East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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Our Annual Clearance Sale is in full swing
Three Great Specials
Black Cfay Worsted Scits at $3.15
Auburn Meltons at $9.60
Bfoe Serge at $9.60
Bargains in Overcoats, Shoes, Hats and Furnish
Bae & Daley
One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and -Furnishers
feast (fefoma
Anthracite coal Is still $10 a ton in
N?w "iork.
Brazil nas decided to send a spec
ial mission to Bolivia to settle the
Acre question.
Alfred Beit. Africa's richest man.
has been stricken with paralysis at
A strike of the soft coal miners
in "West Virginia for a large advance
It. wages will probably go into effect
A German geographer complains
that north cole exploration Is in dan
ger of degenerating into sport, in
which establishment of "records" is
the main thine.
That wheat was grown in Alaska a
century ago Is proved by the discov
ery of two old flour mills, built by
the subjects of the czar, in the south
ern part of the territory.
. A big coal company of Bevier. ilo.,
formerly strongly opposed to the
miners' union, has lately requested
their men to organize and a yearly
agreement has been made with the
aenor Francisco Silvela has been
appointed the new premier of Snaiu.
He became noted for his opposition
to the late war with the United
States. He belongs to th? conserva
tive parry.
Tariff was originally the name of a
Moorish chief wlio. having a port in
Spain, near Gibraltar, was accustom
ed to levy toll on passing vessels.
His toll became a resujarly under
stood thing, and the amount was
added to the price of the goods.
.president Castro has defaulted in
his promises to France and more
warships may threaten his ports. The
rebel leader. Matos, profits by his
predicament and offers to settle
promptly with the allies if he is made
JIuIal Mohammed tbr brother of
the present sultan of Morocco, who
teas been hed ks a prisonor under
ise direction of his ruling brother,
nas now been released and mav be
placed on the throne in compliance
witn tne demands of the revolution
ary element.
Hotel Pendleton.
Julius McVlckcrs. New Torlc.
Frank Curtis. New York.
Mr. and .Mrs. M. B, Kelson, Weston
Charles J. MIchelbach. The Dalles
J. . Fait, The Dalles.
George E. Roberts, Portland.
A. Siusheinier. Portland.
F. Everts, -Portland.
H. M. Ogden. Omaha.
H. S. Simmons. Portland.
W. L. Sailing. Heppner.
George E. Moser. Siokane.
J. E. Mayer. Portland.
A. S. Heitfield. Spokane.
I. L. Rosenficld, San Francisco.
Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, Toledo.
W. D. Kellett. Culdersea.
W. H. Garrett. Portland.
William Maher. Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
W. J. Johnson, St. Paul.
Miss Florence Roberts.
L. J. Henderson. New York.
Mrs. Cooper. New York.
Miss Urmsby, New York.
Miss Blanchard, New York.
Miss Angus, New York.
H. M. Scott, New York.
B. O. Killlan. Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
W. R. Glendening.
E. L. Salom. New York.
A B. Thompson. Echo.
G. F. Roberts.
R. B. May. Portland.
Outline of Leading Measures to be
Presented by Members From This
County Road Law, Tax Law, Fel
low Servant Law and County Boun
dary Law Among the Number.
The members of the legislature
from Umatilla county will present
some of the most Important legisla
tion to come before the twenty-second
legislative assembly.
While each member of the delega
tion have bills of more or less import
ance to present. It Is understood that
the delegation will endorse and work
for the following Important measures:
A bill to fix the county lino between
Union and Umatilla, and also between
Umatilla and Morrow counties.
A bill to create the office of county
attorney, to take the place or the dis
trict attorney.
A bill creating an inheritance tax
on all estates of $20.000 and over
A law similar to the Ohio road law.
wherebv the citizens of any district
can itetitlon the county court to aid in
time for the coming harvest, and the
delay In getting started may be the
means of causing the machines not
to be put on the market as exlen
blvely next year as was anticipated.
Uses Herplclde Successfully In Treat
Ing SycoslR of the Beard.
Hr says: "I rt-eertly treate.1 a case
oi svcoals (similar to Darners huj
lor the lower Hp. with Newbro's Htr
1 picide TUer was an extensive loss
i 0f wrd with lnftamntlc-n extending
well down on tne own. m- ".
of the abdication of Herpicidc was
nost cratlfying. Th loss ol bwrd
erased and a new growth of hair Is
i'ow taking place over the once In
flamed area.
"(Signed.) MolvHle E. ONiell. M. I.
"S45 Howard St..
"San Francisco, Cnl"
HerpicWe kills the dandruff germ
and causes the hair to grow abund
antly. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Send 10 cents In stamps for sample
to The Heipicide Co.. IXtroit Mich.
Brickmaker Gone East.
William Stapleton. a minor, was
killed Wednesday near Granite bv a
Henry Spelmire .of Astoria, died
Friday at the advanced age of 102
years He has lived in Astoria 34
Pearl J. Beckett, foreman of the
state printing office died suddenly
Friday morning of heart disease. He
was about 35 years old.
A great Irrigation project is under
way in Cassia and Lincoln counties,
Idaho, to reclaim 270.000 acres of the
Snake River district.
