SPECIAL ODD AND END SALE 1 All our broken lines of Shoes for Ladies, Men Youths, Misses, Boys and Children We are offering great cut prices in these broken lines, Come in. Diiiclinge, Wslson &, Co., GOOD SHOES CHEAP I THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903. WALLA WALLA NEWS: could be done to relieve the suffering oi prevent death. Nothing could be learned of the origin of the tronlilo. and the real cause of death is a mys tery to several doctors who attended the case. COX TRIES TO ESCAPE. LITTLE BOY DIES FROM Bad Man Causes Trouble at the State Penitentiary. Walla "Walla, Jan. S. "Bud" Cox. ' sentenced to 20 rears in the state EFFECTS OF A BEE STING, j penitentiary from -Whatcom a few 1 months ago, for burglary, Tuesday Joint Installation of Odd Fellows made a bold attempt to escape. He Police Officer Terrian Dead Sold- dropped out of line as the convicts iers 'Fined 590 for Shooting Win- were marched to breakfast and hid do behind the stcue steps jast outside of the dining room, where be remained Walla "Walla, Jan. S. A joint In-, tor 10 minutes before he wa3 found, stallation of officers was held last I Captain of the Guard J. F. McAndrew night by the three lodges of Odd j noticed that he had left his place in Fellows in this city, and some splen-1 ';ne and immediately began a search did work was done by the officers in ' for him. charge of the work. Elaborate pre- Cox is a had man, as is shown parations had been made to entertain ' v. hen he arose in' the court room in a large attendance at Odd Fellows' ' which he was sentenced the last Hall, and one of the largest prthT- time and swore vengeance against nigs of Odd Fellows held in many those who had convicted him. It is moons, resulted. ! thought he had planned the escape. Police Officer Joseph Terrian, who j as he had supplied himself with two has served regiiarlj- for two yars.j pairs of underclothes, two pairs of died vesterdav afternoon at a. local t socks and had sewed a niece nf liinn- hospital from progressive muscular ket on the inside of his convict coat " ?c b J!?,11 raralysis. Mr. Terrian took to his 'He Is serving his third term in the !he city attorney, the council ordered thro n-,. i,t -! ! stat nrlsnn. an ordinance drawn covering the sit- COUNCIL MEETING PERSONAL MENTION. K. Albee. of Pilot Rock, is in town on business. William Tompkins, it Athena, is a wt visitor today. CITY ATTORNEY FILES ' , .. .. c. Beroulst It Is Found That No Contract Now Exists Between the City of Pendle ton and the W. & C R. Railway, Regarding Webb Street Old Con tract Void. The city council last night: Ordered an ordinance drawn giving the city power to en force Improvement of Webb street by the W, & C. R. Accepted report of committee appointed to locate street grades. At the meeting of the city council last night, the matter or requiring the W. & C. R. railway to plank the tracks and grade Webb street, was thoroughly discussed. City Attorney Charles Carter filed fa written opinion on the matter which set forth that the contract signed by the old O. & W. T. company in which that company agreed to keep the track planked, and the street in good condition, would not bind the W. & C. R. cohmpany, which now owns and operates the road. Mr. Carter placed the legal status of the case before the council in the most lucid manner He said the only means by wmcn tne council cotiiu now compel the present owners of this road to plank Its track and ' rvMirki rtplts. the Pilot Rock stock man, is in the city today on business. James B. Welch returned last night from a visit to Umatilla and Arling ton. John Dorn and J. H. Koontz. of Echo, departed for home on the de layed train this nfteraoon. Oustave Vollmer. of Wnltsburg. Wash.. Is in the city as a witness In a road cas- lefore the county court. Elder A. W. Cole, of Hyde Park Presbyterian church. Chicago, will conduct services at the Temple on Sunday, at 11 a. m. O. D. Tee, one of the most en thusiastlc jrrigationists of Umatilla county, is in Pendleton today from his home near Echo. Alex Sprice, or Dayton, Wash., one of the largest wheat growers of Co lumbia county, is the guest or Hotel Pendleton for a few days. R, B. Cummins, of Kamela, who has been correspondent for the Spokesman-Review at