Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
ie$s Cards and Societies AND TRADER. ALPHABETCALLY ARRANGED. LT?arriCE IN JUDD K- .retroublCT. catar K "! ipara bearing. Klllri fir rTlIsoaoFFicE BB PSW. Ttlepbene feSTa. d. homeopathic rK? Office, black .78; Iff Itltpuyin. TSSrttRSOS. rOTSICIAK k gtm oo. n rrtTS. OSTEOPATH!- ror-ile -! nervous diseases pcicr one uinc to, v .t- PHYSICIAN AND SUR I . ........ jr"TjLA-.LnE, chronic w30 "":"ri Offirt 'pi10" maln 7215 Be- MNED NURSES. ETilUlES, GRADUATE NURSE w 7, . , , Thnniuan strflet. f i - DENTISTS. V. DENTIST, OFFICE IN 'Phone red 71. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AS- ,liKt orer Schmidt's new dme ICTS AND BUILDERS. FRATERNAL ORDERS. UMATILLA TKNT, Na S7, K. O. T. M. Meets in secret Bociety nan, second and rourtn xnesaays is each moata. ah visit ing Sir Knight cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; H. D. Bstabrook, I. on manner. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52. A. V. AND a. i meets nrst uo tnira Aiondajs or men month. Visiting- brethren welcoae. t. J. xweeay, v. u.; Joe u., sec PENDLETON CHAPTEK, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. . r r. f. wamsiry. secretary, meets second and fourth Fridays of each tnoatn in Masonic nan. DAMON LODGE. NO. 4. KNIGHT 07 rythlaa I W. Held. C C: R. W, Fletcher. K. of R. and S. Meets evarr Monaay in secret society nan. MODERN WOOMEN OF AMERICA. Tutnllla Camp. No. 039ft. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows hall. Ueorze A Ilsmblln. Con am; u. a. hoddi-s, ier. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD RBODLAR meeting of Pendleton Camn. No. 41. W. of W. are held In Secret Society hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neighbors are always welcome. J. P. Walker. Clerk: A. J Owen, C C. PKNDLKTON CIRCLE NO 6?7, WOMEN OF vrooacraii, mcen every triaat ereninc at Bendrlz nail. All TlilUnr nelirhbort ara cor dially inriiet to attend Minnie Btlllman, unaraian licignpor; tvA leicner, viera. ATTORNEYS. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN J ODD building. ITAILKY k LOWELL, ATTORNETB AT law, OOce la Despaln Block. BALLERAT It McCOTJRT, LAWVER8. As sociation oniiaine. H. E. COLLIER. LAWYER, OFFICE rooms 7 and 8, Association building. CARTER A RALET, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In Burin fi Bank bonding. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Association Block, Pendleton, Oregon. !iS& ARCHITECT AND S0. pis. aakes complete and rella p r Mlilngt In the city or conn- fj COLE, CONTBACTOR8 AND M BC1 cm famished on short u Virir a SDedsltT. Prompt , S$ ca Bluff street near Main. fl CONTRA CTOS AND BOILD- tsU- I nusnea on an suj i r.teust walks, stone walls, etc ut But Oregonian ouce. IS, ARCHITECT AND SO- BOOm JO, ASSOCUIUOD te&cm, Oregon- PLABTERINO AND CJS- CBKst walks a specialty. B- Fna-lri tnt. work t-naranteea. Lh t Bidlrr and Zehner's cigar Sit, P. 0. k 1M. NK6 AND BROKERS. I1TI0SAL BASK OF ATHENA, ClDltal, I50.WW . snrpins ma tKCtt. lntettst on time deposits. lonlgn ana aoaraiic I pcompuj aneaaca to. nwuj m.iAmt: T. J. Kirk. Tlce-presl- lt7,. Barnrtt. eubkr; F. B. Le- laulttant euL'er, fAEKEES' BASK Or WESTON, Ore- Does a general eana- ea ExcnsBge oongm ana soia. nramnflv mttenAnA tn. R ipedJeut: Sorge W Proebstel, atel: J. JL KILcort. cashier: dl- , G. L Eartsan, U. M. Johns, T. t, u a crair, i, f siigore, Robert , t a. rroeDiiei. mW-TOX BAVINQ8 BANK. , Oraroi! Onranlsed March 1. ftjful, 150.000, inrplns, $90,000; r on on time deposits. EX- kqt: mi ind on all principal aiicniic:! giTen to coi W J PnmUh. nrealdent: J. N. KeiMt: T J Morrla, cashier; t-hixfj, uabtant cashier rUTIOXAL BAjtS OF PENDLE tMlttl, I70.00O aurplua, 185,000. 1 lattll tlll.'r bmlnMU. Rr. Irt telgriphlc transfers sold on Ms rrtncieco. New Tork and ateu In the Northwest Drafts nba, Ja;n and EuroDe. Makes maonab! terms. Lerl An- -t! w F Matlock. Tlce-presl .'Wade, rainier n r Jnktia lartler. N. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In .Association mock. E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Court-street. Ill L. IB. REEDER. ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, BTILLMAN 1 PIERCE. ATTORNEYS AT law. Mr. SUllman has been admitted to practice In United Btatea patent offices and --makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11. 12 and 13, Association Block. R. B BRYBuN, ATTO R" KY-AT-LAW ; COL lectlosa and lninxanee. Offlce In K. O. build ing. ! I LLi-t in ,J " 1 - . SPUE Ct'RE. Mrs. Hewitt How did you inanaf-r to hrrak your husband ot the habit of walking In his sleep? Mr. Dewltt Every time ho got up to walk I put the baby In his arms. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY, ROOMS C5 JUDD Snuding. TONSO.niAL PARLORS. 9v rninotn 11 1 nDvn enno Aim bath rooms Main street, three doora north ot Kitw ToxaoMar. paslobd. coitet bt Three doors weatofOolden Rule Hotel. J. II. Pace, Prop. First class Workmen, orery thing clean, all modern lmproremenU. PATTON8 SANITARY BARBER SHOP. DH8- paln block, oaurt street; txst wor-mansnin; all the modern lmproremenu ; au tools item lied; bath rooms in connection. PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. S. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA Dher of the city. Harrest Tlews, In dlan photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St, near bridge. 'Phone red 278. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. L. QBEENAWALD, THE OLD RELIABLE Shoemaker. First-class repairing with best materlala. Shop In rear of Dlndlager Wilson & CO. JOHN WIL80N, FIRST-CLASS 8HOB maker and repairer. Best material rued and good work done, chop 117 Alta Bt CTRICAL SUPPLIES. 217 COOBT srrppirr pMtrlelani, dulert in elec Honaea. stores, wlrod for btlla or tlnhnnM ITI. I Of all klndl. Qot our iriHi i specialty, LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY LIVKRY BOARD AND 8ALE Btable, M J. Carnoy, proprietor, for fine jnrnouti. HiaDie no ai; street, LIVERY, FEED AND SALES STABLE, A. C. Dresner, Prop.. Old Sera pie stable, 723 Cotton wood street; careful attention giren to horses leit witn os. COMMERCIAL 6TABLES, G.. M. FBOOME JroD. LIrery, reed ana boaraing. aii Kinds of turnouts. Competent drlrers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phost main 141. OREGON FEED YARD. W. T. BOYNTON nroo. Si-eclal care ciren to horaes left with me. Lower Webb street "Phone red t. COMMISSION CO r&Pir&i Ann ciiddiiic tmn nnnn V wii iirtb i till L vU III UUw tVfWVvai llaHs Grain, PrevlalenB, Steeks, Bonds and Cotton for Caah or Future Delivery 1 k SOTernment. munlrlnal nnH mlBPPllnins securities. Own- U.g the moat extensive private wire system In the world we large or small orders more promptly ana Bausiaciorr man ftoseern. IPwwntee to execute orders wlien HmlU are reached. We do not rSSnOriglrtla fnr n,nr V,n .V. 1 .. n1... In trnAt Wfl interest for carrying long stocks. JNS REQUIRED Grain, lc per bushel; stocks. t per share. -Grain u i... ... , . . ... w tesfl you our Boot of StnHstte. rm Tlallv Market free. Write "tfEBENCE. 75 National and State Banks. -Xf Kil Tf T..l . m -. . 1 as ill.- V u ir? 01 uoBamerce u uiiaing, Minneapolis, -, rErrJ- Pullman, JilUyllle, Dayton. Walla Walla. Moscow. Pendle- rj wmbwucuud 10 rwTuwaiQ, jacoma, ocaiuo, jtcicli, uu F67tU0fflaVe 8D 0peD trade or 8CCOunt lr,th ue y0B cn OPr-t 11 0me. Room 4, Association Block. 'Phone Main 951. G. MAJOR. Manager COMMERCE-TRADE The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Pineapples. J7.S0 a dozen. Parsnips, 1 per sack. Cabbage, 4c per pound. Cheese, per pound 25c. Onions, 3c per pound. Beets, per pound, lc. Potatoes, $1.25 per hundred. Garlic, 12Vc per pound. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens. henB. per dozen. S2.50 to $3.60. Turkeys, per lb., 14c Geese, per doz ?9. Spring chickens, per doz.. S2.E0 and 13. Ducks, per aoz., $3.50. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Butter, 60c and 80c per roll. Eggs, 40c In trade. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc Cows, per hundred, $33.15. Steers, $3.75. Hogs, live, $6. Hogs, dressed, 7c. Veal, dressed, 8c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade, ZT? per lb.; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 15c per lb. Rlce Best head nee, 12c per lb.; next grade 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $6.30 per sack; do, 13 pounds, $1. Salt Coarse, $1.25 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour B. B., $4.25 per barrel; Wal ters' $4.25 per barrel. BOARD AND LODGING. EMPIRE LODGINGS HOUSE, CORNBiTOP E. Court and . Johnson' streets. Qood large, clean rooata with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and SOc a night Tbos. Smart Prop. HOTEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND , Mill streets. Board by the day or week. Good table set Rates $1 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. Neff, prop. TilK ST. QKORQK RESTAURANT REOD tar meali 35 centa. Bhort orders a specialty, Open day and night T, A. Oldlather, Prop. TilK 8TRAROM ROOMINO noUSK 61g MAIN treetMra II. K. Cooper, Prop. Brerythlns new and strictly nrt clasi. Rates e, A0c and II per day LODOIKQ AND DOAKDINO HOUSE! ROOMS for lolgcra, and llght.houiekeplng, E. .V. Sullivan. proprietor, Cottonwood itreet.nft to Wheolcr'a Tboto Oallety. the white Lorxiiso nonsB. 301 sooTn Main itreet Mrs. Mary Wllllami, Prop, tlotiiiekeeplng roomi and lodging rooms. Good comfortable roomi and clean, well kept bedi. Lodging 2.1 rente. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER T1RB HACK, NEW AND VERY latea atyle, for the service ot the pnbtle. C D. Cariln and Jas. 8. UcKav. nrotn. Call at the Commercial livery stable or tele phone main lor and the back win call rsr j cm. CITY CAB LINE, KRWIK BAKF.H, rROP. Telephons Main 9l Ofllco and waiting room, Alta atrcet, next wsAvinga nana mag. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. G. W. VACOnAN, GRADUATE OF THE San Franclico Veterinary College; calla at tended tn dir or nicht. Offico at Depot Stables; phone Ken fill. BLACK8MITHINQ. COPELAND ft SON FOR WHEAT RACKS. Cheapest and best In town, 114 Was Bt TRANSPORTATION LINES. AN OJREGON StiOfTLlNE AUNIONPACIHC Dsraav roa Portland 8:10 a in Chicago iw pm Portland 1:60 am Tlmo Hohlula From t'onilloton Portland Special No. 1 Chicago SpeeUt No. 2 aaatvs raoM The 1 8Ma.a, rortlaa4 Utopia Mall and Kipren No.S The Xart l:Mam The Kail, IMin Spokane 8:15 a m 60 p m INSURANCE & LAND BU8INE88. dry flint; salted hides, steera, sound, 60 pounds and over, 89c; 60 to 60 pounds, 7Sc! under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 60 5Hc; kip, sonnd, 15 to 20 pounds, 7r,; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, each $1.502; dry, each, $10 1.60; colt's hides, each 25050c; goat skins, common, each 10015c; An gora, with wool on, each, 25 $1. Pelts Bear skins as to size, N-. 1 each. $520; cubs, $25: badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2550c; house cat, 5010; fox, common grey, each 3050c; do, red. each, $1.5002; do, cross, each, $56; do, Bllver ana black, each, $100 200; fisher, each, $5G: lynx, each, $203; mink, strict ly No. 1. each. EO0$1.EO: marten. pale pine, according to size and color, $1.5002; mnskrats, large, each, BO 10c; skunk, each, 40050c; civet or polecat, each, BOlOc; otter, for large prime skins, each, ?e7; panther, with head and claws perfect, each $30050; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.5006; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each 30S5c wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $506; do, medium. $3 4 do, small, $101.60; do, kits, 60076c. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable fire and accident inmr. ance companies. Office with Hartman Ab stract Co. JOB H. PARSES, OFFICE COTTONWOOD St Opera house block ;land o tries bus iness, snch as filing ot claims and Initiating contests a specialty.. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. 8. LAND COM mlaaloner Boeclsltv made ot land flllngs and proof; Insnranca and collections. Of fice In Jndd building, room 1U. Mall ami Eipreu No. 6 rortlaua U5aa Pendleton Patisnger No, 7 Spokann Paesengcr No. 8 Pendloton Branch Mixed Train No. 41 Wall Walla Branch Mixed Train No. i'i Spokaas SiUpss mo pi Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. TYPEWRITERS AND 8UPPLIE8, r. B. MERRILL, SPOKANE, WASH. Aeent New Densmore. second-hand tys- m titers, supplies, rellnlng, repairing. SECOND HAND DEALERS. All sailing dates sub- .. pifsfranXo Sail every 5 dayi. "DaUy 1 B-ndVy Columbia River txo tmp.ta. To Astoria and Way Sunday Saturday Landings. 