Less Cat js and Societies ....anb AND TRADES. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. TT OFFICE IN J ODD iii 1 1 i at U D U31'AI. W. troubles, catar rh Impaired bearing. LEif-MllD 1181. FRATERNAL ORDERS. TTf 1TIT1 I TPVT Vrt 7 tr ft m w - ... , i , . l v.. I , iv. V7. aa, Meeta la Secret Society ball, second and a . w - uvoua n III tlU UUUIU. AH TUIl in r Clf kAiulttll. t aa, m v n "to - ui.ai vviuiii7 hit lira, ,j. o. Tbi.voo. offich over itilepsooe, Msln Ml. black 73 ItLD. II. D.. nOMEOI'ATHlu rj.nrwnn. UOCe in uau fjTTuu room IT ASSOCIA- '....;.. main B31 : reel- iool. Mick 161. HBNDERSON, rnxsiciAN . oH!lp. eye. ear. nose lie s i tTT-.THS. OSTEOPATHIC i-mmc and nervous dlseaaes O'lce one oioc wi ui rZratv PHYSICIAN AND BUR' m .-,- - dlteuei and dlsesses of wo- FLm batidloK. corner Main and Zrneie 'uhone main 721: Res. - TRAINED NURSES. t DUDES', GRADUATE NUBPE a-taairw ......... DENTISTS. kreeiN. DENTI8T. OFFICE IN mone rca DENTIST. OFFICE IN AS- Mock ortr Schmidt's new drug Fart rtd 271. ICTS AND BUILDERS. ma architect and su- past, nsses complete ana reus. sSrsuliamgs in tne city or conn I it jna ouiiaing. rENDLETON LODGE, NO. 82, A. F. AND a. ai., meets nrsr, ana toird Mondays of rcu oiuaiu. tuning or in re n welcome. i. j. .i-weeuy, . ii, ; joe n. farkrs. Sec. rENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wamsiey, aecretary. una aecona ana lourtn t-Tiaaya or each KDaia to uuoaic nau. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHT OF Pythias. L. W. Held, C. C; B. W. tietcner, n.. or iu and 8. ueeta erery Atuaunx n oecreK aocieiy nail. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICAv Tutnllla Camn. No. 630A. alfvta flr ana tuira Monanya or eacn month at Odd I'eiiow nan. ueorce A Hamblln. Ton. oi ; u. a. iiooDini, ciera. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR mcetlnea or rendleton Camn. No. 41. W of W. are held In Secret Society hall erery Saturday ercnlnj. Visiting neighbors are always welcome. J. i: waiter, ciera: A. J Owen, c. C. rEVDLETON CIRCLE .NO 271 WOMEN OF Woodcralt, meets every Friday erenlng at HtBdrlx Ilall. All Tllitlnc neighbors an cor. aitur inniea 10 aiiena Minnie Hiiiiman. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JDDD Dnuainc. HAILEY A LOWELL. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Deapaln Block. BALLERAT ft McCOURT, LAWYERS, AS aociation DQimmg. CARTER & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT aw. umce in HaTlnga Bask tralldlns. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. , D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. H'COLE, CONTRACTORS AND buDStes rnrnlanea on snort ,J4 Work a specialty. Prompt i n Sins street near Main, I CONTRACTOR AND BUILD mna fnrnlsbed on all kinds teaeat walks, atone walla, etc i a Bit oresonian ooice. IS. ARCHITECT AND SO Boom IB. Association fo&ton, Oreron. IBLUI. rLASTERINQ AND CB- Cesnt walka a apecuity. isa- lakM tree, work snaranteed. it Btdler and Zebner'a clear I an sl, F. u. soz MNKS AND BROKERS. ksiTIOXAIi BANK OF ATHENA. Caclul, t30,0UU; snrpius ana llvjwl intrMt on lime ockkjbum. s tttr. mfl domMtlc ezebaure. i ptonptlj anenoea io. nvurj . trMWtnf. T. 1. KVtk. rlce-preal- ll L. Ptrnett, essUn: F B. Le- iBli:nt cutler. IriKMEUS' BANK Of WESTON, Ortpsu. Dow a eeneral bank- csks. Eitntun oongnt ana sola. rromotlr attended to. R. . jraltot: George W. ProebateL j. fi. Murore. casnier: di .6 L Hirtmac. M. M. Johns, T. ttt-CtSF, J. 1 Kllgore. Robert , u. n. rrDecsieu reroaros savings bank. bl Oreron. Orcanlird March l. QmKa,0OOi aurplas, SBO.OOO: s vtntd n time deposits. Ex- i tx&t us sold on all principal ciu aiieuuon giren io coi . j. tnnisii. president: J. N. KCntMnt: T J Morrla, cashier: , iuiant rainier. IWttl.rn.000: snrpius. 103.000. 