East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    . p .
eg Temntsdn
will close out everything in latlies' and children's
gardless of cost. Watch the price:
rtf Todies' Uot frlce.
J 2, Laoies' o.au, oi rtice, e,,ta
J7, Ladies' 3.00, Cat Price, 2.30
SfiS alia IIHUIGU o ibuuuuu jkj iu pel ucni
i:...;hit Dnn't fail to see before vou buv.
JANUARY. 5, 1903.
1 nnatlal(t
clam chowder
moKers w;uu
at Neu-
1 .! (I,n. lADt
store for smoking artt-
Dally Journal can be
at Frazler's book Btore.
me uicq news ainnu iu
, and at the Hotel Port
wages 525 per montn.
at the Umatilla Indian
Tt1. U..I1.1t., ntllti
bargain. Easy terms.
Ill I IV TUT- Pl'IlHrill
BUppllCQ with nut3
make candles and linn
10 Henker will give
wo iiiiuatior in ovn nil
A 4 IS LUU1L a LI rfr L.
bother you, call on
III fit vmir fiVoa m lit n
(lenses) free. Charge
fid fnr Tannav ft 1QAQ
Charles Otteratadt.
S, Kees, It K.
1A 1QA4 n
Bcienuncaiir ffmunrt
una ir nnifAM mas
Office at 120 Court
Half soles at Teutsch's.
Oyster cocktails at Oratz's.
Fresh fish dally at Castle's.
Have your clothing cleaned at N.
We make candy fresh every day,
The Delta.
Wanted to Rent A stable. Call at
this office. .
Swift's Premium hams and bacon
at the Standard.
You save money by buying gro
cerles at the 'Standard. '
House for rent. H. . J. Stlllman,
1001 East Railroad street.
Finest line of canned goods and
preserves at the Standard.
Imported limburger and Swiss
cheese sandwiches at Gratz'sT
No Chinese cooking at Phillips' res
taurant. Everything tastes ,good.
Housekeeping rooms for rent, next
door to Wheeler's photo gallery, C07
Cottonwood street.
Perry Houser Is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
on East Alta street.
Perry Houser's meat market on
East Alta street Is now open. Best
meat promptly served.
Hobach's bakery Is the cleanest
and best. New Bhop on Johnson
street near Court Is nlow open.
Sir. Silas H. Soule, the popular
piano tuner, member of Soule Bros.'
Piano Co., of Portland is" in the city
having placed several - fine instru
ments in Pendleton the past week.
Orders for tuning taken at Tallman's
drug store.
Account National Livestock Associa
The O. It & N. Co., on January 8th,
ith and 10th, will sell round trip tick
ets to Kansas City and roturn at $55
for the round trip. Tickets will be
good for return CO days from date of
sale with stop-over privileges on re
turn trip. Call up O. It. & N. ticket
office for particulars, or address
F. F. WAMSLEY, Agent.
Printers' Election.
At the regular monthly meeting of
Pendleton Typographical Union, No,
214, held yesterday afternoon, the
following officers were elected and in.
stalled for the ensuing six months:
President, T. C. Warner; vice-president,
Carl Gamble; secretary-treasur-
er, F. It Fuller; sergeant-at-arms, G.
W. Nowltn; members of executive
committee, E. D. Weaver and Otto E.
Barricades Himself In a Room and
Threatens to Shoot Unsavory
Record Shown Up In the Police
Court 'Warned by Court to Im
prove Habits.
Neal McDevItt was fined $10 in po
lice court this morning for being
drunk and disorderly anu threatening
to shoot.
The latter charge was ot pushed
against McDevItt or the matter would
i.ot have ended with a small' Tine.
One wltneis testified positively that
McDevItt had threatened 'to do some
shooting while the acused man de
clared that he did not.
There has been trouble in the
home of the McDevitt's for several
months. He and his wife live at the
corner of Hazel and Railroad streets.
They rent only a portion of the
house while the rest is occupied by
other parties.
According to the statements of
those familiar with the circumstances
McDevItt and wife ate In the habit
of getting drunk. One witness said
this morning they would take a kegl
or beer to the house and after drink
ing heavily, would become boisterous,
uiuiuruing mose living near tnem.
When drinking, McDevItt would be-
coma abusive and throw liis wife and
child out of the house. Saturday
night, when the trouble occurred
which landed McDevItt In jail, ho
went Into his apartments of the
house, threw his wife and child out of
the room, and when discovered he
Avns baraended In' the room with' a
Winchester In his hands and threat
ened to shoot whoever attempted
break In the door or molest him.
