I 1 STUDY THEaE CUT PRICES. ODD AND END' 1 SALE NOW ON LADIES SHOES High top box calf, regular price $3.50. sale price 13.00. Enamel, welt sole, regular price $4.00, sale price $3.86. Rid. welt sole, regular prtco $4.00 sale price $3.00. All broken lines, legUlar price 2.60, sale price f 1.85. MEN'S Enamel, good style, welt sole) Tegular price 10.00, sale price $6.00. French calf, welt sole, regular price $6.00, sale price $5.00. Patent calf, congress, turn sole, Dindinge, Wilson & Co., a Phone Main U8t TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1903. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Margaret Fuller has gone to "Seattle on a visit. ' J.H. Kaloy is in Walla Walla today on a brief business visit. Swanta Anderson, of Pilot nock, is In the city today on business. A .J. Eisner, who lives two miles be low Pendleton, is in town today. Ralph Wade and Benjamin Burrow are in Baker City on business. A. Gustafson Is confined at his home with a severe attack of rheumatism. John Garrison ,tho prominent Pilot Rock stockman, is in Pendleton to day, Jesse Alloway starts tonight for Linn county for the transaction of business. Charles Wright, of Pilot Rock, Is transacting business In Pendleton this afternoon. T. Donovan, the O. R. & N. line man for the Umatilla-Huntington dis trict, is in the city today. Mrs. C. S. Jackson went to Portland today, to visit with friends in that city for several weeks. Matt Kasrl, of Missouri Canyon, is building a now barn, and remodeling and adding to the old one. Sister Superior Bernadette, of St. Anthony's hospital, is in Portland, and will return In a very short time. C. D. Dlraent, of Walla Walla, rep resentative of the Spokane Spokesman-Review, Is in the city today. Mrs. W. T. Hl3lop returned this morning from the Sound, where she has been visiting for several weeks. There was a light attendance at all tho churches Sunday last, due to the nervousness, which the quarantine of a week before not subsiding. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bush and daugh ter, Miss Nellie, of Athena, are spend ing the week at the Wooddy home at tho west end of Webb. Street. Miss Ethel Thompon, of Pendleton, Is visiting in Walla Walla, tho guest at tho home of her brother, Herbert Thomson. 'Walla Walla Statesman. Thomas Matthews, a prominent Bheep-ralser of Butter Creek, spent the day in the city. He reports the stock of that locality in excellent condi tion, S. F. Thompson, proprietor of the lodging house at 127 Webb street, is COLGATE'S This celebrated line of Perfumes, Toilet Water and Toilet Soaps are now han dled bv us. If yot want something exquisitely nice, ask for Colgates. TALLM AN & C2: THE DRUGGISTS INVEST IN REAL ESTATE There is no proposition before the people that is as safe and sure to double in value as Real Estate in Eastern Oregon. You take no chance of losing, for Real Estate at the figure it is selling for now, is as good as gSvernment bonds. We have the choicest farm land, grazing land, wheat land and city prop erty that is on the market. We can make the terms to suit you, If interested just take time to call and look over what we have and learn the prices. BUSINESS CHANCES-The llatwit l.itrurv Mlntlln A Hmnll Court btreet. W. F. EARN HART, K A8S.OOIATION BLOCK Children's and Misses' Shoes lied School House shoea, sizes 13 to IK, regular price $1.60, salo price $1 10. Misses' high top box calf, sizes 11J to ljs, regular prlco $2.26, sale price $1.86. Children's high top box calf, 8& to 11, wre $1.86, now J1.60. SHOES regular price $6.00, sale price $3 60. GOOD SHOES CHEAP recovering slowly, from tho attack of pneumonia, which has prostrated him for over a month. J. H. Raymer and Charles Weiss, hoth nf nr near Milton, are In town to day. Mr. Weiss has business before the county court, while Mr. Raymor Is tho guest or uounty Treasurer oom mervllle. Mian Flnrn Jnnenla. daughter of tionrv .Tniumln. of Missouri Canvon Is somowhat recovered from the stroko of Tinrnlvsls which nrostrated her last September. Sho can now walk and talk a little, Jacob Enbusk, of Missouri Canyon is in town today. Mr. Enbusk states 'that the condition of winter wheat In that neighborhood is excellent, lncltid lng the 160 acres of his own sowing. although hardly flret-ciass. Mrs. Justlna Kasrl, of Missouri Can yon, Is suffering from a protracted and severe attack of heart trouble. The ailment has not been diagnosed, but is said to be very severe, and Mrs Kasrl's completo recovery Is hardly hoped for. George Mincer and wife have re turned from Cambridge, Idaho, where