'iKoerai oansmg business. Ex- i uifirapiuc trensrers sold on , nanciac. New York and I IB tbe Northwest. Drafts , Japan ard Enrorje. Uakea i reuonahle terms. Lerl An- It! W F VH(Vt lca.nra1. (Viar. cashier i H r Johnson. RICAL SUPPLIES. 217 COPBT TPT rtrleUnt, dealera in 'elac UOUae. atnrM wrirmA tnw. Jf or telephones. Elec- all kinds. Get oor price, i loeelalty. L. B..REEDER. ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, R. B IlRYSu.V, ATTO RNBY-AT-LA W J COL lectlona and Insurance. Office in E, O. building. B. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY, ROOMS 425 JUDD Building. TONSOrtlAL PARLORS. BILLY KRA83IQ. BARBER SHOP AND bath rooms Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George. First class sei-rlee. HEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST . Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. H. Pace, Prop. First class Workmen, erery imng Clean, an modern lmproTemenia. , Tllfc ltLAPON lluyttr Is not an author, he's n 1m ip . . lmst "Why m?" Kvory novel lie wrltt-s Iwcotnes-n uttifi i'ii' mmket. THE BOYS ABROAD SUPPLIES CONSUMED BY SOL DIERS IN THE ORIENT. PATTON'B SANITARY BARBER SHOP. BBS- pain Diocc, uann sireei; dtsi worarmansm all the modern lmproremenu; all tools tier! lzed; bath rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPHERS, W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PUOTOQRA pher oi tne city. Harreat news, in dlan photos for sale. Finishing dona for amateurs. Main St, near bridge. 'Phone red 278. BOOT AND 8H0E REPAIRING. L. QnUENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. Flrat-claas renatrlne with best materials. Shop In rear of Dlndlnger n nson ft uu. JOHN WILSON, FIR8T-CLA8S SHOD- maker and repairer. Best materia) used ana gooa wore acme, nnop ill aiu or. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. TBE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. 1. Carney, proprietor, lor line lurnoma. siaoie lis ah etreet, LTVKBY, FEED AND BALES STABLE, A. C. ureaser, I'rop , u;a sempie HiSDie, .li uotton wood street; careful attention siren to horses leu wun ua. COMMERCIAL 6TABLES, O. M. FROOME i'rop. L,ITery, reed and boarding. All xlnds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op posite uotel rendleton. mone main lol OH EG ON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON prop, special care siren to norsea lert with me. Lower Webb street "Phone ed 2. BLACK8MITHINQ. COPBLAND ft SON FOR WHEAT BACK8. Cheapest and best In town, III Was Bt TYPEWRITERS AND 8UPPLIES. m a iftunoit r u tWi tr AW u.' 1 an r O aUClUla4Ut U A UlaOHU. f AUftS,, Xftnt New Dens more. Second hand tjft 5intr, icppues, reimiag, repaino COMMISSION CO. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 8300,0001' !lt Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds and Cotton for Lash or Future) Delivery lovernment, municipal and miscellaneous securities. Own uig the most extensive nrlvate wire system In tbe world we 'wcern r Sma" orders more promptly and satisfactory than nntee' fcfew l le for more than the margin you place In trade. We r'est tor rarrrlnir lone stocks "8 REOIIIRCn t- . an .1 Jul. xv per uusiieii buichi, per ouaic. "Hill. Tipr hlUhnl- itnnlra 1 1 jou our Book of Statistics and Dally Market free. Write I 75 National and State Banks. I'eCAL RPrroRM.i-. . . -..bnuui renaieion savings tsann. 'tUfMt' B1?k ot Commerce Bulldlns. Minneapolis, Minn., Ex- a .'.'"'tile tlrinxlnnl . j . .r i.i wili Pkii H vuwud hud ciuea oi me noruiwcsi, luciuuiut kulr? numan, Rltrrllle. Davtnn Wnlln Walla Unirrnr. Peadlc- lc3r construction to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Brerett and ' If tAh a IWr'5offlcM an open trade or aCC0"nt with us you can operate it Pf" Office, Room 4, Association Block. 