SPORTSMEN'SMEET CLEARANCE SALE IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES .. -1-..0 mi evervthine in ladies' and children's A Will CIU3- ' . 1 frdless of cost. Watch the price: 300 Ladies' Pat $5.00, Cat Price, $340 302 Ladies' Ctrt ftlas, 2.6U 3(2 Ladies' 3.5U, Cat irfce, 2.45 K17, Ladies' 3.0U, Ct Frtce, 2.3U c and Children's reduced 30 to 50 per cent. See 5 U..I 1 .pevinR. Uon 1 law 10 sec uciuic juu uuy. FIRST ANNUAL TOURNA- MENT TO BE HELD HERE. JANUARY 8, 1902 flSEVITieS. HsL form loans, i'fcrt t Castle's. Hi dim chowder la iillr at Castle's. feci (or :!oe repairing. cittwar sale. St .Joe Ljj nokers want at Neu- ' discount on clothing. Liiu; we do the best. tor for smoking arti- pfais. Patton's old stand, foes Dolly Journal can be aiitmilers dook store. kn? itare. Maloy's old Afaten tot smokers' sup si ualuraished houBekeep l Mrs. Strahon. 813 Thomp- t SjEist Oregonlan Is on sale Jit the Rich news stand In ps, and at the Hotel forc-i f-k good cook to cook lor El wages za per monm. ate at the TJmatllla Indian ai Brick building with i)x00, on Main street Good t bargain. Easy terms. i,re.ntas, dinners and so li nulled with nuts i ail candles and bon Deftt tear W Henker will give : puses (tenses) to eye suf- Oirje will be made for 1M Cnrt street. tits bother you. call on Biffl lit your eyes with a (lenses) free. Charge ae only 120 Court nje specialist, will give r w, iso3, to every per- fin, a pair of correct! v 1 icleatlflcally ground I a cost Charges In any t4e ts cover coat of IMce at 120 Court lections of Rraxln lit In Umatilla and Good buildings, 15,000 to 16.000 fence but two sec III water. Also be- 12.000 head of ' of cattle, 30 horses. i Plows, seeders and tnnnllMi A AAmn Half soles at Teutsch's. Rubber heels at Teutsch's. Oyster cocktails at Oratz's. Business Is booming. St Joe Store. Have your clothing cleaned at N. Joerger's. Wanted to Rent A stable. Call at this office. We make candy fresh every day. The Delta. Swift's Premium hams and bacon at the Standard. We are selling shirts at half price at the St Joe Store. You save money by buying gro ceries at the Standard. Finest line of canned goods and preserves at the Standard. Imported limburger and Swiss cheese sandwiches at Oratz's. Mrs. Campbell is closing out her stock of winter millinery at cost We are making big cut prices in all departments. St Joe Store. No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res taurant. Everything tastes good. $10 reward for return to pwner. Notice is hereby given public not to caBh same. Toilet soaps, fancy baskets, new crepe paper, fines tatlonery. The Nolf store. When you want a first-class cab, day or night, call for Irvln Baker's. Phone Main 791. Hobach's bakery is the cleanest and best. New shop on Johnson street near Court is nlow open. Wanted By gentleman, wife and one child, furnished house, furnished housekeeping rooms or rooms and board in private family. Permanent if satisfactory. Apply at B. O. office. Mr. Silas H. Soule, the popular piano tuner, member of Soule Bros. Piano Co., of Portland is In the city having placed several fine. Instru ments in Pendleton the past week. Orders for tuning taken at Tallman's drug store. Lost Dec. 17 or 18, between Pen dleton and Ellensburg, Wash., a bill book bearing address of W. W. Har- rah. Containing ten notes, favor of W. W. Harrah; dated Dec. 10, 1902; due Oct. 10, 1903. Also check for $210 and other valuables. Mark F. Jones' piano car will re main In the city only a few days loncer. during which time special in ducements will be given prospective buyers. Agents for Weber, Cable, Kimball and other pianos, also the Tom Thumb Glckering Grand, the greatest little piano ever made. Call r-.nd see us. Mllo Palmer Here. Mllo' Palmer who resided In this city from 1876 to 1898, no wa resi dent of Farmlngton. Wash., is in the city today. Mr. Palmer has been In attendance upon his father, A. B. Pal mer, who died last Monday at his home In McKay Creek, Printed Programs Now Out Large Attendance Expected Very Liberal Prizes Given by Pendleton Business Men. The printed programs for the first annual tournament of the Pendleton Sportsmen's Association are now out The tournament will be held on the grounds in this city on January 25-6. The program consists of 20 regu lar events, with the addition of one consolation event arranged and added by a parly of Pendleton business men. The entrance money amounts to $35 und as the tournament is being well advertised and the local sports men are using every effort to