can save you.
Geo. Phillips
Cottonwood Street, between Alta
, and Webb Streets.
p flrn1ers Custom Mill
rdrniers vu&iuiii mm
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Cupaciiy 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always on hand;
me boys were released. Hancock Is
14 yenrc of age, Devoro 15 and Coons
Is 17-
Inspector Clark does not hesitate to
say that In Ills opinion the parents
of the boys are largely responsible for
Mich crimes in allowing them to roam
the streets at night and In npt hav
ing sufficient general control of them.
The boys all belong to highly respec
table families.
Surprise Ball at Fletcher's "Uncle
Cal" Combes Makes Final Proof on
His Homestead McBroom Loses a
Valuable Cow.
There was a fine surprise ball at
M. E. Fletcher's last night, every one
enjoyed themselves.
We are having a nl-e spell 01 cold.
foggy weather and a call for feed on
the stock's part.
J. C. Combes, becer known as "Un
cle Cal." was in Pendleton last week
making final proof on his homestead.
."Uncle Call" is an old pioneer of this
locality, but. liko many of his friends
still believes In leading a single life.
Miss Tennyson, of ML Homo vicin
ity, was a guest of Mrs. M. E. Flet
cher last week.
M. E. Sturdevant, proprietor of tho
Ukiali-Pendlcton stage line, passed
through to Ukiah on business last
Henry McBroom, of Gurdano. Is
said to have lost a milch cow
caused by her becoming caught in the
stanchions and her neck being
There was a pleasant party at the
Reeves place near Nye this week.
Mr. Banks, the sawmill man, who
is located on the headwater of Butter
creek, between Gurdanc, Alba and
Itldge, is having his logging finished
and intends soon to begin tho opera
tion of his new sawmill.
Elks Entertained Minstrels and Visit
ors Last Night A Most Enjoyable
John Pavllla, an old-timo minstrel
and vaudeville performer, put Into
this port, last night with his wife and
daughter, Cynthia, and John Montrose
and a boy named Basil, also members
of the Pavllla combination. They
wero entertained by the Elks last
night, and both the Pavilla people and
the Elks did their full share. The Pa
vllla people were In hard lines and
tho performance which was given In
the Elks'1 hall following the lodge
session, was made a benefit. It Is
said to have resulted quite profitably
for tho Pavillas, besides affording an
unlimited amount of genuine fun to
the Elks and the visitors, of whom
there were a large number. The
daughter Cynthia is described as a
gamiino wonder, and tho song and
dance work of Cynthia and the boy
Basil was about the cleverest busi
ness put on hero in a long while.
Ward's minstrels also added to the
enjoyment of the evening, they hav
ing an open date on their way to The
Dalles, which they used to put in the
evening with the Elks also. The Elks
nerved a bountiful repast to the visit
ors, and the occasion was In every re
spect a most enjoyable one, to the
visitors from Pendleton, to the visit
ing travelers and to the. members of
Ihe order.
Oregon Urges Congress to Build at
"Once a Canal and Locks at' The
Dalles of the Columbia.
Following is the text of senate
joint memorial No. 1, Introduced
Tuesday by Mays, of Multnomah, and
which urges congress to build at
once a canal and locks at the dalles
of the Columbia River:
"To the Honorable Senate and House
of Represpntatives of the United
I -"We, your momorallsts, the legis
I iatlvfc assembly of the State of Ore
I gon, respectfully' represent that the
I Columbia River, with the exception
1 of a very short distance between The
DallCH nntl Celllo, in the State of
Oregon, is navigable all the year for
.luuiua miiiusu lunnage irom we
pac ic Ocean
to Kettle Fails, in tho
1 State of Washington, a distance of
more than 700 miles; that owing to
tno topography of the country through
wjiicu sum nver nuws, me proaucers
of the various regions known as the
Columbia Basin, which comprises an
aiea of not less than 2,300,000 acres,
mostly arable land, can cheaply
each tho markets of the world with
their pioducts only by means of the
channel of tho Columbia River, and
lor that reason the removal of all
obstructions to navigation therein
and tho consequent reduction of
transportation rates is a matter of
the most urgent necessity; that the
obstructlonp, to navigation alluded to
tan be overcome by the construction
of properly equipped canal and .locks
at tho points named; that a careful
survey and plans for ouch canal and
locks, with detailed drawings and es
timates have beon made under the
direction of Captain W. A. Hart, entel
biiicci luiijo, u. o. a., wnicn sn
that tho probable cost of such 1ml
piovement would not exceed $3,969,-
"Your memorailsts pray, therefore,
that said Improvement ' be speedily
commenced and vigorously prosecut
ed to an early completion."