they have visited for some time. They were accompanied home by Miss Vio let Allen and Edith McDonald. Tho latter will attend St. Joseph's acad emy. Many Bridges Out. Nearly all the smaller bridges on Wild Horse and Cold Stream went out during the recent freshet, which has resulted in considerable Increase In tho demand for bridge timbers' and planking at tho lumber yards in the city. Among other incidents of the. flood the bridge at Holdernian went out clean, which was entirely unex pected, as It was a solidly built struc ture from the bottom of the piers to tho topmost timber. The bridges are all being put in by tho road super visors, tho cost of all of them being considerable. The Club Building. The committee from the Commer cial association will prosecute tho matter of raising funds for the erec tion of a commercial club building Im mediately. The subject was laid over until after tho holidays, not from neg lect, but because It was thought ad visable. R. Alexander, who Is chair man of the committee having in hand the raising of the fund, believes tho entire amount will be raised and the building erected. To Purchase a Plant. William Roeseh, who Is the proprie tor and owner of tho new brewery, the foundation for which has been laid at 403 Court street, started East last r.lght. His mission is the selection and purchase of a manufacturing plant for tho brewery. Ho will invest in only up-to-date processes. Daul. May has the contract for the brick work of the new brewery. Umatilla Pioneer. J. B. Kesney, who Is tho proprietor of tho Elgin hotel, and who Is among tho few distinguished of old timo stage men of Orogon, received this irorning n beautiful dark bay stallion which ho paid $1000 for. He will take him to his ranch on Snako river. La Grande Chronlclo. Marriage Licenses Issued. The following marriage licenses were Issued today: Marion Jack, of Havana, and Laura Crafts; to Chas. M. Wright and Emma Brown, both of McKay. Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. J IllltlllPfiH lllMlmiir COml tirollLH. Oil ! L TWO WOULD SUFFICE FOR NEED&-OF OREGON R. Alexander, President of the State Board of Regents, Thinks That Five Members on the Board Would Be Sufficient Speaks Highly of West em Normal. R. Alexander, president of the state board of normal regents, when inter viewed by an East Oregonlan reporter this morning about Governor Cham berlain's recommendation to cut tho number of state normal colleges from four In number to two, was not very communicative Ho had no objections to being quot ed to a certain point, but declared ho had ltttlo to say on tho subject at this Juncture. However, ho expressed him- Eolf unresorvedly to tho effect that under no consideration would he fa vor abandoning Uio Weston normal, It being tho only normal the entire east ern portion of tho state has, whllo Its efficiency Is Increasing every year, and for tho past year or two at a rapid rate. Ho considers the present president and faculty as efficient and capable. During the past two years between $50,000 and $60,000 has been expend ed on tho Weston normal, and the board of regents Is asking for 137,- 000 this legislature. These reasons moro particularly the location of the Weston normal In Mr. Alexanders opinion, forestall tho presentation of nny arguments for tho abandonment of this, college that will have any con ilder-ible weight w'lh the legislature. Ho believes that one normal in Western ai tl nno In Eastern Oretrnn poperly maintained, would meet all l oturil or legitimate demands of the 1'fople for state normals. Mr. Alexander incidentally favors reducing tho number of regents of the state normr.l from soven to flw. The most forcllle reason for the reduc tion being the fact that It Is very sel dom that any amount of persuasion nr good reasons for a full board meeting actuallly secures the attendance of all the mcmbets. Usually there Is but cie session in the year at which nil the members arc present, and that Is the session at which tho teachers for the ensuing year aro hired. Even for this meeting a good deal of persuasion Is necessary to secure the attendance oT all of the members. HELIX HAPPENINGS. Much Sickness Among Children Many Attended K. P. Convention Miis Myrtle Hill Entertains Per sonal Notes, Helix, Jan. 13. There is consider able sickness in Helix and vicinity, among children, although nothing se rious so far. There is one caso of measles, but every precaution is being tcken to keep tho disease from spread ing. Tho protracted meeting at the Christian church Is progressing very