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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
HA' ... -mttJ, '"I-:i1r at PENDLETON, TIMATELLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANITAHY 9, 1903. NO. -1G3G 15. CrtH Sw -oaHlflliH' Tonight and Saturday, partly C JL m utKHgm cloudy. 5 II SSSSSSSSSSSJSSSSSSSSJSSS- SfJ MvvWvWvyyvvWyVV MINER i CORP SE . i- i r iirnntr ruiiciai ui ..u f1 ri V D! IT. ... ..i nuinKl UIMCDC L.t Are Searching Hard , of Damaging Testimony wlic Priest Says a Mine I M Scabs Should Have ii'w. Jan. 9- Judge Gray ,'.. AnTTimlR1nn nnfl today took charge.. Iff""!! . uuullu wtiu; ut records attempting . nat tha uninn with Wilson refused to testimony and said the lot veil made and were k teilent. The examina jifesgs then began, tea' Cabin Testifies. LlCoib, as a witness, told i3nces. insults to sol- torcott or teamsters so r told of trying to eon- ue iiriKers bimi uu uiu tftenrard called him a asatked that all scabs .. . i to death and other similar DISPERSING THE FLEET. Dewey's Ships Have Finished Work And Are Coming Home. New York Jan. 9. According to the Kerala's correspondent at Cule- bra Island, Admiral Dewey, having decided that the purpose of the con centration of the warship has been accomplished, has issued orders that the squadrons disperse to their for mer stations. Admiral Dewey and his staff, on the Mayflower and the Dol phin sailed Thursday for Washing ton. The cruiser Albany has sailed for Boston, whore she will be re sheathed, and the cruisers San Fran cisco and Nashvirie have left for Nor iolk to undergo repairs. Rear Ad miral Sumner has transferred his flag to the cruiser Newark and will return to the South Atlantic station. The torpedo flotilla has sailed north and the Prairie will start today with pa tients who became III during the maneuvers. ROMAN CELEBRATION. Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Death of King Emanuel. Rome, Jan'. 9. Today being the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of King Emanuel, thousands gathered in Rome from the provinces and made a procession to the tomb at the Pan- thenon. That the government might rot have greater honor than the church the Vatican is putting forth the greatest efforts to have a. demon stration of the twenty-fifth anlversary of the coronation of Pope l Leo, that will far outrival today's, demonstra tion. SEVERAL IMPORTANT BILLS CONSIDERED IN CONGRESS c. House Judiciary Committee Reports Favorably the Litllefield Urgency Bill, , Great Discovery of Iron Ore. New York, Jan. 9. It is announced from Sault Ste. Marie that an iron ore range, with 180,000,000 tons of ore in sight, has been discovered, and that a number of New York capital ists are interested in developing the denoBlt One of these capitalists ac knowledged that he was, interested in the matter, and said the discovery was made a year ago, but ho .-declined to state the exact location of the range. Washington, Jan. 9. In the house. Hull, of Iowa, presented the army ap propriation. and gave notice that it would bo called Monday. Henry a democrat of Texas, has been appoint ed by the speaker on the place of the judiciary committee, vacated by Lanham, who becomes the governor of Texas. The committee on naval affairs to day refused to report the bill retiring Hobson. The president had joined In making the retirement request Hob con is said to aspire to a scat in Congress from the Alabama district now represented by Bunkhead. Be cause of this fact a number of demo crats on the committee voted againt the retiring bill. The judiciary committee today vot ed to report favorably the Llttlefteld bill based upon the recommendations of Attorney-General Knox, providing fo rthe expediting of civil suits under the Sherman anti-trust law. The cabinet had a two-hour session today and trust legislation was the main subject of discussion. HOLLENBEN RECALLED, DISPLACES CLASS BLOWERS GLASS MAKING. AND FLATTEN ING MACHINES A SUCCESS HORTON PARDONED. the Penitentiary for M o Be Innorent. 0:, Jan. 9. Mrs. Etta Sw. the first woman rctrf of sdultery in Oregon. Ctriaei from the peni- GoTernor Geor, after of her terra. She main- meats. WEALTHY THIEF. fejtt Several Thnilaanrl fftra Western Union. 1b. '9Clarence Jteln. withy pa'ents In New arrested here for uuis irom me vvesi- i accomplice, Andrew In New Orleans. 7co vi ihv u-ifKraDn raised money orders, Bttss. They are sain Glassworker Makes Some Important Discoveries Disguised, He Enters ' American Window Glass Factory, Mimcie', Ind., Jan. 9. A glass work er has returned from Alexandria, Ind., where he entered the works of the American Window Glass Company disculsed. He made several important dis coveries and reports that the com pany Is using glass making and flat tening machines successfully and that the product is already belnp snipped. The plant is completely surround ed by a high board fence and guards are stationed at all entrances to ore- vent outsiders from entering. The report caused consternation among the glass workers as the machine does away with skilled workmen entirely. Hamilton. Jan .What f of he best pugllls-pnllf-d off fw t. w tonight The nrln- ek McClelland, the feignt, and Jack This will he th ho hav met In tho. taring m ty two de- a flraw Kur ..... ST .. 