0AILYEVEN1NGEDITIOX IGEDITION KWVVWWWVVWVVvVvWVll Eastern Oregon Weather Tonight Increasing cloudiness: Wednesday, probably snow. iVwwvwvAl'Vvvv PENDLETON", UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY G, 1903. NO. 4G33 A WEEK. I VI I LAWYER Scabs, Who 0 m i ni.i if MAtit Them. ENRAGED 0F OPERATORS union Witnesses kawana County eputles Are Paid tors, 6. rue aiunra- today. e iiuii'iiiuuu iiiiu- i. mt.1.... representing all personally 'filled mm iiiiimiii-t mniii-Mi nn ennui H II1UI1 UV WllMlll Lfll ftLTI! II1I1U1L Sheriff Scliadt, iv. lum ui many made the sheriff 1 - ..... nl.l ew iorK ror up.j'b 11 l 1 usually did so .t ii i i np npnpp iiHiiHiiv was true that the :ui nnpn mini ii nfllrmntivn rcmlv us a sorry uay fllllfill II111L 'TfHIII liKt- lJIPJtiS tllGVd IU 1UI IV ouise. II. U. All UHlUlill Princess Louise her that dlvorcp ELEPHANT WAS EXECUTED. 6600 Volts of Electricity Did the Bus iness at Coney Island. New York, Jan. 5. At Coney Island today several hundred spectators wit nessed the execution by electricity of "Topsy," an elephant, who had killed three men and had recently become unmanageable. Immediately after 00 grains of cyanide of potassium had been administered .concealed in a carrot, a current of C600 volts was turned on through copper plates on which the animal stood. Almost In stantly the elephant fell, and at the end of 10 "seconds, when the current was turned off, was pronounced to be dead. An autopsy showed that the poison bad not had time to take effect. FARMERS DROWNED. Were In a Boat Trying to Save Some Stock From the Floods. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 6. Martin Cummlngs, a farmer at Obrien. and K. N. Shaughnessey, were drowned Sun day night in a boat trying to save some stock from the flood:. The wa ter Is subsiding, but the v.viither bu reau predicts warm weather and an other rise. OF MONEY IS GREATER THAN 1ST OF MANY STATES Senator Hoar of Massachusetts Presents His Anti-Trust and Discusses the Trust Problem, DECLARES THAT TRUST . LEGISLATION SHOULD BE EN ACTED FOR FUTURE RATHER THAN PRESENT. TO MAINTAIN BLOCKADE. England and Germany Arrive at an Agreement. -Berlin, Jon. G. It was announced today that England and Germany ar rived at an agreement Thursday last, tc maintain the Venezuelan lilnckaOe throughout the arbitration negatia Acknowledges That Trusts Destrcy Competition and Have the Power to Corrupt Elections Approves of the Combinations of Capital and Paid a High Tribute to Morgan's Genius Is Afraid That the Trusts Are Preparing the' Country for Socialism The Proposed Measure in Brief. BUBONIC PlflCUE IN FRISCO SURGEON-GENERAL WYMAN CALLS MEETING IN CAPITAL. the Pope. world are tire- devotion and fl. . . 'fi ...11. jcwei, in wnicll i dp present will '.'Ml, lut HUUH tnr Io tl.n "vi IB lilt! lUlL. in tho world. - miiiim u VVUIK- 48 fnvnrlncr It !t Will contain. " vnriH Break Will Discuss the Alleged Existence of the Bubonic Plague in San Fran cisco and to Prevent Its Spread. Washington. Jan. C. Surgeon-General Wyman, of the marine hospital service, has called a meeting of the representatives of the various state boards of health for January 29, in Washington, to discuss the alleged ex istence of the bubonic plagjie in San riuiiuiBvu, una io lormuiaie measures to prevent a possible spread of the ciisease. MANY CHANGES. New Ministers Appointed Francis Lewis the Assistant Secretary of State. Washington. D. C. Jan ,fi. rir. nn. vid Hill, usslstant secretary of Rfnt has been appointed minister to Switz erland, vice Arthur Hardy, nominat ed to 'be minister to Spain, Chazles Dryan, minister to Brazil, who was (elected for tho Switzerland nnat will "be sent to Portugal. Francis Lewis, Uie present minister-to Portugal, is appointed to succeed Hill. Miulng. i.ii?uunnnr mil, I. 6. Turn hill. state leelsla- the tale Prevent Work. Jn. 6.-Kor A 111! urS at the col- the full 6. Tho ..., n - cn postmls- ""'Hon. officially niI. Won ' '" V)fm RACE WAR EXPECTED. Armed Whltecaps Arriving In Missis sippi Town Threaten the :Negro Postmistress. Memphis. Tenn.. Jan. G. A innir distance telerihone messane from In- dlanola, Miss,, this morning says that trouuie is still threatened as a result of closing the postofflce by the gov ernment as a result of threats of In timidation against Minnie Cox, the olorcd postmistress, by whites Ann- ed whites are still said to bo constant ly arriving. With His Bare Hands. London, Jan. C Annual service of epiphany, at which the king's offering or incense and myrrh Is made, was fold In tho royal chapel of St. James today. A draught blew the flame of tne candle against tho Christmas