'Prion. Main 851. 0. MAJOR. Manager Some Interesting Figures of the Com missary Reports Bacon and Beans Lead the Rations Tobacco and Mineral Water Leading Luxuries. If there is any busier man in the orld than the depot commissary at Manila it is hard to say who ho Is. The recent report of affairs in the Philippines for the year ended June 30 made by Major General A. B. Chaffee. Includes the report of this officer. Colonel C. A. Woodruff. Dunne the year there was shipped. issued and sold from his office, prop eryt and roods to the value of $5,125,- 070.58. In the list was almost every thing that anyone ever heard of. Bacon and Beans. Of course the regular food stuff9 head the HfL Of bacon there was 3.- iz,5)4 pounds: of beans. 1.259.815 for issue In addition to 380.17C -pounds in cans; potatoes, 13,211.073 pounds: sugar, 4,620,016 pounds; fresh beef, (,dt.s,y30 pounds; coffee, 1.097,693 pounds; condensed milk, 2393,432 pounds, and so on throughout the list or necessities. The government is sued 9,238,990 pounds of ice. Table Luxuries. Of the luxuries for the table there is also a formidable list. These things are found in the report: Corn, 336,461 cans; peacnes. 103,548 cans; prunes, 369,265 pounds; salmon, 1,153,157 cans; oysters, 105,809 two pound cans; clam Juice. 11,894 pound cans: soups, 182,139 cans; sardines, 102,275 boxes; tobasco sauce, 25,736 bottles; Worcestershire sauce, 25,736 bottles; tomato catsup, 48,200 bottles; sauer kraut, 96,415 pounds; raisins, 41,140 pounds; plum pudding, 16,879 cans. That the soldiers in the Phillnnlr.es have friends at home Is shown by the enormous amount of writing material they use. The report tolls of the sale of MIG.725 envelopes. 30.953 auires and 58,361 tablets of writing paper. 34,241 pencils, 31,799 bottles of ink and Ki3S gross of pens. Cleanliness of the Army. Cleanliness seems to be also one of the virtues of the army. Tor the list contains 411,237 cases of toilet soan. 64,255 towels and 8343 yards of towel ing. There were also 34,450 handker chiefs disposed of. There were only 2504 nail brushes used, but tooth brushes seem to be more popular as 37,817 wens sold with 37.053 boxes of tooth powder and soap. Shoe polish Is popular in the Islands. 92,107 boxes and bottles having been used. Shoe. strings were used to the number of 106,814. No Intoxicants. Beer and liquors are of course not cn the list because of the passage of the anti-canteen law, but 286,708 bot tles of ginger ale passed through the commissary's department, as well as 77,041 bottles of apollnarls and 158,266 bottles of other mineral water. Tobacco for Soldiers. Tobacco is very popular in the Philippines. Here ate some of the figures: Cigars. 4,796,873; smoking tobacco, 201,226 pounds; chewing to bacco, 264,438; corn cob pipes, 16,032; other pipes, 19,168. To smoke all this tobacco as well as to light lamps and -other things, 1,832,773 boxes of matches were used. Army Sweetmeats, Of the sweets of life the officers and soldiers may have their share. During the year there was sold by the commissary, 211,102 pounds of black berry jam; 110,614 pounds of currant jelly; 10,029 cans of marmalade; 105, 173 jars ot preserves and 230,658 pounds of candy, ranging in value" from 5 to 50 cents per pound. BOARD AND LODQINQ. KMPIRR LODGING HOCBK, CORNKB OP K. Court and Johnson streets. Good large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Bates 2Se and 60c a nlfht. Thos. Smart, Prop. UOTEL ALTA, COBNRB ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the dar or week. Good table set Bates $4 and a per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Nell, prop. THE 8T. GEORGE RESTAURANT REGD lar mea.li S cents. Short orders a specialty. Open day and night. T. A. Oldfether, Prop, TBE STRAItON ROOMING BOUSE 613 MAIN tteetMrs H. E. Cooper, Prop. Ererythlns new and ttrtctlr first class. Rates e, SOc and U per day. LODGING AND BOARDING BOUSE! ROOMS fiir lodgers and light housekeeping, K. V. sulllran, proprietor. Cottnnwood street, next to Wheeler's I'hoto Gallery. TBE WHITE LODGING BOUSE, 301 SOUTH Maln street Mrs. Marj Williams, Prop. ITOUfekeeDlnff rooml anil lodrlnr mnmt. Good comfortable rooms aud clean, well kept CABS AND CARRIAGES. BOBBER TIBH HACK, NEW AND VERY late stria, for the aerrlca ot tbe Dnklle. C. D. Carl In and Jas. B. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial llrery stable or tele phone main 101 and the hack will call far jos. CITY CAB LINK, ERWIN RAKRH. TROP. Telephone Main 791 oaico and waiting room, Alia street, next to Savings Bank Bldg. VETERINARY. SURGEON. DR.O. W. VAUGHAN, GRADUATE OF THE San Francisco Veterinary College: calls at tended to dir or nleht. Office at Depot Stables: phone Red til. INSURANCE & LAND BU8INE83. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDE8T and most reliable fire and accident lnaur ance companies. Office with Hartmsn Ab stract Co. TRANSPORTATION LINE. mm amd union Pacific JOB H. PARKES. OFFICE COTTONWOOD Bt Opera house block iland office bus" Iness, such as filing ot claims and initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILEY, Jit.. U. B. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made ot land filings and proof: Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd building, room 1U. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND band goods bought and sold, court Bt. Opera house block. Call and see him. Dsriar Time SolitvltiU isaira roa From l'ondloton raox Portland Fartland Ppeclal No. 1 The Kaat 8:10 am Srcoa.at, Chicago Chicago Spetlal No. 3 Pottbu4 5 30 pa l-.IOpta Portland Mall and Eipreaa No.5 The Baal 1:60 am liuaaa The Bolt stall and Etprest No.6 Portland 4:50 am tusasa Pendleton Paisenger SpokaM No, 7 s'lApta Spoksno Spokane r.nsenger SllSam No. 8 Pendleton Branch . Mixed Trslu No. 41 I Sw p as r.-minm Walls Walla Branch GiOOprn Mixed Trsla No. 42 Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- SMP.B. rir&EEeo P. m. Sail everr 5 dTt. Daltr ffly Columbia Blrer iM 8:00 pm. To Astoria and War Sunday Saturday Landings. 10:00 p. in. V. STROBLB. DEALER IN 8ECOND- hand goods. If there is anything yon nd In new or second-hand furniture. stores, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices, No 212 Court street. NEW AND 8ECONP-HAND GOODS BOUGHT and sold ; pawn brokers; money adranced on all kinds ot articles. Waters t Sherry, props., 32 louonwooa street. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE8. Retail Tobacco Dealers a Unit, "New York, Jan. 10. The Chicago branch of the Retail Tobacco Dealers Association, which was chiefly instru mental In organizing the national body of that name, has signified its willingness to agree to any changes in the constitution of the larger asso elation, which the New York local as sociation considers desirable. This signifies that the movement will be united throughout the country. In stead of separating into Eastern and Western branches as was at first threatened. The provisions of tho na tlonal constitution as they stand at present give the government of the organization almost entirely into the nanus or the Chicago local assocla tion. The New York association elect ed delegates to tbe national conven tion to be held in Chicago next week but Instructed them to not pledge the local association to Join the national unless It were given reasonable reu resentation on the board of directors The delegation having received assur ances that there will be no further difficulty, tlie delegates will leave for Chicago tomorrow. Advices received show that the retull tobacco trade of Philadelphia, Buffalo. Indianapolis, Detroit and other cities invaded by tne trust will also be well represented at the Chicago meeting, w Keep :omp!aininK of the quality of your butter? 