East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    -.--- ; , m.
Von iilways Ed GOOD.. GOODS at Alexander's.
Alexander Dept. Store
Beg to announce their an
nual Sale of Muslin Under
wear and showing of Dainty
French Lingerie.
TTrvim dwelling House and two
Kith pretty shaded In wii, ou prom
UnmeT of court fctteotj $2500.
Illrelling, fceveii rooms, centrally
l,wHlieleotric liguts, Dam ana
;(, well sluiilcu lawu, Jnuu.
Ir'iocm dwelling, stable and two
lltelllngaudlot, centrally locat-
mi, i
Indwellings with lots from $700
Fine Syrups
Tea Garden Drips
Canadian Maple Syrup
Log Cabin Maple Syrup
Monopole byrup
Acorn Syup
Buckwheat and material for
your hot cakes
tm tn $aoo
all my property on easy
ifrihhhicreaslni! in lionulatlon
i nlss in real emote nro rising,
jtw before you have to pay more,
a't tit down and wuit until real ca
ll pre higutr.
Id. BOYD, M Court Street
A Big Grocery
In a Small Room
Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank
The Columbia
Lodging House
tl, urat sauerkraut and
lStrets near pno(,.fli,.
Despain & Clark
Wholesale Com
mission Merchants
f Will pay cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in Savings Bank Building
Come, Get Our Quotations
William Corley Sells. His Horses
Dance at Thornwald's Personal
Notes Reasonable Weather for
Past Fifteen Days.
Rldgo, Jan. 10. William, Corley. of
uurdano, sold his herd of horses to
Qcorge Cummings of said locality for
a fair figure,
Leo Blevlns, of Lena, was in the
vicinity of Gurdane on Important bus
iness this week.
James L. Hall, of Pendleton, has
been spending a few days at his Gur
dane ranch looking aftor his interests.
Mr. Hall was a guest of the Ogles'
this week. Ho Intends moving out
to his homo in the near future. He
has boen purchasing more real estate
irtely and so has a fine stock farm
Miss Susie Roberson, who has been!
making her homo at Tinnd R'vor, fr..-
about 18 months, 13 now spending the.
winter with relatives in this part.
Sho sold her ranch to Jerry Durham
some time ago.
George W. Lisner made an import
ant business trip to TJklah this week
Some of cur people are turning over
the sod. while others are going nlong
with their spring seeding.
Tho Roland Bros., of Ukiah. fur
r.ished tho music for Thornwald's
dance. Thfre was also a nice dance
tho Sam G. Lightfoot home on
Butter Creek, January 10.
Joseph Gibbons and son, of Alba,
were guests of the SImonton brothers
(his week.
George L. Horseman, of Gurdane,
made a trip to Pendleton this week
on Important business.
Prank Plant, of Nye, mndo,o trip to
Pendleton cn business.
Miss Susan Ogle, of Athena, in vis
iting relatives and friends In this vi
cinity. Mrs. James Davis, of Alba, Is visit
ing In the Willamette valley.
Richard Baker, of McKay creek, was
a visitor in this iocality this week.
Our locality has had very reasonable
arid welcome weather for tho past 1T.
ar.ys. it lias been as high as CO de
city and leads. to the speculation that
rreaB-awtvo; ami -lias nntIK.'tw any u trarciemand tor brick at other points
lower than 20 degrees, which was only
one night. We have been having some
log ana there is snow on the moun
tains, but everything Indicates a mild
winter, with perhaps a cold," squally
spring to follow.
Baking and
At nloney-saving prices at the
Miller Cash Grocery, livery
thing first-class.
Prompt Delivery
Our Cash System saves pur
chasers money.
Miller Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 511
U. S. Supreme Court
U. S. Patent Office
Trade Hsrki nd CopjrlftaU
70O7tif.6t, N, W., Waahlnirtou. I). C
T. W. Lusk Returns From a
Through the Interior.
T; W. Lusk, who resided for 20
j ears In the Ukiah locality, but who
ic at present located at La Grande,
returned to this city last night from
an extended trip through the Interior
of Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Lusk reports the roads in fair
coudltion as far south as Susanvllle.
