East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 08, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    m . . --
m tr- ura
"H ii m ii hi ai n rv i i iv 11 .iki i b in a ii ra
,, illTlIi ill ill I lI U U U1U 1JUU i " "
In comparing Graln-0 and coffee
remember that while the taste is
the same Grain-O gives health and
strength while coffee shatters the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Graiu-O and its ben
efits. ' TRY IT TO-DAY.
Mcrocen ewjh(t5 ; lc and 45c. per juciajc.
Physicians prescribe
it for their most deli
cate catients
For Sale by
mcnt. such lands are not required for
jthc purposes of this act; and the sec-j
retary of the Interior Is hereby au
thorized, at or Immediately prior to;
i the time of beginning the surveys for
'any contemplated irrigation works to
withdraw from entry, except under
the homestead laws, any public lands i
believed to be susceptible of Irriga
tion from said works: Provided. That
nil lands entered and entries made!
' under the homestead laws within
areas so withdrawn during such with-
I drawal shall be subject to all the pro-
I visions, limitations, charges, terms,
and conditions of this act; that said
surveys shall be prosecuted diligently
to completion, and upon the comple-
. Hon thereof, and of the necessary
maps, plans, and estimates of cost ,
the secretary of the Interior shall de-1
termlne whether or not said project1
is practicable and advisable and If,
determined to be impracticable or un
advlsable he shall thereupon restore
!sald lands to entry, that public lands!
which it is proposed to irrigate by,
means of any contemplated -works j
shall be subject to entry only under '
the provisions of the homestead laws ,
in tracts of not less than -10 nor more
than 160 acres, and shal be subject to 1
the limitations, charges terms ant! j
conditions heroin provided- Provided
, That the commutation provision o ' ,
tiu homestead laws shall not apply t!
intries made under this act j
Section 4 That upon the detenu' I
nation by the secretary of the Interior j
that any irrigation project is praetica- j
ble. he may cause to be le't contracts '
for the construction of the same, in J
such portions or sections as it may
be practicable 'to construct and com-1
plete as parts of the whole project, '
providing the necessary funds for'
, such portions or sections as are avail-1
able in the reclamation fund, and ,
, thereupon he shall give public notice ,
, of the lands irrigable under such pro-1
jeer, and limit of area per entry.;
!C9eSSSaa!S! which limit shall renresent the acre-i
p ., , r . , , age which, in the opinion of the see-
SaYe MOnej aEd ,10uT fcyeSlgnt g retary. may be reasonably required
for the support Tf a family upon the'
By X'slng the R lands In question: also of the charges
; g
s o.'a
PpT-fpY-fpil Wiirh T ftrhtpr w"'cn snail Be made per ttp upoi ,
lerlecteu Match Lighter he Bd euUicj. aml ulcm ,amli li;
Gasoline Gas LlUHp private ownership whirl) may .r-i-
rte perfected ean read- i sated by the waters of the said irriga
t be ltihted with a parlor Jr. tion project, and the number of the ,
match. .. 5 . nnnii.il instnllmpnts nn ovpoorIlnr 1ft t
RlTeilB lime t&e llgnt i , "I. . r ,, ,
common kerosene lamp J?. , in which such charges shall be paid I
at hall tie eipecie auA care. S; , and. the time when such navmenrs I
Mdtel-SUTer gen- Jr.
shall be determined with a view of;
returning to the reclamation fund an!
estimated cost of construction of the!
project, and shall be apportioned
equitably: Provided. That in all con
struction work eight hours shall' con
stitute a day's work, and no Moneo-
It has a Nickel-SUrer zen- R
eraior which doea not scale Jr.
from the action ol htat, and K
clog the tip. aa braudces. Jfs
We bare Match Lighting ft
Lamp from 175 up. Xt
lor circular ana 5
Most Extraordinary Bargains
Ever offered in Eastern
Sale Starts at Once
Everything must go. The sooner we close out
the stock the better pleased we will be.
