East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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All our broken lines of Shoes tor Ladies, Men
Youths, Misses, Boys and Children
Wc are offering great cut prices in these broken
lines, Come in.
Dinc&nge, Wilson & Co., 1
(feast (wm
C. W. Orton, of Vansycle, Is In town.
Ben Wells, of Athena, Is in town.
J. B. Gross Is in town from Atlicna.
Mrs. E. Clarke, of Uklab, is in the
C. E. Nelson, of Weston, Is in
Miss Vesta Short is in town from
G. W. Hunt Is in town from his
ranch at Echo.
C. E. Alacomber is in town from his
home in Camas Prairie.
Mrs. Ed Martin, of Baker City, is
a guest of. Hotel Pendleton.
Brady Huffman, a cattle man from
ntar Pilot Bock, is in town.
Win S. Brown, of the Adams Art
vance, was in town Sunday.
Mrs. T. O. Smith and son are at
Hotel St. George from Echo.
Joe Hourberger and H. Winchester
were in town Sunday from Milton.
I A. Baker and wife, of Portland
are guests of Hotel Pendleton.
S. Simon, the veteran hotel man of
walla walla, was in town last night.
A. Kunklo, who Is In Kansas City,
on business. Is expected home within
a week.
Miss Bessie Brewster ,of Adams, is
visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
J. M. Irving and C. B. Engle, of
ueer ioage, Mont, are In town for a
lew nays.
H. H. Gilbert, of Ponora, Iowa, is
visiting. George Roberts and may lo
cate cere.
R. D. Hamilton, n sawmill man of
La Grande, is transacting business in
Mrs. Mary Wriskle and daughter,
Miss Cora Driskle, are in the city
from Weston.
The Sons of Herman will meet this
evening at 7:30, in regular session, at
Hendricks hall.
M. Roberts, private secretary to J.
ft Robbins, president of the South
Pole mines, is In town.
Miss Bessie McBrlde, stenographer
in the county recorder's office, spent
Eunday with her parents in Athena.
A. P. Ktllffht xahn la nllsnillnn K..o
inesB collets Wo onont B,tro Grande Observer.
night and SundSy with his parents
rear Helix.
This celebrated line of
Perfumes, Toilet Water and
Toilet Soaps are now han
dled by os. If you want
something exquisitely nice,
asK lor L.olgates.
Miss Delia Crigler, stenographer for
the county clerk, Is in Portland, where
sho went Saturday night to have her
eyes treated.
W. E. McAllister, of Collego Place,
Wash., who recently purchased a
homo in this city, has moved his
family hero.
C. E. Barnes, P. Peterson and E.
Glnnelle, of Walla Walla, were guests
of M. F. Kelly at the Golden Rule
hotel Saturday night
Miss Edith Erple, who has spent
the holidays In Pendleton, will return I
this evening to her studies at tho
Elleusburg normal school.
diaries Bennett, nn Indian, was
sentenced to servo a term of three
days in Jail this morning, by Police
Judge Fltz Gerald, In default of ?5
Georgo Hill, who hns been attend'
ing agricultural collego at Pullman
Wash., has returned to school after
spending the holidays with his pa
Miss Myrtle Bratton and Belle Kel
logg, of Baker City, passed through
town Sunday on their return to Walla
Walla, where they are attending
James Hill, who spent the holidays
wun bis parents at Helix and with
friends in Pendleton, left Sunday for
wana wana. where ho will re-enter
Whitman Collego
Cliff Dupuis, familiarly known as
"Porkle," a typographical athlete of
Pendleton, assisted in tho mechanical
department of the Advance this
week. Adams Advance.
Misses Lulu and Ethel Gulling,
who havo been visiting friends in
Pendleton, returned to her homo last
ovenlng, accompanied by Mrs. Ander
son. lxl urande Observer.
w. w Pangburn, the baker, Ir
spending a few days In Portland.
Mr. Harris, formerly of the firm or
Harris & wray, has accepted a posi
uon wiui MonterastelH Bros.
George Phillips, formerly nronrle-
tor of the restaurant at tho corner
or Main and Webb street, and wifo
will leave today for California, where
they will mako their future home.
Miss Jean Maouonaia stopped a
few hours in town Sunday with
friends on her return from her homo
at La Grand to Walla Walla, whero
she is attending St. Paul's school.
