East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 09, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Try JELI-0, prepared according to
tfee following recipe:
Teal nte tare? bananas, nib smooth with fire
tahleapoonroi; ot snyar: add one cap ot tweet
aMnMUen to a sue froth, then one pekmx
limoa Jell-O duaolTciI in one and a nail
cm bolUng water,
aaa when cold, ran
and lerre with this enam,
A nice dessert for any ntetlr"at any
tiaio. Four flavors Lemon, O range,
.Raspberry and Strawberry.
At grocers, 10 cents.
Poor In mold or .est.
mlih with cradled eherrtea
What Stronger Evidence Can
Reader Ask for'
Look well to the record. What they
kave done many times in ycais gone
"by is the best guarantee for future
results. Anyone with a bad back;
nny reader suffering from urinary
trnuhlps from nnr kidnev ills, will
find In the following evidence proof1 hnd increased to a
that relief and cure is pear at hand o'clock the captain deemed it best
Encounters a Typhoon In Mid Ocean
Terrible Storm Makes Havoc
With the Rigging Damaged $100,
000 by the Gate.
Ixsl month's dispatcher told brief
ly of the terrible ilme that the bat
tleship Oregon had In a typhoon on
ter passage from Honolulu to Yoko
hama. Dr 'Blackburn, pastor of tb
First Presbyterian cinrch ot Portland
has received ward from his son, J. H.
Blackburn, describing the experiences
which will make it necessary Tor the
Oregon to be laid up for several
months to be repaired at an expense
ot J100.0QO. Passed Midshipman Black
burn's letter gives the following vivid
picture of the manner in which thcr
weathered the storm:
"On the morning of November 29
the barometer dropped rapidly, and
we made all preparations to secure
for the storm. Great steel battens or
plates were bolted down over the
hatches, -ventilators removed and
llatej substituted. By noon the wind
ale. and at
Eugene E. Lario. of 71S 2uth Ave.
ticket seller iu the Vnion Station.
Denver, Cola says. "You art- at lib
erty to repeat what I tirst stated :
through our Denver papers about
Doan's Kidney 'Pills in the summer
of 1S96. for I have had no reason in,
to 'heave to.' So we lay there, our
strews and helm working Just enough
. to keep head to sen.
"At 5 o'clock the starboard life
l-oat was 'mattered lo pieces and rut
' adrift. We ate our dinner seated on '
transoms or holdinc firmlv to a
the interim to change my opinion of i stanchion. It consisted of sand-'
the remedy. 1 said when first inter-1 wiches and coffee' At S that night
viewed that if I had a friend or ac-ft w8s called to the bridge. It was a'
quaintance suffering from backache i difficult trip. To loose hold of some-'
cr kidney trouble. I would unhesitat-l thine" permanent was death, for no
Jngiy advise them to go to a Iruglboat could live in that sea. 1
ctore for Doan's Kidney Pills and "The waves were about G5 feet high1
take a couie o fthc treatment. I was (though thev looked double that. Toi
subject to fcevere attacks of backache' have been caught broadside would'
for a considerable length of time, nl-shave swamncd the shin. At 11 the!
ways, aggravated if I sat long at a double bottoms were closed and lock- -desk.
It struck me while reading a ed, and the doors to the watertight i , ,.
newspaper that if Doan's Kidneytcompartments made ready to shut at lwo cut,efs and the captain s
j-iiifc in:tiuriueuiiaij, wiiul wej .prom-
Ised. they might at least help. This
Induced me to try the remedy, it ab
solutely stopped the backache. L
have never had a .touch or a twinged
For sale by all dealers. Price 50'
cents. '.FDster-aiilburn Co, Buffalo;'
3f. T. sole agents for the United
ememDer the name DOAN'S j beam. She trembled like, u
end take no substitute. 'buck ague."
E. anrntnl'i mrnlnr I .u,m .n .!,. we'-' h'miuug wir-JU.
l.rirt. o ror . ti "One steam launch had its back
. "Just as I reached them the steer
ingaear became disabled. The storm
was a"; hurricane to .shamd a iKansas
cyclone.' In the 40 seconds required;
to connect the reserve steering ,gear
the ship turned a bit in her course.
and the sea struck her abaft -the
;cn. Two of the tr" dynamic
were ruined, and only the lightning
presence- of nsiud and skill ot the
electrician on watch saved the other
The Husband Who Is Widowed Can
not Remarry, and Petition the
Court for That Riant Interesting
Bit of Legal Phrase.
