.... KVZZ&Zi,smmimi NEWS FROM IE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE fW 'GOOD lawwwo " - 1 NEW COURTHOUSE IS FORMALLY OPENED IIJMUMLIMLIMlIBIJMlIM 1 HHil . THEf .-v ;afider Dept. Store to announce thei an- Sale of Muslin Under if and showing of Dainty l6e joti desire to lay dir weal n niiuurir rt'io lass, yourselves hare done. Look due wo l" "un file community Thoy a lire to' sled m real jour means, buy (euaeace now. I will I (fill payments, or lor i to properties: h i rooms c cellar i $750.00 m ir-il lot . 900.00 J wo lota 700.00 Katie ud lot . . 700.00 title mii 2 lota 900.00 Strom (150 to $300. Ft! lots 1200.00 tlMi 900.00 lied 650.00 ky, 300.00 III Court Street. Columbia House ILY raRNISHFJ) r luNNECTION EB OF BLOCK iTUWEBBBTS HE,PP, Prop. Baking and Groceries.... At .money-saving, prices af the Miller' Cash'Gfocery. Every thing first-class. Prompt -Delivery Our Cash System saves pur chasers money. Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 THE MONOPOLE CANNED GOODS Are recognized the best. We have the complete line. Always fresh. Always good. D. KEMLER & SON A Big Grocery In a Small Room Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank FOR BREAKFAST "Have Cakes Made With OldTime Buckwheat 'THAT MADE jj. famous H JABIE USK, Pwted lunches, "uerkraut and k GO'S 'rPotofficc And Pure Maple Syrup THE Standatd Gtocety Gqvtt Street Low Sellers of Groceries ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN OOUNBELLOB-AT-JiAWS U. S. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. S. Patent Office U. 8. and FOREIGN PATENTS Trade Marki Apd Copyrights , 700 tftH.Bt, N. W.. Washington, D. O Rush of Oil Locators to Malheur County Oil Struck In Sand Hoi low Urand Ball on New Year's Eve. Valo, Or., Jan. 3. The New Yoar In Vale opened auspiciously with a ball at the now courthouso, and tho town full of strangers, mostly oil lo cators. As a consequence, the conn- iy viuik anu ins uepuues are snowen under with oil locations. Not ono location was relinquished or any attempt at Jumping, recorded, A severe snow storm erected the oil locators and many laughable In1 stances of locators getting lost are reportoti, However, the oil gang seemingly got their own property and no ricks aro registered. Sand Hollow .seems now to bo the greasy spot in Malheur. Mossrs. Al- brecht and Miles lmvo been doing as feessment. work with a drill and found unmistakable evidences of oil nt -a depth of 1C0 feet Tho county seat fight has now cot to tho lighting point, valo will send down three ex-members of the legis lature fully equipped to do battle. Mossrs. Hope, Editor McCulloch and Smith, of the firm of Smith Mercan tile Company. That they mean fight is not to be questioned. Petitions against the removal of the county seat have and are being circulated in every nook of Malheur and they are being generously signed, remonstrat ing against the removal of the county seat from Vale and a fight is on that will try tho metal of both sides. Ono thing Is vers evident. Valo now has a courthouso that for com modity, beauty -and solidity cannot bo uc.-u in any county in the State or Oregon. The court room alone' has more floor spaco that all of Baker county's official building. It is well built, well heated and presents a last ing monument to tho inhabitants of Malheur county for their, public spirt. edness, as "the whole structure was built by .public subscription ; without ono cent of expenso to the taxpayers. Thomas Barton, one of the county commissioners, whoso pet object has been to build the courthouse, has certainly shown what can be done by a determined man. Ho has provided courthouse that will last Malheur county for ages and also made h, coun-' ty structure that for beauty and work manship has no superior In the state. Fireproof vaults and lofty -1 ceilings, with solid workmanship and great floor space, with plenty of light. inarkB the structure of Vale's court house, the walls being built of native stone. It .certainly presents a hand some appearance. To say that the first ball was a success hardly suffices it. Malheur county, from the "cow" lung to the festive rancher, from the remotest part of tho count.y put iu ar. appearance and the greatest ball in the -history '6f Malheur took place in the new courthouse, as a dedica tion, one and all voted It a 'beauty, and