Miss Nellie Stevens, who has been
in tho city visiting her sister, Miss
wao, returned to Weston last even
ing to resume her duties as teacher
in the Weston Normal school. La
oiv Northern Pacific Trains Pass
Through Umatilla Sunday West
ern Washington Branches Clogged
Slides and Washouts Cause
Much Trouble.
' Snow elides, wishouts, wrecked
hrldccs and blockaded tracks havo
caused all Irafllc on the Northern Pa
clflc, west of tho Cascades to stop.
Six Northorn Pacific Passenger
trnlns passed through Umatilla Sun
day night, by way of tho O. It. & N-
line, to Portland. Five Northern Pa
clflc and Great Northern passenger
trains with many passengers on board
aro tied up at Lester and Kanaskata,
It Is almost certain that tho Great
Northern trains will also bo compell
ed to use the O. R. & N. trncks from
Spokane to Portland and Northern
Paciflo tracks from Portland to Tnco
ma and Seattle.
Slides on tho Northern Pacific be
tween Castle Itock and Kalamn, how
ever, havo stopped trade temporarily
on tho Portland-Tacoma line.
Traffic is congested at all local
points In Washington. Freight trains
are concentrating In yards, crowding
tho faculties and making it Impossi
ble to mako up or move local trains
that can bo run.
Heavy rains In the Cascades, chl
nook winds and melting snow hnve
filled up every creek and washed out
many small bridges on both tho N. P.
and Qreat Northorn.
It Is no uncommon occurrence for
tho Northern Pacific to use O. R &
N. tracks during tho spring freshets,
but it has not occurred before, at this
season of I ho year.
Business on the main line of the O.
It. & N. west of Umatilla Is very good
end the addition of Northern Pacific
Irahi3 slvea that city a metropolitan
appearance for the time being.
Wlillo tho streams of tho Blue
Mountains cast of Pendleton are re
ported to bo swollen by the warm
weather of the past week, no serious
consequences are apprehended.
Happily, the 0. R. & N. hns con
structed some of the finest concrete
piers for the steel bridges In the
Uluo Mountains that arc to he found
on tho coast and no fears are enter
tained for the safety of these bridges.
rIong tho lino of the Wnlla Walla
branch and also on tho W. & C. It-
water has been very high, but no se
rious damage has resulted and nil
trains are running on regular sched
No. 1 on Time Today.
For tho first time In several months
train No. 1, on tho O. R. & N. arrived
cn tlmo this morning. The Eastern
connections which havo caused all
tho delays to trains on this line, aro
Deing run with moro regularity and
railway officials hope to be able to
continue to keep at 'cast one west
bound train on time.
tion is $700. consisting of cash, re
iio fimi Mrn turo. J. u. i-i iku, "
E. Turner and Frank Snllng, trustees
of the lodge, aro mo inconumuuio.
O. R. & N. Extends the Limit of
Tickets to Livestock Convention, to
Sixty Days,
Anticipating a large attendance
at the National i.,ivchii.-k. wu
vonl Inn which Is to bo held In
Kansas City, January 13-10, from the
Northwest, the O. R. & N. nas con
slderatclv extended tho limit of re
mm trln tlcketB from 30 to 60 days,
In order to give delegates and visitors
ink!? advantage of the cheap raio,
nn onnortunltv to make an extended
visit to the East if thoy desire. Tho
date of sale has also been ennngeu
to Include Jnnunry 10. Tho cheap
rate will now bo In effect January 8
9 and 10. good for return In 60 days,
From all Indications, nt tho present
time, there will bo a good attemlanco
from Oregon, as the 1304 convention
is almost certain to come to rornnnu
Baker City, The Dalles, Portland nnd
Southern Oregon points havo signi
fled their Intention of sending good
slml delegations nnd Umatilla conn
ty will add to the swelling list.
Mr. Hallock's Successor.
B It. Wolfe, formerly of Portland
hut who has held tho position of hill
clerk for tho O. R. & N. in this city
fi-r some time, has heen appointed
ticket clerk hero to succeed Homer H.
Halloclc, who is now agent at Baker
City. Mr. Wolf s many friends note
Ms promotion with pleasure anil ho
enters upon tho duties of his new po
sltlon.wlth the best wishes of a host
of friends. It has been reported by
the Portland papers that George W.
Lounshiiry, commercial agent of tho
O. H. & N., at Astoria, would take
Mr. Hnllock r place but there seems
to bo no foundation for the story, and
Mr. Wolfe will be the permnncnt
clerk here.