One of the interesting petitions
that frequently creep Into courts,
along with the dry and technical pa
pers that find their way into the same
rhnnnel. is one from a man. who was
divorced by an Alabama Judge, but
was not granted the right to marry
again, as was his former wire. After
standing it as long as ho was able,
he sent the following plea for Judi
cial mercy and after reading It, ono
cannot but hope that his request was
Ex parte Samuel Itlce. To the
Hon. H. A. Sharpo, Jude ot the
Court in Birmingham, In Equity:
Your petitioner, Samuel BJce, or
Mobile. Ala., would deferentially rep-it-sent
tnat on the 10th day of Janu
ary, in the year .of grace l&ni, your
lonur dissolved the connubial ties
theretofore existing between petition
er and consort, Annie Rice, granting!
! er a divorce vinculo et matrimonii. I
with tie beatific privilege thereunto
Annexed ot mnrryfc again, a priv'
lose it goes, without saylug, she avail- J
ed hereself of with an alacrity ofl
,5iiit .ml n' t: is i'v- - a i
ipg pursuit ; but on this vital poll t .
your honor extended to i;titlo!ierj
caly :hp chirity of yom m1: -c
Petitioner has fmind in his own ex
perience a truthful exemplification of!
holy scripture, "that it is not well
for" man to be alone." and seeing an
, inviting opportunity to superbly amel
iorate nis ronorn conauion. dj a sec
ond nuptial venture, he finds himself
circumvented hv an Ossa Pellon ob-
; stacle which your honor alone has
' power to remove.
i His days rapidly verging on the
j sere and yellow leaf, the fruits and
Be Given Ton.ght With , oww love ai going, ine worm,
" the canker and the grief in signt.
a So
xa ts mhrsj.
as mm.
- "la an tit
at aa,
PORTLANn mic,.,-
vo,t51) c
i. P.
J-ni noiCi ia pt
Zaza" Will
Florence Roberts In the Title,,,h in 1nv .j nnno in m
Role. ress him, petitioner feels an lnde-
"Zasa." the drama oi the emulions ' st-ribable yearning, longing and heav-
cne. For a while the. electricians with which David Belasco has created , Ing to plunge his adventurous prow
unrfcert !n a m.wn.ti r,f UT ,i. such a sensation in the theatrical I nncc more into the vexed waters of
ETees. They could .onlv wntrh five worm.
minutes at a time. The loss to the
with Florence Huberts, the the sea of connublality Wherefore,
ifted and popular actre in the title other refuge having none, and wholly
7,8h'P TCU not be less than SlOu.i roIe- comes to the Fraiur tonight.; trusting to the tender benignity and
Victim OI , t- . . T-hlc .ill,- i c .n ,ri-,ifinntlv nr I KOVftrpipn lliRrrptlnn nf vnur hnnnr
petitioner humbly prays that in view!
I ;Saye Money and Your Eyesight i
t By Ustng the
T, , . , .. . . . . .
rmcrieu iinicn Ltgmer
Gasoline Gas Lamp
rhe PERFECTED can read-
tlTlellhtl with a pastor
match. s
It .1... in t,u . u . iii.. v-
II of a rommon kenueiM lamp Ik
I! at hall theexcemeanl nr &
It ha a NlAel-SIlTer gen. S
erator which do sot sca.V K
tium ioe action oi neat, and s
elmr the tluu faraai Am
We bar Jlitch Lighting JR
LamMfram tiTiop. Xt
Write for circular) and jg
price. ft
I Tho firofmn -,,t t- This t)lav is in be niacuifirentlv nrtr
- wavu 4 i-aav.4itt aUUUUUUia JJTT " -
t t . . . Cjnt oil nn tfn n o fVin otnrvai cattlnctc
nni . i. , , c-uuiuer it. irom wnicn mace inr -"" " ...uB.-
wave of green sea earning into the Te,7as T"" f le "1 1'robably
charthouse. I yelled "hold fast' to the I bf I.a'd "'' for "pairs for several
captain and navigator, and was wash-i nt s'
ed against the side of the house.'
Jumping to my feet I carried a mes
sage to the deck officer to 'run before
Origin of the Name of the Great
Headquarters for Traveling
tomnjoQlons Sample loci
Rates $2 & $2.5
Special rates by ueek or month.
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt DlnlnEToom Sent
Every Modern Come
Bar and billiard room in coDud
Only Three Blocks irom
If a last resort, and- in this case a
successful one.
"I had hardly reached the bridge
when the boatswain's mate of
East of the Cascades.