70 Sets of Buggy, Hack and Team Harness.
40 Stock Saddles.
Chapareios, Leggins, Collars, Halters, Curry
Combs, Brushes, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets,
Harness Oil, Gloves, Buggy Whips and everything
in the entire stock, which is complete.
Every article in the store Cut, Slashed and
Our object is to sell everything in the entire
stock as we will positively retire from business.
The goods must go and now is the chance to
get Bargains.
iDTenton & 11,T e
13 Third St., 5
All itandard g
brandj gai and S
sawune mantle.
wholesale and retail.
AgcoU wanted In ercry town in U.8.
K. i lian labor shall be employed thereon. '
j Section 5. That the entryman upon j
5 ' lands to be Irrigated by such works
shall, in addition to compliance with ; '
ine nomesteaa laws, reclaim at least
The Harness Dealer
Headquarters for foJ
liOmmoQions Siaple 1
Rates $2 &
Special rates by week t
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt DlnlnpwJ
Every Modern cl
'Bar and billiard roomitl
Only Three Blocks In
be needed for that purpose, and It pose of carrying the provisions of
one-half of the total irrimhlp nwi nf stall be the dutj- of the attorney.gen- this act into full force and effect.
.fci.fcuuil, Uli , . , TT1, , f, , . . 1 t , . -IflAO
and before receiving patent for the application of the secretary of the
Bright's Disease and Diabetes
Positively Curable,
They are curing Bright's Disease
lauds covered by his entry shall nav
to the government the charges appor
tioned against such tract, as provid
ed in section four. Xo right to the
use of water for land in private own
ership shall be sold for a tract ex
ceeding 160 acres to any one land
owner, and no such sale shall be
made to any landowner unless he he
on actual bona fide resident on such or territory relating to the control,
land, or occupant thereof residlnc- in I appropriation, use or distribution of
tenor, under this act, to cause pro- Democratic Leaders to be Guests.
ceedings to be commenced for con- Omaha, Neb.. Jan. S. The Jackson
demnation within 30 days from tho fan club of Omaha has made great
receipt of the application at the de- preparations for the banquet to be
partment of justice. given under its auspicec tonight in
Section S. That nothing in this , observance of the birthday of the
act shall be construed as affecting or i hero of the battle of New Orleans
intended to affect or to in any way and the patron saint of democracy.
interfere with the laws of any state Though the well laid plan to have
Richard Olney. of Boston, sneak at
Smythe, of Nebraska, are among the
men of note who have been invited
and who are expected to be present
the neighborhood nf said land
water used in irrigation or any vested
right acquired thereunder, and the
secretary of the Interior, in carrying
out the provisions of this act. shall
proceed In conformity with such laws
in this city.
the. reports.
Pendleton ,
and no
and Diabetes In California. The per- aucn rlgnt sna" permanently attach
centage of efficiency (recoveries) in unl" aI payments therefor are made,
thesa hitherto Incurable diseases The annual installments shall be pair.
to the receiver of the local land of-
details of the investigation and dem- "C6f dl8trlct 'D wn'ch the land and notnlng herein shall in any way
castration of the new compounds are 8 s.ltua'ed, and a failure to make any j affect any right of any state or of;
bo conclusive that we at once sent ,t!''0 Parments when due shall rende ' the federal government or of any'
tor a bundle of tho reDOrta and for the ontry aubi to cancellation, with landowner, appropriator, or user of ;
il. UA. 'ne."p na?or thc forfeiture of all riehtR in.inr rhu water in. to. or from any interstate
V.,1 '-l-fr!? act. as well as of any monev alreadv , stream or the waters thereof: Provld-i
W1 ur ouuu lur uno "Mpafd thereon. All moneys received I i. That the right tr the ust of thei
from the above sources shall be paid 1 water acquired under the provisions
into the reclamation fund. Registers of this act shall be appurtenant to the '
and receivers shall be allowed thei land irrigated, and beneficial use shall '
usual commissions on all moneys I re the basis, the measure, and tho:
paid for lands entered under this act. I ,im,t of the right. '
Section 6. That ihe secretary nf Section 0. That It Is hereby de-!