Dress Qoods
Notable Clearance Specials in Choice Materials, in Black and
Colors. Goods that offer everything desirable, both in Quality
and Style :
muLeviit ueciares mat he was
arunk, but that he did not intend to
shoot anyone. He acknowledges hav
ing the Winchester in his hands, but
f.Bld he was only cleauiug it up pre
paratory to selling it to a second-
band dealer. This ttatement did not
look very plausiblo on the face, of it,
as the man acknowledged that after
cleaning the gun he fell unon the
bed and went to sleen. He was so
drunk that he could not keep awake,
yet says he was cleaning a winches
(er preparatory to taking it to a
cealer in second-hand poods.
In passing sentence this mornlnc.
Judge FItz Gerald warned McDevItt
not to let such scenes occur aealn.
as he would not escape with such a
light sentence if hiB actions were re-
Biack Dress Goods
60c 38-Inch all wool serge ,now..42c
75c, 44-ihch all wool serge, now . .50c
$1.10, 50-lnch, all wool sergo, now 89c.
$1.00, 64-inch Kersey suiting, now 79c
$1.25, 42-inch Melrose, now ....$1.05.
S5c, 42-inch all wool Henrietta,
now 67-
$1.25, 44-lnch all wool Henrietta,
now $1.05.
89c. 38-lnch black and white nov
elties, now ...... 69c
Colored Dress Goods
Some of the very choicest we have
shown this season, in shades from
dainty soft pearl to dark street, col
ors, all woven of choice selected
wool. Take particular notice of the .
prices quoted below: "
65c, 38-lnch Basket Etamlne, now 47c.
$1.00, 56-inch Basket Etamlne, now
50c, 38-lnch all wool Henrietta,
now 35c.
$1.00, 56-inch, Camel's Hair, now 69c.
$1.00, 38-Inch Satin Prunella, now 72c.
$1.65, 56-inch Kersey suiting now $1.32
$2.25, 60-inch Basket Etamlne,
now $1.79.
$2.76. 66-lnch, Cloaking, now $2.10
$1.25, 48-lnch Novelty suiting, now 89c
You can pick from the foregoing
fancy dresses, tailor-made suits or
walking suits.
Hero are silk opportunities; Royal
qualities in plain and fancy stripes,
checks and plaids, both plain and
fancy weaves, all this summer's goods
at prices that will enable you to have
that 'coveted silk petticoat; the new
bright coat lining; the fancy waist, or
a whole suit In dark or evening
$1.85 Black Peau do Sole, now $1.50.
$2.26 Black Peau de Solo, now $1.85.
85c Black Taffeta, now 69c.
$1.10 Guaranteed Black Taffeta,
now 39c.
$1,00 Satin Duchess, now 79s
$1.50 Satin Duchess, now $1.19.
$1.00 Foulard, now ............ 69c.
80c Foulard, now '. 6flc.
$1.50 Fancy -Plaids, newest, now $1.27.
85c Flannel Taffeta or Waist Taf
feta 69c.
Extra special, i
Resides Now at
Is Healthy and
Have Returned to School.
Bert Miller, who Is attending the
Uncle Cobb Blair
Pendleton and
Lee Henkle arrived Saturday from
Pendleton. That city has a popula
tion of 7000 now. Uncle Cobb Blair
Pendleton BmrIupsb r-niWo t,r,,i resides there, and Mrs. Sawtello, for-
. ' vuW.cu ... ... TI ..... . no
IC Bcnoo Monrtnv affor Riionrl ncr onv. uuiy oui vumo. nts win ue ao
eral days in this city with his par- 'cars old on New Years day- He ls
ents, Mr, and Mrs. A: Mller ln tUe best of health, and walks up
Miss Eva Belts and Miss Anna Har- ana aown stalrs wltn tbe easo 01 a
vey were in the city yesterday. Miss 3'0lmester- Hls memory is excellent
Belts is ntteniilnir tho Pon,iio. and he made especial Inquiry about
Academy, from which school she will ;nea"y u" ule Pel"e wuo ever "veu
graduate this year, and is spending ,n Corvaills. He expects when the
tiie holidays with her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas. Belts. Pilot Rock
Pacific Cable Now In Operation.
