East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    Ppt GOOD GOODS at Alexander',,. g
Lander Dept. Store j
Beg to announce their an-
Bnual Sale of Mtistin Unde
wear and showing of Dainty 1
French Lingerie. I
do you desire to lay
ktlon (or weal'hT Elderly
i wish to Inau yourselves
i as others nave done, iok
i and see who are the well-
In the community. They
who havo Im tfted In real
small your means, buy
Re. commence now. i win
pall partial payments, or (or
following properties:
with o rooms a cellar
cottage and lot . . 900.00
i and two lots 700.00
ag, stable and lot . . 700.00
at, stable and 2 lots 900.00
Kioto from $150 to 1300.
; of 14 lota 1200.00
block. 7 lots 900.00
it 4 lots 650.00
Of 2 lots 300.00
)YD, HI Court Street
Baking and
Prompt Delivery
Our Cash System saves
chasers money.
Miller Grocery Co.
623 Main Street
Phone Main 51 1
ie toiumoia
idging House
iwly furnished
Ik in connection
center of block
r. AlIA ft WEBB 8T8
D. KEMLER & SON, Now Open.
Alta Street, Opposite SavlngB Bank
A Big Grocery
In a Small Room
Most Remarkable Showing Made in
Oregon During Past Year In
Twelve Weeks Received 1132 Appll
cations Will Hold Series of Carnl-
val6 In Oregon.
George K. Rogers, thn general or
ganizer of the Woodmen o( the World
icglstered at tho Hotel St. George
this morning, en route to Weston,
where he went to attend tho demon
strations to be held in that town to
night. Mr. Rogers Is as enthusiastic
as ever. When asked by a represen
tative of the East Oregonian how the
order was progressing, he said:
"There has never been a time in
(he history of the Woodmen of tho
World when it was making such re
markable progress as right now, and
that Is saying a good deal. Last
month the entire order received near
ly 10,000 new applications for benefit
membership, winding up the year
with over 330,000 members in the va-
nous branches and jurisdictions of
Perfected Woodcraft. The Western,
or Pacific jurisdiction of the Wood
men of the World received 3250 ap
plications in December, the largest
December lecord in the history of the
jurisdiction. Oregon did her full share
by furnishing over 700 of this num
ber. In fact, Oregon's ratio of popu
lation considered, Is surprising the
leaders of our order and'they are
men used to great things. In the last
12 weeks we have received 1132 appli
cations in Oregon. We have organiz
ed 22 companies of the uniform rank
of our order In this state during the
same period. We have also in the
past three months held great union
meetings at Elgin, Corvallis, Dallas,
Forest Grove, Newberg, Roseburg,
Aakland, McMlnnville, Ashland and
towns have gathered at the places
named arid classes of candidates rang
ing from 25 to 107 per class have been
introduced Into the order. Our next
union gathering will be at Weston to
night, which will be followed by one
at. Eugene. At Eugene we will Intro
duce 108 candidates.
'Wo are now perfecting arrange
ments to hold a series of carnivals in
the leading cities of the state this
summer. We have contracted for a
finer line of carnival attractions than
have ever heretofore shown 'in the
West in such entertainments. Our
order continues to grow financially as
well as numerically. We are now
over the $1,000,000 mark in the entire
order. The new rates which went
into effect on the first of this month
meets with universal approval, as
they approach more nearly to the
standard tables of mortality, and the
application of these rates Is bound to
cause our reserve to grow very fast
The Pacific jurisdiction alone will
have over a million dollars, at the
close of the present term.
"I admit It sounds like tooting our
horns pretty loud to talk this way,
flit these are the plain, unvarnished
lacis regaraing our oraer. we are
making a remarkable record and aro
pretty proud of it."
Mr. Rogers will return from Wes
ton tomorrow, remaining over night
In Pendleton and will then go to Arl
enough grass to not require so much
Mnjind Mrs. Frank Kopp and fami
ly spent Christmas In Pendleton.
Their dauchter. Miss Mary, went
down to attend St. Joseph's academy.
Prof. A. M. Crozier, who is teach
ing at Gurdane, a very successful
term of school, spent the holidays in
Pendleton and was the guest oftho
Ogles' in this vicinity Friday night.
Piofessor Crozier has taught two suc
cessful terms here and one on McKay
Creek. There was a surprise dance at Chas.
Farnwclds' New Year's night and a
nice time was had for all.
Mr. Tlvus H. McBroora was mar
ried to Miss Mabelle Cate on New
Years day. Both the young people
arc highly lespected and have a host
of friends throughout the country,
both in their home neighborhood of
Gurdane and in Pendleton.
The parents of the bride. Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Cate are both old pioneers
of this and Morrow counties, residing
therein for more than 30 years.