the Interior is hereby authorized and j dared to be the duty of the secretary
directed to use the reclamation fund ! of the interior, in carrying out tho
for the operation and maintenance of ' piovisions of this act. so far as the;
all reservoirs and Irrigation works samp may be practicable and subject !
constructed under the provisions of to the existence of feasible irrigation
una oti. riuvium, i nai wnen tne projeto. o expend tho major por
i payments required by this act are tion of the funds arising from the
made for the major portion of the; sale of public lands within each state
lands Irrigated from the waters of i and territory hereinbefore named for
i any of the works herein provided for. (the benefit of arid and semi-arid lands
j then the management and operation within the limits of such state or
i of such Irrigation works shall pass to j territory: Provld&d. ' That the secre
; the owners of the lands Irrigated tery may temporarily use such nor-
thereby, to be maintained aUthoir ox-!tion of said funds for the benefit of
pense under such form of orcaniza-1 arid or semi-arid lamln In flnv nrir.
iiuu ana unaer sucn rules ana regu
lations as
the banquet in the interest of the
harmony movement was side-tracked
by Mr. Olney's declination to at
tend, there promises to be no dearth
of prominent party
J Hamilton Lewis.
Use for Cottonseed Hulls.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. S, Three grades
of paper of fine quality have been
made In a paper plant at Niagara
Falls from material obtained from
cottonseed hulls and flax fiber. The
cottonseed paper Is a bleached pro
duct, "soft and tough. It is thought
that writing paper can he made from
the hulls. Tho flax fizer makes a pa
I-er much like linen, and it Is be
lieved that the material has a great
future. The experiments indicate
the South and West have a new
leaders present. , source of revenue In their cottonseed
of Washington, ' hulls and their flax straw, which un
-Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, to this time
ana former Attorney General C. J. worthless.
have been practically
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
BJu i ldin g paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp.)Cocrt House
Babbit Metal, best In the world, In
bars. Price $1 per bar, -t the East
Oregonlan Office
may be acceptable to the
secretary of the Interior: Provided.
That the title to and the management
end operation of the reservoirs and
the works necessary for their protec
tion and operation shall remain in the
government, until otherwise provided
by congress.
Section 7. That when carrying out
tho provisions of this act It becomes
necessary to acquire any rights or
property, the secretary of the interior
Is hereby authorized to acquire tho
same for tho United States by pur
chase or by condemnation under judi
cial process, and to pay from the re
clamation fund the sums which may
tlcular state or territory hereinbefore
named as he may deem advisable, but
when so used the excess shall be re
stored to the fund as soon as nracti-
cable, to the end that ultimately, and
In any event, within each 10-year
ponou alter me passage of this act.
the expenditures for tho benoflt of
the said states and territories shall
be equalized according to the propor
tions and subject to the conditions as
to practicability and feasibility afore
said. Section 10. That the secretary of
the Interior Is hereby authorized to
perform and and all acts and to make
such rules and regulations as may
be necessary and proper for the pur-
, Ss-C- " x
VfaajBBia lee
.Jh'SculPtor-Dere! I
ruess I ain't named Michael Aivcalo
Aiiierlc'iiii l'lnn, rntcei ;
iwr dav.
Kiiroiienu I'lan. 3tnI5
HKcIhI rate S week or 1
Free 'bus meets all traiml I
Commercial trade sell
Fine Ma
Special Attention Given fed
Elegantly Furn
r- .n Plan.
Block and a hall
American rn'.utA
elert. fprolr "
eeotleroen . ''Jzin, V
it all lioit to .VEr.houfcWg
modem TurkUh w,1n,"c go
turn. 1 .25! T Wi, , D
To BIdm.ll HiXriaS rfUl
rtalden Rule"