I'ffl Willi mmm At 1 WEDNHSDAY, JANUAKY 7, 1903. FOR DESSERT, SUN DAY JANUARY it, J 903. Try JEIjL-O, prepared according to tue roiiowing recipe: BANANA CREAM Peel lire Urjzo bananas, rub imooth with Are Ublespoonluli ol suer : add ono cap ol tweet . cmm beaten to a itls (roth, then one pickage ol lemon Jell-0 dloWed in one and a halt cup boiling witter. Pour In molda or cupi, andtrhen eold, garnish with candled chenlei .aoatcrre wun tnin crtam. -.V A nice dessert for any meal at any time. Four llavors Lemon, Orniige, .Raspberry ami Strawborry. At grocers, 10 cents. 3ET A PACKAGE TODAY TO AFFECT SETTLERS UNDER NEW RULES leal lessons In cheese making occu pied tho afternoon. Trie sessions win contlnuq through tomorrow and Fri day. 8enatoral Contest In Missouri. Jefferson City. Mo., Jan. 7. With OF OUR GRASttA.TB fttrrt that a mom with as firm, mat V bav done tor retina" peopU ta (Sm past yn can do bott better tbeja before, because oi unproved Our school la always spoken of as Bnt elaaa In all respects. Superior mnfhofts, thorough work, has siren It this htgh standing. Opra aQ the rear; at adepts admitted at any time: catalogue tit. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OltKQO.N HT. AUMSTIlOJlG, L.L.U., I'UISCIPAL CONTESTS ARE COSTLY. rtho aBsembllntr of tho state legisla . , turo today tho contest for U. 8. Evidence Must Now Be Given Before senator to succeed Senator Vest Is the Register and Receiver Settlers on In full force. Tho political lleuten- ,. " ... , .,. .,, ,.,.,. lants of .William J. Stone declare tlioy Wlll Hesitate to Incur the Expense. j h(m enough mXm p,e(lRed t(J nom,. No moro land contests over claims trmto tho 0x-governor on first ballot. In tho Walla Walla land offlco district but the 0,,03ng faction asserts with will bo heard before United States ;cquai vgor ti,nt the Stonltca have land commissioners, a new ruling maAe a. 8Br0us error In their count having gone Into effect which pro-1 jng of noseg nml thnt whon tno tub vldos for hearing all cases before tho j lotIng ls begUn u wI11 bo found thnt land office receiver and register In i th0rc aro oti,cr ontrIes and strong Walja Walla. This regulation Is far'enos too m tno race for the toga. reaching and Important In effect. iwith several congressmen and others The land department nt Washing-1 of more or less strength and populnri ton has experienced moro or less ty In the democratic ranks known to trouble, it Is claimed, with contest ibe receptive If not active candidates, cases heard before land commission- It ls believed that Stone must win ors. Testimony presented to the reg- quickly If he Is to win at all, for his 1 Isters and receivers of the Walla . position is not one of such strength i Walla district was In written form j as to stand a long siege. j and frequently full of contradictory statements from witnesses. As a re- Connecticut Legislature. KllLlJiHA 1 19111 suit the officials, not being able to i Hartford, Conn., Jan. 7. The posl cxamlno witnesses personally or to't.llltv thnt Kenntnr Hawlnv whnso determine which was telling the truth health ls very poor, may be Induced were unumo to aeicrmine accurately tho merits of cases without much irouuio nuu uui.iy, says uie nuiira- cessor thereby 'rendered necessary. """ . --, ,. man. , causes nlore than usual Interest to at-! inflammation, swelling and Pa,9. The new regulation will mean con- tach to tho session of tho Connecticut, which last as long ns the bloou remains slderablo money out of the pockets j lcalslature which beiran todav. Amonir. in this sour nnd ncid state. of tho land commissioners, who have1 ho names now frequently mentioned To cure Rheumatism permanently health is very poor, may be Induced i Jriir. ,1(5 nerves of corrosive poisons t(- resign his sent In the United States i J0,"ts ."a 0,1 It ft these senate, and the selection of hU mo- "? AtfSS irritating auwwuv." ."". 1 j minniiin Some people have been suffering ACUTE AND CHRONIC, fc-fitt MUSCULAR, MERCURIAL, TJPJJSMSl .n, nam lone since forgotten the joys of a painleBB ARTICULAR AND Stencc. TSeyareattteinenqrof fill I Jn w.nd nnd their mJscry la aggravated INFLAMMATORY. aaSS1!. criSes is recruited. Their bodies arc worn out by the tnccssant paina and the joints becoweso stiffened ana oeni that they are at last compelled to give up or hobble about on crutches. Nobody ever outlived Rheumatism; the disease never loosens it3 grip or leaves of its own ..ccord, but must be driven out by intelligent nnd persist ent treatment through the blood, for Rheumatism of every variety and form is caused by an over acid condition of the blood, nnd uie deposit m - HOTEL PENDLETON The Best Hotel to ?X . gooa k, Bnyt