East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    SATURDAY, JAJTTAKY 10. 1503.
1 If you use Graln-0 in place of
coffee you will cajoy It just as
much for it tastes the same; yet.it
is like a- food to the .system, dis
tributing the full substance of the
pure grain with every drop.
Jl grocers everywhere : lie. and, c rr package
Congregational Church Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; morning worship
and preaching, 11 a. m. Subject, "The
Secret cl Power." Evening service
at 7.30. Subject, "Making Light of
the Gospel." Special services next
week: Fellowship meeting Tuesday
and "Wednesday. Lectures by Presi
dent Penrose and Rev. A. Rice, of
Walla Walla, on Tuesday night. Rev.
C. F. Clapp, state superintendent or
missions, will preach every succes
sive evening during the week.
In 1 It Mats tbtrf
should be t3ssa.'rs.
Ely's Cream Baiu
tie diseased mcmlRa.
a way a coitl la lix u.
Cmo TS.-iIti s -" '-:tr - sosJrs spreads
errr the- csmbrine and It absorbed. Belltf 1 ha
tn asd a cor follows. It la cot drying dos
rot produce tnrtxtns. LsrgeSiM,60eentaatl?raa-
Mtsorbrsuii: Trtii sue, 10 cents or man.
ELY BROTHEBS, Warrea Street, Sew Tort
Methodist Episcopal Church Sun
day school will Imj resumed again at
10 a. m. A. J. Owens, superintendent.
At 11 a. m., preaching; 12:15 p. m.,
class meeting, O. "W. Rlghy, leader;
6:30 p. m., Epworth League; 7:30 p.
m.. Evangelistic services. All nro cor
dially invited. R. Warner, pastor.
First Presbyterian Church 10 a.
in., Sunday school; 11 a. m., sermon,
Opened Eyes"; 3 p. m., Junior En
deavor; 7:30 p. m., sermon. Strang
ers and all without a regular place of
worship are very cordially invited to
all the sen-ices. Robert J. Diven,
standpoint. Is not the highest stand
ard, but there was nothing about it
fo shock the modesty of any.
The rendition of "Zaia" was so
good that at the close of the fourth
act the curtain had to go up for the
third time to allow the audience to
again gaze upon Zaxa and Barnard
Dufrcsne, as the leading man In the
The house was packed, gallery and
all aud early in the evening the
"Standing room only" sign vo- i....-e
Before Commissioner Parke
This Week.
Land contests are becoming quite
I numerous in umauiia county since
the opening of tne unanoieu pari oi
the reservation several weeks ngo.
The latest case to be before the
land department from the Umatilla
reservation is that of David J. Shu
maker vs. George Lydoll. This was
heard before Special Commissioner
Joe H. Parkes this week and occupied
two days. Many witnesses, mostly
Indians, were examined.
Lydelt filed on the land as a squt
ter's claim and Shumaker filed a con
test on the place on the grounds that
Lydell had not lived on the place.
The evidence was taken and will
be typewritten and sent to the land
office at La Grande where it will be
passed upon. It will be sent to the
Christian Church Services In the j geueral land offlce for approval. Then
if the parties to the suns are not sat-ti-fid
it may be carried up to the de
partment of the Interior and finally
decided there.
All kinds for al! purposes.
Saslv Doors and Blinds.
Planing of al! descriptions done
to older.
Don't place your order for
Building Material until you have
consulted us?
Pendleton Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
ROBERT F0RSTER, Proprietor
Sare Money and Your Eyesight
p. By VbUir tlie jp
Perfected Match Lighters
I Gasoline Gas Lnjp g
1 Ch PERFECTED can read- JR
llr be Hinted with parlor fk
zsAtcb. S;
It fives 10 tines the light K
of a common kerosene UmD m
at hill the expeme ant are R
Ithui Nickel-silver gen- R
erator which doea not scale J
item the action ol beat, and M
eloe the tip. aa brass does S
tfc have Match Llnhtinr K
umpi irom .vo np.
lecture room of the new church to
morrow as follows: 10 a. m.. IJlble
school, J. H. Garrett, superintendent;
subject for study "Christian Living";
11 a. m.. sermon. "Things to Think
About"; 7:30 p. m- sermon, "A Short
Bed and a Narrow Cover." AH are
cordially invited to attend. J. B. Lis
ter pastor.
M. E. Church, South Sunday ser
vices as follows: Sunday school at
the usual hour, 10:00 a. m.;
11 a. m.. preaching by the pastor,
subject, "Jacob's Review of Life."
