-9cc t,A.as ana tZMicietwe ...i.mlAlje pHYaim""" JDDD m -rTftPPICB IN Jl W r.ODbone red 371. --rrrr n. DSPA1N ULOCK, mcts eye trouble., catar- ?.: nd Impaireu Hearing. ..---,.. .Till. oi.inM Bank. Telephone -uTrf.n- 11, u, uwm"" ..-w ii III KtVUi . - jjnnpue . Hck 24. 2 Telephone, main 831; real '.-.AM. BiaCE 1 aAAinitiMi par. none rwtTC hlsll' a. n.uavr atrrilLY nivaiviAf au ouk- 111 on j 1 "T IV, "-- Z . (..neAfi nuii (1 seosca or wo- k..iiiit nnmor MAin Ana .jrkja uuiiu.j.h, v.. ----- -- jjl, Office pnone mam , TRAINED NURSES. ..Vs DENTISTS. NUCHAS. DENTIST, OFFICE IN t0it. Thone red 71. 1UXS. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AB- 1 1 L 3 ... 1 .1 ' .. Thow red 2il. CHITEJTS AND BUILDERS. I HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU- .. far hnlldlnra In the cltv or conn- lee it J una Duuaing. FRATERNAL 0RDER8. Umatilla Tent. no. 27. re. n t t MeeU In Secret Society ball, second and luuim intimyi m eacn montn. All visit ing Sir Knights cordially Inrlted. J. S, Kees, Record Keeper; B. D. Estabrook, lominanaer. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. B2, A. V. AND A. M., meets flnt and third Mondays of vuku ujuuiu. v wiling oremrcn welcome. r. 4. xweeay, w. u.; Joe n. rarkes, Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, tl. P.. F. P. Wamaley. secretin. uiL-eLM iccuuu aou louno vnaays or eacn montu in masonic nan. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHT OF rytnias. u. w. neia. c. c : n. w. Fletcher. K. of R. and H. Mrrti vrr aiouuay in eecrec aociery nail. MODERN WOOMEN OP AMERICA.. Tuttillla Camp. No. 0390. Mceta Drat and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' hall. (leortre. A Hamtilln. Con anl; 0. A. Robbing, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camn. No. 41. w. of W lire held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evenlnc. Visltlnc nelchbora are nlwnys welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk; A. owen, c. c. FENDLETON CIRCLE NO 627, WOMEN OF Woodcraft, moots evory Friday evening; at Ilendrlx Hall. All vltltlne nelchbora are cor. dtilly Invite 1 to attend. Mlnnlo Btlllman, ananllan Neighbor; Eva Fletcher, Clerk. ATTORNEYS. " 'Itastus, Hint's h n i.u i "Yds, wih." "Snme t).'r frlon.l ,tu till 7" "N'o snli tint yo .-?p ills l '.! .mllj IT ' TIIK AGE. "i ' i ape on that-silk hat." id hat." JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD DuiiainR. , HAILET & LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT law. Omce In Deapaln RIock. RALLERAT & McCOURT, LAWYERS, AS sociation nuiiaing. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. omce in savings uanK cnuaing. HENRY 3. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association RIock, Pendleton, Oregon. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. I 1.1)1.1., tUAlllAUTUUS AII1J Estimates rurnlshed on snort Job Work a specialty. Prompt i on Blue street near Main . EiHaatei turnisnea on an tunas 7T. nujiL nam., bluuc 11 ui i.i v.v tH it i:nar iirepnnian omce. TI0CT11AN. AllUUlTliiUX 4U OU- al Room ID. Association rtilleton, Oregon. IF.Ll.AtL. rijADimLIilU AOU LU SH. LfUCUL . III.. u liM.w.kJ I Kierj tt Baoley and zenner's cigar i!a St. P. O. nox iu. BANKS AND BROKERS. 'StTins-At. HANK OP ATHENA, ifinnn intirpat on time aeposita. In fnreii... unA domestic exchange, E. I., llariwtt. tMBier h. ub- Inslnws. Eichanse bonclit and sold. Mm 0 n fir J V l7llrnM Tf nlu.pt uwiii, iju.uuu snro us. iimummi r. winpnr nnri si.iii n .-imui attention given to coi IV J. Famish, nrraldent ' J. N fliA.nfM!flAn rn g . , , . nine, sssist&ii' casnier. AJTiCNAI I1ANIT OR- PRMnr.it. .Capital. JTO.OOO. surplus. J05.000. t ffCneral tinnVlnr him nM Viw- iti telegraphic trnnBters sold on - liauciauu. iorK inn pomu in tne Northwest. Drafts ., japan ana Europe. Makes reasonable terms. Levi An il WdA n a n 1. 1 . n n. . t (PTD I A A I ni Inni . - u u I I u IL.U, nclrlclan, dealers In 'olec Of all klfirla flf mi, n.lu. L. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. Ii. 8 RRYSoN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW; COL Jectlons and insurance. Office In E. O. building. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY, ROOMS 425 JUDD Building. T0NS01IAL rARLORS, BILLY KRAB8IQ, BARBER SHOP AND bath roonn, Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First class service. .NEW TONBORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST , Three doors west oi Golden Rule Hotel. J. H Taee, Prop. First class Workmen, every thing clean, all modern Improvements, PATTON '8 SANITARY BARBER SHOP, DES- raln block, Court street; btst workmanship; the modern Improvements; all tools steril ized; bath' rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPH ER8. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PUOTOGRA--oher of the city. Harvest views. In dian photos for sale. Finishing done for amateur. Main St. near bridge. 1'none rea 278. THESHEEP-SHEARER ONE OF THE GREAT IN- LAND EMPIRE TRADES BOOT mND SHOE REPAIRING. L. OREENAWALD. THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First-class repairing wltn best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndlnger Wilson 4 CO. JOHN WILSON. FIRST-CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Best material nsed and good work done. Shop 117 Alta St LIVERY AND FEED STABLE8. TITE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND BALE Blame, -M J. u&rney, proprietor, for nne turnouts, mnvie l in Aim street, LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLE, A. C Dresser, Prop., Old Semple Stable, 723 Cotton wood streot; careful attention given to horses urn- wttn us. OMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FROOME I'ron. Livery, reed ana bosmior. ah Kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite uotel I'enaieton. rnone miin lol. OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON prop. Hpecl&l care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb street. 'Phone -cd 204. BLACKSMITHING. rOPELAND 4 SON FOR WHEAT RACKS. Cheapest end beat In town, 814 Webb St. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. 8. MERRILL, 8FOKANE,- WASH. Agent New Densmore. Second-hand type- (titers, supplies, rellnlng, repairing. E COMMISSION CO. CAPITA! Awn ciiddhic conn nnnii iint. mil WWII! UUU iiifUUVUVII uram, Provisions. Stocks. Bonds and Cotton for uash or Future Delivory vwraiinir the. A.iHni..A i x i 1-1 A.... . " o v WUOL OALCUH1VM LI II Vnlfi WITH HVHLKI11 111 TI1H WUHU W C - leannnoiiii- .. .. . - ... U II .rAsl . .. I jw X v . "'wcoi lur rn rrvin or nnv arnnia vniTllJ"' Ac Per bushel; stocks of 1 per cent. " acuu YOU OUr Unfit Of qintlsHno anrf rinllv Tlfolrt fru TOHto The Long-Tour From California to Montana Public Shearing Pens Old Veterans Have Sheared Around the World Montana Sheep Free From Sand. The Inland Empire has many of the most noted picturesque occupations followed by Americans, and none of these Is more noteworthy than the trade of sheep shearing. It Is common to the residents of the sheep country and Its peculiarities are so familiar that Its Interest does not appeal to Ihem. Since sheen shearing first became an industry of the Pacific Coast, Uie sheep-shearer has been the leading artist connected with that business. In fact, he is the only skilled trades man attached to it, since It is an Ciiom of the country that "anybody con raise rheep or herd sheep, but It takes an expert to shear them." Sheep shearing, as a trade, sprang into existence with the accumulation of sheep into large bands on the Pa cific Coast. They join together under supervision of a "boss," who engages all the business possible In advance. The number of men In the crowd varies from 10 to 20, with the require ments of the locality. The usual man ner of shearing in Oregon Is for the snearers to go to each sheep owner's shearing pens. In Montana, and at places in Idaho, there are great pub lic pens built to accommodate from 20 to 40 nun, to which the flocks are driven