OAlCf EVENING HimDM wvvwvvvwvvwv Eastern Oregon Weather nt H14l Tonight and Sunday, probably fair. 15C A TV --" ' . . . liftA PENDLETOX, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGOX, SATURDAY, JA20TABY 10, 1908. NO. 4G;J7 1 8IG BLUFF Coal Companies Their Side of the Trouble. NEW SENATOR FROM IDAHO. Judge Hepburn of Osburn, Nominated on the First Ballot In Second Day's Caucus. Boise, Idoha, Jan. 10. Judge W. P. Hepburn, ot Osburn, Idaho, -was nom inated In the republican caucus last evening for United States senator, re ceiving 28 votes to 22 cast for W. E. Borah. The story Is a brief one. During the afternoon a combination was formed under which the forces of Stanrod and Shoup were to go to Hepburn, and It was given out at the latter's headquarters as the caucus was assembling that .he would oe nominated, The caucus was In session only a short time, the matter being settled on the first ballot. The result was received with great jubilation by the northern men. The defeated cannt date came forth smiling from the wreck, but his supporters felt In any' thing but a joyous mood. "While the ballots were tnken In secret, It Is known just about how the vote was cast The 2S votes for Judge Hep burn were the five from Shoshone, foiir, from Kootenai (all but Yost), the four from Nez Perce, the ' four from Latah. Eckert from Idaho., Dila tush from Lincoln, the three from Bannock, the two from Bear Lake, the jCOAL MINING jffRA HEALTHY WORK. ......a Min Workers' Or- purmti' .' , vf Creating Distatlsfac- Jan. 10. The non- jrt dosed their side of the L. tie anthracite commls- I. al companies opened Fj tit Delaware & Hudson, lining address I (jit ne wouiu uu i" I I. nni that It - nun orumarur neaiuuui. ,n him no complaints have two from Lenhi, Pike from rremont gj4f to die company aireciiuu ivencr uuui omBuam. wz-ichlnn fivstem. He Mr. Hepburn received the 6olid vote jsnteers' unions of creating' fiom North Idaho, with the exception jno mat it is not me MILLliEfANADISTS POSE AS PHILANTHROPISTS Mfialt thai so few hours The miners themselves sable, bt- said, and he would &j tie organization had no ns Ike oen or u so, I'res- IBieD declined to use it dent on the Rack. ;john Mitchell, in cross- r tie witn?sses, gave fau- 1 Rose, of the Delaware - tiM half hour. Isieiin admit that there were ftf conditions created ny vne j ilick demoralised the men. KNES THE REPORT. Roosevelt Will Not Inter- .... w 1 1J HittUtah Politics even II ne Think K a Mistake to "Elect Senator. . r Drnaldntlt Mini! Jan. X". ucoiuvm dt tni'fl cpvpral friends today U. s considerably surprised it read the Teports ot ms mier- In TJtah politics. fissured them he would not lu re, directly or Indirectly in me nn of a senator, as ne Deneves the prorince of a president 1 1 band m state elections. i personally In private eon- . It tald he believed the lofe apostle of the Mormon i titor would be a piece I policy, if not a mistake. I Km for a moment Intended the to ever be made public W to conrey the Impression that M me his influence to affect Ifc&it of any candidate selected ijeopte of Utah. LESS COMMUNICATION. Eitablished Between the ! States and England Janu- Jan. 10. Direct wlre- ssnication between Great ! the United States will be . . u. igoiucui this morning promised a l?resenaure hat he would :st mcsstue which will be o the king of England. of Tost of KootenaL JUMPED FROM SEVENTH FLOOR DELIRIOUS WITH FEVER PATIENT COMMITS SUICIDE. Struck Fairly on His F.eet and the Body Was Telescoped Treasurer .of Coffee Company Left $3,000,000. New York, Jan. 10. Thomas Odon- ohue, the treasurer of the Odonohue Coffee Company, and a nephew of the late millionaire coffee king, while de- lirous with typhoid fever, jumped this morning from the seventh floor of the Ormandle apartment house where he had aiiartments'. The body struck the walk three feet in front of the elevator boy, who was thrown from his feet by the concussion. He struck squarely on his feet and tele scoped. Two nurses were in ron- stant attendance. One left the room on an errand and the patient jumped from "the bed, tore off his night robe and spran gtbrough the window choutlng. He was 30 years old and left $3,000,000. ROADS TO MERGE. Rock Island and Santa Fe Now, Form a Combination. New York, Jan. 10. It Is the belief in banking and railroad circles that an important deal is pending betwoon the Itock Island and Santa Fe roads whereby the former secures a strong interest in the latter and secures a direct outlet to the Pacific Coast. BOWEN TO ARBITRATE. Reported That the Allies Will Leave the Settlement of Venezuela matter With the United States Minister. Rome. Jan. 10. In official circles today it Is said that piobably the three allies will end the Venezuelan troubles by practically entrusting fie entire settlement with Minister Bow en in whore fairness all have com plete confidence. . Coal Laid Down