. ; . ...... . tuijuuira ituuui mc U1I1J1
toe r v,ft t, , i ,. .-
and scenery are concerned, and with of the accompanving fiats .f a great
the capable support that has been ao- cloud of reputable citizens, giving i
corded Miss Robert the theater-j him a phenomenally good name and)
goers may confidently aiitinpHte a j fair fame, you will have the compas-j
dramatic treat such as, they nr- sel-ision on -him and relieve him of the-i
dom able to enjoy. Messrs. Belasco j hymenial disability under which his '
and Thall. who are directing the tour j existence has become a burden, byi
of Miss "Roberts and her company.' awarding him the lilse privilege ofl
marrying again, thus granting him a
watch shouted: 'Sir. something has ! -f"" A
given way, the gun deck Is flooded 10 .V,i ,
the beam.' I niehpd nB fast na th Spokane s commexdal history
have the highest reputation for pre
senting only loading attractions ami
coupled with the standing occupied
paper in defining bj the actiess herself, makes assur
w!n.d would let me down to the super ?tT,Zl , ,h CT r.K l"""1"
structure .leek- ther m mr wnlt. ilf t0 name the auth- Of "e phrase.
deep water -and to dodge chests and'
Inventon A MTi
4.1 Third St.,
ventilators floating about. The tar
paulins over two hatches had been
torn like paper, flooding the main
deck, where I found the water to my
"Men were swimming from their
hammocks. The galley fires were out.
bpars. che3ts and the heavy linoleum
were floating to the peri! of life.
When the ship came out of the wave
the lee door to the veranda was .open-
I Spokesman-Review i egrets its inaliil- ate and artisth
win tit- givpn.
The term was more or les in genera!
use when the writer came to the Pa
cific Northwest in 18L About that
time a paper called the Inland Em
pire wasjiubiished at The Dalles, in
Eastern Oregon, and the writer has an
indistinct recollection that Thomas
mire doiiblt surt' that a most elabor-
productlon of "Zaza'
All I tin l e T K'fil anil IIiqI I. ... -I . I .... 1 . 1.
gMollm tnantles
wholale and re-U1L
Jackie to Enter tne Ring.
Now York. Jan y. With the ambi
tion to become feathurwcilii cham
pion or the p.-iiu riiis. Rnbort H. Cai j
boun a "jarhie" r.t the New Yurkl
, t, I-i .W. . 1. . . ........ .
a nm- u .1 .""'J j".,.. .i, mr .-i.i.r I1H1111-
tir m;' lh Kif , J1 He wil1 reu,rn tu his home 'n
it rtim P I n? e.d' 6d Philadelphia for 3 bri..f rt before
th nh!i to?0 coiD'nK looking lo. .hallengos. Calhoun is
ilew Spokesman-Re- cnIy 2 yeare old. but a spiendid spec-
. ' . imeii nf thi Amitripnn nnvnl iP!tninti
,.. ..lal A,m.e -tne tCTP was eeneral- n,en in trim he tips the scales at 127! l' wihor.t c-asins
structure, ah floating objects were! " " ; 7, "" ' " . , . liountls. Throughout the navy
thrown overboard and we formed a'?3"8"1 t?n9? "nd Washington lying, the reputation of being the cli
bucket line to ball that part of the i8,1 f the CaBie mountains, and to ' at fighting.
.li. i include as w,ll snnthom i.iot, i . ..
and a
happy issue utit of the Red Sea ofj
tronbles Into which a pitilebs fate(
lias whelmed him. For comforting asi
trt pnli-nlf n,,..k. r .. l. , I
to tlie fover-racked brow, and sooth
ing as the strains of an Aeolian harp
when swept by the lingers of the
night wind, and dear as those ru'ldy
!rops that visit these sail hearts of
ours, and :wept as sacramental w'ne
tr dVinC litis, il IS th.n n-hm llfo'c
fitful fever is ebbing lo its rlog" to'
pillow one's aching hi-ad on som ,
fond wifelj boson and bra;he nis
life jut Kfntly there. I
And in duty boun.! to attain the'
i-tKihihty nr riiii)r..--tris mh m-ij-j
Hielef-t benedirtion nntitinner ul!l I
in awenis jik
-1 j i, ...i i . .
h, hoc " "" "!'' iiri't-si as ever isiioii from
hampion dltatarlan lips
Corner Court and Johiiwn sni
retmiftoiv or-rgou.
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor!
Afcou -wanted in vnrj town in C. 8.
ship. j.uuauue as weii !ouinern Idaho. In aboard the battleship
"After midnight I went down to the ! '?J,Dl ,years- Northern Idaho, fought
berth deck and found evervbodv hall- ,es,r? Montana and Southern Brit- Snlke
" " . ldn I'Alnmhin
..u.a W. i .
AJaoama, he UIU 01 a Population of tti.ouo in
roututs to a ftnisn with one uaieru0 conn., irom 2.,o0fl to 30
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
ing, bailing. All my clothing in the
lower drawers were soaking In oily
brine. The electric lights were out
All we bad was candles. Others fared
no better. By 3 o'clock most or tho
water was out and I 'turned In" on
the transom Next morning the wind
had gone down but the sea was so
heavy that we still 'lay to.' We had
two carried 120 miles out or our
course Both life boats were lost.
isn uoiumoia. by common
have been "annexed."