10:00 p. m. "Wlllamotto Klvor. Boats leave Portland dally, except Bnday, (tags of wator permitting) (01 Willamette aa Yamhill River points. Leave Lear Biparla Snake River LowlaUa txa.m. RIparia to Lewliton 7 o a. ta. Dally Dally ExcptMon Excpt-taa GEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND band gooda bought anq sold, court Bt, Opera house block. Csll and see him. V. BTROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there Is anything yon need In new or second-hand furniture. stoves, granite ware and crockery .call and get his prices, no ziz court street. NEW AND SECONDHAND GOODS BOUGHT and sold; pawn brokers; money advanced on all kinds of articles. Waters t Sherry, props., 7,12 uoiionwooo. itreet. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, Skins, Hides and Pelts. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up, 1515M:c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, Ne. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salt ed bulls and stags, one-third less than PEOPLE EXPECT THE BEST In the way of luxury and solid comfort when they trawl via And they are never dlsaj poliited not even the nioit exacting, or the Famous Trains of this Famous Line are all euulpped Willi "The 3est of Everything." Remember It Is theSljort Line between Minne apolis. St.Paul and Chicago. Anything you wish to know about Comfortable Traveling gladly answered by li. L. SISLER, Gen'l Aflt 248 Alder Street, Portland, Ore. T. V. TEASDALE, General raaaenger Agent, 6t. Paul, Minn, Many Stockmen Expected. Kansas City, Jan. 9. Secretary C F. Martin, of the N'atlonal Livestock Association, is in receipt of advices which indicate that the attendance at the convention of the association here next week, will be very large. The pioposed packing house merger and numerous other questions affecting the livestock interests have aroused the stockmen throughout the country to a sense of the importance of get ting together for mutual protection, The advance guard of delegates Is al ready putting In an appearance and by the first of the week It Is expected that thousands of stockmen will be in the city. Applications for quarters at the various hotels show that largo delegations will be on hand from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyom ing, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Colo lado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and nearly every other state and territory west of the Mississippi River. Dally f East -Oreeonlan by earrlsr, only li MAt a vrnk, Boy Wonders to be Sent Abroad, New Yor. Jan. 9. The procecdu of the Knickerbocker Charity Ball at tiie Waldorf-Astoria tonight will ho used to send three boys prodigies in music, all brotiiers to the Brussela Conservatory for a musical education. They are Charles Mitchell and Ralph ICellcrt, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years, the tons of an engineer living In Montreal, Canada. The prodigies were discovered by Mrs. Henry Clarke Coe, a New York society wo man, while she- was visiting the Thou sand Islands labt summer. She heaid (he youngest boy playiug on a violin at 011c of Dip big hotels, and was so Impressed that a hp iiihih- Inquiries that resulted In her bringing the thro lads back tc New York with her- slncn then they have been under excellent tutors here, and their Improvement has been almobt wonderful. New Railways In Mexico, City of Mexico, Jan, 9. It is an nounced that the Guggeulieim Explor ation Company, which Is the Mexi can branch of the American Smelting pnd Ilefllnlni; company, has approved plans for the Immediate construction of more than 200 miles of 1 all ways. It is proposed to build a number of short lines In Mexico connecting the mines of the company with trunk lines of road in order to afford adequate lililppliig facilities. Many of the mines which the company recently purchas. ed are remotely situated from rail ways tra'nspoatlon and cannot hu profitably worked until railway con nection Is given them. It you need help or seek employment call on ua. rogns Alain lull. F. F. WAM8LKV, Agent, PjndUtoa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad WANTED. WANTED SITUATION BV COMPETENT, EX. pencuveu iicuugrapiicr. Auurt-H o., cars x,. u. WANTED TOUR ORDERS FOR ENO RAVED cards, weddinr In-ttationi. tn; Mr) enrra-eri Tiiiiina caraa wiin oiaie. ilmji aaaiuonai cardi in intnre, Jl per hundred. Tba East Or-egonlan. MISCELLANEOUS. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, JF TOD want to subscribe to msgsilnes or news papers In the United states or K a rope, re mit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST OREQONIAN the net publisher's nrlce of the nubllcatlon vou desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being lost In the malls. It will ssve yon both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the East Oregontan, In remitting you can deduct III per cent irom, me puuusuers price, Address EAST OIIEGO.NIAN I'l'll CtJ Pendleton, Oregcn. CHATTEL MORTGAGE 8ALE. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a iattl mortgage, dated Auguit CT, 1002, exe cuted by II. C. Guernsey to O. B. Wade, cash ier, securing the payment of the promissory note described therein, of even date therewith, lor w. 00, ane ninety aaye auer m uauj, inn IntAirat at ft ner cent ner annum from data. which chattel mortgage Is given upon the one. nan nnniTinf.a miercii in ana 10 tu aciu ui stock cattle, branded on tbe right lit p and right side W, some being branded In one other personal property particularly described therein, and was duly rscorded on Auguit 27, Chattel Mortgage! In tbe office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Umatilla County, Oregon, tbe conditions 01 said cnattei mortgage nsTinz been violated by tbe maker thereof and said promissory note being still unpaid; therefore. me aaia v. n, waae, casaier, uu wu w session of the following densrlbed personal property, mentioned In aald chattel mortgage. niihlln auction at thi; hour of twelve o'clock. noon, on the l.'tb day ot January, 100,1, at and upon tbe ranch of store Hampton, at the dwet llnv hnuaa nltuiU-l on thn Hnrtheast ansrter iA vrt Inn i7. In To nahlnR Nortli and Ransa .72 Kast of the t'lllauiette Meridian. In Umatilla county, Oregon, to irie nigneit maoer lor cam In hand, 'he proceeds of said Rule to be applied to tbe paymnt of the amount due on said nromlkanrr noLe and the colts and eirxmei of rale, Including reasonable attorneys' feni. iiau-a January z. ivai O. If, WADK, Caihler, Mortgages. BrT. I). Taylor. Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon, and Asentof Mortsasee. OABTER A HALEY, Attorneys. Take this route for Chicago, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kaii aas City, Bt Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and Sooth Portland and points os the Sound TIME CARD. Leave Pendleton, dallv ezesot BnndaTa at 7:00. pm. Arrive rendleion Monday. Wednesday aaa Frldsy 11:25 pm. Arrive I'endleton Tuesday. Thnradar ana Saturday 8 35 am. Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound, 11:00 pat. Arrive Walla Walla dally, west bound, 8:u am, For Information rezardlns rataa and aeaeaa. modatlons, call oil or address w. auauh, Agsni, Pendleton. Oreroa. 8. B. CALDBRIIBAD, O P. A.. walla walla, Wash, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Girs, Elegant Dining Qrs, Tourist Sleeping Cars. TOJ TO f HI'. PAUL MINNEAPOLIB DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKB OROOKBTON WINNEPEG IIKLKNA and IBU.TE, THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK; liOSTON and all twiiils East and Boutb fhrouirh tickets to Jai-aa and Ohlna. (la Tacoma and Northern PaclOo Bteamibip Ca. and American line. TIM-SCHEDULE, Trains leave Pendleton daily exoeDi laaaa at 7 W0 p.m. For farther Information, time caidi, B)S and tickets, call on or write W. Adami. I'M, dletoa, Oregon, or A. D, OHAULTOK, iuira auq jnorriaun dh., rortiaua, urv. Mormon UlshODfi PIIIb tuiv Ltcn ia uu ottt &o Wii by U lt4n tt HormA CLbicb tiicu iuUwcfT rwurtf cures tti woit cac In fU Awl ywunjp fUIng UA (VclU ta tcuauuM uwjiua, tucwit vi ()(culw. uuroi ioii mnnnoooi ini S'SsflfafeM Brill ilM o.rrff.u i,-wp.. OMihrtfc. AUdreBu, Ulariop ilemcc) din t'funclaco. Cot, SOLD BV TALLMAN & CO., DRUGGISTS,' PENDLETON, OREGON, ' . ,.,.1, a, - tm , ; --y,- -7- wr- - -- ,m . "3t '"""TQjWiwww'i li'ii.nwwiiii mmn maiiw-L 'mmmi fiagMMigB-k