"JrtflB KNIGHTS IN SE5SI0 8 IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Ising-Out Shoe Sale uqQ ladies' and children's shoes ! AmA nut in the next 60 da. vs. ' A 7' ' (0 bu V cent oa every snoe. jj see them. Lg' $4.50 and $5.00 shoes at $3.0 $.50 and $4.00 shoes at $2.75 'tax's $i.75 school shoes at $(.20 Area's $t.50 school shoes at $1.05 odds and ends at half price HOLD THEIR THIRD ANNUAL DISTRICT CONVENTION, A 9 jUCUARY 10. 1903. ! (KVIties. i(ra loans. t Castle's. dm chowder 0j at Castle's. timing St. Joe Store. eienrfar sale. St .Joe mokers want at Neu- ll discount on clothing. due for smoking artl- patton's old stand. Wlr Journal can be ttFrailer'B book store. Wpr itore, Maioy'o oia Kartell for smokers' sup- natanlrtied housekeep er!. Strahon, B13 Therap ist rwennlan Is on sale it tu Wph news stand In fci. ud at the Hotel Port- .tmm, hnlldlne with BMO, on Main street. Good lit i bargain. Easy ieru It receptions, dinners and so- rfnm muralled Wlin nuis make caaaies ana uou Delta. It-One rood fresh cow. five Lit cakes soon. All good Bt i few good stocK fc.teith, McKay, Ore mam "SS" coffee will be lie St. Joe Store all next pro Half soles at Teutsch's. Rubber heels at Teutsch's. Oyster cocktails at Gratz's. Hare your clothing cleaned at N, loerger's. Shoe repairing; we do the best Teutsch. Wanted to Rent A stable. Call at this office. We make candy fresh every day. The Delta. QwIfr'n Prflmlnm home onrl hnrvnn J at the Standard. We are selling shirts at half price at the St. Joe Store. You save money by buying gro ceries at the Standard. Finest line of canned goods and preserves at the Standard. Imported llmburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Qratz's. We are making big cut prices In all departments. St. Joe Store. No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res taurant. Everything tastes good. Toilet spaps, fancy baskets, new crepe paper, fines tationery. The Nolf store. When you want a first-class cab, day or night, call for Irvln Baker's. 'Ptione Main 791. Hobach's bakery is the cleanest and best. New shop on Johnson street near Court Is nlow open. Wanted A good cook to cook for nine persons. Wages $25 per month. Apply at once at the Umatilla Indian School. Jung Jack, an experienced China man, desires a position as cook, or to do housework. See classified column for particulars. Oven 300 Mernbers Present From the Five Lodges of Umatilla County- Welcomed by Mayor Halley. Pendleton has been turned vvcr to the Knights of Pythias. The occa sion Is the third annual district con vention and the members ot the flvo lodges of the county are here almost to a man, while many prominent Knights from other parts of the state r.ro present. One cannot walk down the street without being greeted on every hand by a badge worn by one of the Knights. Theso are red silk ribbon calling attention to the wearer being a member of the Knights and being in attendance at tic convention. As stated yesterday, the program Is elaborate. The first thing today was the calling of the convention to order by Grand Chancellor Maloney, at 2:30 this afternoon. While all who will ba here tonight r.avo not yet arrived, Music hall was well filled with members of the great order of Knights at the opening. Al most three hundred men were in the hall and it is expected that this evening's tialns will swell the mini' her almost to 400 Tor the evening session. For tho nast three vears the Knights of Umatilla county, comprls. leg five lodges, Pendleton, Helix, Athena, Weston and Milton, has held en annual convention. The conven tion Is to acquaint the members with er.cli other and further the best Inter ests of Knighthood. Formerly a drill contest has been an object of the con vention, but this year this has been eliminated from the convention and will be held later In La Grande, when teams from several counties will com pete. The grand lodge rank is con ferred upon all past grand chancel- lors. The election of officers followed the reading of the minutes of the last convention, and Mayor Hailey