1 here is only one esitoo nd that is MAPLE LEAF 40a per pound. This butter is made at a private airy and we take the entire out-ut. Standard firoccry Comply Court Street North and South Meet. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 10. For the nrst time In the history of the Metho dist chuich, since the split that occur led at the outbreak of the civil war important committees from the church North and the church South have held a Joint meeting. This meet ing was held in this city today, when a commission of 11 members of the church North, who have In prepara. tion a new hymnal for the denomina tion conferred with a similar commis sion representing the church South with a vjew to bringing about the adoption of the same book for both branches of the church. The general impression is that a compromise will be made and some of the best hymns of the two blanches be placed In the new nymnni. Will Deliver Railroad. Oioat Falls, Mont., Jan, 10. To morrow is the dato set when tho Gieat Falls & Canada railroad Is to bf officially turned over to tho Oreat Northern Railway Company. The liiune of the line wll be changed to tho Oieat Northern & Montana. Through the acquisition of this road President J. J. Hill, of tho Oreat Northern will tap tho vast coal depos its in tiie Crow's Nest fields and se euro fuel for the linns of the Northern Securities Company. "I'm afraid brother didn't enjoy ills Christinas dinner," said the Jlitle girl. "lie seemed to cat heartily." "Yes, but he wasn't as sick as usual next day." Washington Star. 8POONEUOBE. THB EMPLOYMENT AGENT and Messenger man. II you want employ ment or help, or reliable mciienger lervlco at all hours, call on him, 220- Court St., Phone unci 15b. WUtamotto It Ivor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Sunday, 'tege ol water permitting) for Willamette an4t Yamhill Rlrer points. Leare Klparla 4:03 a. m. Dally Excpt Mon Snake River Rtparla to Lewliton Lear Lewlstoa 7Ma.Ea, Dally Excpt Mat F. F, WAM8LEY, Agent, Pendletoa. L.,an VlinlnVIl?U fWtnV fi.tO ll.tU DT It you need help or seek employment call on us. rnone Main iuii. WANTED. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK OR TO DO any kind of housework by experienced umnaman. Auaress jung jacs, uare ni Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION BY COMPETENT, EX- periensea stenograpner, Aaaress 0., care . o. CHATTEL MORTGAGE 8ALE. Notice Is hereby given tbat by virtue of a lattel mortgage, dated August 27. 1902. exe cuted by II. C. Guernsey to 0. B. Wade, cash ier, securing the payment of the promissory note described therein, of errn date therewith. for S800.O0, due ninety days alter its date, bear- interest at s per cent per annum irom aate, which chattel mortzae- Is given unon the one- hsll undivided Interest In and to 70 bead of stock cattle, Dranaca on tne rigni nip and rlarht side W. some being branded In one place and some In the other, and also covering other personal property particularly described inerein, snn was ouiy recoraeo on August ct, 180-2. at rare 211 of volume it of the Records of Chattel Mortgage! In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Umatilla County, Oregon, tbe conditions of said chattel mortgage baring been vlolsted by tbe maker thereof and sslil promissory note being still unpaid; therefore, the ssld C. B, Wade, cashier, lias taken not. session of the Jollowlnr de.erlbed r-erronal property, mentioned In said chattel mortgage. lo-wlt: 70 head of stock cattle branded W, eon riant bin ana nxnt iae (being an 01 tho property mentioned therein which he halt interest In and to said 70 hiud ot cattle at public auction at tne nour 01 twelve o'clock noon, on the 12th dar of January. 