make the meeting thoroughly successful) a Urge attendance Is assured. The entrence money of $35 multl plied by 50 entries would mean over $2000 regular money to be distributed to the contestants. The number of participant is now almost assured jiom advices received fiom different parts of th" Nortnwesi. To this regular prize money, the business men of this city have added $385 In special prizes to be dlstlbut cd among I he 20 events of the pro gram. This makes the prizes espe cially enticing and the public spirited action or tue business men in highly appreciated by the association. The added prizes offered by Pen Cleton are as follows: Event No 1. T. C. Taylor. $10. Event Noi 2. Thompson Hardware Co., $10. Event No 3. Hoch Bios., $15. Event No. 4. Columbia Lodging House, $20. Event No. 5 Hotel Pendleton, $20. Event No. 6. Geo. R. Demott. $25. Event No. 7. W. J. Sewall, $10. Event No. S. W. J. Clark & Co., $10. Event No. 9. Golden Rule Hotel, $20. Event No. 10. Leon Cohen, $25. Monday, January 26. Event No. 11. State Saloon, $10. Event No. 12. Hermitage Saloon, $10. Event No. 13. Pendleton Woolen Mills, $10. Event No. 14. H. J. Stlllman, $15. Event No. 15. Tallman & Co., $15. Event No. 16. M. A. Rader, $15. Event No. 17. R, Alexander, $20. Event No. 18. C. E. Roosevelt, $20. Event No. 19. Pendleton Sports men's Association, $25. Event No. 20. Hotel St. George, $20. Consolation event, arranged by the following: Brock & McComas, Anton Nolte, Union Saloon, Conrad Platzoe der, Gus La Fontaine, Lee Teutsch, Koeppen Bros., E. J. Murphy, G. A. Hartman, Sr., $45. A special prize of $10 has been do nated for ttte person making the lowest average through the entire program. Only those shooting through the entire program and making less than 75 per. cent average will be eli gible to the consolation event Arrangements have been made with the railroads entering the city for one and one-third fares. Persons buy ing tickets to Pendleton wilLpay full fare, arid take a receipt, which re cent being signed by the secretary of the association, entitles the hold er to one-third fare returning. The officers of the association are as follows: F. F. Wamsley, president. F. W. Walte, vice-president. Lee Teutsch, treasurer. H. J. Stlllman, secretary. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT TBE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. CLEARING SALE I 1 Dress Goods Notable Clearance Specials in Choice Materials, in Black and Colors. Goods that offer everything desirable, both in Qoaliiy and Style : I $ to to v. to to to to to Black Dress Goods 50c 3S-lnch all wool serge ,now..42c 75c, 44-lnch all wool serge, now ..50c. $1.10, 50-Inch, all wool sorgo, now 89c. $1.00, 64-lnch Kersey suiting, now 79c. $1.25, 42-lnch Melrose, now .,..$1.05. S5c, 42-inch all wool Henrietta, now 67c. $1.25, 44-lnch all wool Henrietta, now $1.05. 89c, 38-lnch black and white nov elties, now 69c. Colored Dress Goods Some of the very choicest we have shown this season, in shades from c".alnty soft pearl to dark street col ors, all woven of choice selected wool. Take particular notice of the prices quoted below: 65c, 38-lnch Basket Etamlne, now 47c. $1.00, 5G-lnch Basket Etamlne, now 72c. 50c, 38-inch all wool Henrietta, now 35c $1.00, 56-inch, Camel's Hair, now 69c. $1.00, 38-lnch Satin Prunella, now 72c. $1.65, 56-lnch Kersey suiting now $1.32 $2.25, 50-inch Basket Etamlne. now $1.79. $2.75. 56-inch, Cloaking, now ....$2.10 $1.25, 48-lnch Novelty suiting, now 89c You can pick from tho foregoing fancy dresses, tailor-made suits or walking suits. it I Silks Here are silk opportunities; Royal qualities In plain and fancy stripes, checks aud plaids, both plain and fancy weaves, all this sunimor's goods at prices that will enable you to have that coveted silk petticoat; the new bright coat lining; the fancy waist, or a whole suit In dark or evening shades. LOT I. $1.85 Black Pean do Sole, now $1.50. $2.25 Black Peau do Solo, now $1.86. LOT II. S5c Black Taffeta, now 69c. $1.10 Guaranteed Black Taffeta, now S9c. $1.00 Satin Duchess, now 79c. ' $1.50 Satin Duchess, now $1.19. LOT III. $1.00 Foulard, now 69c. 80c Foulard, now 50c. $1.50 Fancy Plaids, newest, now $1.27. LOT IV. 85c Flannel Taffeta or Waist Taf feta 59c. Extra special. to to The Peoples Warehouse ,niSIlmW3re33i13K.!HSW.iK 3WJXWH3WMSS1.V siw.muw.umM.wswmw)so Policeman and Parson. Policemen are, as other men, rather sonsltivo of allusion to their failures. Rlchmand has lately suffered at the bands of burglars, and the burglars are still at large. A well known min ister met a policeman in the street the other day at Richmond, and could not avoid an allusion to the local topic. "What a number of burglars there are about,' he said; "why don't jou constables arrest them?"