ad dressed the convention, delivering one of the finest w.elcome addresses, heard In lodge circles for many a" day. He made the visitors feel at home and good cheer reigned supreme. Attorney Will M. Peterson, of Athena, responded to the mayor's address. Mr. Peterson, although young in experience In Knighthood, gave a very Tine and elaborate talk. The rest of the afternoon was taken up by addresses and the conferring or the grand lodge rank. This even Ing at 7 o'clock a banquet will be spread for all in Armory hall and this over tno Knigiits will again repair to the Music hall, where they will confer the Knight rank on a class of 18 mem bers. Heads Should Never Ache Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that "stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, ot Winnie, Va., Clio wrltoa "Fir Tvlnfy'a Mow T Ifo Hn. JToswell will demons pniB wnony cure,i me 0I Bick head aches I had suffered from two years." Cure headache, constipation, bllllous ness. 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. i merils of Crescent Baking li-Bj gentleman, wife and (Misled horse, furnished ma rooms or rooms and state family. Permanent mi. Apply at E. O. office. I the eis?Ioyment agent i man, Is still in busl Court street, and is willed columns of the to keep the fact heft I'ladr whose (net naln. fance Thursday even it Dlmllnger, Wilson & iWoperly fitted with not nae a repetition it experience Soule ihe nonular iber of Souln Tims fortland Is In the city "feral nno instru- liOQ the nnaf vitab H taken at Tallman'o 1 To the County Farm. Lewis Ragle, an aged gardener, who has lived for many years In the icinlty of Weston, was conveyed Wednesday to the county hospital at Pendleton. He it sick and infirm, and no longer able to earn a livelihood. Weston Leader. Wood Business Changes Owners. P. P. Collier & Co., the wood and coal dealers, today purchased tho in terests of W. W. Allen & Co., In the onri liuulfioflo And sAPiired hv thfl deal 1000 to 1500 cords of dry sound wnnl In lin mountains. Miller & (JO. are now prepared to furnish wood on short notice In any amount desired. NEW IRRIGATION COMPANY. 100,000 YARDS VAL LACES AT THE ' JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE REGULAR PRICE CLEARING PRICE 15c 1 dozoji yards 8c dozen yards 25c 1 " 35c 1 " 30c 1 " 5c per yard Co " 7c " " 8c 10c 12c 14c 16c 20c ..12c " " ..15c " " ...13c " . t .. 2c per ' " .. 3c " " . .. 3ic " .. 4c " " . 5c " " . . 6c " " . 7c " . 8c " " .10c " " SALE BEGINS MONDAY 9 A. 1YI. The Peoples Warehouse HURRY-UP REPORTS Papers Filed Today for the Inland lr rlgatlon Company of This County. Tlie Inland Irrigation Company is the name of a new corporation form ed in Umatilla county. The Incorpo ration papers were filed with the county clerk this morning by C. E. Macoraber, J. B. McDIll and J. B. De spaln. The capital stock Is fixed at J50.000 and the shares are valued it flOO each. The object of the new company is to build and operate Irri gation ditches In the state but in what particular locality is not men tloned. Plans for Beecher Memorial. New York, Jan. 10. The project to ic-move the remains of Henry Ward Beecher from Greenwood cemetery to a uuriai place on the lots adjolnln, Plymouth chinch, Brooklyn, and to eiect a memorial building hi which fchall be placed all Beecher relics, has laiten definite shape and there Is lit tie doubt that all the money needed I1I b speedily raised. About ?8000 already has been subscribed. A girl isn't an angel because she is always harping on something. The Fundi Bowl. CUT FLOWERS PIMlf S . v uiiiviiig again vianj ...