Junior League. 3. At 6:30 p. m., Ep
worth League business meeting and
election of officers; 7:30 p. m.. preach
ing by pastor. Prayer meeting at 7:30
Thursday evening. Everybody Invit
ed to all services. E. B. Jones, pas
tor. First Baptist Church Sunday
school at this church will be held at ' no held its seventh annual conven
the usual .lime tomorrow morning, itloii and the prospect Is bright for its
Preaching service at 11 o'clock. Sub-; continued success. That this many
ject. "Looking for Rain." In the negroes can " thus associate them-
evening there will be held a revival ; selves together in such a society, and
Co-operative Institution of Texas That
is a Success.
The Texas Farmers' Improvement
Society Is a co-operative body com
posed "of 3000 nogroe farmers, owning
50,000 acres of land, S000 head of cat
tle, and 7000 head of horses and
mules. Robert L. Smith, a colored
man who' is . styled "The BookiTr
Washington of Texas." is at the head
of the socrety, which among other re
formatory movements is waging an
aggressive warfare against the crop
mortgage systemT and is introducing
improved methods of farming. While
such colonies of white people have all
sooner or later failed, this one has
service. Begining wjth Monday eve
ning a week of prayer preparatory to
a series of revival meetings will be
held in the rear room of the church,
at 7:30 o'clock each evening. All who
will come will receive a hearty wel
come to all these services. R. W.
King, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Divine
services tomorrow as follows: Sun
day school at 10 a. m., celebration of
the holy communion with sermon, at
11; evening prayer and address at
West End Chapel Corner of
Webb and Maple streets. Sunday.
school at 2:30. All Invited. j
Roberts Supported by a
Strong Company.
Belasco's "Zaia," which was pro
duced at the Frazer with Florence
for circular and ft . Roberts n the leading role, was con-
g ' sidered one of the best plays wlt-
t! nessed this season.
' Florence Roberts sustained her
7k. world-wide reputation as Zaza and
t, made a hit with the theater-going
! public of Pendleton. She is an ac-
Inventors d MT S
43 Third St., g
roirrxAND.oji g
AU standard B
brands gas and 6
gasoline man Ilea (5
wholesale and re- S
carry on such an industry successful
ly, is a sufficient refutation of the ac
cusation sometimes made that the ne
gro race in America is Irresponsible
and thriftless.
Two Children in a King's Household,
But No Heir.
The baby daughter born to the King
end Queen of Italy recently is the
second .child of the royal couple. Yo
landa, the first of the tiny princesses,
made her initial appearance in the
royal household in June, 1901, but
she, like her sister, would have
brought more joy to King Victor
Emanuel if she had been a boy, as
Victor of Italy, like Nicholas of Rus
sia, is praying for an heir. On one
side Princ-jss Yolanda and the latest
baby have behind them the illustri
ous .house of Savoy, which has fur
i.leheJ numerous kings to the world's
history. On the other side they are
descended from a hardy race of moun
tain princes of the queer principality
of Montenegro. They are also con
nected with the Romanoffs of Russia,
who are the warm friends of their
grandfather. Prince Nicholas Petrc
vitch Nlecoch of Montenegro. Little
tress of no small ability and she was , Yolanda has a name almost as queer
supported with one of the strongest l an her extraction Yolanda Margher-
play is on'
now or.
Ik stagp The
': om a moral
Agtau wanted In erery torn In U. 8. S
We can supply you with
Building Material of ail
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
For Billons and Kervous Disorders, such aa
Wnd and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Head
ache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling alter
meal. Dullness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills
Floahings of Ileal, Loss of Appetite, Short,
cess of Hreatb, Costivenesv niqtches on the
Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams,
andallNerrooasnd Trembling Sensations,
TWEHTf MINUTES- This is no fiction.
Kvery sufferer is earnestly inriled to try one
Box of these Pills, and tUey will bo ack
HEKCItAI'SI'ILI-S taken sj direc
ted, will quickly restore Females to complete
health. They promptly remove any obatnit.
tion or Irregularity of the syiUin. sra
Weak Stomach.
Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver,
ita Miiena Elisabetta Momana Maria.
"A Pendleton Heart Breaker."
The friends of John Lathrop, for
merly connected with the East Ore-
jgonian, may see a perfect likeness of
him by calling at this offlce. Mr. La
throp haii been located In Portland
J since last May where he is connected
with the Oicgon Daily Journal and it
lis evident from this sketch that he
' is still smashing the hearts of the fair
I damsels who corns iu contact with
I him.
It is a pen drawing of John In a
; standing pose with his familiar old
Idcng-stemmed pipe in his mouth.
Around him arc several rair portiana
misses. One of them Is looking
plaintively into John's stern face and
exclaims: "Would he were mine." Be
neath the Imposing figure Is printed
this appropriate legend: "The Pen
(leton Heart-breaker."
