East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Opening a set of books ? Then see us for Ledgers,
Journals, Cash Books and D,ij Books. We have all
Full line of Stationer) for busme 3 and social use.
Latest styles.
Hooillumlsm is born of Idle
ness; it Is useful energy gone
to seed. The hoodlum is the
boy who has the spirit to do
something, with nothing worthy
furnlshed him to do by the pa
rents. He must do something,
so without that good direction he
so highly deserves, he does tho
wrong thing. The hoodlum evo
lutes Into the criminal, if not
speedily put upon the right. track.
Elbert Hubbard.
The eyes of the nation are watching
the Oregon legislature, which asseni
hledJ;oday. One of the greatest events
ir. the history of the United States is
to bo commemorated by the North
west In 1905
Oregon holds the Hey to the success
op that celebration. She Is the cus
todian or its life She Is responsible
for its triumph. She can make or mar
It She can write its history In glory
or dim It In defeat.
The spirits of Lewis and Clark
the proud heroes of tho greatest tri
umphal march of the 19th century,
await Oregon's answer.
The world, that Is listening to the
chorus of civilization that has burst
from the thronging industries that
hum along the great river courses
r.nd mountain passes, immortalized by
that memorable Journey, is waiting to
catch the word that shall fall from
Oregon's Hps.
The state stands today at the divid-
lag pathways of fate. To right nnd
left the two highways lead.
One to glory, through united, pat
riotic action, through a policy thnt
places all factional and selfish inter
ests beneath the heel of triumphal
fialernlty. the broad, sunshiny path
of good will and loyalty to Oregon.
The other, through factional clam
oring and jealousy, lends to disrup
tion and disgrace.
Choose between them.
Say to the angry papsimis Mm' av--i.ow
smoking, that the interest of Or
egon shall first he served. Say to par
tisan feeling that there is a hlchei
consideration to be first disposed of
Sav to the political lnsh that Hero
Is a higher master lo obey In the
great issus that lies before the spiv
nnts of the people.
Say to the old .wounds that may
lankle In the political henrt of Orp
gon, that for one consecrated hour,
the chosen servants of this great state
will rise triumphant o'er their evil
promptings and serve the people with
unstinted loyalty.
Oregon's appropriation for the
I.fwls and Clark fair will he an Index
to Its magnitude. Oregon's zeal will
set the pace for tho Northwest Ore
son's figures will decide Its fate.
Before the second day of the sesslor
closes, the appropriation bill for a half
11 llliou dollars should be a law Ttn
fore the sun goes down on the second
day of the session, the electric mes
stngera should fling the glad news
across the tea to the Islea of the Ori
ent, that Oieton has done her duty
that she has spread the feast at which
the nations may gather, to pay hom
age to. the memory of those choice
rplrlta of the ago, along whose foo-
mul schools, and says "of course they
must be supported, although the truest
teachers receive their training from
grandmothers nnd grandfathers, and
at mother's knees."
Continuing in tho same tone of cen
sure, the Telegram compares the grad
uates from normal colleges with that
recent acquisition to the Journalistic
fraternity, the graduate from the cor
respondence schools of Journalism.
The comparison is unfair, unjust
and not warranted by the true condi
tions attending the -profession.
In the first place many of the stu
dents of these "schools" of Journal
ism never saw the Inside of. a print
shop. They are not familiar with the
n.dlmcnts of the profession, when
they receive their diploma that puts
the wing feathers of a full-fledged
"journalist" upon them.
Ou the other hand, graduates from
normal colleges must necessarily pass
through the public schools, receive
the hard-earned education and cxperi
ence that attends tills preliminary
step and In addition, pass a credlta
We examination before graduating
from tho normal, which at least, re
moves the possibility of a comparison
between these two classes of profes
iThe legislature cannot nfford to
take this view of normal schools, held
by the Telegram. It cannot afford to
pass this necessary and efficient
branch of Oregon educational effort,
with a slighting or disparaging recog
True, the lovable attributes of cliar,-
p.ctor and temperament are breathed
with early association nnd environ
ment, hut that does not finish the
teacher fo.- the keen comnctltlon of
Tho training received In normal
schools fits the teacher to do the work
Jenulred by the progress of this day.!
It Is an advancing science; step by
step the now features, now phases,
creep upon It. To keep pace with
these, to know these when met with
In the profession, and to know how
to apply thorn, the teacher must have
the help of the normal, and the nor
mal must have the help of the state.
of the United States h rode down to
the AVulte House unattended, dis
mounted and tied hlB own horse to
tho hitch rack, hung his Bpurs upon
the saddle-tree and walked up alone to
take tho oath of offlce.
