NEWS OF MILTON nnnnc at AlAT-ftTirinr'a BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE SYSTEM OF BARB 'PHONES NOW IN OPERATION. t. s ... . i ,. , n TOE ' I ! lexander Dept. Store Beg to announce their an 20al Sale of Muslin Under wear and snowing of Dainty -French Lingerie. a 1 ,B1 H SLA. Lw USB Ml ias, dc you desire to lay Ion wearni naoerij wist lo Insu u yourselves ct! U t)Uw nave aouc uuu ,n a md who are the well- i, fho nommunltv. TheT to liw-vs InA sted In real - u vrii tiionnfl fillT Commence now. I wm iEi!l pai-tuU payments, or ior tMBUOWlOK jjiuiioiuvo. taste with 6 rooms a' cellar 7B0.00 cottage n3 lot 900.00 wsudtwo- lots 700.00 frsSa stible and lot . . 700.00 a stable ana z juuj ouu.uu .tl lmm S150 . to S300. t of 14 lots' 1200.00 uwvit n into yuu.uu hi f f IaIs ..... . wwwiw V, . m .... HIJU.UU si . j rj j. Rnvn in l-ouii axreei Baking and Groceries.... At money-saving prices at the Miller Cash Grocery. Every thing first-class. Prompt Delivery Our Cash System saves pur chasers money. Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 The Columbia Lodging House NEWLY FURNISHED BAB IN CONNECTION DfCENTFR OF BLOCK BET. ALTA & WEBB 6TB F.X.SCHEMPP,Prop. THE M0N0P0LE CANNED GOODS Are recognized .the best. We have the complete line. Always fresh. Always good. D. KEMLER & SON A Big Grocery In a Small Room Alia Street, Opposite Savings Bank THE GOOD KIND THE DELICIOUS KIND THE BEST KIND' KER THAT MADS V 1 .'""Ml ffiR TAStE U8 feds Of imn,.l 1 t. tit St. tci9 ""Streets near Postofnce BULK OLIVES AND FANCY BULK PICKLES THE Standard Grocery Coart Street Low Sellers of Groceries ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN OOUNBELLOR-AT-LAWJ TJ. B. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. B. Patent Office U. S. and FjOREIGN PATENTS Trede Murki and Copyrights 700ftb.8t, N. W. AVBBblnjrton. D. C Milton Opera House Company Will Give Another Grand Ball the 16th Columbia College Opens High Water Does Much Damage. j Milton, Jan. 7. The first six days; of the now year the bees flew anil 1 tried to make honey. 1 Tho doctors are getting the dough, i and the citizens are getting the small-1 pox, varioloid, scarlet fever and stay ing at home. Mrs. Walden and family have re turned home from Ilellx. and Juniper, 1 where they have spent tho last twoj weeks visiting relatives. Miss Edith Terry, who is attending! school at the Pendleton Academy and has been spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. S. A. Christensen in Freewater, returned to Pendleton last Monday evening to resume her stud ies. Mr. George Davis, a brother of I N. Davis of Milton, after spending 1 thro months in this county, left Tuesday evening for his home In In diana. Mr. Davis Is about 65 years old. but expressed a desire that he would like to live in Oregon, and did cot know but what he would, after the St. Loms exposition. The melting of the snow In the foothills and mountains, caused the Walla "Walla river to rise quite rapid ly last Saturday and Sunday, causing quite a lot of damage In the way of washing out irrigation drains, and some wood that was lying in tie bot toms too close to the channel. The . Columbia college, after two weeks'" vacation, started up again last Monday. Several new students have dropped In, and but a few of the old ones are absent. Barbed wire telephone lines run In all directions now from Milton. The latest is out to F. Stun's ranch on Dry creek, and another from Elam's Hardware store to dinger's saw mill, 20 miles up In the mountains; another from Mosgrove & Co.'s store to Athe na and Helix, and one from here to Walla Walla. The Milton Opera House Company had such a flattering crowd andj pleasant time on New Year's eve that they have concluded to give another grand ball on Friday, the lGth, Inst. They promise something special, but have not announced yet what It will be. Tickets, $1. The Christmas morning shooting affair in the Miller saloon, in Free water, still remains unsolved and af fords gossip for the town. Just how a dozen or more shots could be fired in the presence of a score of men an no one know where tliey came from, Is a wonder of the twentieth century. The fact is that a score of men know who did it, but as tho city ordt nance makes it a penalty to carry or use firearms within the city limits, no one wants to reveal the secret. Nevertheless, the stove is fatally shot and the city authorities are ly ing low. OVERCOATS There are many a good over coat not bought, and we have them, too Now you sont feel soro with yourself if you buy your coat of us, for IT WILL BE RIGHT. SUITS Another customer says: Well, half the people whospuak about my new suit say, "Who made your suit ? How ninth did the tailor charge ?" I let them think I had it made by the tailor, then tell them 1 got it at the Boston Store ODDS AND ENDS. on is Events as Seen by Our McKay Creek Correspondent. McKay, Or., Jan. 8. Good resolutions hold out? Don't date It 1902. Smallpox in this neighborhood. Now is tho time to put work loads. The interesting little squirrel out. If your currant bushes show signs of worms give 'em Hell ebore. A aenevolent brother from this re goin visited in a merciful capacity, a stricken family in town and through some unaccountable cause got a dou ble head, with full mourning put on him. Our people who failed to finish their seeding last fall on account of tho rains, are taking advantage of "the thaw" to get in their seed. Mr. Lisle, an old and respected pioneer and "Bottom" farmer of near Echo, was on our streets on Tuesday. Mr. Lisle was farming here when Pendleton was in It3 swaddling clothes. Charles Kidder, who was reported in my last, as being on thq sick list. has developed into a case of small-1 pox, with all Its extra and repulsive fixings. Charley at this writing Is 1 reported