QAHyEVENINGEDlHOK RWVWAWWvWWVWVWWl itUIIHJJl Eastern Oregon Weather P.ENDLETON, UIATILLA COUNTY, OEEGON, THUHSDAY, JANUABY 8, 1903. "NrO. 1G35 .15. 1 Tonight anil Friday partly cloudy. J 1 KAAwywvwvvyvvww f THE FIGHT I Dealers ot Chicago Suits for Damages tne oumuiuci LOS FULL Or wku l0 CAN NOT BUY ANY I Frozen to Death Hug- Dino Schools Mav mi Hani lir I 3 . uive Been Repudiated. ... sThn retail coal ..Kiinir thn railways, mine n'holesaie ueaiers in uib mi m are unncinK buiib . hrmiRf the yards are One case only reported this .. it. nf n Inliorer found 3 UiAb v- " - DT U'UV . MIICIM UK WUD .tanm nine in an pnneav- m iaru.. iiu rtmrltnliln institutions . , 1 U.... ...... tires of laborers, whoso is Inadequate to buy food 1 1 1 . ttuemgn prices inevuiuut. fcrj! dealers have repudiated tn.-u tn furnish coal to Leek Some of the latter may Exiled to close soon. ADDRESS CHAMBERLAIN. LHSCfS HICS W.IM . .WH.W - . PnnlanH for Certain and Advantages. Jan. 8. At a meeting "i 1 1 K. titcrnrfinv tnpv tie address 10 e givun iu j iim nno. itito rnirardlnir the . t TViiiv ulon . ... 1 that cattlo snau De iinpuneu iMca and Bod to Boers at cost tud vant the abolition of Ba rren's special police. ral Botha told tne Durgners as 1 tbat he had raised half a mil- trs fn Europe to aid the dis famlles. Oenerals Dewet toy spoke advising modern- POPE'S ENDEAVORS. to Effect Princeu Reconciliation Louise and Be-Her jan. e.' ine pope has in- Prince Aube Max of Saxony t final CSdeavnr in tlin none's 1 effen a reconciliation be lt crown nrinco and his wife. irom veneva say that the already regrets her action "cm tmerald Chartered hv George Gould. Jan. 8.-George Gould has uuut, tor a year. It will net niinA a a -1 vus tiunimi meeting or tne itarlo Daln'mmt's Alicia- Vflll 1, 1 '- nvaDKUl uuirJ ' DGlt turn lava P1 UB TOPinnllv title uwo win uuuresHes -- vvticm-v inn Dntinvnfm-nAn John Dryden. minister ot -u jiajor Aivord -of the Win Of the TTll.l Cl.l ... vmm WIIHUU OIUIUO 01 agriculture Many iens both of the Unit- ' "a Canada ato scheduled 10f nrMrn., the mectinB. Tl . '.jan k ir i. R; Pulton Ctittintr, presl- iCItT fillit, ae tf. Z ... , ai''"u,J1 month ormt. of ikB r..v" -uv'-" """""snment of mu- fl-t In New York hi.. Win thfi P!lnVirlr.n banquet, ' ' ' MAY BE SET FREE. Utah Murderers to Have Been Shot In February May Be Habeas Cor- pused. Salt IjOkv, Jan. 8. King and Lynch v.ho were convicted and sentenced to bo shot in February, will have nn other chance to escape the penalty of their crime in shooting Col. Prowse and holding up a gambling house here. All flics and records of thc case have mysteriously disappeared. The enly record on fllo In the famous case is the certificate of a probable cause for appeal. This will act as a stay of execution unless the court records aro found and tho mon may be habeas corpused and set freo. Over 70 mur dcrers hav.3 beon sentenced in Utah eince statehood and In not a single case has the death penalty been en forced. AMERICANS ARRESTED. Charged With Having Counterfeit Money in London. London. Jnn, 8, Spike Sullivan, thc pugilist and Trainer Haris, were arrested today charged with trying to pass a bogus ten pound note. They were remanded to jail for a week, bail being refused. FIRE IN CLEVELAND. .Partially Destroys the Y. M. C. A. Building Loss $40,000. Cleveland, Jan. 8. The central building of tho Young Men's Christian Association was partially destroyed by fire this morning. The loss will amount to $40,000. L RUN L ANTHRACITE COMMISSION TO EXPEDITE A SETTLEMENT Examination of Non-union Witnesses Resumed Today Woman Proved to Be a Strong Witness. Philadelphia, P., Jan. 8. Tho an thraclte commission this morning an pounced that It would run long ses Eions hereafter to expedite a settle, ment. The examination of non-union men and famillos, who suffered abuse was resumed today. One woman testified how, while with her husband she was walking the streets of Silver Creek, her husband had been assault ed by the strikers, knocked down and beaten. When she attempted