In the senate Tuesday Johnston, of
Wasco and Sherman, Introduced a
bill for construction of a portage rail-
Commences tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock in
full blast. Everything in remnants nnd odd goods
will bo displayed on the largo center tables at the
BIG BOSTON STORE at, prices that will snrpriso
This is a Genuine ,
Cut Price Sale
Every Remnant, every Odd Pair of Hose, every
Odd Wool Waist, every Odd Silk Waist, every Odd
Corset, every Odd Skirt, all Odd Children's Under
wear, every Odd Pair of Ladies' Wool and Kid
Gloves, every Odd Wrapper, every Odd Jacket and
hundreds of other things too numerous to mention.
Remember that the cost of these goods , is not
I Get a ticket on the Rubber Tired Btfggy at the
road between The Dalles and Cclilo,
and providing that J200.000 bo ap
proprlated from tho stato treasury
for the purpose.
Tho measure provides that tho gov
ernor, secretary of stato and stato
treasurer and their successors In o
fico shall be constituted a board of
portage commissioners, with full pow
er to construct and operate tho pro
posed portage road, and that they
shall proceed immediately to tako upi
those duties when the act shall have
been passed.
Women Barbers In Pendleton.
J. H. Pace, who conducts a barber
shop on Court street, has written to
Minneapolis and St. Louis recently,
in the effort to secure a couple of
women barbers to work in his shop
in this city. Ho has received answers
from several expert artists who have
expressed a desire to come here to
take positions with him. Many West
ern cities have barber shops conduct
ed exclusively by women and the In
novation In Pendleton will bo watch
ed with interest.
Now Go Home, Children.
Charles Durett, aged 19, aud Miss
Ethel Thompson, who has seen 10
bright summers, are residents of
Eagle valley, and they want to got
married. They, mado application to
County Clerk Coombs yeatPrday for
license, but were cruelly refused
Byo and' bye they will bo older.
Baker Democrat.
Regarding tho Venezuelan affair,
Lord Charles Beresford, who arrived
In New York Monday, said: "It will
teach Great Brltnln a lesson of the
danger of international complications
by allowing unlimited trade credit to
a bankrupt and unscrupulous republic
like Venezuela, and trying to collect
bad debts by coercion."
The czar has addressed a rescript
to Minister Witto, expressing his grat
itude for M. Wtte's decade of success
ful work as minister of finance, say
ing: "I hope that tho throno and
country may together retain your val
uable services at tho head of the
finance ministry,"
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
every day. Let us nnsweT it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert, Pro.
aredlntwo minutes. No boiling I no
akincrt add bolllnc? water and set to
eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry nnd Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day, locts.
Dally East Orcgonlan by Mrrltr,
only IS ttnta a tmk,
8 soft, thick, cy i
Bsucu as new- ig 1 nm.
cide produces,
bocaune tlioy
realize I Ixnt Jt Su
cre n. b c 8 their
bcautv iullv 100
percent. AltlaiUci
who wish to glvo
Nkwdko's n e un
ci dk a trial will soon I
lieeomo convinced of
mis met. because, bv ,
riestmvlnL' tlia dcaa- I
ly ccrni at work ui '
mu lien dandruff. fnllliitfV
Imir und thin, trlttlo half"
flnd Itequally ns valuable, for
It works like a churra,uvcn ui
011 UUd hoadi.
For Sale nt nil flrst-Clatc Drug Morn
cure dyspopsla and all disorders arl
lng from indigestion. Endorsed by
physicians overywhore, Sold by all
druggists. No euro, no pay. 20 cents.
Trial package free by writing W. II.
Hookor & Co., Buffalo, N. Y, V, W.
Schmidt & Co., druggist.
Pendleton fish and
Poultry Market
310 Court Street
Everything the best. Prices
right. We handle
Fish, which we receive
Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oya
ters and all salt water foods.
Ranch and Creamery Butter,
Fresh Eggs, Game in season,
Produce of'ail kinds.
Goods delivered to all parts of
the city.
We pay cash for country pro
duce. A trial order is solicited.
L. M. Lyman, Prop.
Phono Red 691
vm. n 1 1 nit w
m mi
1 1 1 1 1 uva tm
V 1 1