At money-saving prices at the portiand. Camps from 'surrounding
Miner L.asn grocery, .every'
thing first-class.
Dinner Given by Mrs. Conned on New
Year's Day.
Alba, Jan. 5. It is known now, that
Herbert Mundell, the postofflce robber
stole a box of gum six weeks ago and
later some tobacco. The gum, he
told, he had found on the road and
to throw of suspicion put some dust
in the box. His teacher said that
although mischievous, he was one
of the brightest pupils In his school
and always had his lessons.
The gatnering- of the clans in this
part of the hills on New Year's day
assembled at the H. T. Connell ranch
where Mrs. Connell had prepared a
chicken feast and pastry galore, that
would tempt the appetite of kings.
After a sumptuous repast had been
disposed of and the hunger of all had
been full appeased the party was
treated to a selection of songs and
music by Miss Blanch Quant, Miss
Efile Dick, J. Clemer and Semore
Quant, to the delight of the company,
who departed to 'begin the tolls of
Charles McComber, who haw been
spending Christmas here, lies left
for his feeding lots on Butter Creek,
where his cattle are wintering.
Our stock is entirely new and
frebh. Everything in the Grocery
Jine is found here.
We invite the public to call and
see us. We want your trade and
will offer inducements in the way
of low prices, fresh goods and
courteous treatment.
Have Cakes
Made With
Cattle Looking Fine Personal Notes
Surprise Dance at Thornwald's
Miss Mable Cate Married.
Ridge, Jan. 4. Y. W. Llnsner made
n business trip to uklah last week.
Lee Groom, of Milton, is visiting
friends and relatives In this and the
Butter Creek localities. Mr. Groom
has spent eight years in Montana,
mil says that Montana is a fine stock
country, both for cattle and sheep.
Eheepherders receiving from $35 to
$C0 per month.; wool 18 cents, etc.
Most of the stock in this locality
are looking fine, some gaining in
flesh while others are looking thin.
Most are feeding, while some havel
"Shore Acres" Will be Presented
This City Wednesday Night
James A. Heme's beautiful comedy
drama, "Shore Acres," has won a suc
cess only equalled by that of "Tho
Old Homestead." Both these plays
treat of New England farm life, and
both aim to treat in a dramatic way
the daily humdrum Incidents that go
to make up life's daily turmoil. Mr.
Heme, unlike Mr. Thompson, aimed
to confine his scenes to a single lo
cality, and he avoided introducing
any variety features, thus lifting his
work to a far higher level. Manv
very able critics claim that "Shore
Acres" is an epoch-marking play and
that It is the finest pastoral drama
yet' given the English-speaking stage.
The story told in "Shore Acres" Is
full of human interest, and one can
not help being moved by the simplici
ty, naturalness and truthfulness of
it all. Anyone who can sit through
a performance or Mr. Heine's master
piece, and not he pleased with it,
should avoid the theater, for to him
or ner tne drama and its messages
win ever remain a sealed book.
complete new scenic production of
bnoro Acres" will be Kiven at th
Frazer next Wednesday evening, Jan
uary 7tn. seats now on sale at Fra
zier s book store.
Florence Roberts, the Versatile Fa.
vorite of Theatergoers, to Appea
Florence Roberts, the brilliant and
versatile actress, who is a favorite
with theatergoers here returns after
Pendleton Fish and
Old-Time Buckwheat Poultry Market
310 Court Street
Everything the
right. We handle
Pure Maple Syrup
Hof imported lunches,
5at Wurst- "uerlcraut and
10 Streets near Postoff.ee
Standard Grocery
Court Street
Low Sellers of Groceries
Fr-esh Fish, which we receive
daily. w. .
Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys
ters and all salt water foods.
Ranch and Creamery Butter,
Fresh Eggs, Game in season,
Produce -of all kinds.
Goods delivered to all parts of
tiie city.
U. S. Supreme Court
U. S. Patent Office
Trade Marks and Copyright
700fth.Bt, N. W.. Wnlilnnton, D. C
We pay cash for country
A trial order is solicited.