Sheep Inspector Bean.
John E. Bean, tho sheep Inspector
was in the city Monday. He remained
several days, visiting the sheep
camps of J. E. Smith, Charles Cun
nlngham, Douglas Belts and others,
cleaning up his business for 1902, Mr.
Bean says there have been about -10.-
000 head of sheep sold since Septem
ber, and that there still remains in
the county about 240,000 head. Tho
demand for sheep during the year
iU2 nns been qulto brisk. Yakima
county, Washington, being the heav
iest purcharor. Tho weather has been
exceptionally favorable nnd as a con
fluence sneep aro doing well.
Pilot Rock Record.
County Clerk W. D. Chamberlain
Issued a marriago license Saturday
evening to Harold E. Bettlngcr and
Neva Rogers. Mr. Bettinger is a res
ident of Nez Perco county, Idaho, and
juiss Rogers is a Umatilla county
Misses Edna Carlson and May
Browne passed through town Sunday
cn their return from spending the
Holidays with their parents at Sump
ter. to Walla Walla. Miss Carlson is
n student at St. Paul's school and
Miss Browno is attending Whitman
Mayor J .H. Robbins. member of
tne legislature from Baker county.
w ife and two sons. Charlie and Frank.
I are In town visiting at tho home of
I r. and Mrs. W. D. Hansford, parents
I of Mrs. Robbins. Mr. Robbins is on
HP ATT H7T A KT O ! h,s wa' t0 SaIem to ic at the com-
JL jn.LlulVlJLS 6 1 ing tonn of the Oregon legislature
THE DRUGGISTS 1 mportjand'8 ar return'ns t0 scb001
There is no proposition before the people that is as safe
and sure to double in value as Real Estate in Eastern Oregon,
You take no chance of losing, for Real Estate at the figure it
is selling for nor, is as good as government bonds. We have
the choicest farm land, grazing land, wheat land and city prop
erty that is on the market. We can make the terms to suit
you, If interested just take time to call and look over what
we have and learn the prices.
BUSINESS CHANCES The Old Dutch Henry Feed Yard.
Depot Livery Stable. A small business making good prollte, on
Coutt Street.
.Bert Ingle is in town from Ridge.
James Crowner is in town from
E. E. Beltel, the hotel man of Pilot
Rock, is In town.
A. J. Leland, traveling freight agent
01 tno Chicago & Northwestern rail
way, passed up the O. R. & N. to Ba
ker City last night,
.Andy Rust is in town from his homo
in tho Ridge country. Ho was ac
companied to town by Mrs. Joe Sulli
van, who has been visiting at his
J. H. O'Neill, traveling passenger
agent of the O. R. & N., was In
the city Saturday evening en route to
Wnlla Walla In the Interest of his
busy department.
Tho danco at Cold Springs Satur
day night given by the Gormans, was
well attended considering tho weath
er. High water kept many away,
who would otherwlso have been there
Robert Starkweather, of this city,
left for Huron this morning to engage
in tho wood business. Ho took with
him a carload of household goods,
teams and wagons nnd will locate per
manently at that place.
C. P. Strain Now In Office C. E. Nel
son Is the Deputy,
County Assessor-elect C. P. Strain
took his place in the office at tho
court house this morning. Georeo nn.
zan, tho old Incumbent of the ofllce,
mopping uown ana out.
Uarko E. Nelson, of Weston, has
been appointed and was sworn In this
forenoon as deputy assessor.
Election of Officers.
The socialists, nt their meetlnc
yesterday elected officers for 1903 as
follows: President, Georgo E. Hob
bins; recording secretary, W. J.
Koyes; financial secretary, W. E.
Haynlo; organizer, W. C. Burgess.
It was also decided to hold regular
n'cetings every Sunday for tho next
few months.
New 8umpter Editor.
John G. Foster, the old time Baker
City newspaper man, formerly pub
lisher of the Dally Epigram, which Is
now tho Herald, has leased tho Sump
ter Morning Iteporter from J. Nat
Hudson, and assumed editorial charge
yesterday morning. Foster possesses
nn unerring nose for news and under
his charge the Reporter will undoubt
edly bo greatly Improved.
May Escape the Penitentiary Admits
His Guilt and Says He Does Not
Care What They Do With Him.
Herbert Mundcll. tho boy postomee
robber, has boon bound over n tho
sum of $500 to the federal court and
win oe iniicn io rortiand to nwalt
sentence from Judge 'Bellinger.