to pro tect him, she was also abused. Another woman told of her house being stoned. She recognized as the leader of the assailants her brother-in-law, who was president of the lo cal union of nuue workers. She went out with a gun and made the crowd disperse and told the relative what she thought of htm. She proved to be one of the strong, est witnesses for the non-unionists as the cross-examination wanted to shake her testimony Involving the men who -were known to be union leaders. Mitchell was asked by Attorney Lanhan whether the three men con victed of the murder of Daniel Zeney were members of the union or not. He Bald: "I asked you once before, and you promised to Investigate. Did you?" Assisted Non-Union Men. Mitchell said: "Yes," and I found that they were not members in good standing, having fallod to pay thelrJ uues lur me inreu iuuuuih prior iu the beginning of the strike." He ad mitted the possibility that they re ceived aid from the union relief fund and said many of the non-union men did likewise, if they struck. Tho attorney said: "Can you name one such man?" Mitchell said: "I can furnish a list Involving $30,000." Mitchell was then excused. Ferguson, a witness, told of being assailed by union men and' of having secured the conviction of his assail ants. A Lame Answer. Clarence GInley, a member of the minors' union executive boards, was called and asked whether the union trade any attempt to discipline tho rioters belonging to its ranks. He made a lame answer, evading the point. Gray Interrupted and said, "In a riot, where the deputy sheriff had been killed and this man vas battered, wna there none among your ranks to cry shame or to raise an arm or Voice In defense of law and order? I want the mine workers to raise themselves out ot this mire which" suspicion engenders." Mitchell jumped to his feet and said: "Don't heap this outlawry on the union." No effort has becrr made to show any legal connection of the rioters with tho minors' organization. Mitch oil hlmBolf Is tho next witness, , CASTRO TIE CONDITIONS Minister Bowen Wires State Department That Venezuela is Ready to Arbitrate, A CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN WASHINGTON. Bowen Will Represent Venezuela In the Conference Roosevelt Anxious That the Affair May Be Settled Without Going to The Hague. , Washington, Jan. 8. The state de partment received a message from Minister Bowen today at Caracas, saying that President Castro accept ed In general terms the conditions of arbitration as laid down by the powers. It is officially admitted this after noon that the proposal made by the rowers Is for a conference to be held in Washington in which Bowen Is to act as the representative of Vene zuela. If this method becomes im possible then the matter will be re ferred to The Hague. President Roosevelt is hopeful tbat thc negotiations will result in a final disposition of tho affair without a long litigation before The Hague tri bunal. The navy department has ordered the Dolphin to La Guayra to bring Minister Bowen to Washington to represent Venezuela. LARGE RAILROAD MERGER. The Reading Railroad System Now Owned by Vanderbllt $100,000,000 Syndicate Formed. New York, Jan. 8. Positive inform ation this afternoon was received thai the Reading road had passed into the hands of the Pennsylvania and Van derbllt interests. As a first actual step to complete, the control of the two big trunk lines of both anthra cite and bituminous coal fields, a $100,000,000 syndicate was formed to carry out the needs of the Pennsyl vania till the new merger stock ie sold. By the new deal Morgan turns over the control which he had been stead ily gaining of the anthracite fields and will retain only the coal stocks held for investment purposes. ROOSEVELT ALARMED. Thinks That no Anti-Trust Law Will Be Enacted. Wasfflngton, Jan. 8. President Roosevelt is much alarmed over the friction, among the trust busters and is making great endeavors to get the legislative leaders to agree on some one measure which