Tho recurring appearance of the
county scat spectre, reminds Oregon
thnt this ghost will not "down" until
the whole vexing Issue Is taken out
of the legislature.
Just now the Amerlcan'B fud is the
"strenuous life." Men go racing in
iiuest of money, honor, power, fame.
Hut tho drenmer. the thinker, whose
Ideas have been In advance of his
tunes; the seer who directed others
tc power nnd fame. Is pased by as a
degenerate, a failure.
Men In the truest sense, men who
used their part of the great life that
others might see and kiftiw and be
free; -men of whom Patrick Henry, I
1 nomas Jefferson, Webster, Fremont,,
limine, are types, are spoken of as,
overrated, unlucky, and failures.
They are said to be impracticable,,
because they believe there is some
thing better than money or office. I
. . . 1
Has this great, much-talked about i
prosperity so crazed us that we actu
ally believe that Fremont wns a fall-1
ure? !
He did not become a millionaire,!
nor president! was he therefore a de
generate, a failure? He gave us Cal-
norma, no gave to the people of tnei
West an ideal of man toward which I
they are ever striving. He did more
to make possible the great West thain
all the millionaires of the country
Fifty years from now ho will stand
out as a true American, while our
men of wealth will have passed Into
oblivion. Exchange.
Special Clearance Sale
For a short time we will make some very low prices dn
all seasonable goods. Our prices are always ao to 25 per cont
below our competitors, but for a short time wc will even outdo
ourselves and make prices heretofore unknown on high-class
Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats redaced
to Eastern Wholesale Cost.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Jackets 25 per cent off reg
ular price. ... . , ,
Ladhs' Wool and Silk Waists, spicial reduction accord
ing to quality. Good flannel waists, 85c.
Ladies' and Misses' Outing Flannel Gowns, 10 per cent off
regular prices.
Calico, regular 5c grades, 10 yards to one. person, 3c yd.
Bleached -muslin, 5c grade, 10 yards to one person, 3c yd.
LL muslin, any amount, worth 5c special, 5c yd.
Outing flannel, 7c grade, 5c yd; 10c and uc grades, 9c yd.
Cotton toweling, 10 yds to one person, 30 yd.
Ladies' 10c hose, 3 prs 25c
Children's 10c hose, 3 prs 25c
The Place to Save Money
The gull shnll whistle in his wake,
The blind wuve break In fire
He shall fulfill Cod's utmost will.
Unknowing his desire;
And lit shall set;' old planets pass
And alien stars arise
Anil give the gale his reckless sail
In shadow of new skies!
Strong lust- of gain shall drive him
And lumper arm his, hand,
To wring his food from desert nude.
His foothold from the sand;
His neighbor's smoke shall vex his
Their voices bicak his rest
He shall gj forth till South' is North
Sullen and dispossessed!
He shall desire loneliness,
And his desire shall bring
Hard on his heels a thousand wheels,
a people and a king!
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
In our school. Instruction U given la J
wording, capitalizing, punctuating, para
graphing, etc AM our teaching Id pracU-
cal; the eOucaUon we give Is usable. A !
course with us pays the sucews of our
By the Fire Insurance Com
panies we represent. Our
companies stand first in the
graduates, a business men and women. ' Assets
and as bookkeepers and stenographers, j Hartford Fire lllsurnnco Co.$12,25D,07G
He shall come back on his own track, Prove this. Open all the year; student Alliance Assurance Co ... !!fl,03B,l)U3
Ann by his scarce, cool camp aamutca at any time; catalogue free 1 """un . ojuiu-iiMuire vim
m ,. - . . .1. .1 Mimlmnpp I :n
inere Hum ue meet, me roaring street, pnr,XI Awn ni,cluccc .
Tiie derrick aud the stamp! , . .. . v-uumuii
For he must blaze a nation's ways
with hatchet and with brand,
Till on his last-won wilderness
An empire's bulwarks stand.
! Itisnnincp On . . . 9 KAA flRS
Korth British & Mercantile
Co 19,695,074
Itoyal Insurance Co 22,897,163
Rubbing with liniments, blisteriug.thenp
plication of plasters ; in fuct anything that
will produce counter-irritation, is good for
extenul treatment of Rheumatism, but
these simple remedies do uotreach the seat
of the disease nor touch the real cause,
aud relief h therefore only temporary.
Rheumatism is due to Uric Acid and
other irritant ooNons in the blood, and
Death Is a swiff and unheralded i as.l le thrnush the system, these
OWiU X J ft V- UWnllVtl IU hUW ItlltirblVi))
jonus mm nerves, uuu
messenger. He comes In the highest
noon of triumph with a ruthless toueh
that levels the towering genius to the
plane of the lowliest man. Thomas H.