from the adjacent ranges. This method is employed to facilitate wool -shipping, the pen being built by the ranroaa, ana to do away with the ex pense of building shearing pens on each ranch. At Huntington, Oregon, and also lu Crook county, public sneanng pens have been operated for teveral years part. The old veteran sheep shearers that did most of the work on Ore- pen ranges, up to five or six years apo, were mostly Callfornlans. In February these roving crowds of men would organize at Bakeisfleld and Delano, in Southern California shear out the great bands of that dis trlct and by March would be on the ground in Humboldt. Northern Cal Ifcrnla, to clip the flocks of that coun ty From Humboldt the crowd would make a long Jump to Lake county. Oregon, shear out the bands there ord by April 35, would be at Ileppner tc begin the Eastern Oregon c-Atn-palgn. The seascn opens later and later as w my ,; local Natlonul and 8tate Bank. "i-rtncwilh: PnrUtnn Raulnta Elanls "" Ul "-iommerce uuiiaing, Minneapolis, Minn., atx- . . III.. . -. .... v.. V . V. U U . I. A.w.bUITWDl. .uu.uu.un .v, ' . . II I. . II vnii i, . Hon.ir """" n open traae or account with ua too can onerat it - unices. e n Offlee, Room 4, Association Block. 'Phon Main 951. I- 0. MAJOR. MauMgw Keep somplaining of the quality oi your outterr- mere is onlv one they advance northward. From the Heppner district, which Is finished up by May 1st, the shearers come to the Pendleton district, where In two weeks the Umatilla county fleeces are put Into sacks. From Pendleton the shearers branch cut on two leading routes. Part of them go to Sprague, Washington, and part to Huntington and Caldwell, both great sheep centers. These points are sheared out by June 1st, usually, though it depends upon the weather, and then the divid ed forces, that separated at Pendleton, unite again at the Montana corrals, June 10 to 12. Montana Is finished up by July 1st, or a we?k sooner. Then the profes sionals take the backward track. Nearly every professional sheep shear er has another trade. Most of them are sack sowers, trac t'en engineers, expert threshing ma chine men, and to their misfortune. many or the old class of shearers Were Inveterate gamblers. From Montana the great crowds go to the Palcuse and Umatilla county rarvests, only waiting for the first touch of winter weather to hurry them southward, to land In Southern Cali fcrnla by the September shearing season. In that transcontinental tour, so to speak, these trademen traversed the entire length of the Pacific coast, from the British line on the Flathead ranges, to the Mexican border at San Diego. Montana has always been the best "sheep shearing" state. Her sheen are clear of sand and a greater num ber can be sheared In a dav. Tho prices vary with diffeient years. rnu aiuerent localities. In the South ern California pens, the ruling prico is nva cents per head. As the shearer advances north, he finds an Increasing price, ranging irora six cents in southern Oregon to eight and nine cents In Montana. Many of the old shearers are from Australia, New Zealand and South America. lliey follow this extremolv liar.l lr.bor year in and year out, until they uieait aowr. ana lodge In some easy ui'cupaiion. The capital of a sheen shearer Is couple pair of good shears, an oil stono o' tne finest grade, and his o clothes. Preparing his shears for work Is tho nrst accomplishment of the nrofns sional, for upon the smooth and. easy action of this implement depends' the numner or sneep the operator shears if a aay. The numLer of sheep sheared by the experts differ. The general average it- oa, lor an Kinds or sheen. narlintiB although trany of them reach 100 to in clean wooled sheep. ins shearing machine is now in vading the trade, as new Inventions are constaiily doing. Later years have lound young men of the neighborhoods doing much of the shearing. Tho old veteran of the 1880 class is scarcely ever seen in me ereat nens todnv. The long tour of the entire coast Is no more undertaken and the boys who ioiiow me traao live next door to the si.eepownors. BOARD AND LODGING, EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF a Court and Johnson streets. 