better with a good chance of recoveiy. He is at the resilience! of the Hill brothers All who have come In contact with him have been promptly vaccinated. The city and county, as 1 under stand it,, are putting some good work on the "boulevard" the road between Walter's mill and the hill at Kidder's ranch. I understand the city has agreed to pave with small rock bne mile of the road, is this Is so good; the old hill beyond don't need. That hoary old point Is well-paved with large rock, to the annoyance and grief of all travelers. Messrs. Meeker & Rogers are good road workers, but why not do some blasting on the "blasted old hill" below? Little Walter Goom Is down with the measles at the home of his grand father, J. S. Wheeler. "SHORE ACRES." .conception of Florence Robots who ' possesses the faculty of going at onco to the hearts and sympathise of her Attended by ihr allure- The Secret of Long Life. Consists In keeping all the main or gans of the body In healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bit ters regulate stomach, liver and kid neys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work won ders In curing kidney troubles, fe male complaints, nervous diseases, .constipation, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c, guaran teed by Tallman & Co., druggists. ' vard ho has put forth it character eminently suited to tho emotional Good Audience Greets This Most Sue-' talents, dramatic ability and artistic cessful Performance. Manacor James B. Welch is In lm 103SO pniiprntlllnirwl iinnn RAonrlnrr Mm flrat. i class attraction which .appeared be-. mu,lelK',s fere a large audience at"Frazcr's last night. It is very seldom that Pendle ton theater-goers find fault with plays or players, but there have been some interior attractions booked under the most favorable recommendations. The inferiority of "Peck's Bad Boy," however, has been forgotten aud for given In tho last two attractions ap pearing 111 l'entueton "Illchard Car vel" and "Shore Acres." Tho production of "Shoro Acres" Was one of tho vnrv hpaf nnrfrirmnn. ces that has been given In this city ' u appeaiea to all classes of people; it left a clear moral tone In the at mosphere, and was strictly and emi nently free from all the usual unnat ural and exaggerated stace effect. It was just plain every day life and emo-i tion and sentiment portrayed on the stage instead of in the homo and on the street. If this company comes to the coast again, Pendleton will cor- tainiy look upon itt, visit to this city as a rare treat. "ZAZA" FRIDAY NIGHT. OPPOSE RANGE LIMIT. PIMPLE: PREVENTED BY The moat effective skin purifying and beau tifying soap, ns well as purest and gweotost, for toilet, bath, and nursery. It strikes at the cause of bad complexions, red, rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes viz., tho clogged, irritated, iullainod, over worked, or sluggish Forks. Sold avMrwhcre. Forrcx Data ami Cum. Coer. bolt Prop.- Uoiton, U. 8. A. BritUh depuci N. gfcjir k Soul, leaden. 'llov to Curt flmpltt," fm. 5tock Inspector of Baker County Says it Would Kill Sheep Industry. Jonathan Parker, stock inspector of Baker county, is opposed to the pro posed range limit law, that Is now being agitated throughout Eastern Oregon, and in his annual report says: 'First and foremost, we have enough sheep now in this county be longing to citizens who pay taxes on the same in Baker county, to graze the whole range lying within the boundaries of the county, and this bo lug the case, It must inevitably hap pen, and that at once, that our graz ing range will be eaten down too closely, and finally permanently dam aged. If more stock Is allowed to graze thereon than is to be' found within thp confines of the county be longing to citizens of the same. "It is my opinion that what is known as the 'two .mile limit' scheme Is not only Impracticable, and a law compelling sheep owners to keep their sheep not less than two miles away from any agricultural ranch other than that of tho owner of the flock, must necessarily result In the practical extinction of the sheep In dustry in our county. On the other hand, I am told by lawyers of ability who have given the matter attention and study, that such a law would not stand the test of either our state or the federal constitution, on account of its application being to a special class of property. Mr. Parker's report shows that Baker county has 101,115 head of sheep, divided among C5 owners. Tho largest Individual owner Is W. G. Ayrc, of Durkee, who owns 15,000 head. De Wantanno What queered Wruyter and Miss Rocks? . Duzno In writing an ode to her ho used the expression "dainty, sjiell like ears," and the printers became mystified over Do Wruyter's horrible chirography and made It "dirty, shawl-like ears." Baltimore Ameri can. Promises to Excel Any Former At. traction Seen In This City. "Zaza" with the gifted Florence Roberts in the title role, is the fas cinating attraction to be offered at the Ftazer Friday, January 9. "Zaza lino nrnn frwT mrmn . v. vM,Vv,v iuio lain, uiiu UUIJHUUIIL and aroused more criticism than any I dramatfn. nmrtimtlnn ltn im I -- imo uuuii nilf fnWll tn tlifa rrnnno4ln T il.i.. t j,- v w v 1 1-1 ID (jVUVIUUUU, in HUM play, David Belasco has masterfully ueaii wiui mo strongest, the highest, the tenderest and the lowest of human emotions. In tho girl of tho boulo- nicnts which magnificent stage sot tings, elaborate scenery and olegnnt costumes give to such productions as well ns being supported by a clover and capable company, hor rondltlon of "Zazn" will ho a superb attraction and one that appeals to tho Interest of every theatergoer. Seats on salo ut Frazler's book utoro. , HAD TO SALUTK UKH, r'"; .W Mc?ry to rahve your hut In the hnuprmald. Mr. Well, 1 can wink at her, If you jncfcr It.