7" "oral, of Phi nrtel. MM n .n vu ko iz rounfin J we m readiness i ---' "&uierB are b expected to hp. On (lro - kuiK mnm. una Bpreaa lOvn ci . .--- ocrenu TM damage wlli 7-ExJover- 'd at 10 For Vanderbilt -Wedding. New York, Jan. 9, Mrs. Vanderbilt and Miss Gladys vanderbilt are ex pected to arrive home from Europe tomorrow. The date of the wedding of Reginald Vauderbilt aud Miss Nellson is to be determined on the arival of the mother. It is understood that an early date will be set and that it will be a house wedding, tak- ink place In the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Nellson, in Fifti avenue, owing to the bride being a Roman Catholic and the bridegroom of a different religion, and that Arch bishop Farley will perform the ceremony. Southern Education Work. New York, Jan. 9. Friends of Southern educational work will hear borne gratifying facts and figures pre sented at the meeting of the Southern Educational Board to be held lu Car i.egie Hall tonight under the auspices of the Armstrong Association, of Nov. iork. Tho chief speakers will bo President Charles W. Dabney, of the University of Tennessee, President Fdwin A. Alderman, of Tulane Uni versity, p.nd President Charles IC. Mc Iver, of the North Carolina Normal College. Great Jubilation Among Newspaper Men Who Dislike Him. Washington, Jan. 9. President RooBevelt has directed the state de partment to notify Germany that he is personally pleased with Sternberg's appointment to Washington. It is learned today that Hollenben failed to pay hl3 respects to either the president or the state department before leaving, which makes It, almost certain that he has been definitely recalled. There Is a great jubilation among the newspaper fraternity, among whom Hollenben enjoyed the distinc tion of being the most 'unpopular man In Washington. He Is brusk, ilbred and bureaucratic. Mgr. Filconlo was presented at the White House this afternoon by the secretary of the apostolic delegate. Roosevelt chatted with him informally for nearly an hour. AGAINST CUBAN TREATY. Senators From Texas and Alabama Joint the Opposition. Senator Foster, of Louisiana, has been convasslng the senators for votes against the Cuban reciprocity, and has secured the promises of tho Texas and Alabama senators to join him and his colleagues. This makes eight democratic votes in opposition. The meeting of the senate foreign re lations comnfltteo was to meet today to consider this question, but it has been postponed until iuondny. The California senators are- expected to Join with the sugar senators. Gold Standard for Filipinos. The bill establishing the gold stand ard In the Philippines was approved by the committee on Insular affairs this afternoon. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotation Furnished by tho Coe Commission Company I, C. Major Local Manager, Room 4, Associa tion Block. . Chicago, Jan. 9. Wheat Opened. May 7G July " 73 M Corn May July Oats May Pork May 1622H Minneapolis, Jan. 9. Wheat Opened. May ' "4 July 7614 43) 42 34 Closed. 76U& 73. 4344 430 34 1615 Closed, 75 75 Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 9. Wheat cents per bushel. 767C HUNTER MURDER CASE. If Trial Was Held In Guatemala it Was a Secret One. New York, Jau. 9.- Replying to nn inquiry regarding the reports circulat ed In the United States that W. G. Hunter, Jr., has been tried and acquit ted of the murder of Fitzgerald, a press correspondent cabled as follows: "Guatemala, Jan. S. If there has been a trial It was a secret one. All mystery here." FOUR MINERS KILLED. Result of a Premature Blast In an Al abama Mine. Birmingham. 'Ala., Jan. 9. Four miners In the Short Creek mine worn killed In a premature blast this fore noon. OPPOSED TO ft MORMON Roosevelt Requosts That No Apostle Be Sent to the Sen ate From Utah, "WOULD WORK HARM TO REPUBLICAN PARTY Senator Kerns Sends a Special Mes sage to Salt Lake and Quotes the President as Much Opposed to the Election of a Mormon Senator. Salt Iake, Jan, 9. A Washington, special quotes Senator Kearns as fol lows: "President Roosevelt requests mo to state that he hoped no Mormon would bo elected to the senate to sue seed Rawlins. Such nn election would work great harm to the stato and to tho republican parly. It would lead to bitterness nnd strife "I deslro to placo myself on lecord ns kindly but firmly advising against tho election of nny apostle to tho United States senate." PANAMA CANAL. Damages Allowed. New York, Jan. 9. The circuit court this morning gave a verdict of $36,000 damages for James Duke against the Morning Journal for the publication of a defamatory article. DURBAN ON TRUSTS. Suggestions of Governor of Indiana to the Legislature. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 9. The six ty-third regular session of the gener al assembly of Indiana convened yes terday. Governor Durbln, In his mes sage, had the following to say con cerning trusts: "I most earnestly recommend that without prejudice and the exercise of conservative Judgment such legisla tion as may be necessary shall be enacted that will guard the welfare of the people of Indiana against any con tingency of wrong asociated with modern methods of compensation and combination in forwarding the ex panding volume of business that is Increasing with the growth of' this prosperous republic." SHIPS COLLIDE. Pomona Badly Damaged In San Francisco Bay Unusually Heavy Fog. San Francisco, Jan. 9. The Pacific Coast Steamship Pomona collided in the fog with the United States gun boat Marblebead. It ran across the Marblehead's ram and was badly dam aged. The fog on the bay is the heaviest in years. Memorial to Founders. Philadelphia, Jan. 9. The Society of Colonial Wars, which was organiz ed in the province of Pennsylvania in 3147. some time ago directed a tablet to be prepared to commemorate the services of the assoclators to be pre sented by J:he society to the city of Philadelphia, and placed in Independ ence Hall. Today the tablet was formally unveiled in the presence of city officials and distinguished repre sentatives of the patriotic societies of Pennsylvania. The presentation speech was made by the governor of the society, Dr. Edward Shippen, and the address accepting the tablet on behalf of the city, by Mayor Ash- bridge. RIOT IN SPAIN. Striking Carmen at Barcelona In Se rious Clash With Police. Barcelona, Jan: 9. The carmen etrikc for higher wages is resulting in serious collisions with the police, Revolvers were used In the streets Wednesday. Strikers threw petrole um on the premises of the Northern railroad with the intention of setting fire to them, and hidden bombs were discovered near the city, leading to the belief that dynamiting was Intend ed. The police have been largely rein forced and special orders have been issued for the civil guard to be in readiness. CHAMBERLAIN REPORTED SHOT RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD. But His Money Cannot Keep Him From Being Stricken With Apoplexy. London, Jan. 9. A message this afternoon says that Belt has been stricken down with apoplexy. He Is reputed by afternoon papers to be the richest individual In the world, and is rated at more than a billion aire. Personally he controls all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa in addition to other holdings the world over. He is 47 years old. To Marry 8lr Liang Chen. Paris, -Jan. 9. Lady Yu, the Ameri can wlfo of the Chinese Ambassador to France, left PariS today to sail for China, accompanied by her youngest daughter. Tho latter is engaged to marry Sir Liang Chen, the new Chi nese minister to tho United States, and It is understood that tho return to China is for the purpose of com pletlng the necessary arrangements for tho wedding. No date has yet beeu announced for the' marriage, but it is understood that it will take place early In the spring. Figure Skating Championships. Amsterdam, Jan. ,9. The European figure skating championships opened horq today under the auspices of the International Skating Union. The contestants Include several score of the ' best fancy skaters of England, Switzerland, Franco, Austria, Hol land, Denmark and Sweden. Ax-Handle Manufacturers. SL Louis, Mol. Jan. 9: At a meet ng hero tomorrow of' the hickory ax handle manufacturers of the country a permanent organization will bo per fected for the purpose of maintaining a uniform price list It is expected in iU membership about 90 per cent of the hickory ax-handle manufac turers of the United States. Metal Plant Destroyed. Chicago, Jan. 9. The plant of the Federal Sheet Metal Manufacturing Company, of South Chicago, was de stroyed by fire this forenoon. The loss will amount to $150,000. Y. M. C. A. Conference. Delaware, O., Jan. 9. The college department of the state executlvo committee of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, began a missionary institute today at Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity. The Institute will bo In ses sion through the remainder of the week and among the distinguished participants will bo President Emory W. Hunt, of Granville; President W, O. Thompson, of Ohio State Univer sity; J. B. Wildman, of Oxford Col lege, and President J. W. Basliford, of Ohio Wesleyan University. A raindrop ono-twenty-flfth of an inch in diameter, can not fall