- The policeman regarded the minister sol emnly. "Sir." he replied. "There are thousands of people going to hell every day. Why don't you ministers stop them?" :UT FLOWERS PINKS Arearriving again daily. Good variety' imod wste prices. GREEN PLANTS tktp 00 hand a 8od selection of Foreshaw's Pal Etc Come in and look them over. V " i miA i -v u uuy. You 'SODA is d Jehcious and only 5 cents. OPEN'S DRUG STORE FmMain St., Toward the Court House Ten Dollars Reward. Lost Last May, one bay horse; weight about 1200 pounds, branded 65 on left shoulder, mane roached last spring. Will pay above reward for return of same to Purl Bowman. The average pupil attends school 98.8 days a year. Australia Is now exporting agricul tural machinery to Argentina. Last year nearly 8.000,000 bushels of potatoes were imported to the United States. A few years ago the balsam fir tree was considered one of the most worthless of forest trees, but since the growth of the Christinas tree in dustry, it has taken on an added .value. For Sale One good fresh cow. five due to have calves soon. All goQd milkers. Also a few good stock cows. L. B. Smith. McKay, Ore. SPARRING CONTEST. Ten-Round Go to a Decision, Between! L. Cheney and Frenchy, at Frazer's ODera House. Monday Night Articles of agreement were signed liv T, Cheney and Frenchy today for a 10-round contest to take place at Frazer's onera house Monday even ing. January 12. This mill was to take place Saturday evening, but was postponed until Monday. Frenchy is the well' known hard hitting local boxer. James Lavlgne will give an exhi bition of fancy and speedy bag punch ing and several bouts between fast local talent will be features. A satis factory exhibition is guaranteed all. The Year's Charity. The list of bequests for charitable and religious purposes In this country in 1902 shows a considerable falling off from last year's remarkable total of $123,888,732. But $77,397,107 is still an enormous sum, and one well in advance of 1900 or any previous year; and It is proabble that gifts of less than $10,000, of which no record Is ept, have been larger than ever before . "Papa, what Is rapid transit?" "Rapid transit, my son, is a mod ern metaphorical form of expression analogous to, but more emphatic than the ancient form of molasses in Janu ary." Brooklyn Eagle. Genuine Boynton Furnaces and Heaters Having located in Pendleton on Cottonwood street, between Alta and Webb, I am prepared to put in the celebrated Boyton warm air, hot water and steam heater. The Boynton are the oldest and best heating devices on the mar ket, and time has proven they are the most economical, I should be pleased to figure with owners of residences and business houses. Geo. Phillips Cottonwood Street, between Alta ; and Webb Streets. . 1 The Delicacies of the season are always found at our restaurant. At present we have Finest Oysters Frog Legs f Clams Crabs and Lobsters f and other salt and fresh water foods The French Restaurant Drop in at the Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc always on hand. TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNERBROS Toluplioiio Muln 4 Boston Store Purchase a pair of Douglas Shoes .For Men. Or a pair of Gloria Shoes For Women Walk away and unless you look down you dd not know new shoes are on your feet. DOUGLAS and GLORIA SHOES are a blessing to humanity. Tlic best, and best selling in the mar ket, genuine oak tanned soles, dressy, durable and a perfect fit, combining ease and elegance. We sell warranted goods. We thank a customer after the purchase and thf-y thank us. sr. For the Kitchen Have you an adequate sup ply of cooking utensils roast ing pans, cake tins, pots, pans and kettles generally, ready for culinary operations incident to feasting? Make an inventory of your Ticcds in this line and bring it to us. See what quan tity and quality you'll get here at small expense. W.J. CLARKE & CO., COURT STREET Bnst in iht Worid in Bars Babbit Metal E. O. Office Price $1.00 por bar at the Wire screens are now placed In the tramway cars at New Orleans to sep arate negroes from white passeugers. Boston Store, HOW DO YOU . 1 liv w hii a w v v w Where Whole Families are Shod, known nniess tl advertises expect people to know what you have to sell If you don't ADVERTISE? Kv Mttf uu.i