John Durs. a farmer living near
Lebanon, Or committel suicide Fri
day by shooting himself. Despond
ency. ' brought on by slcknee was
the rause of the deed.
The Colden Rule.
C. C. Rickard and wife. Canon City.
Mrs. M. L. Johnson. Canon City.
H. C. Johnson, Canon City.
H. W. Shaw and wife. New York.
harles Herr. Milton.
E. W. Helm, Portland.
E. S. Waterson, Walla Walla.
L. C. Waterson, Walla Walla.
C. E. Masson, Portland.
D. C. GahlII. Butter Creek.
M. E. Gayblll, Butter Creek.
C. H. Gayblll. Butter Creek.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
A. J. Hall. Spokane.
B. T .Vaughn. Spokane.
Angel Ray, city. .
G. W. Hewitt. Helix.
W. T. Sellers, Ukiah.
John Dorn. Echo.
Catarrh Cannot be C red
Willi lw.-al amillCHtiona. as ther fflnrnx
rwieh ill awl f ihr ilLsmve. Catarrh h
H n Nelson, who was in the city
last nicbt. left today for an extender1 '
business and Measure trip east. Mr
Nelson is the veteran brickmaker of
Weston. For the past several years
his facilities for making brick have
improving county roads, where the j iefn inadequate for the demand and
Ieople or tne locality are willing to he is going east to secure uetter ma
help bear the expense. rhinerv for his plant He is eontem-'
A bill to abolish the five-mill school , ,jaung putting in a compressed brick
tax levy, and to allow county courts ' j.iant "and will investigate the differ
to fix the rate to suit the needs of 1 cnt brickmaking methods in the East-ct-ch
county. t em and Middle states
A fellow servant law. holding em
plovers liable for damages for Injun ;
sustained by "mplcyes through negli-j
Try Teutsch for shoe repairing.
A bill changing the time at wbicli
tnxci liecome delinquent from April
1 to some date during the early fal"
hen money is plentiful in the conn
ty as a result of the sale of crops.
These measuree are the result of a
close study of local conditions an
needs, and will be introduced by tli
different members of the delegation
after they organize at the state cap1
ta! and ascertain as near as possible
whether other general measures bear '
ing upon the name subject are u be
It is the desire of the entire delega
tion to concentrate their efforts am i
secure the hearty co-operation of'
other members, who may have similar !
measures to present. Very much rep-;
itition often occurs In the Introduc-'
lion of bills, on account of the lacl !
of understanding among the members
from rllffprpnt nnrtc nf tno clnto Tvlir'
are interested in identical bills and
Burning Scaly
Complete External and Internal
Treatment $1.25
ComWinicof CcncUBASoArfJSc ,toc!canif
the Un of ciwU anil alc and sulu-t the
thleienwl cuttcle, ClTlCCttA Ointment '"c ,
to allay Itchinc anil Inflammation and mniIIic
amllieal.amlCmci-UA RiaoLvcsT ,Wr ,tf
cool and clane the btuod. A alusle rt l
often sufficient to cure the mo-t tonuriiiR.
dliflpiring, and huralliatinR tlu, ca!. and
blood hnmort, wtUi ! ot hair, when a!' tSae
PoTtlt Diro iirata Cott.. 8ci lm-.Iio.
UwtoCur luhis UaooiC Iim-
Pendleton Fish and
Poultry Market
sio Court Street
Owing to the Failure of the Citizens
to Subscribe $20,000 Stock, Will
Not Be Built.
Those Interested in the Rlgbv-Clove
Combined Harvester Manufacturing 1
Company are yet undecided what will , ,
be done about maniifaptiirinp hfir nvenminc me Dest
harvester. The promoters feel that rich t. We handle
sufficient effort has been made toi
demonstrate that the citizens of Uma-I Fresh Fish, which we receive
tilla county will not put un the i25.
000 preferred stock asked by the com
pany to build a manufacturing plant
In Pendleton, therefore the task of
raising this money has bfn siren
up. The people were backward In
taking stock and the comuanv claim
eLuhey .c.,uld not bu,w a ",aut uole! Produce of all kinds.
quently other arrangements will Ih
J. Clove, one of the inventors of the
new harvester, has been in San Fran-
Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys
ters and all salt water foods.
Ranch and Creamery Butter,
Fresh Ecns, Game in season.
a Wood nr rmutlutlonal dlsivf. and In " Ior 'He Past Several mnniils.