that place, is in Pendleton for a short time. He ATTEMPTED JAIL BREAK. prisoners Try to Saw Out of the County Jail With a Knife. The sheriff's office has been keeping sn attempted jatl break which was made seve ral days ago, on the quiet There arc now eight Inmates of the county Jail, some of them desperate characters. Several days ago the at taches of the sheriff's office discov ered that a move was on foot to make a break for liberty. During the day the Inmates of the jail are left out in tbo main corridors or the Jail. The windows arc protect ed with large bars ot Iron running across to make them safe. The Inmates of the Jail had secur ed an old broken case knifo, made a saw blade, and begun to saw oil one or the bars. ' The plot was discovered soon after the work or sawing began, but no at tempt to stop them was made. It was discovered that there was little likc lyhood or the Inmates making the break successful as their saw was soft and the work all had to be done during the daytime. To shield them- DON'T. Kit Yourself K A-i . . concoctions "nosing SOffit Sf S 1 ercatest cUia Mother's h It is not a but gives moM? round dr. th, SS3 Owl Tea He 17 lbs Sngat t,.0 REAL ESTATE selves, tbo men would keep up a con tinuous noise while at work. 13.000 acre tract bm to,! Under, the vounc man held on the 800 aores. 8 miw Cr?J charze or securinc a saddle and ! good water and Sffl SzI horse at the City Livery Stables and , centfl" mMketprinS! .llcnnolnr- nf if nt V.rhn lc thought ' 720 acre S tock ranch i-'J will assist on the local staff of the,, , ,v. .... inriin i,. th ' 4,500. morning paper. I attempted break for llbertv. He is ' .3?9.ACtrat 100 tonsofhi,! V . l,nwn U.. nMn.1 i... r I 14,UUU. 1 rls. the safe blower from Helix. SSP""""!! . iromi-enaieton.f8.om mo t m Tii nil r rno snnrirr a nmrA id aaa . w acres on the rim Ii..ir4ttn.. fl AAA 1 Attention Knights. Damon Lodge No. 4, Knights of Fythias. wi: lhold a special session in Music Hall Friday evening. January iSih. There will be work in the third ank. Also Saturday. January 10th, grade this street. Is by the passage of "mmenclnR at 2:30 p m.. the third ,n nrHin,n K-ir, ,L oi, .-o, . ! onnual district convention of K. of uuSHa,V J '" - i P of Umatilla county, will be held L. W. HELD. C. C. It W. FLETCHER, K. of R. & S. The old contract with the Oregon I l"c . & Washington Territory road tas,' ,u been considered by many people in terested in this matter, to be in force yet, and the opinion of the city at-l A.n-- torney places the situation in a diff- """" " V.Clli. 1 1 11 k IUC JIUUlll. j ' . u S) i - - - . -. . " . izer oi me ooumen oi tne worm. ! guilty, ana wnat no could hope to gain ; departed for Arlington on the delay-! by "standing pat" could not be guess There is absolutely no contract in existence between the city and the present owners of the road, regarding came from, but the sheriff's office Is certain that no help came from the Pendleton t"300 outside, ivone of the men in Jail 160 acres wheat land 4 , country. f4,000. 11 It is now thought that this attempt 140 acres on the river 15 io escnpe num pnsun wus wuai .nor- rcuuiciou, n,tju. ris had in view when he refused to This is a narti&l lht nf plead guilty to the charge of larceny. ' d wheat farms which I hi His palls in the crime ot breaking Cttv Pronrv a into the Richardson merchandise 1 iuitiiy a , store at Helix, have both been Ben- . hvre loilS Ut tf tcucru uiiu ure Dt'rviug a term jni prison. Morris refused to plead lots, residences, homes. I do not list properrl pnee ngnt ed train this afternoon. Mr. Rogers. rd until the attempt to liberate hlm- the maintenance of Webb street, the j WM be present nt a log-rolling of the I self from the hands of the officers i planking of the track for the safety or1 Woodmen to be held in that city to-)fame to light. the public, or any other of the provis ions of the old contract. In accordance with the advice of tion did not become serious until ai Cox, in company with St. John Dix. i l?r Jy: few days ago. As a policeman, Mr. I a detauitlng bank president, made a Terrian made a splendid record and I desperate attempt to break Jail at his death will be regretted by a large i Whatcom. number of friends. M'DEVITT AGAIN FINED. Sentenced to Five