Stock is In good condition and feed s
plentiful. Mr. Lusk reports an unpre
cedented settlement throughout East
ern Oregon during the past six
' He Is engaged In the land and tim
ber business and has had occasion to
visit many of the most remote cor
ners of this section of the state and
finds new settlers constantly locating
on all the available lands of the great
mountain regions.
Recently he visited the country ly
ing between the Wallowa valley and
the Washington state line, where he
was surprised to And many new loca
tions. This has been considered one
of the wildest sections of country left
In Oregon, but the settler has invaded
this domain and roads are being built
through tho canyons and forests to
the outside world.
tion, writes H. J. Stlllman that the
Pendleton shoot Is attracting tho at
tention of sportsmen from all over
the Northwest, and beyond any ques
tion, the attendance will bo large from
other points. The membership of tho
Pendleton club, which Is now between
PO and 100, will have Its hands full
to properly entertain and arranco foi
tho visitors. The buildings out at tho
range are being gono over In readi
ness for the event, and In addition,
quite a number of commodious tents
will be provided for tho accommoda
tion of the refreshment booths, and
tho secretary's office will also be in
a tent. The latest phase or develop
ment of tho tournament Is a sorics of
prizes offered for the best exhibition
ot shooting by lady contestants. First,
Becond and third prizes are offered as
follows: Five dollars for tho first, by
Frank Frazler; 2.50 for tho second
best score Is offered by the locan man
ager of the Coe Commission Co., nnd
$1 for the third prlzo, offered by N. T.
Conklin. W. W. Hoch will furnish
tho targets, nnd N. E. Mosser, travel
ing passenger and ticket agent for tho
Great Northern, will furnish tho shells.
It is proposed that the association
furnish the guns used by tho ladies,
and this proposition will probably not
be dissented to by any member.
Little Wheat Left.
Ei W. McComas, the grain buyer, es
timates that of last year's crop of
3,500,000 bushels or wheat in this
county that not over a quarter million
bushels remain in the hands of tho
farmers of the county. As a rule It is
held by well-to-do men who are hold
ing It for C5 cents per bushel, which
fipure seems to' be tho acme of ex
ptctation. General indications point
tv a strong market, though, as Mr.
McComas cays, "If wo all knew just
what the market would go up to,
there would bo no question about
everyone becoming rich."
Brick From La Grande.
William Roesch has purchased at
La Grande, brick enough to go ahead
with the construction of the new
biewery for which he could not se
cure the material from Weston before
May 15, In a quantity sufficient to fin
ish it. The inability of the Weston
ards to meet the demand for brick
h causing the delay in the construc
tion ot a number of buildings in this
tributary to Weston 1s aB gieat as at
Pendleton, why Is not the yard's ca
pacity enlarged to meet the demands
upon it?
Plans for Store at Athena.
is. v. iroutman, the architect, goes
to Atnena today to present A. L. Mil
ler, the furniture dealer of that place
with plans for the new furniture
store which- Mr. Miller will build
there immediately. The building will
be of brick two stories in height. In
cluding a high basement, and -will be
modern throughout. Upon its comple
tion flir. Miller will move Ills furnl
ture business Into it. Tho building
will be 35x90 feet on the ground, nnd
In to be built as rapidly as the weather
wjll allow.
Commences tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock in
full blast. Everything in remnants and odd goods
will, bo displayed on tho largo center tableB at tho
BIG BOSTON STORE at prices that will surprise
This is a Genuine
Cut Price Sale
Every Remnant, every Odd Pair of Hose, every
Odd Wool Waist, every Odd Silk Waist, every Odd
Corset, every Odd Skirt, all Odd Childr n's Under
wear, every Odd Pair of Ladies' Wool and Kid
Gloves, every Odd Wrapper, every Odd Jacket and
hundreds of other things too numerous to mention.
Remember that the cost of these goods is not
Get a ticket on the Rubber Tired Buggy at the
Bowman to Build.
Purl Bowman, tho wealthy reserva
tion, farmer and cattleman is figuring
upon the construction of a large bus
iness house at the corner of Main
and Railroad streets in the spring.