--y landerate prices. GREEN PLANTS rnavc on hand a good selection of Foreshaw's Palais U?'l ,c,) El" Come in and look them over. You ;,""nave to buy, 80DA is delicious and only 5 cents. HPPEN'S DRUG STORE "oas Main St., Toward the Court Hoase Boston's New Steamship Line. Boston, Mass., Jan, 10. The new steamship service between Boston and Manchester, England, was Inaug urated today with the sailing from thlH city of tho steamship Caledonia. The new line Is under tho control of the Morgan syndicate, or the Inter national MrcantUe Marine, which has completed plans also for the estab lishment of a new steamship service between this city and Antwerp. PrlvllegedClasses. "Under a system of government which boasts that it knows no privil eged classes, we pater to them at every corner, and the club, the hotel, the fashionable restaurant furnishes for a dollar what tho wearer-of a fus tian packet with his G or 10 cents cannot venture to ask for." Bishop Potter. Gone to Weston, Mrs. Ellen Porter, of this city, special organizer of the Women of Woodcraft, has gone to Weston where she will remain a few days assisting tho circle there. Baker Democrat. Grand public ball!! In the Music Hall! ! Friday night, January 16; 10p3!I Klrkman's big orchestra!! Pendleton Circle p27, W O. W. rrlgatlon Committees Must Not De lay, If They Would be Included In State Report Secretary James M. Moore, o fthe Oregon Irlgation Association, is in receint of several letters from the various county committees that have been atmointed by the convention held In Portland a month ago, to look Into the irrigation interests of their respective counties, says the Oregon Dally Journal. It Is the intention of the association to publish its proceedings as well as those of the committee, In book form, and to send a copy of this report to the United States engineers at Wash ington, so that they may prepare to come to Oregon and commence oper ations. A letter has been received by Mr. Moore from C. J. Smith, secretary of the committee at Pendleton, inquir ing whether it is too late to include the proceedings of their committee. Mr. Moore said to a Journal repre sentative this morning that there are several counties that have as yet not been heard from. They were to send full reports of irrigation matters and this delays their publication. He I don't see how you can say Mich terrible things about another woman. She You don't understand, you silly. Why, Carrie is my dearest friend. Boston Transcript. Boy n ton Famous HOT AIR HOT WATER FURNACES NEW YORK CHICAQ0 Having located in Pendleton on Cottonwood street, between Alta and Webb, I am prepared to put in the celebrated Boyton hot air, hot water and steam furnaces The Boynton are the oldest and best heating furnaces on the mar ket, and time has proven they are the most economical. I should be pleased to figure with owners of churches, schools, hospitals, business houses and residences. Geo. Phillips SOLE AGENT Cottonwood Street, between The Delicacies of the season are always found at our restaurant. At present we have Finest Oysters Frog Legs f Claims Crabs f and f Lobsters f and other salt and fresh water foods The French Restaurant Altai and Webb Streets. Drop in at the Boston Store Purchase a pair of Douglas Shoes For Men Or a pair of Gloria Shoes For Women Walk away and unless you look down you do not know new shoes are on your leet. DOUGLAS and GLORIA SHOES are a blessing to humanity. The best, and best selling in the mar ket, genuine oak tanned soles, dressy, durable and a perfect fit, combining ease and elegance. We sell warranted goods. We thank a customer after the purchase and tlx y thank us. Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day I Flour exchanged for wheat I Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc 1 always 011 hand. TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Tolopliono .Mala 4 v 1 5( !3 For the Kitchen Have you an adequate sup ply of cooking utensils roast ing pans, cake tins, pots, pans and kettles generally, ready for, culinary operations incident to feasting? Make an inventory of your needs in this line and bring it to us. See what quan tity and quality you'll get here at small expense. W.J. CLARKE & CO., COURT STREET Babbit Metal World In Bars E. O. Office Price $1.00 per bar at the Boston Store HOW DO YOU 1 The new store can never be t r I tr V T"1! rv r Where Whole Families are Shod, known nnless II advertises MU V CUfi I lOu r expect people to know what you have to sell If you don't 1