SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK '"RESOLVEto:: Rough Weather Shoes i ,y" ought. Ptdom M fail what Concerning the People of Pendleton and Vicinity Notes Personal and Otherwise By Our Regular Correspondent m The kind that are attractive in appearance, comfortable to wear yet have the lasting qualities. We have just what you require Ifor wintry weather. Ladies and gentlemen, conio to us when you need rub bers. Largest line in Pendleton. Dindinge, Wilson & Co., GOOD SHOES CHEAP SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1903. PER80NAL MENTION. Zoeth Ilouscr Is in town. George Hewett, of Helix, Is in town Ben "Wells Is In town from Athena. S. L. Morse Is In town from Pilot Rock. A. Miller Is in the city from Pilot HOCK. John Eggers has gone to Union to "visit relatives. H. Dalley and J. J. Flnley are In town rrom Adams . ' J. P. Thresher and L. P. Gamble aro In town from Helix. John Crow, the prominent reserva tlon fanner Is In town. C. A. Barrett was down from Athe na again Friday evening. Charles Berkley left this morning for Heppner on buslnesss. George Peebles Is In town from his winter homo north of town. R. M. Alcorn, of McKay, transacted business today In Pendleton. I. L. Ray, formerly of Pendleton, but recently of Seattle, Is In town James Morrison, L. C. Meredith and F. M. Monrce are In tqwn from Uklah Doug Belts, president of the Eastern Oregon Woolgrowere Association, Is in town irom mot hock. Dick Nye, who has been laid up with a strain from lifting, is much better tnan for several days. T. .J Berg and W. C. Smith, of Walla Walla, were guests of the Gol den Rule hotel last night. W. B. Miller, who has been visit tag at the Fletcher home In this city, has returned to Walla Walla. Roy Conklln, of the Pendleton pub- COLGATE'S This celebrated line of Perfumes, Toilet Water and Toilet Soaps are now han dled by us. If you want something exquisitely nice, ask for Colgates. TALLMAN & C2: THE DRUGGISTS He schools, spent Uio holidays at his homo In Union. Union Republican. Thomns Gahagan will leave this evening for Salt Lake, where he goes on mining business. Dr. Laura Allen Boone, a graduate osteopath, has located In Pendleton. See her advertisement In this issue. W. P. Card, of McKay Creek, was in tho city today on business. Ho reports stock doing woll and feed plentiful. A marriage license was Issued this afternoon by tho county clerk to Hen ry E. Lowls nnd Millie Lavadore, both or umnuna county. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Matlock have re turned from Athena, where they spent mo nonaays. Their little chllff is now down with measles. W. H. Fowler will leave Sunday for Lyle, Wash., where he Is engaged as conductor of a construction train on tho Lyle-uoldendalo branch. 1 Hon. Henry Blacknian. of Hennner, is in Pendleton looking after business interests and renewing old acquaint nnces. up is registered at Hi icl Pen dlcton. Thomas G. Halloy, district attorney for the sixth Judicial district, .and mayor of Pendleton, spent Friday in Athena on legal business. He return ed in the evening. M. Friedly, a prosperous farmer re siding -near Helix, was In town today He reports tho wagon roads in very uau shape In the vicinity of Helix owing to tho recent heavy rains. Mrs. Mlnnlo Springer, J. C; William Halm and C. S. Stover, r. u.; aihuo Vested Choir Banquet The second annua banaue in non- " , M Jnrvla( wnr. or of tho mem tiers oi mo vrxieu tiiuu , of tho Church of tho Redeemer, was,"""- held Thursday night at tho pnrisu bouse. In addition to the 2b momoers of the choir a small party of guests ware present. Addresses were deliv ered by Mayor T. O. Halley, Colonel 13. d. Hoyd and .1. F. Robinson. Those were responded to by Fred Hartman, of the choir. Prizes of $5, ?3, $2 and $1 were given to the boys for best at tendance and devotion to their work In the choir. George Wllklns was awarded first prize, John Johnson sec ond, Clayton Sharp third and Ralph Bollernian lourth. Tho prizes were awarded by tho rector. Rev. W. E, Potwlne. Colonel E. D. Boyd and T. Lamberth. The affair was one of tho most pleasant events of tho sea son and all present wero highly pleas ed. The banquet board was laden with tho choicest variety of eatables pud tho occasion was one long to bo remembered. Jolly Club Dance. Thnradnv nlcht the Jolly Club gnve itu tnst ilnnen for the season. Tho danco was well attended, but tho hall was not crowded enough to make It nnnlp.osnnt for any. Klrkman's or chestra furnished excellent music, whlrii wns danced to until after 1 o'clock in tho morning. Even thon all regrotted to break up and leavo tho hall. MEMENTO TO COACH BRYSON. High School Team Present a Token of Their Esteem. R. S. Bryson Is the possessor of i watch charm which he Is verv nroud of. It was presented to him by the enaieton high school football team In recognition of the esteem thov hold for his untiring