Days In Jail for Disorderly Conduct Neil McDevitt, who was fined $10 The men who shot out two heavy plate glass windows in Main street, New Year's night, have been detected, found guilty and fined ISO each 'or the trick. Yesterday three .members of Battery 30. of Fort Wnlla Walla. wer arraigned, charged with the jn tne poiiee court Monday, for being deed, tried and found guilty. Justice I drunk and disorderly was again Glasstord imposed a fine of JSO and i brought before Judge Fitz Gerald costs each, and gave a free lecture! this morning on the same charge, upon carrying weapons on the streets it wni be remembered that McDev of the city. The batterymen werc.iu barricaded himself in his room Lewis Borphy. John Corlee and John! last Sunday night and threatened to Adolph, all young men. They went i shoot whoever entered to molest him. to Jail and when they shall have sorv-! Himself and wife were in the habit ed a proper time they will still have to face a charge at the fort and stand court-martial. Paul, the 4-year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. H. Relke, died yesterday from the effects of a sting over the left eye. Rev. Relke is pastor or the German Lutheran church. Friday the boy complained or being stung by an unknown insect, and a small pimple appeared above the eye. Medical as sistance was called, but nothing COLGATE'S oi unnKing neaviiy ana wnen on a spree made life miserable for those living near them. McDevitt was bIbo ahuslvq and threw his wife and child cut of the house on different occa sions. His reprimand and fine for the for mer offense did not seem to deter him In his determination to be bad and he again became noisy and threatening last night He was so drunk when the officers arrived to take him in custodr. that he was un able to walk, and a hack was called by the police. He was sentenced to five days in jail this morning. This ordinance will be presented at the next meeting and the council hopes by this means to reach the vexed question which has been so long under discussion. The committee .appointed by the council to estabiish street grades north or the river reported through its chairman, Frank B. Clopton. The report was an elaborate docu ment, which covered all the minor details of the matter fully. The com mittee reported that in most cases the grade had been established to corres pond to the contour of the ground, in order to render the construction of the grade as cheap as possible to the taxpayers and property owners, but in some few instances, where ravines were encountered, the committee lo cated the grade in the manner best suited to the situation. ine report ot tne committee was I Elmcted accented and the citv attornev order-1 ed to draw np a resolution embodying I "t iviuiucu Mitu lilt' Land and a large party of visiting, members from the Weston demon-' stration yesterday and is highly! pleased with the success of thej meeting. I E. T. Wi Real Estate Mrs. Knox Dead. George Knox, who is employed by Laatz Bros., in their wood yard ir this city, received the sad news of the death of his mother, Mrs. George Knox. Sr.. which occurred at Kamela this morning. Mr. Knox will go to Kamela on the evening train. Fune ral arrangements have .not yet been made. O. R. & N. Official Here. j Ahlo S. Watt, tax and land agent i of the O. R. & N. railway system, ar rived today from a visit to points! east, on the line. Mr. Watts is a familiar personage in Pendleton. Hei has been connected with the O. R. & N. in the right of way, land and tax departments since the line was con-i through Eastern Oregon. I ST. JOE ST0RI We are making Big Cuf Prices in All Departments Store, and will continue to do this until February it, Our Special Muslin Underw Sale Will Occur in February. We will show all the new, up tJ gooas tresh lrom the looms. A nicer line was never on bition m this city. Wait for this sale. THE LYOWS MERCANTILE -Remember: The lutott ntotk of goods in the city to eeltct f Governor Garvin, the first democrat meeting. RECORDER'S REPORT. This celebrated line of Perfumes, Toilet Water and Toilet Soaps are now han dled fcv cs. If you want Something exquisitely nice, ; weather does not set In, nnd there ask lor irrigates. Grain Looking Well. H. M. and A. J. Brown, prominent ranchers residing in the Touchot hills, northwest or Wnlla Walla, were iu the city yesterday. They report more ralntan in the Touchet hills this winter and fall than ever before ana as a result tne fall grain is above the ground and in a flourishing con- aiuon, says tne union, if severe Receipts and Expenditures of Pendle ton for Past Year. Following is the recorder's report of receipts and expenditures of the city of Pendleton for the year 1903: Cash Received. Fines In recorder's court. .