Mundcll is tho 15-year-old lad who
Drone into, tno poeiomco nt Ukloh
nnd robbed It of something llko 7n
In cash. Less than a week nftor the
robbery ho was dotected In spending
inuuuy m mo uiun store and sus
picion fell upon him as It was known
ho or his mother, who Is a widow, had
no money. Mundoll was nrrcsted nnri
brought to Pendleton last Tuesday,
una nas rorauinea in tne county jail
since. Today he was taken before
united stoies uommiSBloner John
Hnlloy and bound ovor.
Just what will bo done with the
lad remains to bo seen, but it is likely
that he will escapo the penitentiary
nnd be sent to tho reform school. He
nnmits nis glint nnti says he does not
care what thoy do with him.
Commissioner Halloy undertook to
give tho lad a llttlo good advice this
morning, but he did not seem to care
to profit thereby. The lad was told
that by good behavior when ho got to
Portland ho would bo sent to the re
form school, whoro ho would have a
goon homo nnd learn some good trade.
Ho replied that ho did not wnnt to
go to tho reform school, but preferred
to bo sent to tho penitentinry.
United States Marshnl Roberts is
hero and will leave this evening or In
tho morning for Portinnd with thn
Parish Aid Society.
The Parish Aid Society will meet
nt tho residence of Mrs. G. A. Hart
man, on Wednesday afternoon nt 1:30.
As this is tho datG of tho regular elec
tion of ofilcors for tho ensuing year.
a full attendance Is enrnostly requested.
v... ..
""OS". Prm ' 1
imitation. ..r-i
It is not i v ,
but civ, '
nnB.k.li . IDli 1
'" mo'r-.
13 000rrct
800 acres, a ,
Pd water
4 500 ,WlB
360 acres In (w
uw acres 01 1
from Ppnrtl.t i
ICO acrM irhui i
M0 acres on th ii J
PendUton, $i,8M ""M
and wheat fumitiuJ
Uty Property a
I have a loai
lots, reHenc,
I do not llit
price It rlfht
E. T. I
Real Estate l
WM"Mt"M... I t . H, v
Bargain Shoes
At Our
Files Articles of Incorporation With
the County Clerk Today.
Articles of incornorntlon
Lodge No. 49, Knights of Pythias, of
wesion, were nieu with tho county
clerk this forenoon.
The object of tho corporation is for
mutual relief of tho members nf thn
Weston Pythian lodge, charitable pur
suits and administration of the priv
ileges nnd benefits of Pythlanism.
Tho value placed on the corpora-
Which begins Saturday and
j continues until Feby. ist.
I From prices alreadv In W tun
t shall make such d
J as will close them out quick.
i Will Rive VOll snnip rt T
the savings you will effect by t
T purchasinc vour thnoc f ,.i t
during this sale.
Underwear Sale One
We will ninke very low prices on Ladles', Misses' ud H
uuuciwrat mr wne vyeeK win save our patrons mmi
purchase In this line. Bunnlv voumdf while nrl.(W1
liienciiiK at size io, price will lie 2o per garment; rise 5c. Ytii
will be 10, ic; 18. 7e; 20, 12c, 22, 17c; 24, 22c: 20, 27c; 29,fr,i
This is very cheap. We always have some bargains for oord
It will pay you to trade with us.
Our holiday trade was very gratifying; had a to kai
which wc feel very grateful. Wo extend our tlianistoonr m
miners unit wioii mi a prosperous New Year.
Remember: The largest stock of goods iu theeltytoielsllj
i. famine .
4 fgwes :
Rade, Reliable
Main and Wefcfe Streets.
Low Prices. Clean, Fresno
Prompt Delivery
Arc our trade builders and it is bysticN'ig
in lhpci nnncinlHC run hae built P 001 '
and continually growing business. We "",1
patrons money nnd our goods always gives"' l
Martin's Family Grocery an
fnnriMPSON STB41' .3
.:il hear ifl
USTJSUrATHY is common sense, n -.adlltt?
is in harmony with Nature's laws, seldom 'alls. Dcrlec
It is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Mag""' ji
know cee 01 ""-' MM
gy. A large per cent of so-called incurable cas- )f
method. The following especially are treatea. j ,
heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, fc'a?der,annns aBddcil
stomach and intestinal troubles, all tJislocatiou ft Sf3
vous diseases, general diseases.
alogae of them. A foil supply always
r 1