BJu i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for "barns
and dwellings a specialty. ,
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House '
once, uux ononis oi newspapers, con
taints a-rer ISO Ug papara caa M fc
talaed far MS eMta a fecal!.
tbeyart like magic few dcaes'wflt work
wonders npon the Vital Organs, Strengthen
ing the m oscular System, restoring tbe long,
lost Complexion, bringing back tbe keen
edge oi appetite, ana arousing with th
Hoaebna oruealtli tlie wliole
til the whole ti li T
alcnl energy of tbe human frame. Tbesn
are "facts" admitted by thousands, in aU
classes of society, and one ot tbe best guar
antees to tbe Nervous and Debilitated is
that BEECHAM'S PILLS hnvothe
Largest Sale of any Patent
Medicines In tho World.
lleccham'a Pills have ten uefor
tbe publlo for half a rrntiiry. a'xt
ore the most popular fumllv medicine.
No testimonials ore jmbllflied, aa
. lieccham's I'llls
Prvpsred I onlr br Thorns Ufrectmm.Efc,
York"' aud aos G""1 w
6oM everywhere In boxta. 10c and 35c
Moorhouse Temporary Manager.
Owing to the fact that James B.
Welch, manager of the Frazer Is go
ing to be away a great deal of the
time. Mark Moorhouse has been em
ployed as temporary manager of the
opera house. Mr. Welch is not going
away to be absent all the time as in
timated, but will be hero every week
for a day or two and when here will
conduct the -management of the house
as formerly. Mr. Moorhouse will have
the management only during Mr.
Welch's absence.
"Oh. doctor," said Mrs. Bilker,
stopping the physician on tbe street.
"I'm completely exhausted can
scarcely walk. What should I take?"
'Urn well, you might take a haqk."
Kansas City Journal.
The real heroines of every day arc in our homes. Frequently, how-
SXlZcM of duty except the f preme
one t Sat te iU them to guard their health. IIow inuoh harder the daily
teKm. hen some deiaiiRMnent of the female organs makes
"vrr mo wiuwit lninful and keep the nervous system unstrung?
Irritab v takes t ie place of happiness and amiability: and weakness
am " ttVrn J takw the place of health ami stivngtli. long as they
i dray hem-elves awnnd. womeii continue to work and irfonn
tlieir feehold duties. They have been led to believe that suffering
is nevssarr been tte they nrtMTOmen. Mmt a nnst.ike!
The w of Lv.lla lilMnklinnCs Vepetiil.leC.iiipoiiiitl"vnll banish
nain and restore 'happiness. Don't resort to strong stimulants or nar
cotics when this preat strengthening, healuig remedy for women is
always within reach.
If there Is nnvtliliipr in your wise ubout w hich you would like
mtccial mlvice" write freely to Irs. Pinklinm. Xo man will see
v mr letter. She can surely help you. for no person In America
ha? suck a wide experience in trcatintr female ills rt she 1ms had.
S e l is helped hundreds of lliiisaiid. f women IineU to health.
Her mldics ii I.vnn, Muss., nml her ndvlee Is free. ou are very
foolish If yon do not nccept her kind invitation.
For probf read the symptoms, suffering and cure
recited in the following: letters:
"DEUt Mas. riXKUAvU I wish to express to vou the rreat benefit 1
have d-nved from vour advice and the u-e of Lvdhl 1.. JMiikhnni s A cge
tnble Coinpnund. Mv trouble was female weakness In its worst form and
1 was in a verv bad condition. I could not perform my household duties, my
back ached. Twas c.Ttremclv nervous, and 1 could not eat or bleep, and the
bearing-down pains were terrible. My husband spent hundreds of dollars
to pet me well, and all the medicine that the doctors prescribed failed to do me
any good : I resorted to an operution which the physician said was necessary
to restoreme to health, but I suffered more after it than I did Xcfore ; J had
hemorrhages of the womb that nothing could seem to stop.
" I noticed one of your advertisements and wrote you for advice, J re
ceived your replv and" carefully followed all instructions. I immediately
beran to tet sfonner, and in two weeks was about the houw. I took eight
bottles of Lvdin E. IMiiklmmV Vegetable Compound and continued
following vour advice, and to-day I nm a well woman. Your remedies and
help are a'Godsend to suffering "women, and I cannot find words to thank
vou for what you have done for me."'-Mrs. Lottie V. Xatlok, 1326 N, J.
"Ave., X.W., Washington, D. C.
"Dear Mrs. Fixkham : I write to tell you what lydlft E. Plnk
ham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.
" I was suffering with falling of the womb nnd could hardly drag about,
but after taking five bottles of Lydia E. IMiikkam's Vegetable Com
pound I was completely cured. I am now a well woman and hide to do all
mv work.