Bowltnir Qroen, Kr ( aenUemon-Ahont a yar ano X was attaoked by aouto IthoumatUm t lnmyshouldera, nrroi and lesra below the knoo. I oould not ralaa ay uxm to comb my hair. Dootora preBorlbafl, ' for mo for over two montba without slvlncr mo any rellof. I iW B. S. S. advertlaed and decided to try It. Immediately I commenced Ite use I felt better, and romarked to xny mother that I was fclad I had at Urt found lomo rollef. I oontlnned 1U ase nnd am entirely well. I will always feel deoply Interested In the aucceaa of S. B. S. alnce It did ma 10 mnoh good. Toura truly, HUB. ALIOS HOBTOH. nil Twelfth Street. VXnnAfl-nnntn-nt. f m . uuumiuuious tsampie Roobi, Rates $2 & $2d Special rates by week or moon. excellent-Cuisine. Prompt Dlnltigroom Senfc Every Modern Comeska A COMMON ERROR. a i. 4 rt i r. The Same Mistake Is Made by the Majority of People, jjlt's a common error To nlaster Uie nciiinK back. " JTo rub with liniments, rheumatic Joints, ,N f,Wlien the trouble comes from the .ftkldneys. jiDoan's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney. Ills. "jHcre is positive proof. A. Ammann,. shoemaker, of 1024 Santa Fo avenue, Denvor, Colo., suys;. "When Dban's Kidney Pills -stopped fan aggravated case of kidnoy com plaint In tl.e summer of 1S99, I made that fact known to tiie residents of Denver so that others who had kid ney trouble in 'any of its various forms might know what course to pursue to get relief. Tho opinion 1 then expressed is the 3aine today, as' it was when Doan's Kidney Pills were first brought to my notice. I have hail no occasion to use any med icine for my kidneys since. When 'Doan's Kidnoy Pills affected a cure in my case that cure was permanent." S"or sale by all dealers. Price Eft cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N; Y., sole agents for the United States, i "Remember the name DOAN'S . nnd take no substitute. blood must ue punucu mm juvjS- testing era began. It will also in-; that of George P. McLean, who hai orated, and no other remedy does this so i vfcn or so Tr".T" volve additional expense to contest- just retired from the offlce of gover ' refreshes and restores to the thin acid blood its nourishing ana neaunsno- iors. who will now have to bring their, nor. Governor Chamberlain, the upw taininn-nrnnerties. And when strong, ncn Dioou is again uiuuaw..t, -"".- D j,i.mi. , , I array of witnesses to Walla Walla, chief executive of tho state, delivered ' MtwSvtheTacid noisons and irritating matternre washed outoi uie muscica uai nuu miuu u I oom m C0DBt'J causing heavy expense, as Walla I j.ls Inaugural message to the assembly i and joints, nnd the pains.ni once cease ., waua is uisuuu xw mum irum nuiuy tonay. th paper was brief but vlg sEta a! ana Kueumuusui ia -"'"6 ijlllV 1 hree It nc ;c frnm r.. tinlntK In tho illatrlpls. This trims, r,. 1 i.i. ... 1 JT TS t o o c i n mirel rvetretnble ""V- "'' "lunva IfUiTl Utt iiurutuuii uuuiiy wu avuiucu lurmei- gam to tno question or constitutional ly In many cases by having hearings ieform was of a generally satlsfac before nearby commissioners. tory character. It Is expected to hnve the added er-i . V m m, -.ev far fao fexi ma; flov . fieU y cha sigi waj the gist grei ally H Yea that of i! rotV 4." ! Pendleton Fish and Poultry Market 310 Court Street Everything the best. Prices right. We handle Fresli Fish, which we receive daily. X,ohsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys ters and all salt water foods. Ranch and Cteamery Butter, Fresh Eggs, Game in season, Produce of all kinds. Goods delivered to all parts of .the city. We pay cash for country pro duce. A trial order is solicited. L. M. Lyman, Prop. Phone Red 591 LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER feet of frightening many would-be contestors. who .will hesitate at un dertaking several hundred dollars ex pense on the chance of winning 160 acres. H ar n ai n f 'J SUPREME COURT FEES. Litigation for the Year About as it Was In 1901. Salom, Jan. 7. The -aggregate fees collected by Hon. J. J. .Murphy, as clerk "of the Orogon supreme court, for-the' year ending December 31st, was $3751.20, as against ?3714.45. for the preceding year. As indicated by these statistics the amount of litiga tion was practically the same for two ears. The supreme Court has failed to make a calendar of cases for the week beginning Monday, January 12th. For this reason thero is but ono case or. docket In which appeal iias boon par- lected. Only one order was made ves lerday, and that was tho case of thf. state of Oregon, respondent, vs Man tle Howard, appellant On stipula tion it Is ordered that the appellant havo until February 20lh to serve and file