1003. at and upon tbe ranch of stere Hampton, at the dwel ling house Hltusted on tbe Northeast quarter of Paction 71. In Townsbln 6 North and Bancs si ttutoi tne uiameue aicriaian.in umauiia county, Oregon, to tne nignest ptaaer lor fain In band, the proceeds of said safe to be applied to the namest of the amonnt dne on said promissory note and the roits and expenses of sale, incmaing reaiuuauio aiiorucyi- inra. uatea jsnusry itMa. C. B. WADE, rainier, Mortgagee. Br T. D. Taylor. Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, and Acent of Mortgagee. CARTKB Si RALEY, Attorne)!. CHICHESTER'S PILLS tUtrv Original mid Duly (ieoulue 1V.VUU ieniJMuisu, (a'( 1 , itsuiii tw nil It'll KrVl'KK'H KMJI.HII Io I(KI aid UuM lOifUlllo boittj, twlt with blu tHitmo. 'J'taLir) lit vlhere UefuM I'ubaUUutsuriatb'i liultKtluii. Alt four Uragiitt, vrM-u icnU iu iui fcr rr llriilurs). Taallniitilal4 and fuLlt fur J.Kdl. r rclnri Mull. Hll br tit Itiu 4 1 r( itenilcsii '. VU-H I if 1 1. A l' PI las. B MEN AND WOMEN. triiAlHaal ' rnr unnsiursi . r.lrr as UAh.vMjmliiiiia-itfQnii. OiuumT Irrltsttuos or ulcerations aot trlctar. or mucous racnuraoai, t-f.v.ai. Cmiul. Paiclaei . and cot aitrtli TSlTKltVAasCMtWICuCo. ,n (Olsonoua. II. M. A. aaaaaH Y IM VtSVIU 771. Washington & Columbia Rive Railroad Take this route for Chicago, St. Paul, 8t. Louis, Kan sas City, SL Joe, Omaha, aud Ail Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIME CARD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Sundays at J 100. pm. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday and Frldsy USSpm. Arrive Pendleton Tneadar. ThnnH,. ua Saturday 9 SWam. Leara Walla Walla dally, eaat bAnnri. nwim. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound. 8 M ass. For Information reiardlnr ralna and modatloni, call on or address W. AUAMH, AgSUt, PendlatA.1. nrtma 8. B. CALDKUnEAD, O P. A., nana nana, wain, TO RUNS Pullman Sleeping Gtrs, Elegant Dining Gtrs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. nr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIH DULUTH PARGO GRAND FOBilH CROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA and BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; JiOBTON and all poiuta East and Boutb through tickets to Jsoan and China, tla Tacoma and Northern Paclflo Stesmsblp C, and American line. TIME SCHEDULE, Trslns leave Pendleton dally eirenl Snsdaa t7ap. m, For iurther Information, lima cards, ausa nd tlcret". cell on or write W. Adsms. vA. dletou, Oregon, or A. D, (JIUKLIOK, iiiira ana uorrisoa ., rornana, ore. MANHOOD RESTOJREDOTv.'JIL aaaaW aaW 7' ,',!r.tlu,,l'r"f"lll'0''rramousl!rcncliplirolrlan,wlll quickly cure you ofaa If :,"..-,,i,,?.u'u.,?'!,"", Emissions, Nrrrou. Itutillliy, iluiile7 A, .-UWi fi'1'',' J,ur,r'J'' i:lullint Jrnlna,Vrlcurl.Miiilltusllrioia, IWv HMfiWi1 ,'"''J''lyor''l',l,'-.''r;ventciulclcniiof discliaiv, whlcli If not checked - V-P s tp Hperwlorr)io;ftandalltbhnrroryf,flimiiotncy, SlIIIMOKNIlcliuscatb and reetorea amiu welk oriaLlX d 1 org"" " ,u'l'urt,,"i ;"' tren?in3 n..P.,.fS2n..1,un"erfre are riot cared hy D.vton,lshetnssMperontare il"V".r' "i'r K"owi nmi t., cure without un oueruUun. iiunuutiEiniij ana money rn- rnwiir aon-adtmai.f.t.Tiot a rinall. fiend lur VUICK I lrr.,iar kii troubled wild I'roalKlllla. tjujj ttiaUniunUla. A wrltum A,,, e-ni a I ij a r,i ir. ml Ad-lreaa IiAViir, .t:iil-irK (., p. o.Tlox aril. Baa Titudaou. Oil SOLD BY TALLMAN 4 CO., DRU GGIGT3, PENDLETON, OREGON. . Ami. - ... . . . . . -'X tiFrl iTi,,r-""ITTrrr-ii J -iTiilW1 w .'.x . ''m- -r.- a.r smwsK ? ..AMm-f (sa