will be passed. The present prospects Indicate the danger that no anti-trust law will be enacted this season. NO MORE CORNERS. Court Restrains the Payment of Monies Deposited as Margins. Chicago, Jan. 8. The appellate court this morning confirmed the de crees of the superior court restrain ing the payment of monies deposited as margins. It says corners are a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States. There Is great ex citement on the Board of Trade a sit practically ends corners. y WANTS PANAMA CANAL If Congress Adjourns Without Taking Any Action America May Be Euchered. CAUSE OF THE DELAY IN SIGNING TREATY Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan, 8. Wheat 7G cents per bushel. Foreign Corporation at Work In Co lombia Dates for Reassembling of Their Congress Has Been Changed to March 3. Washington, Jan. S. In official cir cles it is admitted there Is foundation for the statement that Germany Is trying to euchre America out of the Panama canal. It is believed to bp the active work of tho Germans in Colombia, American options expire March 4. the day that congress adjourns. Through some powerful influence the date reassembling the Colombian con gress, officially called to meet De cember 10, for the purpose of ratifying the canal treaty was recently changed to March 3. just one day before the American congress adjourns. If Colombia does not sign the treaty and congress adjourns without any action there will be nothing to pre vent Colombia from making terms with the German corporation. The are shot down GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Commission Company I, Local Manager, Room 4, tlon Block. Chicago, Jan. 8. Wheat Opened. May 75 July 72 Corn May 43 July 42 Oats May 34 Pork May 1610 Minneapolis, Jan. 8. 1 Wheat Opened. May 74 July 76 New York, Jan. 8. Wheat Opened. May 79 July 77 the Coe C. Major Assocla- Closed. 75 73 43 43 34 1620 Closed. 74 75U Closed. 80 78 The Act Appropriating Money From Salo of Public Lands for Ditch Construction. Fournler Coming to America. Paris, Jan. 8. Henri Fournler, tho noted automobile expert, nccompan' led bv M. Rabourdln. who Is asso ciatcd with him In business, sailed for New York today. Tho purpose ot the visit Is to Inspect tho coming automobile shows In New York and Chicago. Moor General Arrested. Morocco, Jan. 8. Gencrul Susl has been arrested by order of the sultan and Is held personally responsible for the defeat of tho Imperii army. THREE UNION MINERS KILLED THE IRRIGATION LAW - MEASURE WHICH Wll RE CLAIM THE WE8T. officials of the state department point to the fact of the dilatorlness of Co lombia and the delays offered by the lack of authorization of Senor Her ron and say they have had the deal with Germany in view for some time. Were Very Loyal. Senator Quay had read from the desk a petition signed by Spanish- American war veterans asking for the. statehood of New Mexico, In which the territory Is said to have furnished one man to every 150 of its total pop ulation in the war with Spain. Foraker offered a resolution of thanks from congress to Chaffee, his officers and men for their heroic con duct in the war with China. The Philippine constauulary bill was passed. The senate reviewed In sections and clauses the tariff at the request of the Pacific slope senators. In the heat of the debate the DIngley tariff was brought up and a letter was read wherein it was intimated that undue influence was brought to bear. Hale Indignantly denied it and said that it was a late day four years after the bill was passed to bring up such senseless charges. HUNTER ACQUITTED. Was Charged With Murdering Fitz gerald In Guatemala. Louisville, Jan. 8. A private dis patch says that Godfrey Hunter, Jr., has been acquitted in Guatemala of the charge of having murdered Fitz gerald. He is expected home in two weeks. COAL TRANSPORTATION On the Fighting Schedule. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 8. Two big fighters, who are believed by their respective followers to be made of championship material are to come together before a local club tonight. They are "Toothpick" Kelly, San Francisco's gigantic heavyweight, and Sam McVey, the "colored Hercules." The winner of the fight will probably be pushed along toward the cham nionshlp. Neither man has yet beVn beaten and both havo won all their fights in Ehort order. Kelly, who weighs 240 pounds, has put out a half dozen, aspirants in San Francis co In from ono to ten rounds. Mc Vey, who weighs 220 pounds, has done the same thing in his Oxnard fights, his last victim being Russell, whom he knocked out cold In Ave jounds. , Secured $5000. Louisville, Neb., Jan. -8, Burglars blew open the bank of Commerce last night, secured $5000 and escaped. To Be Investigated by Congress. Washington, Jan. 8. Resulting irom the deliberations of the house committee on merchant marine, Lit tlefirld, of MIne, was instructed to draw a resolution asKing congression a! authority to investigate the subject of coal transportation as the ships cannot get coal without co-operation of tho railways, Tho houEo today, in committee of tho whole, considered the Philippines constabulary bill designed to promote Its efficiency by Increasing the rank and pay of the officers to bo paid from tho Philippine treasury. BY MANAGER COPPER CO. He Had Recently Cut the Wages From $3.50 to $3 Leaders Believed That If He Was Driven Out the Difficulty Would Be Adjusted. Eureka, Nov., Jan, 8. J. A. Taylor, manager of the Now York and Neva da Copper Co., near Ely, in tho White Pine coutry, was attacked In the company's office at Keystone, by 12 members of the miners' union, who intended running him out of town They threw his down, but ho got Icoso and commenced shooting, kill ing James Stnggs, Sam Johnson and J. Smith and wounding three more. Traylor recently cut tho wages from $3.50 to $3. Tho 3trlko against the company has been on several weeks. The leader. believed that it the man ager was driven out the difficulty would bo adjusted. Jackson Banquet In Chicago. Chicago, 111., Jan. 8. Congressman J R. Williams, of Illinois, and Mayor David R, Rose, of Milwaukee, late democratic candidate for governor of Wisconsin, nre among the party leaders -who are to expound the prin ciples of democracy at the annual Jackson dayi banquet in Chicago to night, Tho affair will take place at tho Sherman HouBe and covers will be- laid for 200 guests, German Embassador. Berlin, Jan. 8. lb Is officially an nounced that Baron Sternberg, the German consul of Calcutta, will suc ceed Von Holloben as ambassador to Washington. Rival Jackeon Day Banquets. Cleveland, O., Jan. 8. A flood of democratic oratory is promised for Cleveland tonight. The followers of Mayor Johnson have completed elab orate arrangements for their annual Jackson day banquet at the Kennard House, and the antl-Jobsonltes have made preparations on a scalo of similar magnitude for a "blow-out" at tho Hollenden Houbg In hpnor of, the memory of tho great democratic president. Ex-Attorney General Jud Hon Harmon, Virgil P. Kline and other party leaders have accepted Invita tions to deliver speeches at one or the other ot the two feata in honor of the memory of the patron saint of democracy. Sentenced to Pen. Milwaukee, Jan. 8. Chester Lodge, a nephew of tho Massachusetts sena tor, has boon sentenced to 18 months in tho penitentiary for burglary. FREE MESSAGE8 GALORE. Over 9000 Words Pased, Free, Over the Pacific Cable. When tho cabin was given over to tho contractors to test Its qualities and thc instruments for four days, no less than 9000 words had passed be tween San Francisco and Honolulu. Every syllablo so far sent through tho cable was without pay. About 500 congratulatory messages went through averaging ten words to the mcssago. At tho regular rate of 50 cents a word It would have meant $2500 for tho company. These con gratulatory inessakes were from tho public officials of Hawaii and public bodies of the Islands, from different governors of the coast states, from various chambers of commerce and boards