successfully. Several K. of P. members attended the convention at Pendleton last Sat urday, among them being B. B. Rich ards, D. B. Richardson, H. B. Rich mond, C. AI. Alspach, A. F. Raymond, C. A. Logan, C. E. Rushlmore, Burr Johnson, Tarmon and Charles Barger, Alex Montgomery, Emmet Rees and Lyman Grlnwold. Mrs. Rona Walker and little daugh ter, of Spokane, are visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whlteman. G. E. Allen went to Pendleton Sat urday. Charles McAlvy was called to Val ley on account of the serious Illness of his mother. Mrs. Slas, of Athena, came to He lix yesterday to Join her husband, who is engaged in tho meetings here. Mis3 Pearl Smith was a Pendleton visitor Friday and Saturday. Elliot Richardson, of the firm of Richardson Bros., of Adams, Is con fined at the home of D. B, Richard eon, at this place, with a slight at tack of la grippe. Miss Nelllo Herndon. primary teach er of tho public school, Is suffering with la grippe. On Saturday evening Miss Myrtle Hill entertained a fow friends. A de licious dinner was served. A DELIVERY WAGON MERGER. Pendleton Firms Will Discard Private Teams and .Use City Delivery. A movement Is well under way now which promises to do away with the many jyrivato delivery teams now In uso uy the business firms of this city An effort Is being made to form a city delivery, under the management of ono firm, which now operutes five wagons. Tho merchants aro taking very favorably to the proposition, as tiio co3t of maintaining tho delivery teams is about equal to tho cost of hiring this service performed. Tho principal merchants have been conferred vith by tho promoters of tho plan, and much favorablo senti ment has been expressed. The main tenance of a system of city delivery, with teams enough to meet tho busi ness requirements of the city prompt ly, would meet with universal ap proval amocg business men, and tho scheme will be pushed as fast as pos sible. Already a limited number of tho business firms havo disposed of their mm SCHOOLS . . .L ..,.,oiilnn under teams nmt as mu - -- d progress Is dovcloped, It Is cxpecien fo do away with their entire delivery entcrnrlso by private parties. A well-regulated deliver)' system, with sufficient teams to . handle the mmenso trnuo oi much to systematise this Important branch. It Is tho plan to fix regular delivery hours for tho convenience of patrons, besides keoplng cxirn teams constantly on hand for calls nt any time. FOR NEW SCHOOL DISTRICT. Large Influx of Settlers Make It Nec essary to Form Another District A petition was presented to tho ..-.. om.rt nrnvlnn- for tho organl- lUUlllJ WM. v I J -c. - zatlon of a now school district out or now territory adjoining districts xuu and 8G. Tho now district, If organiz ed, would lie on tho county lino, al most directly north oi mo cuy, um. u mti in Vin Ti-nntwnril from the city. Tho first petition was Incorrect, and was returned to mo prumuiuio ui Un.iorlntnnilrnf Nnwlln for cor rection and recirculation. The Influx of now settlers has rendered tho or ganization of a now district in the territory designated necessary Addition to District 89. W. P. Ross, of Meacham, Is bestir ring himself to have about 25 sections of land parts of the old reservation nml partly government land and con slderablo of It railroad land added to school district 89. Tho project would add over four miles of O. R. & N. railroad to the district and greatly Increase tho amount of taxable prop erty, which is, of course. Just what tho promoters of the scheme are alter. It is a very level-headed move on their pert. The land sought to bo annexed lies along the southern line of town 1 In In ranges 35 and 36. The petition in support of tho project, will be ready for presentation at the county court nt the March session. Methodist Meetings. There were three accessions to tho Methodist Episcopal church Sunday last. Attention is called to tho young peoplo's prayer meeting nt the par- sonago this evening as well as to the regular prayer meeting for tho older reoplo nnd the general public, which meets in tin church Thursday even ing. The Ladles' Aid Society will hold an all-day session Thursday at the church. It will bo n meeting of especial interest nnd importance. Tho now song book. "Pentecost No. 3." will be first used Friday evening at a song service at the church, con ducted by tho choir, but to which all attendants upon this church are In vited, to fnmlllnrlzo themselves with the new songs nnd music. Settled Out of Court. Tho case against L. Christiansen, accused by Lowls Nell of assault and battery, was settled out of court be fore It enmo to trial this morning. 