at any greater speed than 13 feet in a sec ond. Raindrops rarely exceed one- eighth of an inch in diameter. LONDON SECURITIES UNFAVORABLY AFFECTED Unconfirmed Report From London That the English Secretary Had Been Shot at In Africa. New York, Jan. 9. A London spec ial sent out by the Stock Exchange ticker says that securities have been unfavorably affected on tlm markets by the unconfirmed report that Cham berlain had been shot at in South Af rica. Official circles say that they have no news of such an attempt. Cablegram Referred to Belt. The colonial office at London, be lieved the Cape Town report recolv ed this morning of Alfred Beit's ill cess gave rise to tho atory of tho shooting. The cablegram referred to is that Captain Jamlcson is hurrying by post to Johannesburg, summoned to tho bedside of Alfred Bolt, the famous millionaire, who Is dying. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. Another Important Event In American Hlstorv. Tho following paragraph Is taken from the Ceylon Independent, pub lished 9,000 miles from Portland: "Although it might seem that the American people would reach the lira It of expositions In the great St. Louis rair which will be held In 1904 the peo ple living In the Northwest American slates of .Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, have decided to hold an exposition in 1905 In commemora tion ot the one-hundredth anniversary of tho first exploration of that sec tion by tho famous pioneers, Lewis and Clark, in 1805. This exposition will not be on as large a scale as that of St. Louis, but it will bo suf ficiently extensive and comprehensive to deserve the attention of foreign countries. Tho Hon. John Barrett, the commissioner general for the St. Louis World's Fair, who has been do ing such excellent work In Ceylon for that undertaking, and who leaves to day for India to confer with the Vic eroy i)rd Curzon. and attend tho Coronation Durbar at Delhi, has kindly given tho Independent some Information in regard to tho Lewis and Clark exposition. Tho antiquity of tho fan in the East. particularly in Asia, extends for back beyond the possibility of ascertaining its date. In China and India the original model of the fan was tho wing of a bird, and ajt ono time was part of tho emblems of imperial authority. Authoritative Denial Issued of Report of German Offer to Buy Canal, Paris, Jan. 9 Edouard Lampro, secretary of the now Panama Canal Company, authorized tho Associated Press today to deny tho report that a German offor of $40,000,000 has been made to tho company for tho Panama canal concessions and prop erty. M. Lampro says no offer or overture has. been received from any Gorman organization or Individual, directly, governmental or private. Ho adds that the entiro negotiations ara confined to the United States. At present efforts aro' being direct ed to induce Colombia to conchido a treaty providing for tho bulling ot the canal by tho United States. R. J. ROGER8 DEAD. Passing Away of Well Known Pioneer Citizen, La Grande, Jan, 9. II. J, Rogers, ex-sherlff of Union county and a prominent pioneer of this city died yesterday evening at his home ono mile north of this placo. Death was caused from a compli cation of ailments with which tho do- ceased wai a sufforor for several months, and his domlse was not unexpected. "Roo" Rogors, as ho waB familiarly. known, was one of tho conspicuous figures in tho dovoiopmont anu up building of this valley. Ho was nmoiu; the earliest of tho ptonoors, arriving hero In 18C2. Throughout a long period ho was among tho leaders In all movements for the advance ment of the county. Although of a quiet and unassuming disposition, he enjoyed great personal popularity and was esteemed as a man or generous naturo and sterling worth. Ho sorv ed two terms as sheriff of Union county, from 1880 to 1884, after which he became engaged In vurlous busi ness pursuits. Ho was united In marriage in 1869 to Miss Hannah Williamson, who has been a faithful watcher at his bed side during the many weeks of his Illness, Tho deceased was a promlnont member of tho Masonic fraternity. nnd the funeral will bo in charge of that order. Tito passing away of this welt known pioneer Is a source of deep regret to a very largo portion ot Union county's population, all ot whom know him as "ono who loved his follow man," 'CRACKER CRBGK PACTS North Polo mine was offered for sale thrco years ago for $600,000. K has 5000 feet on tho mother lode. It Is now worth twenty million dol lars. The South Pole mine adjoins, hsa 4941 feet on the same lode, has six tunnels, amounting to 2200 feet, &M In ore. We expect within less than three years' work to have a mint u valuable as North Pole Is today. South Pols stock is selling at II cents until about January 1st. Buy before the price raises. See Gahanan at Hartmnn Ahttraot office, Psndleton, Or.