dec. orations, wl lch blazed up and threat ened a most valuable window. A joung clergyman extinguished the Are lth his bare hands. Washington, Jan. 6. The senate today listened to a masterly discus sion of the trusts problem. George P. Hoar, the venerable senator from Massachusetts, opened by saying that he acknowledged that his bill was imperfect, being of a tentative and experimental character. He contended that with the exeep tlon of the coal strike the country hadn't suffered from the trust evil inn any way to affect the genertU prosper ity. The condition of workmen was better than - In other countries, and better than in any other period of American history. Trust legislation should be enacted with a view to the future rather than to the present. Such terrible money power as Is concentrated In some cases Is gi eater than the power of many states; greater then the power oi any nation except ours on tnls continent. They enn make or preven wars, threaten a community witli coal famine or wheat famine and ex. ecute those threats. Evils of Trusts. He thou enumerated the chief evils of trusts as follows: Destruction of competition; management of local in dustries by absentees in interests of absentee capital; destruction of all local and public spirit; fraudulent capitalization; secrecy of manage ment for private benefits of officials power to corrupt elections and in somo cases corrupt courts; want of personal responsibility to public sen tlment; absence of persopal liability for contracts or wrong doing; hold ing of vaBt properties in mortmain or the dead hand of the ancient English law. Approved of Combination. The speaker approved of the com blnatlons of capital and paid a trib ute to Morgan's .genius, "but," said he, "I do not want American trusts to dominate the world at the expense of the American local, and- public spirit," H" said socialism never ac complishes anything and would de stroy American manhood, The Proposed Measure. The flrst section of Senator Hoar's anti-trust hill declares that the act shall not repeal or limit anti-trust laws now on the statute books. Un der section two the attorney-general is authorized to employ any assist- enter into any contract, combination or conspiracy for the nurpose of driv ing out of business any other person engaged therein, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Penalties for violation are provided Section seven declares that officers of agents who do anything prohibited to the corporation by the act shall bo individually liable to the penalties provided Section nlm? provides that nny cor poration, joint stock company or other association that shall have been twice adjudged to have violated the provisions of. the act or either of the acts mentioned in section one there of by the final judgment of any court having jurisdiction of the question, in any civil suit or proceeding which said corporation shall have been party to, shall no longer be allowed to engage in commerce with foreign nations or among the .several states Provided, that -srrch prohibition shall only be enforced after such cor poration, joint stock company or ether association shall have been en joined against further engaging in such business, on any information or suit brought in any United States court of competent jurisdiction bv the anorney-generai in behalf of the gov eminent. Sections 10 and 11 nrovido addition al penalties for violation of tho act To Regulate Trusts. Washington, Jan. C. Attorney-Gen erai ruiox today suhmltted a commu. nication to the sub-committee of the house committee of judiciary, which is endeavoring to formulate a measure to regulate trusts. The communication Is in reply to a request from Chairman Llttlefield. Under three heads are exhaustive re. views of cases decided and nendinir. and suggestions are offered. He de- iui.es jo pages io tne latter cause, end says that a monopoly of indus try would be Impossible if competition were assured In a fair, open field and protected against unfair d scrlmlna- tion practices. He suggests that all discriminatory practices affecting the Interests nf trades be made offenses, severely pun- lsnauie, both, grantors and reclnlnntK to be punished. Tho proposed legislation Is in rovor uie carriers as well as the manufac- turers. It covers tho discrimination of prices as against competitors in FIRE IN CHICAGO. Another Hotel Horror In the Windy City Four Women Kii.ed. Chicago, Jan. 6. Fire at 5 o'clock this morning partly destroyed the Somerset hotel, an eight-story brick structure In tho down town district. Mrs. Perry and her two daughters, were suffocated. One other