L. M. Lyman, Prop.
Phone Red 691
ap absence of a year with a magnifi
cent production of "Zaza." Bclasco's
play which has aroused world wide
interest, and will appear at the Era-
zer on Friday, January 9, 1003, That
Miss Roberts is permitted to produco
this great attraction is a tribute tn
nr t . r 1 t
r. vvngnt, 01 veiwein, lowa, i
is another one of the million women
who have been restored to health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Overshadowing- indeed is the success of Lydia 13. PInkhani's VcgC"
table Compound compared with it, nil other medicines for women are ,
Why lias it tho greatest record for absolute cures of any i emalo medlcina
In the world ? Why has It lived nnd thrived and dono its glorious worlc
among women for a quarter of a century? Simply because of its sterling
worth. The reason that no other medicine, has over reached Its success Is be
cause there is no other medicine so successful In curing woman's ills. Re
member these important facts when a druggist tries to Bell you something
which he says is just as good. ,
A Young New York Lady Tells of a Wonderful Curo:
"Dear Mks. Pinkham: My troublo was
with the ovnrios; I am tall, and tho doctor
said I grow too fast for my strength. I
suffered dreadfully from inflammation and
doctored continually, but got no help. I suf
fered from terriblo dragging sensations with
tho most awful pains low down In tho sido and
pains in tho back, and tho most agonizing head
aches. No one knows what I ondurcd. Often
I was sick to tho stomach, and ovory littlo
whilo I would bo too sick to go to work for
flllYin rr fniit-rlnva T wai-Ij- In n 1 n at
v..-1' v. i u. uuj i a I' 1. I I. .1... lilt niuii..
and I suppose standing on my feet all
day made mo worse.
"At tho SUirtrostinn of a frinnd nf niv
mother's I began to tako Lydlu 10. Plnkham's
vegctuoio compound, and it Is simply wonderful.
I felt better after the first two or three doses ; it seamed as though a
weight was taken off my shoulders; I continued its use until now I
can truthfully say I am entirely cured. Young girls who aro always
paying doctor's bills without getting any help as I did, ought to tako
your medicine. It costs so much less, and it is sure to curo them.
Yours truly, Adelaide Piiahl, 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York City."
Women should not fail to profit by Miss Adelaide Prahl's
experiences ; just as surely as she was cured of tho troubles enu
merated In her letter, just so certainly will Lydia K. Pinkham'g
Vegetable Compound cure others who suffer from womb trou
bles, inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous exci
tability, and nervous prostration; remember that it is Lydia E.
Pinkham' Vegetable Compound that Is curing women, and don'fc
allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place.
If there is anything in your ease about which you would Ilka
special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. She can surolr
help you, for no person in America has such a wide experience In,
treating female ills as she has had. Address is Lynn, Mass. :
her advice is irco and alway helpful.
FORFEIT If we rannot forthwith nnvl n tit rtrtn-tn.il - ..A t a
uWotMtfmonUl, which will prors iU tWolute nimlrViiM.. '
I.yll K. I'InkliBin Mmllclna Co,, tyun. Mm.
her standing as an actress, as tho
pay Is zealously guarded by tho nlav
wrlght, and has not been given to thi
interpretation of others outside of
Mrs, Leslie Carter, who created tho
original role. In this production MIbs
Roberts will be supported bv stronu
and capable support anil siirronndnrl
by the most magnificent stage set
tings and elaborate scenic effects
while the costuming will be elegant
in every detail. Tho tour la umlnr
tlje direction and management of the
Men-Known theatrical firm of Belasco
& Thail, who take tho lead In tho
Western world as purveyors of amuse
ments. Scat sale opens Thursday
morning at a o'clock.
Board of Health Orders Sterilization
or aij That Barbers Use on Cus
A special dispatch from Boston.
May 6, 1900, to the N. Y. Sun, gives
new regulations of tho nnsion
Board of Health as to barber shops;
"Mufes, shaving brushes and mznrH
shall be sterilized after each separate
line uiereoi. a separate plc-nn tnwol
shall bo used for each r,Brsm m.
terlal to stop the flow of blood shall
be used only in nowdern,i farm
applied on a towel. Powder puff's aro
prohibited." Wherever Newbm'H
Herpicide" is used for faca
after shaving or hair cutting, there is
no danger as It Is antiseptic, and hills
the dandruff germ.
Mayor Croxron. resuondlni' to tiw,
demand of tho navy department that
Bremerton display a better moral
tone, otherwise no battlo ships would
be sent to the Puget Sound navy yard
In the future, hag closed public gam
bllng In that town.
In -.1 IU tUf-en tlieio
Miomd be clraulmcta.
Ely's Cream Ualn
clean, loo tbea nnd heals
Ibo diae&Hed membrane.
It curtu catarrh ami drh i
owuy a cblil la the head
Cresun Iliilm ! placed Into llie nobtriU, apreod
over the incmurano and la absorbed. IUIItf Is Im
medlaU) and a curo follows. It Is oot drylngdoe
not produce? sneezing, targe Size, so cents at Drug.
gists or by mall Trial Size, 10 cent by mall.
ELY PUOTHKUa. M Wariea Street. Hew York.
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money.
B.uilding paper, lime,
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber Yard
AJta St., Opp.;Cort Hoe