work In coach ing them for the football season iust past. It is a beautifully engraved cold locket, with the picture of a player mailing a tacKie on one side and the letters "P. If. S. to R. S. B." On tho otner side is .a beautiful engraving una me ngures "1HU2." NEW BUSINESS FIRM. Fish and Poultry Market Opened by L, M. Lyman In This City. ine I'enaieton Fish ana Poultry AiarKei, at 3iu jsast Court street, wnicn nas ueen opened by L. M. Ly man, is prepared to supply the public with fresh fish, lobsters, shrimps, cruos, oysters, ranch ana creamtry uuuer. country produce. Hvo nml dressed poultry, eggs, salt and canned flsh, gamo in season, etc. Mr. Lyman is an experienced man in tho produce and market" hnai and will keep on hand at all times tho cnoicest goods obtainable. Real Estate Opportunities 120 acres of wheat land, 3 miles from Pendleton, 600 acres, 10 miles from station, plenty of water. 173 acres, 10 miles from Pendleton Sisoo Good house on West Alta street $1100 320 acres on the river, good house and harn, 25 acres alrlafa, balance wheat land S4000 5 room house on West Alta street $ 7So Two five-room cottages on West Webb St.,' each $ 800 Dutch Henry Feed Yard Good .property in olty and country too numerous to mention, any location that one may desire. W. F. EARN HART, ABSJOCI ATION BLOCK S2500 S6500 Card Party. On Now Year's ove, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Nelson, on Court street, was given a pleasant card rarty. Tho evening was passed playing cards by thoso wishing to In dulge In this harmless pastime, while others passed the time In social con versatlon. Luncheon was served near 1? o'clock and then tho guests de parted to their respective homes, each wishing their host and hostess happy Now Year, after they had watched out the old year and tho now one In. Thoso present wero: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greullch, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Greullch, Mr. and Mrs. John Greullch, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lteht, Mr. and Mrs. I.eo Teutsch, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beam, Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Schwarz Mr. and Mis. Barrons, Peter Young and N. Brink. Rev. Warren Will Return. .Rev. W. E. Potwlno has received a letter irom Rev. John Warren, who Is now In Oxford, England, stating that he would return hero within tho next few weeks. Rev. Warren Is quite well known here. He was assistant pastor of the Church of the Redeemer for some time nnd he sent his kind rat regards to his many Pendleton friends. He said he was anxious to return to Pendleton. New Year's Greetinas. Tho parsonage of the Baptist pas tor, Row R W. King, was the scene of a happy gathering and exchance of New Year's greetings Thursday even ing. Rov. and Mrs. King were taken by surprise. They were sitting in the'r nemo wnen a number of the mem ners of the congregation presented themselves at tho door and knocked for admission, men the door was opened tho surprlsers did not wait for an invitation to "walk in," but began to pour Into tho narsonaee until tho parior was soon filled. Each one was laden with some gift either for thn minister or his estimable wife. These were deposited on the floor or in some convenient place and the cuests then mado themselves at homo for snvorni hours and enjoyed a social tlmo. Tho monioers or Rov. King's church tnnk this means of showing their appreci ation of tho work he and Mrs. Tlnn imvu uuub aiuce coming to rendleton. Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented Air. and Mrs. Kinc. who proven tnemseives equal to tho occa sion and mado their frlenrin fool t uome wane tney remained. Many New Year's Callera. Thero was a large turnout tlemen New Year's night, making the rounds calling on the ladles who Umit uiiuii iiuuao. it certainly was tho gen- iiunien s nignt,. ana they lost no op portunities tO kiss the fair mnMona when they caught them standing un der tho mistletoe. Next year, being leap year, it will bo tho ladles' turn to call on the gentlemen, and some of mom say iney hope the gentlemen will have (he celling completely cov ered with mistletoe, then they would be sure no one would bo missed. DR. LENA ALLEN BOONE OSTEOPATH, 813 THOMPSON STREET, no fx ATI A mTTTT uumurAiai i: cummon sense. j.t win fiear investigation. It ,0 ,u .m,.,uny wan nature's laws, seldom fails and never does harm, It is not Faith Cure Christian Science, Magnetic nor Electric Heal' . mg. It is based upon a correct knowlege of anatomy and physiolo igyu j pe cent of so,calletl incurable cases are healed by this UDiethod. The following especially are treated: Eye, ear and throat heart and lungs, liver and kidneys, bladder and urethal diseases, all stomach and intestinal troubles, all dislocations and deformities, ncr vous.diseases, general diseases. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Mrs. C. B. Wade to Entertain. A. very pretty party In all its ap pointments was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wade in honor ui tneir neico, Miss Jenkins. A well known proverb was given to each guest, who was asked to demonstrate it in a drawing on the blackboard, some of which were very good. Tho mviieu guests wero: Misses Stella Alexander, Ida and Harriet Thomp- "vino uciicu, uimo jean Frazier, Nora Lane. Elslo Folanm mu iiuuocK, Roberts and McGee: Messrs. Roy Ritner. Phnrl George Hartman, Jr., Wynno Stewart' Homer Carnenter. Murk r.i, -. mwu, uuver Keisoy, Fred 7i Wi 1 WMne. Harry Thompson uuanob oumpson. Q .A, M. Dance. The Quit at Midnight Club gave an other delightful dancing party In Ar mory hall Saturday night. A largo crowd was present and dancing was indulced In until midnight. A danco is given ngaln tonight by the samo club. East End Dance. A small crowd attended the east end dance in Hughes' hall Wednesday night. Tho music was good and those present enjoyed the ovenlng. Order of Washington Dance. The Order of Washington gave a very pleasant social dance In Hen dricks' hall Wednesdny evening. Most of tho members were present and sov oral hours were passed In dancing and having a general social tlmo. Re freshments wero served. McBroom-Cate. Married, on January 1, 1903, Tcvls H. McBroom to Miss Mabello H. Cato, both of Umatilla county, Rov. E. B. Jones officiating. Tho wedding took place at tho home of the brldo's fath er, Charles B. Cate, who lives near Gurdane, In tho Potts country, and owns a stock farm of several thousand acres. The occasion wns n very Joy ous one, uniting two of Umatilla coun ty's most promising young peoplo. Tho groom Is a son of Philip G. Mc Broom, now residing In Pendleton, and well known in Umntllla county, having been a resident of tho county for a number of years, and known by all as an honorable and upright citizen. Quite a largo number of invited guests were present, consisting main ly or relatives of the contracting par ties. , Tho wedding took place at high noon. Tho groom was dressed In black, while the bride was charming ly arrayed in a dove-colored cash mere, with white silk trimming, with bridal veil nnd carried in ber hnnd a bonnet of white carnations. After the ceremonv thn cupstn worn invited to the dining room, whom a table loaded with tempting food of great variety and abundance occupied uio attention or tnoso nresonL After a few hours spent in social converse, the bridal party then stnrted for Pen dleton, which is to be the fntiiro hnmo of tho young couple. Quito a large number of handsome presents wero presented to tho newly married palri by their many friends and relatives. Friday the bridal party, together with a number of invited guests partook of a most sumptuous lnfair dinner at tho home of tho groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. McBroom, of West Webb street. Tho bride and ernnm -win ho. (Concluded on page 6.) Artisans' Dance, Tho United Artlsarm (ns'tniio.i era last Thursday ovenlng and wound up tho evening's meeting win. o and social time. Lun.h Tho officers instilled wero: Josenh Bailey, M. A.: Mrs. Man Knit perlntendent: Mrs. L. v. secretary; J, J. Zahnor. treasurer!' mi 8 1 1 t'i inn hi 1 Bargain Shoes At Our JANUARY CLEARING SALE f J Which begins Saturday and .uiumues until fen. 1st. THE LAST PAIR BROKEN LINES ODDS AND ENDS We Have KESOLVfl 1 o save out customers a j ey and will perform witi fail what we resolve. W$ thank the public liberal patronage we re 1 A 4 ana eziena n ku.4. . wt wc of a Happy and Prosj NEW YEAI Owl Tea Hi Cheapest Place in Orego ST. JOE STI Underwear Sale One Wt Wo will make very low prices on Ladles', Mtaa' Underwear for One Week. Will save our Mtwm 1 purchase in this line. Bunnlv yourself while cricrairtd We will sell OHILDltliN'B UNDERWEAR is I menchiK at size 16, price will be 2c ner garment: riseSe. will be 16, 2c; 18. 7c; 20, 12c, 22, 17o; 24, 22c: 26, Be; 8, xuis is very oneap. we always nave some Migtmi w It will pay you to trade with us. Our holiday trade was very gratifying; had se which we feel very grateful. We extend our thinMlowi tomers and wish all a prosperous New Year. THE LYONS MERCANTILE! Eemember: The largest stock of goods in therltjttd From prices already low, we shall make such discounts as will close them out quick. OUR WINDOWS Will give you some idea of the savings you will effect by purchasing your shoes of us during this sale. PEOPLES! WAREHOUSE Rader esponds eadily JTine A urnitvte na at Rade, Reliable Main and Webb Streets. Special After Cliriatmaa Bargains in Furn -AT- The Big Furniture Storo, Next to! Prompt Delivery Arc our trade builders and it is M 10 inese principles . we 51 and continually growing bu5,D!,lv5Ye5i and our go""0 patrons money tion. Martin's Family Grocer MI I 1 II I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 f ntnnf