Mr. Bowman owns a strip 50 feet deep
ftontlng on Railroad, nnd extending
clear through from Main to Garden
His general plan Is that of a business
bouse or houses on the first floor and
lodge rooms above.
Shoot Will Attract Many
From Many Northwest
- From. 50 to 75 contestants are ex
pected to take part In the forthcom
ing tournament. There are .applica
tions for opportunities to take part
from San Francisco and Liglngston,
nnd of course from many intermedi
ate points. A. J. Winters, ot Portland,
who was secretary last year of the
Northwestern Sportsmen's Assocla-
Visiting in Pendleton.
R. SlTTJalllson, the genial proprie
tor of the St. Elmo hotel, of Palouse
City, Wash., Is In this city in search
of health, and a much-needed rest. Mr.
Calllson will remain here indefinitely.
He Is delighted with the climate and
expects to soon regain his health
which is enfeebled at present by a too
close confinement to his business.
Will Stop Construction,
Upon the completion of the founda-
ton for the now Implement houso be
ing erected by Ferguson & Maloney,
adjoining tho East Oregonlan build
Ing, work will stop upon tho structure
until the middle of May, owing to tho
mammy to get brick with which to
go ahead with the construction.
New Century Comfort.
Millions are dally finding a world
or comfort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve
It kills pains from burns, scalds, cuts.
The most effective nklt purifying and
beautifying soap in the world, as well aa
puront ami sweotost tor touet, uatn, ana
nursery. It strikes at tho causo of bad
complexions, rod, rough bauds, lalllug
liair.unci uauy pieuiisiioa, vir., me ciogseu,
irritated, inflamed, overworked, or slug
gish Potties.
8oldlhrouiboullh. worll. rottlnD iniC.Coir.,
mpJottan. I!owtolUTiBtftuuftitCemplMiQU,frM
bolls and felons; removes corns and
warts. Best pile cure oa earth. Only
25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store.
Parish Sociable.
The ladles of the Parish Society
nlll give a sociable and entertainment
at the Parish Houre tomorrow, Wed
nesday ovening, commencing at 8
o'clock. All are cordially Invited to
Ten Dollars Reward.
Lost Last May, one bay horso;
weight about 1200 pounds, branded
65 on left shoulder, inane roached
last spring. Will pay above reward
for return of same to Purl Bowman.
The youngest monarch who ever as
cended the British throne was Henry
VI. He was 8 months and 25 days
old at his accession.
BAKER & WELCH, Mgrs, MARK M00RH0USE, Local Mgr.
Joe W. Spears presents the big musical comedy
The Irish Pawnbrokers
With the farce comedy triumvirate
A Comedy for Nice Folks
25 People Positively 25
Bitter Fight to be Transferred From
the 8hortgrass Country to Qalem.
Ontario, Ore., Jan. 13. With the
convening of the Oregon legislature
Is revived tho county seat fight be
tween this city and Valo, which will
be waged by the former town until
the people of Malheur county will
have an opportunity to express their
preference as to where the seat of
county government will bo located,
This is the third time the Oregon
legislature has been asked to grant
the people of Malheur county an en
nbllng act to voto on the re-locatlon
of the county seat. At one session
tho bill paseed the house by an over
whelming majority, but failed to pass
tho senate by one majority the vote
being a tie.
Aftor the olcctlon of Hon. E. H.
Test, realizing that the county scat
contest would come up again the citi
zens of Valo havo completed their
court house and now want to present
It. to the county.
Calderhead Here,
S. D. Calderhead, ot Walla Walla,
general paceenger agent -of the Wash
ington & Columbia River railway, la
In the city on official business. Par
ticularly tho ex-Kanaans will be Inter
ested In knowing that Mr. Caldorhead
la a brother of Congressman W. A.
Calderhead. of the Fifth Kansas dls
trlct, and whero prospects aro good
for an election to tho United States
senate this winter.
j .... lualiv. mv ilenr. vnu Iihi- ,
fur In.
id dim hiiw OfiinforlHl'le lid oiler