his brief. Wisconsin Cheese Makers, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 7. Practical cheese makers from 'all parts of Wis consin aro rounded up In Milwaukee today to exchange opinions on all matters pertaining to tho manufac ture and sale of cheese Swiss, Amer ican, Hmburger, brick and every other known variety. Tho occasion is the eleventh annual convention of the Wisconsin Cheese Makers As sedation and the attendance Is larger than in any previous year; The dele gates assembled at tho Republisan House at 10 o'clock this morning anr listened to addresses of welcome and responses, followed by an annual re view of tho cheese Industry of the state presented by President W. C. Dickson of tho association. Practl- New York Legislature. Albany, N. Y., Jan. ".The Nev lork state legislature assembled nnnnil o i-vf o r- . f n,lm. mi i Hon iS'JS8!? Recording to tho plans of the iroty) leaders and the messago of Governor i Cdell was read. Tho message dealt at longth with the canal question. tlu police system of Now York City, tac tion and other matters of presslrc importance. ' medicine nnd does not derange the stomach like the strong mineral remedies, but builds tp the general health, increases the appetite and tones up the digestion. Tlirniiirh our Medical Department ir i the pain-racked, despondent Rheumatic sufferer will receive helpful adV.ce a: ' from rhvsiciansof cspcriencennd skill without charge. Write its fully about THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, um. I GOLDEN RTIE Maine Legislature Meets. Augusta. Mo., Jan. 7. The seventy first session of the Maine legislature was commenced to day. The state uui ui.uuMt. it seiJHiur una yearj and tho prospective laws to receive attention are ot little Interest out side the borders of the commonwealth I ! Trca , f I LI Si m i Li yj ! ( blea I lrm- Ccrnrr Court and Joliiuro Biti I'emUeton Or gon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor, IDA M. SMYDER, surer of the Brooklyn East E.nd Art Club. Milwaukee Poultry Show. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 7. Several slates are represented among the elaborate exhibits embraced In the fourth annual show of tho Wisconsin Feathered Stock Association. The ex hibition was opened in the Broadway armory today and will continue through tho remainder of the week. Both in the number and high-class of tho exhibits the show is pronounced by expert fanciers to be ono of tho best ever seen, in this part of the country. Poultry Show at Waxahachle. Waxahachle, Texas, Jan. 7. Furred and feathered stock of prize-winning qualities aro on exhibition In greater numbers and larger variety at the seventh annual poultry and pet stock show opening today than at any of the previous exhibitions held hero. The show continues through tho re mainder of tho week. Two handsome sllvor loving cups nnd numerous other premiums of value will bo awarded. Swift's Premium at the Standard. hams and bacon i;:-TIU'AL irrrpi- luntiiM arr ivuer .iliy the bumming ii woman's trou- Y.'ith the vitality at n Mih. the blood wetik- cn?d. the digestion dior- deml, she (,'ooa ai'out paie faceil, hollow-eyed andliap trard, a pitwtw contrast to the bloom ins health of her t'nrmer self. But over 1 lYSO lh ill .vnnipii have found health a(T.i.n by taking Wine of Canlni. As n regulator o the menstrual periods Wine of t i-lui has never been known to fail. It has seldomiailed to restore perfwt health, even in tho most persis tenf' and awravatnl case of weiikness. Miss Ida M. Snvdcr, of No. 5C5 Uer gen Strret. Urooklyn, N. Y lias used Wine of Cirdui and she says it helped her into a new life. Health to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intel lectual attainments and she occupies the pp-'ttion of Treasurer of the Urook lyn Eat End Art Club. This position marks her a-j a icrson of intellect cul ture ai-d n:inenientand itspeak3 hichly of tho re-nect and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes: "If women would pxy more attention MUaliaM. Snydtr. In their lirjith we WOll'd have more happy wives, mothers and dauahtcM, and If they would use more intel ligence in the matter of medi cines, obarvlng results, they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the man y cures they a rc given credit f ir. "fn cons-tiling wltn ray drughl he advised McEIree's Wine of Cardui and Thed- ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and have every reason to thank film for a new life opened up to ms with restored health, and it only took three months to cure me." You may secure tho same relief aa Miss Snyder, if you take Wiuo of Cardui ai she took it. Thedford's Black Draught is the companion medicine of Wino of Cardui nnd it is a liver and bowel regulator which assists greatly in effecting a cure. If you take these medicines according to directions, tho relief and cure is simple. Some cases aro cured quickly and others take longer because the disease has run longer. Remember how Miss Snyder took Wine of Cardui nnd lias health. The same medicines are offered you to-day. 1 fiSisae!