East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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    ,e Temitt
This week we will be busy invoicing our large
i, Next wo will prepare our grGat
Wait for it. Fifty per cent reduction on every-
4-1. .n tirmtav linna
Oyster cocktails at Oratz's.
Fresh Hsh dally at Castle's.
Have ,y our clothing cleaned at N.
We make candy fresh every day.
The Delta.
Wanted to Rent A stable. Call at
this ofllce.
Swift's Premium hams and bacon
at the Standard.
Yon save money by buying gro-
I curies at the Standard.
House for rent. H. J. Stlllman
at ! 1001 East Railroad street.
Finest line of canned goods and
shoes. Have them repaired preserves at me sianaara.
.Li. I t it i .1 r ... t ..
T-.-H.. T....ni 1. t rntirnnt Wt'iirvnilno1 tnnrpa ennn
CfiUU 111 tfWUJUMl w i -- -
New Year Starts Out With a Good
The new year is starting out with a
good list of divorco cases being Hied
on the equity docket. Three suits
were filed yesterday evening by Peter
West, attorney for plaintiffs. They
were all filed 'by the husbands, who
asked a legal separation from their
wives on the grounds of desertion
Cochrane vs. Cochrane.
Cleveland Otis Cochran vs. Rebecca
Cochrane is the title of one of the
suits. This does not cite the date
of marriage of Rebecca to Cleveland,
but states that defendant deserted
plaintiff In 1899. They have no child
Wilbur vs. Wilbur.
William S Wilbur asks the court to
sever the martial ties now binding
between he and Harriett C. Wilbur.
The suit alleges that they were mar
ried in 1888, and one year lator de
fendant wilfully deserted plaintiff
without cause" and plaintiff has never
forgiven defendant for the act.
Peyton vs. Peyton.
William Peyton asks a divorce from
Sarah E. Peyton after having been
married 23 years. They were married
in Indiana and In 1896 plaintiff alleges
defendant deserted him. Four child
ren were born to them, the eldest be
ing a boy of 22 years and the young
est a girl of 10.
C. P.
; Housekeeping rooms for rent, next
door to Wheeler's photo gallery, G07
Cottonwood street.
Perry Houser is now prepared to
supply you with meat at his new shop
on East Alta street.
Perry -Houser s meat markot on
East Alta street is now open. Best
meat promptly served.
New house to rent on West Court
street; five rooms, bath room and eel
. a np r'nn nr rna u: n I imna
p i if 1 1 ti . i ui uuiii iiuuDt; uuu kuuu uaiu. aac
h. ovp onprialtRt. will ci ve . Earnhart, the real estate dealer.
eyes, a pair of correctly j In Portland at the Rich news stand in
sale at Frazier's book Btorc
cigar store, Maloy's old
p enenn. tne ueuut livery
nntnrp nr rcarnnan. tne rem
receptions, dinners and so-
fiml Rplpntlflcallv irrniind
of all cost. Charges in any
be made to cover cost of
Hotel Perkins, and at the Hotel Port
Wanted A good cook to cook for
nine persons. Wages $25 per month,
Apply at once at the Umatilla Indian
School, r
Wanted Middle-aged woman or
girl In small family ior general house.
work; good wages. Call at 1001 East
Webb streot
Until January 10 Henker will give
a pair of glasses (lenses) to eye suf
ferers free. Charge will be made for
frames only. 120 Court street
N. T. Conklln, the real estate man,
has Bold the Mrs. Wblttemore ranch,
consisting of 220 acres, on McKay, to
ti. u. uunn, consideration, ;juuu
If your eyes bother you, call on
Hanker, he will fit your eyes with
pair of glasses (lenses) free. Charge
made for frame only. 120 Court
Attention. Maccabees! A special
meeting is called for January C, 1003.
Business of Importance. All Sir
Knights attend. Charles Otterstadt,
commander; J. S. Kecs, R. K.
For Sale 23 sections' of grazing
and farming lands In Umatilla and
Morrow counties. Good buildings,
nnnnti will fnfifl InnfM tn Ifi.nnf)
3neep. au unaer icnco dui iwo sac-
tions. Plenty of water. Also be
tween 11,000 and 12,000 head of
sheep, 130 head of cattle, 30 horses,
wagons, harness, plows, seeders and
other farming supplies. Address
Joseph Vey, Pendleton.
o nines irom i'euuleton,
and 500 sheeD at 10 ner
rtrar i ti v tiki
-"! nwwi
. 100 inn ft nf hnv fn ttnen
m uamiu? Prairie, 2t200j
oi wneat mud. 12 m m
on the river, G miles from
WllPftt I ft II fl d. m 1 1 aa f rstm
All rMPrVflt nil rrrwwl iiio.a
ti crui
IS Wniftl 1 hflva llataH
long list of desirable
Ml II. 1. x . ..