3ood large, clean rooms with comfortable bed. Rates 25c and 50c a night. Tho. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rates $4 and 5 per week. Pendleton Fed YuM In rannvllnn. r. Netr, prop. illE ST. GEORGE RESTAURANT. REGU ar meats scents, short orders a specialty. Open day and night. T. A. Oldfather, Prop. THE 8TRAHON ROOMING HOUSE 61S MAIN street, Mrs H. E.Cooper, Prop. Everjthlnt new and strlftlr flril daIm? .ml tl per day. LODGING AND BOARDING HOUSE; ROOMS lor lodgers and light housekeeping, E. Vt Sullivan, proprietor, Colt nwood street, next to heeler's Photo Gallery. THE WHITE LODGING HOUSE, 301 SOUTH "in street. Mrs. siary Williams, Prop. Housekeeping rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooms and clean, veil kept beds. Lodging 25 cents. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VEnY latea style, for the service of the nnhllr. C. D. Carlln and Jas. S. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main tut ana tne nack will call fsr yoa. CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKF.H, PROP. Telephone Main ,01 Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Savings Bank Bldg. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. Q. W. VAUGIIAN, GRADUATE OF THE San Francisco Veterinary College; calls at tended to div or nlffht. Office, at Denot Stables; phono Rod Ml. INSURANCE & LAND BU8INES8. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable Are and accident Insur ance companies. Office with Hartman Ab stract Co. TRANSPORTATION LINE!. (fit WlTrM SHoi(rI.iNfi and union pacific JOE H. PARKES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD St Opera house block ;land office bus iness, such as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. JOHN nAILEY, JR., U. 8. LAND COM- missioner specialty maae oi iana mines and proof; Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd building, room It). SECOND-HAND DEALERS. GEORGE O'DANIKL, NEW AND SECOND hand coods bought and sold. Court St.. Opera house block. Call and see bint. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN 8ECOND- hand goods. If there Is anything yon need In new or second-hand furniture. stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices. No 212 Court street. NEW AND SECONP-HAND GOODS BOUGHT and sold; pawn bulcrs; monov advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters t sherry, props., 782 Cottonwood street EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. BP.OONKMORE, THK EMPLOYMENT AGF.NT and Messenger man. If you want emulov- inent or help, or reliable messenger service at all hours, call on Mm, 220 court St., Phone IJIRCJC ISO. firm Ttmo sctiMule Aiatv roa From I'oudlotou raox Portland Portland Special No. 1 The Kajt 8:10 am Ricoa.t, Chicago Chicago Special No. 2 rortlaa4 5)pm 8:10 p Portland Mall and Express No.S Th East 1:50 am 1:45 a Tho Halt Mall and Express No.B Portland too am l-.tsan remlleton Passenger BpokaM No, 7 5:t-p Spokane Spokane Passenger 8:15 a m No. S Pendleton Branch Mixed Train No. 41 ISOpta n .(W n m Walla Walla Branch 0.00 pm Mixed Tral. No. 4? Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- FFianXo Ball every 5 days. Dally ' SSnVay Columbia River iM 8rt0p m. To Astoria and Way Bandar Saturday Landings. 10:00 p. in. WlllnmottoUIver. Boats leave Portland dally, except Sunday, 'stage of water permitting) for Willamette an Yamhill River points. Leave Leavs Rlparla Snake River Lewlston 4:05 a.m. Rlparla to Lowtston 7:08 a.m. Dally Dally Excpt Mon Excpt Baa F. F. WAMBLEY, Agent, Pendleton, faTAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 638 MAIN BT. It yon need help or seek employment call on us. rnone Main tun. WANTED. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK OR TO DO any kind of housework by experienced Chinaman. Address Jung Jack, Care East Oregonlan. And that is MAPLE LEAF 40c-per pound. This butter is made at a private dairy and we take the entire out put. Staidard' (Grocery Comply Court Street Finds Way to Live Long. ., ml. . i in .. me stunting announcement of a discovery that will surely lengthen life, Is made by Editor O. H. Downey of Churubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr, King's New Dis- covery ior consumption Is the most Infallible remedy that , I have ever Known Mr COUehS. colrls nnd nln ! Invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine, no one need dread pneumonia or con sumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." Tallman & Co. triinr. antee every 60c and jl bottle, and give trial bottles free,. California's New Governor. Sacramento. Cal.. Jan. 12. Georeo C. Pardee was today Inaugurated as governor of California. At the same time the other state officers-elect took the oath of office. Governor Pardee's address was devoted wholly tp mat ters of state interest. WA NTED SITUATION BY COMPETENT. Ex perienced stenographer. Address S., rare r- u. PEOPLE EXPECT THE BEST In the way of luxury and solid comfort when they travel via And they are never disap pointed not even the moat exacting, for the Famous Trains of this Famous Line are all equipped with "The Best of Everything." Remcmberlt Is theSr)ort Line between Minne apolis, St.Paul ard Chicago. Anything you wish to know about Comforta ole Traveling gladly answered by Ii. L. SISLER, Oen'l Aut 243 Alder Street, Portland, Ore, T. W, TEASDALG, General rassenger Agent, Bt, Paul, Minn, CHICHESTER'S PILLS Orlf liml and Only (emilae. a niuHUMru lie iiietiy. vii ir year ihuuihii, iwih. ai iTUfCIII for riltCIIKMTKU'M K.M.1,1 Mir lo HF.it and tfJoM i" Lltli Vi)ts, aeU4 altti blue rtwu, Tukft in oilier, He fune HHbktltuttuni4 Iwltutlou, Auk itur Jfrusul.ijr-'U'l I i'4,itlnlu''lurupifurar lleillart.. Ts-N(liiiunliilsi ibd llatukla-t fur l.as.dltau Lw rrluni llaall. Hi.l 1 i ail prult. 4 lilt tirvtt r i Unulrul Vu- Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, 8t. Louis, Kau sas City, St. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMS CARD. '"endloton, dally except "Sundays at Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11S25 pm. ' Arrive I'Andlntnn TtiAeHaw T., ... . nui.u.; au Saturday 825 am. Leave Walla Walla dallv. iai tiinn.4 11 w Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound. 8:45 1m For Information roffardlnir i-Ia .mi ammm. modstlons, call on or address W. ADAMS, Agent, B. B. OALDKHIIEAD.G P. A., walla Walla, Wash, RUNS Pullmnn Sleeping Oirs, Elegant Dining Gnrs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. sr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAiinn TOJ GRAND FORKS UROOKBTON WINNEPEQ HELENA and I BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS T CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; BOSTON and all poInU East and South fhronfh tickets to Japan and China, via Taooma and Northern Pacific Steamship 0, and American line. riMB SCHBDULB, Trains leave Pendleton daily except Baaaai at 7 Ml p.m. For further Information, tlma t-mrAm mam and tickets, call on or writs W. Adams, nE dleton, Oregon, or A. V, CUAKLTOM, juira sou Morrison his., rortiana, Ota, Mormon Bisngpa' PUIS sua Ucn lo uie o.t so von 1 un lexkit ul Mmhu Ouuch aoJ tajjl Ioli,T tiuajr tuicl tht wocu CUt4 to ulil tad younif aiUlnr frwa .( f kU-Hmc. dluipiiloo, nuua, a clucu.ooklne. Oures Lost Mnnhootf. Im- insoriiniu. paina aok, tlarvqus TJsr Smdn, Varicoqsls. afgfl, Stop mt tipdfOiJur ana jtuencr to sgus. Btlmuhlti tin Uiln tad Mrr ccnun. soesUi,, f i , w br lull, fcUlltl a written g.ur'nle, la cute m rtufrj, vtcb Uim. CiicuiM !. Address. Hlshou Ramedy uo.. Sun Frunolsoo. OssV 80LD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUQGI8T8, PENDLETON, ORCAON. voisnoi, J.OH rowtr. n jt;nt-i.osses, apermaiorrnoeo W.ffaea eS PoV.re. 8mlnaT Emissions, Lame n bllny, Headnchanfltnssj tpMarry.Lnss of rTj a