"I think vour medicine one of the best remedies in the world." Mils.
J. M. Lee, ltfLyndal St., Newcastle, Pa.
"Dear Mrs. PixKnAu.: L-ydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com
pound has done a great deal for me. I suffered to much from falling of the
womb and all the troubles connected with it I doctored for years with
doctors' and other remedies but received only temporary relief.
" I bejjan taking your medicine, and had not taken it long before I was
feeling better. My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as lor
as it gave me relief from my suffering, as I could not expect to be cured by
one or two bottles. I did so and am now able to be on my feet and wont
hard all day, and go to lied and rest at night. Thanks to your Vegetable Com
pound I am certainlv grateful for tbe relief it pave me." It is tbe mother's
great friend. I wonld not le without it in my hoiiM!. for when I feel tired
or out of sorts 1 t.Vke a few doM-s and feel all right.
" I would recommend yaiir medicine to all tired mothers, and especially
to those suffering as I was."" Mrs. It. F. CiiAJinr.ns. llennet, JJeb.
note la pM
Headquarters for fo
t-ommoaiou8 UtpU
Rates $2 k
Special rates by week on
Excellent Culslnt.
Prompt Dlninpoomj
t very MoikrnfJ
On. nnJ U11I ..J - .
uai tum uuiitiru room IB (J
Only Three Blocks IroJ
Comer Cm. and Jototn&l
M. F Kelly, Propnl
Aniuricnn IMhii, rsll tim
jwr ilar.
uroH'4in l'luu. uUc, 5c,
Sjwml rat of iy weeEoriM
Free 'bus meets alt tnUasI
Commf rcinl trade soDcil
Fine Msi
Special Attention Given toll
,..t fi.tliTith rnnce tli- di!;Iti1 letters and slgnatnrr of
4lm 1.. Ilnkliai i Mrdlalne Co., Lvnn, Mi
No. 38 Perry Street,
A coucle nf wintrc xar T
slipped on a froin sidewalk
anc on my back. On
being examined I found that
I had sustained internal inju
ries which laid me up for more
thm two months. After that
I noticed that I had pains in
the back and groin which I
never had before. I doctored
and doctored for several
months but as tbe pains in
creased instead nf
tvfter ? dtrlArA tki f,.. nn (..
neht treatment. Reading in the papers
of the wonderful cures performed by
Wine of Cardui I wrote to one of the
parties and received a very satisfactory
reply and I Immediately sent for some.
In a very short time I felt generally better
and alter seven weeks faithful use I was
once more well and strong. I have never
had a sick hour since and I daily bless
your splendid medicine.
IIXE OF CARDn is ono medi
cine that abouid always be kept
on nana in every lionie for mi
Miff ftonit ltaUfy.
mftlintA 11 -i ti-Jw.n f .....ol. .......1-
" . ivj.iui
nesafiMt makes its appearance. Miss
Bower's painful and dangerous accident
would not have resulted so seriously
had sbe taken Wine of Cardui promptly.
me of Cardui muku vcr-
men more womanly by cur
ing tlieir weaknefs andmak
mp them stroncer. Wine of
f ardui cured Miss Bowey.
Asa medicine for all women
in ever? trying period of
their lives can you thinkof a
better medicine for vourself ,
your siiiter, your (laughter
or your mother ? Can you
tiank of a more acceptable
man a uutue oi mis meaicme wnicn
will bring her health and happiness?
You are suffering V Your duty is to
rid vourself of this pain. If your
daughter, mother, sister or friend is
nick and in need of relief, your duty is
equally great to them. Many women,
now well, owe their lives to friends
who brought them Wine of Cardui.
Wine of Cardui is adapted to wo
men at any age in any walk of life.
For the working woman it gives her
strength for her tasks and better
treatment than a doctor for very small
Your druggist will sell you a 81.00
bottle of M tne of Cardui. Secure tho
medicine today. Take it in the privacy
of your home. Belief will come to you
as surely as you take it.
1 1
million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
Elesrantly Furnish
Sample room
This signature is oo everj- box ot the ceaaloa
Laxative BroraoQuinineTabieta
'the icutxlr Uut cures a cold la om tlajr.
American Plan, U fati
Jlcadquartrrs fVC3Setflual
eltri. 6lxci',tn.tHit
iflMemtn The msBJgfS, r
St all limn to kJJSrudos'11
nodero Turk JiSoTW
t:.rZ uRna.
Bates: To ""D" S. Njeso-1
torn. II TS'fe'idivkDi
OTNtWl. . Golden RuleHot
n..xiMiian II E
The t-ast .,-r.
non's represents."
advirtlslna medium of