OToole a marine, and won ! are ,rl-h or of Irish descent
-1. - rhar iirnilnmlnl, 1,. . . i . : , .... f
""'" nra. nt- iiuii jjiayci nas tin j " "". m imuuiujj;u anair.4
, 1' .1 T, , r. ..tin, oAll .-
Thn f . ' ... n 1 1 1 vi i VUIIIUUI1 in
. H'.o.u . a nappy one lor and fortune and is
Zrt T,i L mUat ,lw ,n,:"ovor Hie field with a view iu .ssuingi1'' C0""tO' whap. Gaelic is taught-
in pi . a '"""Hiess challenges for his man I " scnotus.
--- ..... a. icauD. i nure is no iiet-
Ainrlcu I'Jau, r cl tStoft.C
JCuropoou l'lmt. uOc. .Sc, 1.U0.
spoolal rntprt by weeK nrnxmis. ,
Free 'bus meets all trains
Commercial trade solidtrf
Fine samfkn
.i .i.i ----- -
fame r"". Buy""es nre "1? strongest , c,.;,! i.tun.Mr.1rltii:
alread lookincl 1,1 lne r" 11 is one of the few cities. nmiiuiui iiiim'
ter term, nowever, at hand, unless
the region be rechristened "the Spo
kane Country."
B'uilding paper, lime,
cement brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard!
Alta St., Opp. Court House i
t 1tm Pendleton duirurapt fcmda.
KM; to Dklah and return, tio.'
Office lo Qoldea Rule Hotel, Pendletea
Health and Disease
u mtutriUd In the Scalp, fig. I
howi a Kctlon of a hulthy rub
nunirxd. FI5. 2 thews the deadly
effect of the DANDRUFF GERMS
that are dotroyins the hair root
Dtrtroy the catue yeu rtmovt
the effect.
No Dandruff, no Falling hair, no
Baldneit, if you kI0 the girro with
For Sale by all DrujjlsU.
Price 9160. .
Wisconsin Cheesemakers.
.uuwauKee, Wis., Jan. H.At the
1 concluding sessions todav or the an
Lual convention or the Wisconsin
Cheesemakers' Association the fo'
lowing papers were presented and
discussed: "How to Pay fo. Milk at
Cheese Factories." H. Anderson:
"Sonic Hints Upon tbe ConstrtirtJon
and Equipment of Cheese Factory
Bnlldlngs." U. S. Baer: "Tlie Eabcocii
Milk Test and the Cheesemakr r '
Prof F. W Woll of the Wisronsin
exrieriment station. "Fancy Brands
.of Cheese. Their Manufacture and
Sale in the United States," John Luch-
smger: "Swiss Chec3cmakiug Moth
ods of Manuracture." Freo .Marty
"Will the Acidimeter Replace the Ren
net and Hot iron Tests in Cheese
making?" Prof. H H. Dean.
Admiral Melville to Stay.
Washington, D. C Jan. J-Rear
Admiral George W. Melville reached
me retiring age of 62 years todav
With the modern steel framing a,
biillding can with safety be carried
ter of its base. Thus an ordinary . CORNER MAIN AND VbW
'iisuiLtts uiiiiuing rould b erected
to a height of MOO f(.t
but by special order or the secretary' 1 atDaritPoAb" .wu" a d,'at
of the navy, he will continue .0 rZ- wbotbar u wsuTm! ,"nl5hl '. .'lecld
as cneinfr.lnhtof r yo' flat. ' ' a lanS' Wit
waa safer to
f Position in which he has made a mos" 8ffiaSiTf&tUif w,de7.
is tbe first Instance in which a re-
tired officer has served as chief of a.' Friend And to
wnat do vou :.ttrll,.
, Wlln the excentinn nf that nnuto vnnr Immivru 1...1I.1 ... ....
Captain Samuel C. Lenily retired,). Goods Man Weil, we positively re
ne0na8vy.tin MJ 'klyLUe."1" '""
Keep complaining of the quality
of your butter? 1 here is only one
Hoc .
: is
And that is
40c per pound.
This butter is made at a private
dairy and we take the entire output.
.Court Street
Eleeantiy Furnished
Steam Heat
r M Dl.n
Block aad a half Irom depot-
Sample room in connw
oriDTi and. OREGON
American run. 3 V 'J"J3"l
llcadnuartera fortcoruu ana "-p-.r &
clew. fipcial rate mm "--"5, u fU
St all time to anow toomj and ! V" ,