'I lie motion to discuss was made by tho complaining witness, and the mo tion was granted nnd the caso dis missed. Cotlnty Court Makes Levy. The countv court last nvenlnc- m.nln tho tax levy for tho ensuing year, as ioiiows: for school purposes, 5 mills: for state and ennntv fnnrlQ 22.9 mills; for roads, .1 mill. Total, 28 nuns, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Qulnlno Tahleti. All drunltti refund the inonoy int fills to cure. K. W. GroTC'a Mgnatuie Is on f acli box. 25c. I It will pay you I to huy you shoes dicing ovv Janti- ay cleaning sale. All shoes ate J cheaper and some hinds that Were $5.00 now $3.35 " 3-50 " 2 95 " 3-5o " 2-5 " 3 00 " 1,69 " 2.50 " 1.50 " i-5 " 98 1.25 " 89 B atgains if we can fit yoti. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Opening Session This Afternoon at the Congregational -Church. Tho fellowship meetings which have their oponlug session at tho Congre gational church this nftornoon, will be attended, or that- is tho expectation, at least, by members of tho church in particular, nnu to a consiaomble extent by orders, from all parts of tho county. Tho general public is cordial ly Invited. Tho program Is as fol lows: The opening exorcises of tho rocu- Jar program Is n gonoral discussion of tho topic, "Practicing tho Divine Presence," led by Rov. R. A. Olds, of Walla Walla. Thoro will then bo an adjournment until tho ovonlng ses sion, which will open at 7 o'clock with tho program proper to commence nt 7:30. The first oxorclso of tho even ing will bo an address by Rov. Austin Rico, of Walla Walla, from tho topic. "Tho Pilgrim's Spirit In tho LIfo of Today." It will bo followed by nn ad- diess by Rov. Stephen B. u Ponroso, D. D., presldont of Whitman College, from tho topic, "Tho Contributions of tho Pllgrnms to Education." Tho ad dresses mentioned nhovo aro expected to bo tho especial "features" of the session, and tho local membership of the church-is anticipating them as In tellectunl and spiritual treats. Wed nesdny forenoon will bo devoted to a business session to consider tho nf- fairs of tho church In this part of tho state. Wednesdny afternoon tho reg ular program will bo mndo up of two nddresses. one by Rov. J. D. Jones, of Dayton, wnsii. his subject will bo, "Loyalty to tho Home Church." The second Wednesday afternoon address will be by Rov. Elvira Coblolgh, her topic being "How to Cuitivato the Spirit of Service and Sacrifice in tho Church's Members." Tho fellowship meeting will bo preliminary to n series of meetings which will ho held In tho Congregational church overy evening for some time, conducted by Rev. C. F. Clnpp, of Forest Grovo, su perintendent of the C. H. M. society for tho state of Oregon. Grnud public ball!! In tho Music Hall!! Friday night, January 10, 1903!! Refreshments will be served. Pendleton Circle 527, W O. W. ST. JOE STOi We are making Big Cnl PrlceB in All Departments oiore, ami win continue to uo tins until Felmiary 1 t, Our Special Muslin Unden Will Occur in February. We will show all the new, up tj goods tresn Ironi tile looms. A nicer line was never on i bition in this city. Wait for this sale. THE LYmB SVfER&ilgiTSlE Itenienilwr: The lurgist stock of goods lu the city to select lii IWyvVVN'WWVVVWv'VV R ader esponds eadily inc orniturc Rade, Reliable Retai I Main and Webb Streets. (I Our 25c Cofifl tl , It can't be improved on by nn price'' cofiee Maple Syrup, Pure and Deliciou Buckwheat for your hot cakes. All kind- ol mushesl complete, clean and low priced place to buv firccc ' 1 Mat tin's Family Gfocey and Bal BEST DRY WOOD Wood business, and now we aro reuuy i - a j nio nafl Main Street. Phone U2. P. P. COLLINS 1 - ... . miMiv rHo the LcGAL BLANKS aloeoc of tlcm. A foil sapply lwy kP' 5toe DON'T -""i uns n.,t . w 1 Whne. - " . l"U P I itnitat nne n. l . lH i uest. Mother buLt.rl "'" " morr. WW1 Aea 7 lbs, Sugarj REAL ESTAT 18,000 acrettutttji, BOO rum ai?.??14." good water and S3 cent off market pnc.l 720 nnro awv !LS "il 4.B00. n,rt .,320 acres, 100 ton, 0l , 8C0 acres in Camu pn iruiu x-euuieion, 16,000 200 aores on the river I ruuuieiuil, l.'.sw IRA ftflrna tiiluu.. I . "iivoi mug. m oii on reservation! 140 acres on the ilver. i Pendleton, tl,800. 1 HPIila la n nA.tl.1 II. 1 .. I aud wheat farms which I Ctty Property a Sp 4 hnvo a long lltt j ioi8, residences, houses. I do not list propertj price In right 1 E. T. WA Real Estate Da Sale R ewards eaped apldly eft Famine igates We have bought of the Allon Brothers, thoir interest!