Tongue was strong in mind nnd body.
Not yet three score, he could reason
ably expect to enjoy life, health,
vigor, honors and friends for years to
come. His work unfinished, his task
open like a book before him. his aspi
rations giving color to his life, his
plans designed with a statesman's
precision, upon the trestle-board of
action without warning, without a
whisper of tho approach of thnt fate
ful hour, he leaves his home for a
brief spell, and is carried back to it a
lump of lifeless clay.
Oregon mourns his death as a moth
er would mourn for a son. He was do
ing his share to shape her destiny
Perhaps not in the snme
manner tfiat would be chosen by men
of different political faith, but with
the same ultimate object In view.
exposmc tonight air,
cold east winds, oral!)
sudden change in the
weather, will bring ou
an attack which may
last for a few days or
tAWS2 ir linger on for months
Ev?rv battle with
- r 'rls??f' .Rheumatism leaves
iifer? 7'' the blood in poorer
SsWfrrSn iVSM coudition, while the
corroding acids nre
gradually consuming
paths now rushes the traffic of an em-' partisan
pi re.
Senator Hoar Is probably repentant
now and in his declining years seeks
to remedy some of the unjust legisla
tion he has assisted In passing In a
career of a third of a century, as a
the oils and fluids that lubricate the
muscles aud joints, aud they become stiff
aud sometimes immovable.
Rheumatism, with its sharp, cutting
pains, cau never be conquered until the
acid blood has been cleansed nnd puri
fied, and all irritating substances neutral
ized and filtered out of the system, and
nothing does this so promptly and effec
tually as S. S. S. Under the purifying
and tonic effects of this vegetable rem
edy the blood is made pure, the gencrui
health is rapidly built tin und tliesufferei
i , : -f t . .1.. :
technical i ODlJlus "wppy rcuci iimn me luduxiuK,
nagging pains ui n.ueumaiisiii.
SS (588) matism before it
vous, peevish
cripple, or iain
racked iuvuliil.
Write for our )cciul book 011 Rheuma
tism, wlndi will be sent free.
The Swift Speclfio Co., Atlanta, Gn.
The democratic simplicity Governor
'Chamberlain exhibited in asking that
'the snobbery of an inausural ball be
The Evening Telegram In summing (dlsponstd with, U In perfect keeping
up the appropriations to bo made by ( with the sentiment of every true dls
the present session of the legislature clpio of 'Jefferson. When Thomas Jef
speaks slightingly of the state nor- ferson was Inaugurated as president
00 a
cure dyspepsia and nil disorders aris
ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by
physicians everywhere. Sold by all
druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents.
Trial package free by writing W. H.
Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W,
Schmidt & Co., druggist.
Wholesale Coin
mission Merchants
Will pay cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and all day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in Savings Bank"Building
Come, Get Oar Quotations
Bargains in
Real Estate
: Specii
I Baraii
Dress Skit
I Rainy Day $!
: Ed Ebet
Smiles of Satisfat
Always ornament
patrons Our Lad
ary work is theacml
of perfection, V
give it that gent
finish so greatly
Court and Thompson Si
Gray's Harbor
l have a larger and better
lift of Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Proporty to sell
than ever bt?fore. Also a big
lot of land in the comii g
wheat stction of Eastern
Commercial Co.'GQQD SOUND WOOD
We Don't Keep Everything
Hut we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooriug,
Ceiling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Alxo all kinds
of Diiuenulon Jiimibtr, in
cluding Lath aud Shluglee.'
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper aud Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
ofle In need of Lumber will
not be wrong in plaoing
their order with the : ;
Gray's Harbor Com, Co.
Opp. W; & C. R. Depot
Is always received when you
place your, order with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5t
Clang! Clang! Hear lie
our success in carriage ana
or snrinc. seat or sio
rin in ,,c Wa nnf ltM
WWW J . ,,w ." .
materials win a niiun
I'ctiui ui VcUillW,
..u:i.. -l cnan eve
v r 1 1 1 1 . j r t siiiLB aim " -
L ...... -r. 1 nat 11
oiurcr KusiMiue
Rgonu ior iuem
ust reccivcu "-
car ioaa 01
stock supplies at me
i .nipswii
127 ana ish r-iuu -
" - n PI7T
carpU, on "dPr
Dine nuriKne". "-..-
bundle, of loo offlct.
at Uie EAST uiiw.--
ton, Orf0B.