at a Cost ot $1,50 Sold to the Poor of Chi- ' cago for $10 a Ton. TWO DEATHS REPORTED DUE TO THE RAPACITY OF THE THIEVING COAL BARONS Forty Operators, Wholesale Dealers and Agents Face the Grand Jury at Chicago A'Dozen of the Rich Law-Breakers Fled During the Night Polloe Wagons Distributing Coal to the Destitute. Wheat Opened. May "6Vi July "3 4 Corn May July 42' Oats May 34 Pork- May 1020 Minneapolis, Jan. 10. Wheat Opened. May 75 July i..... "5 New York. Jan. 10. Wheat Opened. May S05 July 78 Chicago, Jan. 10. The alleged coal conspirators faced the grand jury thi6 morning. Forty owners and op erators of mines, wholesale dealers and agents of Pennsylvania compa nies were subpoenaed during the night. Most of the witnesses are million aires who are prominent in business, social and church life. Many are prominent philanthropists noted in the charitable world as well as for combining to raise the price of coal. The attorney-general of the state and United States Attorney Deneen are assisting in the investigation. The former is said to have positive evidence that the bituminous coal cow filling the yards ot the city cost lt'Jd dewn enly fl.50 a ton, while the anthracite coal cost J3 per ton. The charges made the public are $10 and $20 per ton respectively. A dozen millionaires and mine own ers fled during the night. Two deaths from freezing, due to the rapacity of the coal barons Is reported this morning. One was a 70-year-old woman, the other an Infant. Police patrol uagons and ash wag- one are delivering small lots of coal to the destitute today. May Lose Charters. Springfield, 111., Jau. 10. An entire ly new inethd of receiving coal by the combine has been discovered, which may result in the dissolution of the charters of the Wabash, Burl ington and Northwestern roads for coal mining or conducting coal bus! ness. They can mine coal for their own use only. The attorney-general's oflice today is holding an investiga tion. Scores Knox. Chicago, Jan. 10. A special com mittee appointed by Detroit to get the coal convention met here today and developed two sensational speeches One was by Senator Mason, who said Attorney-General Knox was to blame for not enforcing the anti-trust lews and needs waking up. The other speech was by Detroit City At torney Tarnsey, which scored Roose velt, Root and Knox for what he calls "their inaction. . He says Knox is a trust attorney and Roosevelt has depended on him because he knows nothing of the law GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by the Coe Commission Company I, C. Major Local Manager, Room 4, Associa tion Block. . Chicago, Jan. 10. Closed. 73 H 42-4 34 1612 Closed. 7n4 75 Closed. S0 78 New York Bank Statement. Reserves on all deposits, Increase, $4,616,450. On nil deposits otiier than u. s. increase, $1,620,450.. Uians, decrease, $3,710,000. Specie, Increase, $1,550,300. Legals, Increase, $3,189,800. Deposits, increase, $394,600. Circulation, decrease, $66,100. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 10. Wheat 's cents per bushel. -7614 r WERE THAWING DYNAMITE MAY RAISE THE LEW Umatilla County's Share of State Tax Reduced $7,000 Since Last Year. COUNTY COURT TRANSACT8 SOME IMPORTANT BUSINESS TWO ITALIANS KILLED AND SEVERAL INJURED. UNITED STATES BOARD OF TRADE MEETS Coming Session Will Undoubtedly Be the Most Important and Interesting in Its History. IKLL HIS BIRTHRIGHT. ' wnd of Saxony Offered I 'to Renounce His Rights. I J Austria ,lai 1ft. Thi. m. '-tiilr rfl.lirl thai Ihn t. . - - ".. ...... Ferdinand who accom- lister U crown urlnresH f h her flight have offered t) On mnriltln. . 1. .. . I. " toberitanre and rights. 'mor for Solriiora' Unn. . Jan. 10 Bv rllrpftlnn jwldent, Brigadler-General . klns ret'red, today near this city. Gen- ."""toih xiriKnaier- IFe D. Rugglcs. retired. "Ensllsh Contralto. "J 10.-MI8S Ada Cross JUh contralto, sailed today "tfih ,i 1 lue Principal 1 Hle Missouri river. v Grand Jury, r"' Jin. if) vi,. ... C III. .."ri?" """I tie Pr 1 afternoon. tfT ,Vbel nwder, was Pernicious Employment Agents. Denver, Jan. 10. Another squad of railroad laborers complained to Chief Armstrong this morning, statelng that they had been induced to come to Denver by misrepresentations of the Ogden Railway Employment agency. This agency has been sending men here in groups of 10, making a profit of $30 on each party. The chief has wired the chief at Ogden to stop the practice. Cuba to Accept the Treaty. Havana, Jan. 10. It Is believed here that the senate committee on foreign affairs will report lnavor ot accepting the reciprocity treaty with the United States and that both the senate and the house will accept Its recommendations. Orphanage Burned. Ashevllle. N. C, Jan. 10. The Belle Whalon orphanage was destroyed by Are this morning. Thirty little child ren were rescued with difficulty. The loss Is $50,000. Fire at Nashville. Nashvillo, Tenn., Jan. 10. A fire occurred In tho wholesale district The Lyleback building was destroyed at a loss of $250,000. Washington, Jan., lO.