of trade of the Pacific slope, from several largo commercial houses and from prominent private individ uals at both ends of the wire. Full Text of National Irlgatlon Lav Under Which Government Plans Will be Prosecuted The West to Reclaim Itself. In view of tho fact that active lrrl gatlon work will begin in many lo calities in tho arid domain, early in tho spring, the full text of the Max well law, under which government work will ho prosecuted, is published for tho Information of thoBO Interest ed. Be It enacted by tho senate and house of representatives of the Unit ed States of America In congress aa scmbled. That all moneys received from tho Balo and disposal of public lands In Arizona, California, Nevada, Now Mexico, North Dakota, Oklaho ma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, beginning with the- fiscal yoar ending Juno 30, 1001, including the surplus of feea and commissions In exeesB of allow nncea to register and receivers, and excepting the fivo per centum ot the proceeds or tho sales or pniiue lanns In tho above states sot aside by law for educational and other purposes, shall be. and tho samo aro hereby, re served, sot aside, and appropriated as a special fund In tho treasury to be known as tho "reclamation fund," to be used In tho examination and survey for and tho construction and maintenance ot Irrigation works for thc storage, diversion, and develop ment of waters for tho reclamation of nrld and seml-nrld lands In tho said states' and territories, and for the payment of all other expenditures pro vided for In this act: Provlilod, Tha' In case the receipts from tho sail and disposal of public lands other than thoso icallzed from tho salo and disposal of lands referred to In this 'section aro Insufficient to meet the requirements for thc support of agri cultural colleges In the soveral states and territories, under tho net ot Aug ust 30. 1890, entitled "An Act to Ap ply a Portion of tho Proceeds of the Public Lands to tho More Coraplote Endowment and Support of tho Col leges for tho Benoflt of Agriculture and the Mechanic ArtSJIstabllshed Under the Provlslonsijf an Act of Congress Approved 3Jjity 2$18fi2," tho deficiency. If any.Ih thejgiim neces sary for tho Hupport',;of tho" said col leges shall be provided, forfrom any moneys In the trcnsufV,'notJbthorwIs( appropriated. Section. 2. That tho secretary ol tho Interior Is horoliy authorized anc directed to mako examinations and surveys for, and to locato and con struct, as herein provided, irrigation works for tho storage, diversion, and development of wnters, including ar tesian wells, and to report to con gress at tho beginning of each regu lar session as to tho results of such examinations nnd survoys, giving es timates of cost of all contemplated works, tho quantity and location of tho lands which can bo irrigated' therefrom, and all facts relative to tho practicability of each Irrigation project; also tho cost of tho works In process of construction as well as of thoso which havo beon completed. Section 3. Thnt tho secretary of the interior shall, before giving tho public notice provided for in hooUoii four of this net, withdraw from pub lic ontry tho lands required for arf Irrigation works contemplated under the provisions of this' act, nnd shall restore to public entry any of the lands (to withdrawn when, in his judg- Of 575 plants, a goat was found to eat 440 and refuse 126, A pig, on the other hand, would only eat 72 out of 243 offered to It. (Concluded on page 0.) CRACKER CRHeK PACTS North Pole mine was offered for salo three years ago for $600,000, It has 5000 feet on tho mother lodo. It lu now worth twenty million dol lars. The South Pole mine adjoin, ha 4041. feet on the same lode, has six tunnels, amounting to 2200 feet, aM In ore. We expect within less than three years' work to have a mine w valuable as North Pole Is today. South Pole stock Is selling at II cents until about January 1st. Buy before tho price ralsoi. 8ee Gahagan at Hartman Abttrast office, Pendleton, Ore.