are ready to swear that Vale now has tho handsomest courthouse in the state outside of Portland or Marion county. . The now railroad, which by the way Is now sure of success, by way of Nyssa, has also caused many of On tario's citizens to buy real estate, the price of which Is now very elas tic. Rumor reports Representative E. H Test as having got a 40-acre plat near tho town of Nyssa. Bo this as It may, Malheur county Is evidently on tho eve of prosperity. What with sovoral canals for Irrigation, new rail loads, oil developments, and a great number of Immigrants buying farms. the country around Vale will take on new life. Plenty of wealth stands ready to back the enterprise and we confidentially look for the population of Malheur to double within the next two years. OVERCOATS There are many a good over coat not bought, and we have them, too Now you wont feci sore with yourself if you buy your coat of us, for IT WILL BE RIGHT. SUITS Another customer says: Well, half the people who speak about my new suit say, "Who made your suit ? How muth did the tailor charge?" I let them think I had it made by the tailor, then tell them I got it at the Boston Store THE DELAYED TRAINS. Some of Their Wanderings Among Washouts and Freshets. Portland, Ore., Jan. 7. Tho North Coast Limited has resumed the run cut of Portland ou its own tracks to Senttle, and from Seattle to Spokane the tracks of the Northern Pacific railway are being used. The adventures of tho Great North w v - irr- j .1 si Make the Hair Grow WIUi warm shampoos of CimopRA. Soap and light dressing of Cctioura, purest of emol lient ilcla cures. This treatment' nt olice stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, gud dandruff, soothe irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follioles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow when all else (alls, 80IJ throughout tU vnrld. POTT BE D. D C.COKr., 1'repc., Ueiioo. " Uow to U" Utiitiftillllr."nM. em's transcontinental train No. 3 ' nial'nti on tnjorooflnt. lnntfir It, tlm ' era of flood3 and landslides that as sail tho Northern Overland roads at the present time. No. 3 arrived In Portland Sunday and laid over sev eral hours, leaving for Seattle Sunday right at 11.45 o'clock, as the second section of the Puget Sound train. It was the fit st tlmo In the history of leilroad disruptions that a full Great Northern tinin has been seen in tho terminal yards. The train unexpect edly made a long visit here, and nt cue knew anything about It until It was ready lo be sent North, Train No. 3 left St. Paul last Thurs day with about 200 passengers bound lor the coast. Tho train arrived at Stpnkane on time Saturday morning and loft within a few minutes for tho Coast, Hair way to Seattle, at tho station f Leavenworth, the trainmen were met with the news that a bridge was out near Madison. There was noth ing to do but to turn back to Spo kane, where the train arrived agjln alter a hard run of abouf eight hours. The train was next scheduled to start 'ir tidewater terminal over the North--m Pacific tracks. Upon its arrival at Pasco a washout of the roadbed vns reported between Ellensburg and Tacoma, and No. 3 had to stop in its Journey over that route Saturday night. Then the wires were touched for a short time, and the Tesult was that provision was made for the wandering transcontinental train to come to Wallula Junction. She was given time to come through to Portland over the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com-! pany's tracks, where she arrived Sun day morning. The. extra traffic was handled over tho O. K. & N. without a single hitch. The train was held here in order to make sure that before starting on the Journey to Seattle It could get through without being swamped. Eventually the road was reported in condition," and the train left at 11:45 as the second section of the night train. SWISS RAILROADS. at the same time, "Women and child ren can stand up Just as well as wo can.' That Is a typo of people notic ed on evoiy public conveyance. When I sco thorn I wonder It they were brought -up without tho care of mothers or tho companionship of sis trs Thov aro objects of pity." Owned and Operated by the Govern ment Can Travel 100,000 Miles for $57.90. It is two years since tho Swiss gov ernment assumed the ownership ami operation of tho cntiro