1903 Openmsr a et of hooks ? Then see us for Ledgers. Journals, Cash Books and Day Books. We have all sizes Full line of Stationery for husiness and social use. Latest styles. BROCK & McCOMAS CO. DRUGGISTS THCltSDAY. JAXUAKV W?. The test rules to form a young man are, to talk little, to hear much, to reflect alone upon what has passed In company, to dis trust one's own opinion and value others that deserve it. Sir William Temple. ROOSEVELT'S PERIL. President Roosevelt, so far, has proved the wisdom of his adventur ous moves. His mistakes are few. in comparison with his many hold acts. His Impetuous rushes into un trodden diplomatic fields have thus far ended happily. He asked Jlooker T Washington to dine in the White House, and yet re tained the firm support of Southern republicans. He dared to njmove Southern fed eral office-holders, in the face of the Tins and machines, and won their respect by his honesty. He has ordered a Mississippi post office closed because the proud whites, democrats and republicans. disliked to ask a negro woman fo their mail, and worried her with fool isb threats until she resigned. Can Mr. Roosevelt force the South to bend to the negro? Can he ride Tough shod over all the social sent! roent that has rooted iniperishably Into Southern life, or will he fall in this venture? He may gain the negro vote, but he will certainly not hold the white vote by this policy. The people o that section -may be reasoned with but they cannot be forced. as long as taere are white men It: the South, they will demard ihat they remain in authority. They may be taught by the gradual process of fraternity to love all human beings. but they will never learn to serve a negro master. not. The drama, In some form or other. Is part of any true national life So It seems Idle for us to say we do not care for the theater, or that we believe It Is moral or ar Immoral Influence. The drama would exist If all organized society were arrayed against It. nnd the laws made It a crime. If all presentation!: of plays on the ntace wore forbidden by law, the! drama would still exist In written and printed plays, and they would prob ably In more widely read than any ether form of literature. The plays or Shakespare are read and studied by millions, who effect to consider the actini drama demoralizing. A living drama Is always the resul' ot a clos-j partnership oetween the people of any country and the actors the profusion of the stage This P-ads tt tin- production of the pupti lur play, net always literary I The literary play always follows af ter &tiutriuiuu& ui me uuicu uruuut. i Just as It takes generations of horses, irameu ior me race irarK 10 pronuce the fine, high-bred roadster, which is! enjoyed nnd appreciated by people j who never patronize the race track. I ! A community that has a good play-, house, where the drama of Its own country and the best plays of all coun tries are produced is to be congrat-j ulated on such a possession. In time the community will produce a play 1 It must first produce the professional j actor. Play writing will follow Sa-! I lem Journal and hi mn who is listening for bad i.ews at once Imagines the darkest ! ossllillltlej hot one word be whis pered among besom friends and it swells like the threatening fury of a gathering storm. Don't listen for bad news Don't repeat the dark side of any btory. Don't encourage the peddler of I'ofsip to linger at jour ear. Shut the door. Say to the vonder ot slander and bad news that life is too short and friends too scare to warrant the loss cf a moment in vicious thoughts. Do you know why wickedness, self- isnness. suicide and sorrow are grow-! : ... .. 4 , tt , i T How lotig will tt take the mau to fill ine In the world, as fast nr faster! the sack if he does not stop the leak? than happ'nes and jovful agencies? ; To attempt to nourish thebody when the It is because nu listen to bad news ,"?a,. ls and repeat it. 1 jne to fiii tue You har some vile slander on the , sack with the hntacter of a iiwrl voting tnnu r r. i. 5 the stomach and woman. ! other digestive You whisper it to the next neigh-' and nutritive or- l.or. gns are dia- i. t,, . , I eased, there is a It spreads like a contagion, and I constant loss of finally It fastens itself upon the ol-t nutrition. Very few people's noses are set properly on their faces. Ninety-nine J I out of every 100 turn to the right Special Clearance Sale For a short time we will make some very low prices on all seasonable yoods. Our prices are always ao to 25 per cont below our competitor:, but for a short time we will even outdo ourselves and make prices heretofore unknown on high-class merchandise. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats reduced to Eastern Wholesale Cost. Ladies- and Misses' Coats and Jackets 25 per cent off reg ular price. .... , Ladies" Wool and Silk Waists, special reduction accord ing to quality. Good flannel waists, 85c. Ladies' and Misses' Outing Flannel Gowns, 10 per cent off 'regular prices. STAPLES SALE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Calico, regular 5c grades, 10 yards to one person, 3c yd. Bleached muslin, 5c grade, 10 yards to one person, 3c yd, LL muslin, any amount, worth $)c special, 5c yd. Outimj flannel, ;c grade, 5c yd; 10c and 11c grades, 9c yd. Cotton toweling, 10 yds to one person, 3c yd. Ladies' 10c hose, 3 prs 25:. Children's toe hose, 3 prs 25c THE FAIR The Place to Save Money BQ REDUCT V" everything in ""ne the month of j J Dressmaky Vp trial.. . makine dr, . ..- . 01 3 yuons, iron, the gown to the most bri party urcsses. You, nitli tin. m.. . w '"nai or nJ save you money j yJ l Ul US, j Ed Eben,pr 8 a IK 645 Main Strew j e si eeeel .Enough is eaten1 but the body loses fleth.-plaiu proof that the food eaten is wasted NO POMP OR SHOW. Governor-elect Chamberlain is quoted as saying when, the matter of nn inaugural ball was mentioned to iim: "While I appreciate the good will of those persons who would honor me In this manner. I do not care for a ball. I. prefer, after my Inauguration, to go at once into the executive, of fice and enter upon my duties. It Is my wish that all ceremonies be as simple as possible. No red tape or fringe on them, if you please. No, I don't wish to go to a ball. I wish to go to work." That's the kind of governor that the people of Oregon want. An executive that comprehends the responsibilities of his office and Is not too lazy to get down to work. Pyrotechnics are alt right In their place, but Oregon's governor-elect wants no ostentatious dis play in his. He is a plain man of the people. Baker Democrat. ject of Its curse. Sensitive, proud, high strung, the victim cringes under the fire. It stings to the quick. Friends hear it, and wonder. The old smile of friendship you have always J because it is not shown the accused, is changed to an ' digested and as Ironical, quizzical, skeptical illsl.e-! ""'"k lieving stare that turns the wine 01 1 Golden Medical trlendshlp Into gall. Discovery cures Association ceases Friendship ! diseases f Ht stomach and melts away. j oUler 0aus of A cynic, a dodging, self-accused. I digestion and unspeakable nothing, in human shape. ! nutrition. It take the place of the once trusting bv which nutri- brother. The next step Is suicide or crime. Don't hunt for bad news. Stay in the sunshine nnd let others do likewise. When the gossip drives up to -the front door of your heart and starts to unload her venomous rubbage go In. and shut the door In her face. Words were not created to send men to damnation with. Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. Fitst-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel Despain & Clark Wholesale Com mission Merchants 'LOSSES ALWAYS iMET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. - Our companies stand first in the world. "Jackson Day" is being celebrated in every large city In the country- Lovers of American liberty remem-j ber the battle of New Orleans and! Join with pride In commemorating thej event. The century Just closed con-; falned no more pivotal day than that! on which the riflemen of America; maae secure the doctrine of the rights of man. i tion U lost, and enaoies uic building up of the body by the nutri. tion derived from food. The gain in weight proves the cure, "Ttirte year ago I was taken sick with what the doctor called nervousness and indigestion," write Sin. Warren E. Parker, of Orange Street, Nantucket. Mau -lie saw me medicine for the trouble btft I could not eat even a little toast or oatmeal without Millcnng severely. In a few months X bejran to have distressing pains right in the pit ofmy stomach, t called the doctor again and ae said I had catarrh of stomach, rive me medicine but it did not do any good Lost 23 pounds in three months. X then com menced taking X)r Pierce's medicine and soon began to feel better I hare taken m bottle ol Golden Medical Discovery ' two of ' KaTorite Prescription and six rials of Dr. Pierce' Pel. lets. I hare gained ten pounds Can eat every thing." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Will pay cash for poultry. The ( Market price always. Bring it in 1 every day and all day. Chickens, Geese, Ducks and Turkevs. Office in Savings Bank Building Come, Get Our Quotations Assets Hartford Fire Insurance Co.J!l2,259,07G Alliance AbMurauue Co . . IS ,039 ,003 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,033 North British A Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Iusurance Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET Bargains in THE DRAMA AND There is Nasal CATARSH la 1 tu uere Kljr's Cream Eaiir r cleanses, eootbeg an d iie&fe the diMAKu mmi. THE PUBLIC. a, ,, OJ&Sk. , ........... .. ... . u . - I away a cooi i u. r". ,i. r .. . H- country mat is entire- crcanj Balm iy apart, irom tde moral nuestinn whether we approve of the stage or WAT Real Estate Pendleton Fish and Poultry Market n wd !a norl4, spreads . orer the membrase aud Is absorbed. Belief Is Im-' mediate and a enre follows. It la not dr5; does cot produce sneering, targe Size, 50 eeata a Drug-f Silts or by mail ; Trial Siae, 10 cents br malL f ELY BEOTHERS.SS Warren Street. New York. Yerington, Ner , Oct. "JO lft2 Mr. C A. 1'ernn lll.n. tlnnt Dear Sir: X hAiv nurif ftfKA the former bottle and am practically well ilf cne was one mot physi cians would hare pronoanccd In cniable JlT appetite i eood, have K"1" p'!uu in weignt ana reel e a new lease of life was glren me. One of the hnttiM t ..h f. jt this time li for a triend and the uincr lormjscu, a i ao not Intend 10 ue wiinoni it, T B Harms. I have a larger aud better list of Farms, Stock Ranches aud City Property to sell ; than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the" coming wheat section of Eastern Washington 310 Court Street best. Prices DONT HUNT BAD NEWS. If you are listening fcr had news about your neighbor, jon can always tear it. No matter how clean a man's life ae, gossip or Insinuation at some unguarded point, taints It. The eyes of the envious are never rlose-1. They see things with the raken eye that could not ho found by a Just man. with a Lick telestoopo. Walls, distance, reputation, nothlne Is proof asalnst tho searching! glances. - I Let one footstup of an heneat man; be found outside of the path of virtue Everything the right. We handle Fresh Fish, which we receive daily. Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys ters and all salt water foods. Ranch and Cteamery Butter, Fresh Eggs, Game in season, Produce of all kinds. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. We pay cash for country pro duce. A trial order is splicited. L. M. Lyman, Prop. 'Phone Red 591 Lumber, ' Lumber, Lumber. All kinds for all purposes. Sash, Doors and Blinds- Planing of all descriptions done to otder. Don't place your order foi Building Material until you hav consulted us. msmm N. Berkeley Hear the Ring! As it beats out in rvthmict our saccess in carnaeejsft; repairinc. Felloe or skH or snrintr. seat or sidts-il one to us. We put in tkt materials with a A-boh-how-j paint or varnish, and maid vehicle spick and span eves but as to expense. unar.ll BROTHERS 8torer gasoUne engines are U 1 genu ior mem. Gray's Harbor Pendleton Planing u( Lainber Yard. ROBERT fORSTER, Propriotor Commercial Co. GOOD SOUND WOOD We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Ceiling, Itu.itic and Finish, in all grade? Agnail kinds of Dimension Lumber, jn. eluding Lath nnd Shingles. Our stock of Doojv, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber will not be wrong in placing their order with the : : ; Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C, R. Depot Is always received when you place your order with us. Fir, Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 51 Tons AND Smiles of SatisiactlM Always ornament thS countenances of o;B(e! patrons. Our LaunB dry Work is theacmB,i:r of perfection. give it that BenteKjj finish so greatly adWL, THE "DOMESTIC UIrE Court and Thompson StH f aaaaW Tons lust received anothd car load of Poultry ana stock supplies at trie Coleswortl CHOP MILL 127 and ItSRtst Ur s, r1 OLD NEWSPAPfHS-JO I'OTJI carpeu. on "' aMi la- Ling porpoBea. li.?tt$ti a I l.nnrtlM of 100 each t 2XL i at the EAST OItEO"-'i' too, Oregon. 1 "Tit"