East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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Congregational Church Services
ouuuuy as iunows: moie auuii ciass,
10 a. iu., morning 'worship, preaching
. and administration of the Ixml s sup
per, 11; Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m.
evening worship and address at 7:30
This will bo a Now Year's praise serv
Ice with responsive readings and
special music. Subject of address
"Joyful Services." A cordial welconi
to all. J. Edwards, minister,
2:30 p. m.
M. E. Church, South Revival ser
Tlces continue. Sunday services
follows: 11 a. m., preaching by pas'
tor, subject, "How Old Art ThouT
p. m. .Junior Epworth League mefet
Ing; 6:30 p. m., Epworth league, lead
er, William C. Thompson, subject
"How to Get a Fresh Start"; 7:30
m., preaching by the pastor; also
tervlces on Saturday nt 7:30 p. m.
B, Jones, pastor.
Church of the Redeemer Divine
services tomorrow at hours as fol
lows: Early celebration of the holy
communion at S a. m., morning prayer
litany and sermon at 11; evening
prayer and address at 7:30. The serv
Ices during the coming week will bo
at 10 a. m. on Tuesday, which is the
feast of the Epiphany, and on Friday
evening at 7:30.
First Presbyterian Church Believ
lng the recent action of our board of
health is wise and should meet with
prompt and hearty support from all
who seriously consider the best' 'In
terests of the community, the session
of this church hereby orders all serv
Ices discontinued in our house of wor
ship for one week, except the preach
lng service at 11 a. m., January 4, at
which time several important an
nouncements will bo made. Robert J.
Diven, pastor,
Methodist Episcopal Church Sun
rise prayer meeting at 7:30 a. m. At
11 a. m. a roll call will be held. Ep
worth League, 6:30 p. m. preaching,
7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited.
li. Warner, pastor.
First Baptist Church Owing to
the announcement from the board of
-health, there will be no session of
the Sunday school at this church.
Other services of the church will be
held in the regular order. R. W. King
Christian Church Services in the
lecture room of the new church to
. morrow. Preaching morning and
evening by J. B. Lister -pastor aro-
tern. All members are especially re
quested to be present, as arrange
ments are to be made for the annual
i church meeting Monday evening, Jan
uary 5.
i p
- Men's Resort Rev, R. W. King, of
the Baptist church, will talk to men
. at the 4 o'clock meeting in the Men's
Resort, tomorrow. All men are Invit
ed to hear him.
No Sunday School Tomorrow.
Believing the action of the board of
health, in endeavoring to prevent the
spread of contagious diseases, to be
wise and timely, the churches have
given notice that there will be no
Sunday school services tomorrow.
gin housekeeninir
The best wishes of a host of friends'
ioijow wis nappy couple, with an ear
uvbi uesire mat long life and great
Happiness may do their good fortune.
J. M. Compton, southeast of "Weston,
when their eldest daughter, Florence,
became the brldo of George W. Wad
dlnghnm, Ilov. W. S. Potwlne officiating.
Mr. John Prine and Mrs. Eliza Prlno
were married Wednesday In this
city, Judge G. A. Ifartmnn officiating.
They will make their home at Wes
ton. Tho bridegroom Is the brother
of the bride's former husband, Barney
Prine, who now resides at Julletta,
Idaho, and has also remarried.
Social Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Held will enter
tain a few lriends this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuller enter
tained a low friends at a watch party
Now Year's eve.
Mrs. Harry Bixby, of Garfield, en
tertained friends at a watch party on
New Year's eve.
Miss Cleva McKlnnon. of
Grando, 1b visiting Miss Nellie Hard
man, for a few days.
Mrs. W. L. Albright, who has been
visiting her mother at Fresno, Cal
returned home today.
Miss Strong, who has been spending
tho holidays with relatives at Port
land, will return to day.
Mrs. Edith Frazler Weathered, of
Portland, will arrive In tho city next
week, to bo the gueBt of friends.
Miss Eva Frooine will return home
from Portland Sunday, where she has
been visiting during tho past week.
Invitations have been Issued by
Mrs. Frank Clopton and Mrs. Leon
Cohen, for a dancing party nt Music
hall, on Thursday evening, January
Mrs. Ed Eben and Mrs. Younger
chaperoned a party of eight young
ladles to witness "rtlchard Carvel",
lost evening.
Miss Margaret Drake, of Portland,
who has been the guest of Miss La
Velio Moorhoime, returend to her
home Friday.
Miss Edith Epplc. who has been . vis
Itlng her parents during the holidays,
will return to Ellensbiirg next Sun
day, where sho will resume her stud-
Miss Celestla .Moorhouse entertain
ed a fw friends at her home, cornor
of Water and Thompson streets, Fri
day afternoon, in honor of Miss Fran
cis Dnncnn, of Echo.