$ 3.293.60 (Sale of cemetery lots 399.50 j Streets, liens and sidewalks 768.17 Licenses, saioon ana mlscel 14,456.21 j years, was inaugurated Tuesday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 7itnfi"Te Bromo Qnuilne Tableti. Tfalj Taxes, Umatilla county. . . Poll tax Street sprinkler, etc Impounded stock Fire department sale of coal G.060.69 366.00 159.75 10X0 2.60 is little likelihood of much cold, coming crops will be very large. the TALLMAN & C2: THE DRUGGISTS Hearing Postponed. The petition of Clay Oliver Echo, for a liquor license, was set f Snecial election for hearing befroe the county court (Fire department tomorrow morning. Total receipts $25,517.02 Cash Paid Out 1902. Recorder j 60C.25 Police department 2.876.S0 Lights 3.543.00 j Health 512.12 Legal services 41K.00 . Interest on bonds 6,559.40 of (Rents 380.00 (Doc.).... 4S.0O 2.805.45 -H I 1 I I I 14 IIIIIUI Bargain Shoes At Our Levee repairs 90.CO 1 Streets 5.12C.62 INVEST IN REAL ESTATE There is no proposition before the people that is as safe and sure to double in value as Real Estate m Eastern Oregon h You take no chance of losing, for Real Estate at the figure it b, is selling for now, is as good as government bonds. We have H the choicest farm land, grazing land, wheat land and city prop- g erty that is on the market. We can make the terms to suit S you, If interested just take time to call and look over what a we hare and learn the prices. 8 BUSINESS CHANCES The Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard. Depot .Livery tii&ble. A small buslnet making good pronto, on B Court Street. ' fi W. F. EARN HART A A88.OCI ATIOJ.' BLOCK K Total disbursements $22,972.24 Excess of receipts over expendi tures for the year. $2,534.78 THOMAS FITZ GERALD, Recorder. Grain In Fine Condition. B. A. Morton, who farms the Wil liam Temple place, 10 miles north west of Pendleton, Is In the city today on business. Mr. Morton says the wheat crop was never in better con dition In Umatilla county, than now. He Is enthusiastic over the prospects for good crops and good prices. Visiting In Pendleton. Mrs. Bamuel White, or Baker City, is visiting nt the homo or Mrs. C. B. Wnde ror a rew days. Mr. White passed through today on the delayed train on routo to Salem to be present at the opening or tho legislative ses sion. JANUARY CLEARING SALE I Which begins Saturday and continues until Feby. 1st. "-THE LAST PAIR BROKEN LINES ODDS AND ENDS From prices already low, we X shall make such discounts t as will ciose them out quick OUR WINDOWS Will cjve vou som ,Mo f the savings you will effect bv t r-v.,.n:),uB your snoes ol us during this sale. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE w" IHfmit4 Rader esponds eadily Uine urnitore R ewards eaced apldJy -1. TTamine igcres Rader, Reliable Rel Main and Webb Strrtfc. Martin's Family Grocery andBs CANNED GOODS-"DIAMOND Wl In the "Diamond W" brand Ton can find the test goods canned. Peaches, pears and apricots, Apples, grapes and I know not -what Bnt it yon would go to Martin'B Groceiji You for yourself could surely see. Some like coffee, Some like tea, Bnt I like coffee From Martin's Grocery. The 25-cent kind, see! DR. LENA ALLEN BO0I OSTEOPATH, 813 THOMPSON STREET OSTEOPATHY is common sense. H will bear mvel is in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom fails and neve It is not Faith furs Cnnrp MafnetlC nor -fc ing. It is based upon a correct knowlege of ana,0B,yhfi3 CV. A larce ner wnt nf cn.mllori Inriirable cases are ne method. The following especially are treated E'e,eVdj heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, bladder and urepai vous diseases, general diseases.' Diseases of Women a W LEGAL BLANKS alogce of tnexn. A foil supply always kept to & jyryjii'