-? 1 1 mmt&m 9 aWfrsnf -&rj WINE of CARD VI A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. waaxMavtav35VHauaaB0UBauftan I ml tomeni magifll authtMl dlst.ifj Joym41 West i light Th, a irco l 3ast. S 'tera: S ' We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money. DOORS WINDOWS BJu i Idin g pa,per, lime, cement, btick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp.Coort House New Jersey Horticulturists. Trenton, N. J Jan. 7. Delegates um tnrniois' ' itihs. grares, hprtif-ut-rural clubs and other orcanlzatlons in all quarters of tho state filled the as well as the real stone, while senate cnamner nf tho alntn Mitt.l '"") me toiu uiiiiiiui meeting oi tno jnow jersey state Horticultural Society. Iteports of oflicers and com mittees occupied tho forenoon and this atternorm the convention listened to addresses on horticultural topics by 'Prof. John B. 'Smith, state entomol ogist, and Dr. Francis Newton Thorn of Mt. Holly. - A BONANZA. ''otcherjroundr" DonU.Baytawonll JMound a piece of coal.dat'a only.been burned twic.I" He Came to Fish. Tho Rev. B. A. Horton was onn nf Uie Kiiests nt the recent diner given by the ' Wollaston Unitarian club. When called tinon for a address ho prefaced his remarks with me-siory or a reilow divine, who went fishing last summer. Not being fa miliar with rod and reel tho gentleman became excited when a big fish took his bait, and In his efforts to land It fell into the stream. Ho was pulled out by a farmer who chnned to bp passing. "How did you conic rb fall In?" asked the farmer, while tho reverend gentleman was trying to wring some of tho water from his clothes . ".f didn't come to fall in at all." was' the ;rop!y, "i came to fish." Boston Post. covery of Schongaard of CoponhaKen Is reported to successfully reproduce tho soft transitions of color of tln best variegated marble, and to lasi Its cost is about one-tenth as creat, A slab half an inch in thickness can bo mndo nt 14 cents a square foot. Col umns, capitals and moldings can be manufactured as easily as flat slabs Artificial Marble. A successful Imitation marble has efn Invented In Denmark. The best Imitations havo hitherto como from Sweden, but the artificial stono would not -keep-Its shape, and the veins are said (to ihavo been stiff and angular. Tho now product, which is tho dia- The Secret of Long Life. Consists In keeping all tho main or gans of tho body In healthy, regular action, and In quickly destroying deadly disease conns. Electric Bit ters regulate stomach, liver and kid neys, purity the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work won ders In curing kidney troubles, fe malo complaints, nervous diseases, constipation, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigorous health and strength alwnyq follow their use. Only BOc, guaian. teed by Tallraan & Co,, druggists. One Woman Voter. The district attorney's offlce at Buffalo will Investigate the case of Harry Norman, the woman who pass ed as a man for 20 years and whoso sex was not discovered until, sho broke hor leg. At tho hospital the woman boasted that she had voted In the third ward for sevon years and had been a hustler nt tho polls for Alderman Butler. Now York Sun. The Good of Lawyers. If It wore not for tho lawyers to call men vile names and show up their rascality In court onco In a while this .old world would bo too nnmby;parriby'iand goody-goody ito live In. Now York Press. - HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELBCTfllCITY American I'tmi, rn e$l !" loi'i nor ilav. Jvuropenii JMmi fiOe. 75c, $1.(H). lcqiiu.riti"8 iy wecu oriiinmii, Free 'bus meets all trains .Commercial trade solicited Flue sample food Special Attention Given Country IraJ HOTEL ST. GEORG1 CORNER MAIN AND WEBB SI GEO. DARVLAU, Prop- Elee-antlv Furnished Steam Heal Sample room in connection ! RfinTvT RATE - 50c, 75c, $1 THE PORTLAKD PORTLAND. OREf ON, e!er.S Spccli.1 .au. made 1 p9 Mntlemeu. The management, w r. ... in etiniv rooms "u e'.T .t.,M c"Krtohtathgl!Saj PENDLETON- UKIi STAGE LINE .VT?, mw. Prop Stale leave. Pendleton dal 1r wtMP " J at 7 a. m.. tor Ukiah. no TirSbcK Ratea: To Pilot Boca, 7.. t.'".nd retar torn, II.IOI To Nre. Il.a. M n n ,2 b ,To Bluae.ll TSI o8W. oosTot w-, to ukiab -':"'. peodk nm in nriMeii Rule Hoteiircu