Notice has been received at the
western Union Telegraph unices
this, hl3 old home. Thomas Blair ls
bailiff of the court, a position his
fatner so long held ln Benton, and
Is Janitor for the Masons. Of the
Sawtelle children, one Is a clerk in
a Pendleton drug store, another ls
bookkeeper at the woolen mills, an
wtlons of grazing
Good hnllrllne-n
ience nut two sen-' "it seems to me." remarked tne
" 1. 11. 1 . VI mi 1 1 ,T" LUOLUU1D1 UD DUC IV 11 LI. 14 1: 11 Llin UOll UL
wa 12.000 hcvnil nf the mnrket trim the slice of hum she
1 ot cattle, 30 horses, had bought, "you are wasting a good
P'ows, seeders and i deal of that meat." "Not at all, mad
tUDDllnfl Arifirona ' Bmo " li nnlrl cAnlnilv "I wplth It
Our Most Popular Handkerchief Odors
wn uuu lasting, penuiue. ou cents tne
Fom Main .St., Toward the Coart House
throughout the Northwest, that the other ls a jeweler and a fourth a clerk
Pacific cable between San Francisco in mi. r.oii ah
TT i i I t oivsav hi, a Uv iuti,ji aic ir-
" mi u. 18 now ')en Ior uusl- ing well. Nellie Blair's husband has
JwT. f-i Besoa cauie messages a position in the First National Bank
. S n and WashIteton will be in Portland, and the family may move
Us Times.
"Yes. hA'n ilvpn im trio nniltinnl
His Ready Reolv Stunned a SilamHnh ha find." "Tho Idpnt XVhit I i.n.
derstood it was a regular little sine
Lawyer Recently.
The address of that pioneer jurist, c,ure;,
"So It was, but after the lost
Circuit Judge Boise, at the annual elrU?. '1 became a 1,tUe Insecure."
meetlne of the Hlstorlcnl RnMotw n.l ""'"B
cently, well Illustrates tho Judge's
ready wit, says an exchange. An at
torney of Salem was trying a case
before the Judge a few days ago, and
ln the course Of his areiimfint. wna
trying to review the testimony in the
case, beverai times he was interrupt
ed by the Judge, who corrected him In
nis statements of facts. Both Judge
uu mwyer were getting out of pa
tlence, and ilnally the latter strnltrht.
ened up with a self-confident air. and
"Well, Your Honor, it mav ho that
I -don't understand tho facts In the
case," to which the Judnrn JnHtontiv
.ii.i .
101 can t havn nnv pAn(rn,r.an
with the court on that nolnt. Mr.
for the court will .agree with you that
you don't understand either th rnr.t
ur me law,
Poultry Show at Winona.
Winona, Minn., Jan. 6. Poultry unri
pet stock fanciers are here from far
ana near ror the annual exhibition
wincn opened today under the aus
pices of the Winona Poultrv
Hon. In many respects tho exhibition
Is the best of Us kind ever held ln
this section. Particularly fine ls the
display of rabbits and nlEoons. Tho
Judging of exhibits began today under
me oirocnon or a. a. Hhaner, of La
nark, 111. Premiums amounting to
$C00 will ba distributed.
The evenness of .Oregon's nllmftto
makes tho texture of Oregon wool and
mohair superior to that of nearly
every other section of the country.
Drop in at the
Boston Store
Purchase a pair of
Douglas Shoes
For Men
Or a pair of
Gloria Shoes
Genuine Boynton
Furnaces and
Having located in Pendleton on
Cottonwood street, between Alta
and Webb, I am prepared to put
in tlie celebrated iioyton warm
air, hot water and steam heater.
The Boynton are the oldest and
best heating devices on the mar
ket, and time has proven they are
the most economical.
I should be pleased to ficure
with owners of residences and
business houses.
Geo. Phillips
Cottonwood Street, between Alta
and Webb Streets.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Feed. f!hrmori KWH tn
always on hand.
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant,
At present we have
Finest Oysters f Frog
Legs Clams Crabs
f and f Lobsters f
and other saltand fresh
water foods. "...
The French
Teleiiliouu Mala 4
.For Women.
Walk away and unless vou look
down you do not know new shoes
are on your feet.
are a blessing to humanity. The
best, and best selling in the mar
ket, genuine oak tanned soles.
dressy, durable and a perfect fit,
combining ease and eleerance. W
sell warranted goods.
we uianK a customer after the
purchase and they thank us.
Nowhere in Umatilla County
you get anything in the
hardware line cheaper or bitter
than we can supply you. All
our goods are the work of the
leading manufacturers, and the
prices have been subjected to
a test of comparison which
shows that, our claims in the
foregoing are fully warranted.
Rflhhi lineal Bst lit the
iffiOfcdl Wertrf In Bars
fcr ? th E. O Off ico
BostonStoi elHpw do YOUSiif:is
Where WW. Families are 8kodJ kSiw!
The new store can never be
ess It advertises