Miss Stella Alexander returned
irom Wnlla Walla Monday and will
accompany her brother Hoy, to Port
land a week from Sunday, where she
will be the guest of friends a few
An impromptu dancing party was
given at Armory hall Now Year's
evening In honor of MirsB'iMargarot
Drake, who has ucon visiting In tho
city. A delightful tlmo was had by
all who participated. , .
Mrs. C. B. Wado 'will! have as her
guest, next week, a nuniborjbf .promi
nent Oregon club women, and has Is
sued Invitations for a reception at
her homo on Wednesday afternoon,
January "i, irum uniu d oclock,
to meet the visiting ladles.
New Century Comfort
Millions nro dally finding a world
of comfort In Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
It kills, pains from burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises; conquors ulcers and fever
sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum,
bolls and folons; removes corns and
warts. Best pile 'euro on earth. Only
25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug storo.
Mrs. Cnmpboll Is closing out
stock of wlntor millinery at cost
Big White Sale
A Dream of Elegance and an Economist's Opportunity.
est to the Highest Prices.
Articles from the Low-
13 c
I Ccnii
Can Yoq aflord to waste time malting these garments offered at
Don't trust these cms.
Come and see the good&
rp.1 if. j
So well done for so little money is a marvel Thi- gaimmt) rpeak for themselves. Listen to them.
A trlomph of modern industry. TaVe ai many garments ia this assortment as you wish, ecept the gowns. Only one to a customer.
Thae pictures give but a hint of the great values offered at this sale. Chances like this are, seldom found. Tale your choice.
If yuo hare any doubt about great valu. for little money, com, and see our goods. Only at this sale can vou get so good ralue.
Lot 6
rveunesuay at 8 p. m., J. E. KJock
ner, of Klickitat county, Washington
was united in marriage to Miss G. A
jussna, or Pendleton, Rev. Robert
warner omciatlng. After tho ceremo
y air. ana Mrs. Klockner look tho
tram tor tneir nomo In Washington
W. E. Eames, a teacher or Umatll
In county, was married to Miss Isa
uuiic itrown. or Pendleton, Tuesday
evening at 7 o'clock. Tho ceremony
was performed at tho Methodist par-
buu"8b y ttev. itoDert Warner.
tne marriage of Dr. M. I). Metzler
mm uipr iiiita Hart was solemnized
t neppner Tuesday evening, Itov.
ty. tv. roiwme, or this city, offlclat
.'. . ' fl,elzer arm jus wlfo are
ven Known in Pendleton. The doc-
tur uvea nere for several
wnere no practiced
.Metzler Is a sister
....... .vwm ciu win wiun uiem a
'happy Journey through life. They
will be at home to their friends In'
lleppner. alter January 10.
A pretty wedding took place at high
noon on Christmas day at tho home
of the hrldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
dentistry. Mrs,
of Mrs. O. w.
Tho many friends of Mr. and
Latest atyte and shapes. you fail to supply yourscll now, you won't get another chance. Take , few wMcatyiart
Kindly inspect the
fine Muslin Underwear
in the window. Those
ladies who have seen
them say they are sim
ply magnificent.
Our $2.oo Skirts are
trimmed in Lace and
Fine Swiss Embroidery
Our $3.00 Skirts are
made ol the finest cam
bric, finely trimmed in
Swiss Embroidery and
Our $4.00, $4.50,
?5-jo and $6.50 Skirts
are the finest stufl ever
shown and are beyond
description. For ref
erence spejjour window.
LjWe have Corset Cov
ers to match.
7c, 8c, i Oc and t2 i-2c Embroideries, dor- Z
ing this sale will go at . . . .
J 5c and 20c Embroideries
go at
during sale will
Fine Cambric and Swiss Embroideries will be sold
at Large Redactions!
85c Large Size Bed Spreads
$J.25 Large Size Bed Spreads
$ J. 50 Bed Spreads, Fine Quality
$2.00 Bed Spreads. Very Large and Good .
Pillow Tubing, per yard . .
Pillow Cases, Good Grade each
Sheets, All Sizes
. 2 t-2c
59c, 69c and 79c
Hatu I
mi in .
I 1 11 II 1.
VAN mm,,
"cu4uurier8 lor
Special rates byed,,,
Excellent Cuisine.
Prompt DinlnpaJ
Every MoJentJ
Bar and billiard rooulu
Only Three Blocks frj
Corner Court udjohut J
M F Kelly, Prcrrl
American l'lsn, ra'et l I
per dir. .
Kuroiienn 1'lau. Or, lit
Iecltil ratmnjMlii
Free 'bus meetSallWM j
Commercial tme
Special Attention GiTBiC
Now Booming; Their Annual White Sale j
Eleeantly Fun
Sample rw'
modern TuriU"" c(cfl
sTA y
unite u