railway sys tem nf that nation. Them aro at present about 2C00 miles of road opcr-, Roosevelt's Thoufjhtful Act. ated, Jacob A. Hiis, of New York, tho Nine years ago the Swiss govern-' author and lecturer,, was tho presl ment owned tho greater part of the , ctnt's Eucst nt breakfast a few days great Jura-SImplon railway, and in , GO. In tho course of conversation 1898 completed tho purchase ot tho at tho tablo, Mr, Hiis said thnt his entire system mother, 80 years old, living in Tube, Tickets over the entire railway sys- "pnmnaJ J?J"rn fthi tern of Switzerland for 15 days aro af " f t prove to bo of the r.old at tho following rates: First-, ?A ! ' n class, $11.58; second-class, $8.11;, lng ,l nl" th0, mf,al wft.3 vor' ,l 10 IhirdWs, $5.79. Tickets good for one , nt,,.w'Bote"e m r lironth- PitRt-pinRB sin -m- kpcoiiiI. cram- Mrs. Rils, ulbo, Denmark: class3& Bon 13 brfMnit h us Wo Uts good for ono year First-class, 1,T n! 12 'lX 'enr-cn. oi nf. i.ti , doro and Edith Roosevelt Mr. Rlls, iv ' W in relating tho incident, said: "I do Accident on Wallowa Hill. Monday, while William Mars, of Joseph, was driving a six-horse team attached to two freight wagons which 'were heavily loaded, at a point In the Wallowa canyon not far from the Halfway house he happened to glance back while going up the grade and saw to his dismay, that the rear wag on was sliding off the grade, the roads being icy. He Jumped, thereby saving himself from serious Injury, it not death. As the grade at this point is 30 feet above tho river, the whole team went down; but while ono horse was seriously Injured, none were Ki..ed. La Grando Chronicle. These new tickets enablo the hold- Denmark verv noon now. Thnv have ,er lo travel as much and as long as a very g00(l opnlon ot tne Unultod iic irneu ovBi mo uiiiuu Bmum ui states and of Its present head over Switzerland during the time of the (horei and when Umt doar 0jd mothor validity ot tho ticket, ' of mln0 eets tlmt cablegram from tho Thus It Is seen that for $57.90, ono; president of tho United Stales I ox n:ay travel over these 2600 miles of j pect thnt sho will get right out of bod lailway 40 times a year a distance of cured nnd live at leaBt 10 years long over 100,000. How does thlS' compare er."- with railroad ratps In America? Ex. 1 Bluo Island, 111., Jan. 14, 1001. Messrs. Ely Bros.;---! lmvo used your Cream Balm' In my family for nino years nnd It has becomo my fam ily doctor for colds In tho head. I use It freely on my children. It Is a Godsend to children. Yours respectfully, J. KIMBALL. Messrs. Ely Bros.: I suffered greatly with catarrh and tried differ ent remedies without effect. After using ono bottle of your Cream Balm I found relief and I cannot pralso loo highly such a remedy, MISS COItA WILLATID, Albany, N. Y. People Noticed In Traveling. "Tho people noticed In traveling 1 constitute a study in human nature1 that Is not always pleasing," remark- cd a man recently to the Tacoma, News. "A few days ago I was com ing home on one of tho delayed North ern Pacific trains. Tho coaches wore ciowded and there was hardly stand ing room in tho chair car. Several' women and children came aboard o t ' Pasco. Thoy were crowded aside by two Seattle men who dropped into, two seats turned In opposite direc-, tions, forming a private box. The brakomcn politely requested the! young men to take another car and glvo the ladles and children the seats. This they refused to do, remarking Wanted to Itcnt A stable. Call at this office. Public Notice. Parents will please take notice that schools, public and private, will not reopen until notified through tne public press. Parents aro requested not to allow children to attend any public gatherings. By order Health Board. Heads Should Never Ache. NTnVfli- ArtrlllT-A Htl frrtllhlfl. 1T fit once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., She writes: "Dr. King's New Life nnto whnllv nnrpd mo nf arr hand. aches I had suffered from two years." Cure noaaacne, constipation, puuous-neas.- 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. A special land agent is Investigat ing tho timber and land entries In the Lakevlew district and some 60 claims may have tholr titles canceled. '" "Jt'ii funny I The fuller mI he wjMja (treat dorg for rabbltaT' "fiuofn he. meant when Iy bhjh (Hedp ; ' r V -: I , -I. i V 1, I? 1