O S. WffT
pleasant and lasting perlume, OU cents tne
ounce. We are the exclusive agents for this
eps From Main St.. Toward the Court House
Strain Will Assume His Duties
Next Monday Morning.
C. P. Strain .the newly elected as
sessor of Umatilla county, will take
charge of the office on next Monday
Mr. Strain has moved his family to
this city and has been snendincr his
time, for the past week, In learning
thp minor details of his work.
At present he will conduct the office
alone, ns the duties will not be heavy.
Whe"n the work of assessment begins
In the spring, ho will employ Mr. Nel
son, of Athena, to assist him.
George Buzan, the retiring officer,
who ha3 been assessor during the past
two years, has made an excellent of
ficial record and hns the him. wishes
of a host of friends in both official
end private circles.
Dress Goods
Notable Clearance Specials tn Choice Material, ln Black and
Colors. Goods that offer everything desirable, both In Quality
and Style : s
Action Taken Against Barber to Col
lect Alleged Past Rent.
A civil action was filed in Judge Fitz
Gerald's' court this forenoon by W.
Harrison against I. Barber, to col
lect 513 alleged to be due. Barber
rented a house from Harrison and
failed to pay rent from the first of
October to the first of January. The
plaintiff thinks that the rent for the
bouse was reasonably worth $13 and
defendant has refused to nay any nart
thereof. Plaintiff secured a writ of
arrest for Barber which was forward
ed to Baker City with Instructions to
arrest Barber and return him to Pendleton.
Smith Sells His 1902 Crop for
61J4 Cents a Bushel.
Only one large wheat deal has been
made In Pendleton since the holidays.
That was the sale of Dr. C. J. Smith's
1902 crop for G1& cents a bushel. E.
W. McComas bought the lot, which
consisted of 30,000 bushels, for the
Northwestern Warehouse Company.
No activity is noticeable in the mar
ket and little attention is belntr nald
to buying by local dealers. Whether
or not a change will come within the
next few days remains to be seen. It
was predicted before the holidays that
wneai wouia either go up or down
after tho first of the year, but tin
cnange so iar is noticed.
Black Dress Goods
50c 38-inch all wool serge ,now..42c
75c, 44-lnch all wool serge,, now ..60c.
$1.10, 50-Inch, all wool sergo, now 89c.
$1.00, 64-inch Kersey suiting, now 79c.
$1.26, 42-Inch Melrose, now ....$1.05.
85c, 42-inch all wool Henrietta,
now 67c-
$1.25. 44-Inch all wool Henrietta,
now $1.06.
89c. 38-inch black and white nov
elties, now 69c-
Colored Dress Goods
Some of the very choicest we have
shown this season, In shades from
dainty soft pearl to -dark street col
ors, all woven of choice selected
wool. Tako particular notice of the
prices quoted below:
C5c, 38-inch Basket Etamlne, now 47c.
$1.00, 5G-lnch Basket Etamine, now
50c, 38-Inch all wool Henrietta,
now 35c.
$1.00, 56-Inch, Camel's Hair, now 69c.
$1.00, 38-inch Satin Prunella, now 72c.
$1.65, 56-inch Kersey suiting now $1.32
$2.25, 50-lnch Basket Etamlne,
now $1.79.
$2.75, 56-inch, Cloaking, now $2.10
$1.25, 48-inch Novelty suiting, now 89c
You can ;lck from the foregoing
fancy dresses, tailor-made suits or
walking suits.
Here are silk opportunities; Royal
qualities In plain and fancy stripes,
checks and plaids, both plain and
fancy weaves, all this summer's goods
at prices that will enablo you to have
that coveted silk petticoat; tho new
bright coat lining; the fancy waist, or
a wholo suit In dark or evening
$l'.85 Black Peau de Sole, now $1.50.
$2.25 Black Peau do Sole, now $1.85,
85c Black Taffeta, now 69c.
$1.10 Guaranteed Black Taffotn,
now S9c.
$1.00 Satin Duchess, now 79c.
$1.60 Satin Duchess, now $1.19.'