ordj-r to cure it -yon ninst take Internal getting plans and estirantes prepara
jvnifdirt! HalU Catarrti Tnr I takra In ton- lo hariiip n fn- r i ',,!. ,
tMually. anil act directly on ilw mui i n. , al a tew of .l.e machine
aarfaceK. nair Catarrh Cure la not j M,Jlt or tne eoming harvest. Whet.'i
i)Eact mmiiriuF.. it w pr(wrttMi by , er he win have the irk ciono in San
Phyielan In tbl eonnrry Francisco complete or whether nart
fur rear and l a rejmlar preicrliitloa. .i , " ' ,",,r ,arl
It la cosapoed ot the b.t tonics known.)0' " nl" ,ie Iore there and the n!5-t-ombiopd
with the bt blxl purifiers, i chines pnt together and tluisiH
j-ctlns dirwtly on the mnron atirfac. , here, has not vet been decided
Th i-rfT comblnatlou of the twt, togra- Tu. , " , . h ,
dients u what nrwiucn. uch wim.i-rfiii ! 1 "ere 18 no doubt but the harvester
riuli In nrlng mtarrb. Suil for t I prove a surcess but people (In
T J. CHUNKY CO.. I1t Tolwla. o . . " T11'
Hold by druceiat. t,tUx Ti-. ' u. ""umeui oi tne tuctory In
Hall Family IUla are the kest. ltnls c"' The Incorporators are
To Attend Inauguration. ! somewhat dfsappointed at they wlsh-
Es-Senator W. F. Matlock left Fri-i"1 to Set thelr machines built In
day evening for Salem, where he goes I
lure"' neV" MTdal"5 1,rth
Goods delivered to all parts of
the city.
We pay cash for country pro
duce. A trial order is solicited.
L. M. Lyman, Prop.
Phone Bed 531
I have a full line of Pire
Arms, Hunting Coats
KnivG3 and all kinds of
See display in window.
74X Main Street
Is reached in BIERS' BEST. Better flour cannot
The cream of the wheat crop enters in Bvers" k-
riour, which is ngnt ior oread and
Fancy Baking.
W. S. Byers, Pr oprkter .
Something Doing
We have just received a nice new awort-
ment of Pianos, including some fine Knabes.!
We would like to have you call and exam
ine them and also hear our easy payment plan
315 East Court Street.
Special After Christmas
Bargains in Furnitul
BfiXEr & FOLS01
The Big Furniture Store. Next to PoeloMce
Matlock ! a
emu uv uuu uuuuu LU UU till II
while he had no particular busine&s
at the opening of the legislature, he
thought he would attend the inaugur
ation of Governor-elect Chamberlain.
Ten Dollars Reward.
Lost Last MflV. nriA hnv linrA-
weight about 1200 pounds," branded
AiJ fiSe,u Sf- Fedeftion!laBt spring. Will pay above reward !
Li"t" nnisneu its nrst annual con-,n. rpi nf ,,, t,,
mention in Seattle Wednesday. A
committee was apjtolnted to meet
With committefeg from Ott-enn nn ft
Our stock is the largest
and most complete ever !
shown in Pendleton.H B
Calilorsia to organize a Pacific Coast
for return of same to Purl Bowman
.. !S
a.. xZrlalnf '9"'r!f-. CASH BOOKS
The ropbHcan. who have an over
whelming majority In the Utah leg
telattire, will without doubt elect
Apostle Reed Bmood to the United
States sate. Strong opiHJsltion is
ror in h Eat: u
ion in the weoate.
solves at Music hall Saturday even
Ing. Janssry 10. at which time the
rank ot Knight will be conferred.
L. W. HELD. C. a
It. W. FLETCHER, K. of n. and B.
Going out of
All sewing machines
in stock to be dis
posed of at cost.
Come early and
select a bargain
an .courrr stkeet
Havin sold all my carpets. I now offer the balai
j stock for sale, regardless of cost. The goods to be sola
!c:ko. m.uu r. i r....inc Pnrtisn
Paper, Sewing Machines, Pictures and Pil
j OSTEOPATHY is common sense. It will bear tnvcstii
:n i., xt. , foils and never t
T . : . Y? -.1 1 . - r- - nor
a uui rmw v-uic uiirisiian science, juab"-"- ji
All sizes and any num- B
ber of pages desired. S
We make a specialty of j
turnisinng omce supplies g
If there is anything you gi
need in this line see us '
and get our prices. x- i
It is based upon a correct knowlege of anatomy
A iaror- nor rent nt cr..otl...l .nrnrnlllf! CaSeS are '
.1 1 -1 .... .. .4 ear u
nit-inou i ne 'ouowinc esocciaiiv are ireaicu
For Sale 23 sections of erasing
its artrulH- and farming lands in Umatilla and1
Morrow counties. Good buildings I f
. ' Ranch will feed 15.000 to 16,000 . ij
ujjuww navs very mawj- or .sheep. All under fence but two sec-'g
the farmers around here bought gold - tlong. Plenty of water. Also be-,K 1 4i v a pti
brtclw. ual? Uncle Gamaliel- -ween -11.000 and 12.000 head jif 'ik KR A ' Q
W-aI. I euf'Wlale there's s uffioin-' ;heen. 130 head of cattle. 30 horses ii ' -rfJLX O
y of 'ra to warrant thalr organUln' masons, harness, plows, seeders andi
an asMKilatlon, buyln uniforms and other fannlne suDnllcs. Address S
. heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, bladder and urtj".8lf
'stomar.li anH miKcimil irniiMm oil Hlclnrations and uCiw
, vous diseases, general diseases. Diseases of Women a
glvin' a yell. Puofc.
Book and Stationery Store
Jsaeph Vey, Pendleton.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Murphy k Langever, Proprs
t i