young woman jumped from tho fifth story and was crushed on the pavement. Tho financial loss is comparatively small. Sixty guests fled down tho fire escapes and stairways or were rescued from windows. The porter was arrested, pending an investlga tion, AWAITING AN ANSWER. Union Employes of Railroads Send Committees to Officials to Get An. swer to Demands for Increased Pay, St. Louis. Jan. 6. Committees rep lesentlng the orders of railway train' men and conductors have met here for the purpose of receiving the nit swers of the railways regarding tbclr demand for a 20 per cent Increase lr wages. Tho demand was mndc De cember 20th, and will affect all rail ways west of Chicago. SHORT OF COAL IN SEATTLE. Washouts Have Cut Off Coal Supply and All Electrical Power is Short. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 6. The wash cut of the railroad t lacks have cut off tho coal supply of this city. The general electric uower has been re duced and the street car service is curtailed. All electrical power Is short. RAILWAY REFUSED ENTRANCE CITY OF PITTSBURG STOPS THE WABASH, Mammoth Tunnel and New Bridge Shut Down by Action of Supreme Court Cannot Enter Without Fran chise. Pittsburg, Jan. G, The improve ments being projected by the Wabash loute In gaining an entrance to this city lnculding a mammoth tunnel, end a new bridge involving nn expen diture .of millions, shut down when the supremo court rendered a decision this morning that"tho railway cannot enjer until the council grants a fran chise. It throws several thousnnd men out of employment OPENED FOR CRU SERS Navy Department Roceives Proposals tor Construction of New Ships. ONE THE TENNES8EE, THE OTHER WASHINGTON. Bid of Moran Bros., of Seattle, the Highest That of Cramps the Low est All Agree to Finish Vessels In 42 Months. Washington, Jan. 6. Dlds were opened today at the nnvy department for tho construction of tho nrmored cruisers Tcnnesseo and Washington. Tho Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, placed a bid for one cruis er at $4,3G5,000. Moran Bros., of Seattle, for $1,395,- 000. Crnmps, of Philadelphia, $1,200,000. Newport Nows, $4,325,000. New York Shipbuilding Company, of Camden, at $4,250,000. All agree to completo the vessel In 42 months, oxcopt Crnmps, who agreo tc complete. tho work In 39 months. SAGASTA IS DEAD. Will Be Burled Wednesday Already a Fight for His Place. Madrid, Jan. 5. Former Premier Sagasta died today. Funeral Wednesday. Madrid, Jan. G. Tho funeral ar- snngemonts for Sagasta havo not been fully decided but ho will bo bur led Wednesday. Tho fight for tho liberal leadership has already begun. It is probable that Canlejos whose program is anti-clorical, or a' former minister of the Interior and a con servative, will be chosen. Tho queen regent favois Morot. BANK ROBBED. Cracksmen Secure $2000 From a Prl vate Concern In Ordway, Colo. Ordway, Colo., Jan, G. The private bank of Silligman & Williams was entered' by cracksmen this morning, wno got zuuu, it required several charges to blow the safe. Many per sons neara tne noise but thought It was a cowuoy's frolic. Attempted to Escape. Ogden, Utah. Jan. G. Wm. Brown sentenced to tho penitentiary for 40 years yesterday for the hold-up and murder of a Chinaman here, nearly succeeded in escaping last night. When discovered he had sawn two bars of the cell and declared he would escape If it cost him his life. Helnze Defeated. Helena. Mont.. Jan. 6. The Mon tana legislature convened today and elected ox-Governor White, republi can, speaker of tho house. This Is a defeat for the Helnzefollowing. tlon into the same; and for that pur pose the sum of $500,000 is apDronrl- ated. Section three provides that from ana auer June au, iuo-j, no corpora tion, joint stock company or other as sociation, whose stockholders are not personally liable for their debts cre ated by any state or territory, shall engaged In commerce with foreign na tions or among the several states, or continue to carry on such commerce unless It shall comply with certain conditions enumerated in the bill. Section four provides that every person, corporation, Joint stock com pany or other association engaged in commerce with foreign nations or among the several states who shall I fJlT? to'SSS to for ... .u ,.UD,,U uu-iuo purpose of destroying comnetl tier the act. or to make any investlga-1 tlon. Carriers und thJa rl.Jl l bates are alike punishable. Defends Dlngley Bill. There was a spirited .debate on the cntniacue coai duty. Vest insisted that the suspension of all duties was a question of humanity when women and .children were dying of cold. Al drlch defended