$1.00 Foulard, now G9c.
.80c Foulard, now ... 60c.
$1.50 Fancy Plaids, newest, now $1.27.
S5c Flannel Taffeta or Waist Taf
feta 59c.
Extra special. Hi
Will Handle Geunine Boynton Warmj
Air Furnaces and Hot Water Heat-
George Phillips, formerly of Walts-
burg, Wash., has engaged In business
here and has Opened a store for the
sale of the genuine Boynton warm air
furnaces and hot water and steam
heaters. The Boynton furnaces are
the oldest and most satisfactory made
and the factory is the oldest and
largest in the heating business in the
United States. Mr. Phillips is a thor
ough furnace man and has had ex
perience, in the heating of large and
small buildings and makes a special
ty of public buildings. Recently he
put two furnaces In the public schools
at Waltsburg, which so pleased the
board of education of that place that
they have given him a splendid letter
recommending hU work.
Mr. Phillips Is prepared to figure
on heating buildings and would be
pleased to have those interested to
call and see him.
Bassll Parr Free.
uassu Parr was released at thn
preliminary hearing In Athenn ves
terday on the charge of larceny of a
Kuuuie. .rarr is the vounir man nr.
estod hero Wednesday bv tlm Rhprlff'a
force and was returned to the scene
or the alleged crime Friday.
Water In the Streets.
During tho recent hleh water
the lines of the W. & C, R. and O. R.
passengers report that water
an aown the main street of Adams
for a short time. No damage was
aone, but It was an unusual stent and
attracted much attention at the time.
Danish West Indies.
Copenhagen, Jan. 2.- The govern.
luent commission appointed to inves
tigato tho Danish West Indies ntioR.
tion sails tomorrow. The commission
will also visit the British West Indies
ror the purpose of gathering informa
tion concerning tueso islands and will
eturn nere m April.
Waters & Sherry's auction house
buys and sells new and second-hand
goods of all descriptions, and do a
general pawnbroker's business; ad
vancing money on personal jroporty
security. Store 732 Cottonwood
street. See classified columns for advertisement.
A. C. Dresser, proprietor of tao
Semplo llvory, feed and sale stables.
on Cottonwood strootj .between Cour.t
and Alta streets gives horses put up
at his place the best of care. Horses
boarded by the week or month.
Dr. G. M. Vaughan, a graduate of
the San Francisco Veterinary College,
Is located at the old Semple stable
on Cottonwood street now owned by
A. C. Dresser. He treats all diseases
of domestic animals in a scientific
manner and has had years of experi
ence Calls by day or night respond
ed to promptly.
Drop in at the
Boston Store
Purchase a pair of
Douglas Shoes
For Men
Or a pair of
Gloria Shoes
Genuine Boynton
Furnaces and
Having located in Pendleton on
Cottonwood street, between Alta
and Webb, I am prepared to put
in the celebrated Boyton warm
air, hot water and steam heater.
The Boynton are the oldest and
best heating devices on the mar
ket, and time has proven they are
the most economical.
I should be pleased to figure
with owners of residences and
business houses.
Geo. Phillips
Cottonwood Street, between Alta
and Webb Streets.
The Delicacies
of the season are always
found at our restaurant.
At present we have
Ffnest Oysters f Frog
Legs f Clams $ Crabs
f and f Lobsters
and other salt and fresh
water foods
The French
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc
always on hand. '
Telophono Miilu 4
1 1,,. tmiHiii can
, For Women .
s; fa
si n
1 li lPl
owhere in Umatilla County
you get anything in the
hardware line cheaper or better
than we can supply you, All
our goods are the work of the
leading manufacturers, and the
prices have been subjected (o
a test of comparison which
shows that our claims in the
foregoing are fully warranted.
Walk away and unless vou look
down you do not know new shoes
are on your feet.
are a blessing o humanity. The .
Desi, ana Dest selling in tliq mar- j - 1 aagse
ket, genuine oak tanned soles. I Vfc JH mm m Da.j. jib -
dressv. durable and a nrfPr r, , 1 H T MATAI in TRW
combining ease and eleeance. We mWM0 CaCl Wei!
sell warranted goods.
We thank a customer after the
purchase and they thank us. 1
Boston Store
Where WhaJe Families are Shod.)
World! In Bars
PlN baV at tli Ea Oa Of f ICO
UilntaU on erorrbox of tho senate
tU .rcuwtr tbt ewjrM cola lu u, a--.