-The Nation al Board of Trade is an old organiza tion and has held many conferences. but the annual meeting to be held here next week will undoubtedly be the most important and- interesting in its history. America's acquirement of new possessions In the West Indies and in the far East has given birth to manv new questions affecting the country's manufacturing and commer clal Interests and all of these together with questions or longer standing, but none the less important, will come in - . . - . . 1 . . B .1 lor attention at me nanus oi me emi nent representatives ot the country's Industries, who will gather In the na' tional canital next Tuesday. For instance, among the resolutions to be discussed and acted upon Is one recommending to congress "the consideration ot such legislation as will admit to the Philippine Islands a number, not exceeding 200,000, male adult Chinamen upon the payment of an Imlgration fee of not over $50 each, these laborers being registered and compelled to return to China at the expiration of 10 years, or at the discretion of the president at any time after five years, such amount as may accrue from the aboye proposition to be devoted to such matters of Inter nal development in the Philippine Islands as may be aproved and directed by .the congress of the Unit ed States." Carriers' Association. Another resolution that will be pressed, looks to the amendment of the Interstate Commerce law, so that It will permit the establishment and maintenance of associations among carriers so as to provide uniform, sta ble and lawfully published rates, 'pro vided that no such rates, rules and regulations, and no methods adopted for the maintenance of the same shall become operative or legal until after they have been filed with and ap proved by the Interstate Commerce commission." A resolution with regard to the cur rency system of the United States will be brought before the convention. It asks for such action as will dlscon tlnue the coinage of standard silver dollars; authorize the coinage of the silver bullion In the treasury and the recolnage of silver dollars with such denominations of subsidiary silver coins as the secretary of tho treasury may deem necessary to meet the re quirements; maintain at all times the parity with gold of the legal tender dollars remaining outstanding; repeal the legislation which limits the re tirement of national bank circulation: amend the National Banking act, so ttat national banks may bo author ized to Issue notes which shall be as adequately secured as the national bank notes are under the law now In force, and whose volume shall auto matically expand with an Increased demand for currency, and contract when that demand shall cease. Department of Commerce, Additional resolutions will advocate the creation of an executive depart ment of commerce and Industry of the government; reaffirm the demand for one cent letter postage; favor the payment by the treasury department cf expressage on all old bank notes sent to Washington to be destroyed and on all national bank notes return ed in exchange for the same; urge that the waterways of tho Great Lakes and the Mississippi River bo speedily enlarged and connected by continuous channels, reaching from the Atlantic seaboard to the Gulf and urges even more liberal provision by congress for the earl Improvement of seaport channels. Inmates of Partially Wrecked House of Correction Are Panlc-Strlcken. Philadelphia, Jan. 10. A dynamlto explosion at 6 this morning partly wrecked the house ot correction at Holmesburg. Tho Inmates were panic-stricken. Some Italians were blasting on a filtration plant adjoining the prison, and caused the explosion In some unknown way. Two Italians were killed and many injured. Later Thawing Dynamite. It Is now thought to have been caused by an attempt to thaw out GO pounds of dynamite. The portion of the penitentiary which was damaged was occupied by women at breakfast None of the inmates attempted to es cape, although practically the wholo wall was blown away. AWARDED TO CRAMPS. In 39 36 Tennessee to Be Finished Months, Washington In Each 'to Cost $4,000,000. Washington, Jan. 10. The naval board pf construction this morning recommended to the secretary of the navy that the contract for tho build ing of the armed cruisers Tennessee and Washington bo awarded to Cramps. One Is to he completed In 36 and the other In 39 months. Each will cost $1,000,000. The secretary ot the navy will undoubtedly approve tho recommendation. Anti-Trust Legislation. Washington .Jan. 10. The senate judiciary committee met this morn' ing to discuss anti-trust legislation, particularly tho Hoar bill and the at torney-general's letter making rec ommcndatlons. A course of proced ure for presentation to the senate will be mapped out. Wife Would Control Estate. Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 10. In the court ot probate today arguments were heard on the application of Gen evieve Peats, who asks to be appoint ed conservator of the propeity and estate of ber husband, Alfred Pats, tho well-known wall paper munufne turer of New York and Chicago. Mrs. Peats declares that her husband is mentally unsound and unable to care for his property. The wealth of Mr. Peals Is estimated at several irllllon dolars. Girls' Industrial School, Denton, Texas, Jan. 10, With in teresting ceremonies and in tho pres ence of many spectators tho corner stone of the Girls' Industrial School was laid today. Regent John A- Hahn officiated and tho other partWpanta In the exercises Included several state officials and representatives or the State Federation of Women's Clubs, Arrest Unemployed. Vienna, Jan. 10. Twenty arrests have been mado as a result of the riots yesterday by the unemployed at the municipal labor exchange. Famous Horse Dead. London, Jan. 10. Tho world fa mous race horse, lien u. or oeroy winner, dropped dead this morning, Will Ask the City to Improve Roads May Raise the School Levy to Six Mills Considers the Library Tax. Tho county court today drew up a resolution to bo presented to the rcndlcton Commercial Association at Its next meeting Inviting It to work In conjunction with tho county court in asking the city to Improvo tho streets. In speaking of tho ninttor the court nald today that more than $5000 was spent lest year on the streets of Pen dleton and roads In tho city limits and thoro Is little to show for It. This money, put Into a fund for proper building of streets and loads and it would only be a few years until there would bo omplo money In tho fund to mnko Pendleton's streets equal to those of tho best graded Btrtots In tho state. To Fix Tax Levy. The mattor of fixing tho tax levy for tho present year Is being discuss ed. No definite figures have been reached so far but tho court has no Intention of lowering tho assessment from what It was laBt year. This as sessment was 28 mills and It will bo 28 or possibly 30 mills for this year, ns the county court 1r seriously con sidering a ralso of two mills. Tho court Is feeling somewhat grat ified over tho decrease slnco Inst year In the amount of tax tho county has to pay Into the stato fund. Last year this tax was $45,080, against $37,240 for this year. Tills shows the coun ty's sliaro of state tax to be $7840 less than this year, than last. Umatilla county pays Just 49-1000 of the entire state tax. May Raise School Levy. The court Is also considering rais ing tho school levy one mill. County Superintendent J. P. Nowlln and City Superintendent E, B. Conklln appear ed before tho county court this after noon to urge that a special levy be mado for school purposes. Superin tendent Nowlln stated that there wore many schools In tho county where the schools had to bo cut short on ac count of funds. Ho nlso stated that Incompetent teachers had to bo em ployed lu many places simply because the school fund was not large enough to pay good teachers what they could work for. Ho snld that mnny of the Lest teachors ot the day were desert ing their rnlllng and going Into the stores as clerks and entering other business fields because of the poor pay of teachers. Library Fund. Tho main object of the conference with tho court was to havo n spoclal levy made for a llbroiy fund Slnco the now school library law went Into effect nny county may levy a tax" of l ot less than 10 cents per capita on school children for tho purposo of maintaining libraries, Mr. -Nowlln said ho had visited homes In tho In terior districts where no rending mat ter could bo found. Not a book or newspaper was In tho homo nnd ho stated that many of theso parents were unable to got books or papors fo rtholr children. Ho urged tho es tablishment of libraries In order thnt no child who attended school would need go without good rending. This library lav Is arranged so that the money Is turned Into tho hnnds of tho county superintendent nnd he can not buy books other than thoso rec ommended by tho stato board of ed ucatlon. CRACKER CREEK FACTS North Pole mine was offered for sale three years ago for $600,000. It has 5000 feet on the mother lodo. It Is now worth twontv million dol lars. The South Pole mine adjoins, baa Mil feet on the same lode, has tlx tunnels, amounting to 2200 feel, aH In ore. We expect within less than three years' work to have a tnlna a valuable as North Pole Is today. south Pole stock Is seillne at II rents until about January 1st. uuy beroro the price raises, See aahanan at Hartman Abstract office, Pendleton, Or. V . J m sat'M.n iiMtr, T ; , y - - , ..... . - ..!.,- -. . - - n-rtrti y. M;iirL ...nwjji rriz m mm t n i i rTTHTTiffnri mi iiiTiifciibi m L i i" i J T Til