the Dlngley bill against the attack by Vest and said thp clause was inserted by the sugges tion of Senator Perkins, of California. Staff BUI Passed. When the house met Hull, of Inwn succeeded In gaining the immediate .onsiaeraiion or tne general staff bill After a general debate of an hour, it passed the house bv a vnf nf ie-i Prosperity in Chlcano. Chicago, III.. Jan. G. Between S.10. AAA nan ajaakkjia ... ' uuu.uuu ana t4U.VUU.UU0 Will hfi nniil out by tho Chicago banks this month In the way of dividends and interest on siocKs anu .bonds and mortgages. In banking circles the. payment of the money is Known as tho January dis bursement, and It is expected to bo larger this month than ever before In the history of the city. The year 1902 was such a good one commercially, that few corporations, private or pub lic, wero obliged to default or defor payment of their dividends. Christmas at Russian Embassy. Washington, D. C, Jan. 6. This was Christmas day, according to the old calendar and at the Russian em bassy the holiday was observed in the customary maimer. The children conectcj with the embassy had a roy al good time, while the grownups en- Joyed a feast. In further observance of the spirit of the day, Count Cas sin), the Russian ambassador, made a substantial donation for the bene fit of the poor of the city. Miners In Convention. Freeland, Pa., Jan. 6. Tho annual convention of District No, 7, United Mine Workers, began here today. The principal work before the convention Is to receive tho annual reports and to appoint delegates to the national convention to be held in Indianapolis two weeks hence. The district presl dent Thomas Duffy, of McAdoo, is a candidate for re-election ,and is op posed by William Dettrey, of Nurem burg, j Sentence DelermH. rreenoia, n. Y Jan. C. Sentence has been deferred on Hendricks and oiaiuun as conspirators in tho Bigger ease. The defense is asking for a ..- mm on uie ground that tho Jury' men were prejudiced by a detective, i nu court win investigate. Military Cahle Washington, Jan. C. Tho secretary ui wur yesterday submitted to tho uubb an estimate of $485,000 for tho '"juib oi a cauio to connect the head (mm-iii oi me department of the K-jiuuiuia witn tne military telegranh i.valnm l A I .... I . ft "l"l . . ,i, iiuunit Fur and Feather Show. Wilmington, N. C Jan. C. The largest exhibition of poultry and pot stock ever hold in tho stato opened In tho city hall today and will con tinue until tho end of the week. Geor gia and South Carolina, as well as all parts of tho North Carolina, are rop reseted among the exhibits, which embrace moro than 5000 chickens, turkeys: geese, pigeons, pea fowls, guinea pigs, rabbits and other varie ties of furred and feathered stock. Single Statehood Convention. ' Oklahoma City. Okla.. Jan, 6. The Single Statehood convention was call ed to order today with an attendance of several hundred representative citizens of tho two territories. The object of tho convention Is to Indorse tho Nelson bill, recently Introduced In tho senate, to unite the two terri tories in one stale. The convention proposes to send a delegation to con gress to see that that body Is made to understand that It Is tho will of the peoplo that the bill become a law. Christmas Lockjaw. .w.iuin, vu., jnn o. The roll of , c viui my IUCJH" Jaw as a result of bumn infli i... J w.uiuia 11 II 1 1 1 1 L I 1 1 f I nn nn,,n 1. ed 17 last night. ' Upholds Removal. Albany, N, Y.. Jnn ft ti... court of appeals today rendered a de Hslon upholding tho removal of Dev ery as Milef of police of New York. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. G. Wheat 71 a. tn zi cents per bushel, n PIONEER DEAD. Had Resided In Umatilla County for 25 Years. Albert H, Palmer, a pioneer of Umatilla county, died at his home on Birch Creok, nine miles southwest of Pendleton, Monday afternoon, Mr, Palmer has resided In, Umatil la county almost 25 years. He first took up a claim near Warren station, north of Pendleton, where he resid ed for many years. Ho sold his placo there several years ago and moved to the Birch Creek placo, where he died. CRACKER CREEK FACTS North Pole mine was offered for sale three years ago for $600,000. tt has C000 feet on tho mother .lode. It Is now worth twentv million rtU- lars. The South Polo mine adlolna ha 4941 feet on the same lode, has six tunnels, amounting to 210ft fnt n In ore. We exnect within i than three years' work to bare a mine as valuable as North Pole Is today. South Pole stock Is selllnir t II cents until about January 1st. iiuy Derore the price raises. See Gahanan at Hirlmm Akiini office, Pendleton, Ore.