East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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    4 ?
.1 .
Commencing on Xmas diiy and continuing
through the Holiday Week we will sell the well known
brand of
At the Following prices
J -4 Pound Boxes Chocolate Creams
J ii 11 u
Never b-jfore have thwo goods been sold at these
priees, and will only be during the time stated.
The Oregon pioneer sur
'mounts every obstacle, for he
has graduated from the hard
training school of the plains,
and .suffered the severe disci
pline of the wilderness. I'rof.
J. U. Horner.
. mie Oregon Statesman's New Year's
issue Is n work of art. Its mechanical
make-up Is excelleut, its topics are
timely and well treated. It reflects
credit on its owners and upon Salem.
Since the wireless "telegraph has
come, the cheerful night operator who
has slept on duty for lo, these many
.years, will now have to go to work,
invention is the partner of necessity.
The agitation coming from Wlllam
ette valHey, for a state hop Inspector,
' Is certainly not serious. After all the
tour faces that have been made over
what have been termed "local laws"
for Eastern Oregon, it Is hardly possi
oie tnat the state will be asked to
pick the hops, at least. Eastern Ore
gon caught and scalped the coyotes,
the state only paid for them. Local
lawg are delicate matters lo handle.
.Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of .Multno
mah county, is gaining ground in his
fight for the presidency of the state
senate. Dr. Smith's clean record, un
questionable honesty and his able
support oi legislation in favor
of the masses of the people, have won
,we admiration of his strongest poltti
v. CiiCm,es. me corporations are
making a hard fight against him, for
the very reason that he cannot be
handled" oxcept by the peoplo's
- Assessor-elect Strain is agitating a
repeal of the flve-mllo school levy
law, in order to allow a raise of the
valuation of property. His estimate
of the taxable property In Umatilla
county Is over $29,000,000. The -present
assessed valuation is about JG.000,
J000. Placing the actual value at one
half of Mr. Strain's estimate, would
raise about $70,000 school fund for
this county, The present assessed
valuation raises $30,000 for this pur
pose. The common law on fellow servants
which Is in force, where there is no
specific statute on the subject, was
left in its present form, by a ruling
.made in 1841. Every other feature of
law, science and industry has left
this antiquated rule sixty years be
hind the age, It Is time to make an
effort to catch up. What would the,
condition be today if the privileges of
the great corporations were set back
aixty years? One condition would .be
as fair as the other.
When Uncle Sam said he wanted
tho mall delivered with more regu
larity along the lino of the Union Pa
cific, Mr, Harrlman suddenly invited
the bollermakers to a conference. It
makes a difference who urges a set-
nemeni wun the great corporations. 1 the most serious local Issues now be
The public might talk Itself hoarse fore the people. Cattle, horses and
In favor of a settlement, and no result sheep all belong to the priceless ro
would come of It. But a whisper from Sources of this district. They aro all
the government suddenly melts the. taxable property and bear their Just
haughty magnate, who is in truth a burden of expense. Oregon cannot
public servant, by virtue of tho public ! legislate an Industry out, of existenco,
nature of -his business.
$ .to
Citizens of the stnte of Oregon aro
proud of Portland, yet , they are
stransteis t6 the essential forces that
keep that gieat city moving. Portland
has enjoyed a most phenomenal
growth, within the past two years.
Population lias outstripped the de
velopment of the city's, lihyslcal con
ditions. The tide of immigration has
poured in to fastly that the progress
of government and the minor details
of the city's management have not
kept paco with It. With 120,000 peo
ple today, she finds heiself struggling,
with equipment and regulation intend
ed to meet the needs of 90,000 peo
ple. Her forces aro overdone; they
need extension. A most extraordinary
stride must now be taken to "catch
Summing up the deficiency of bless
lngs which now confronts Portland,
the metropolis of Oregon., the Dally
Journal says:
"The new year should bring to
Portland: Petter streets. The pres
ent condition of the thoroughfares is
"Uetter municipal management;
our police department Is one of the
smallest in the country for the popu
lation represented. A better tire de
partment; the present department is
ell handled, but entirely too small
"Better street signs; few of the
streets of the city are designated by
signs and strangers find difficulty In
locating themselves 'when going about
the city.
'Better lights; no city has fewer or
poorer lights than Portland.
"More hotels; there aro not enough
hotels and lodging houses to accom
modate the transient traffic. There
lias been great complaint of this all
over the country and Portland has
suffered much by the adverse com
ments on her lack of hotels. Those
she has are good, but there are not
enough of them.
"Better meetings of public bodies
and less of closed door proceedings.
Secret sessions give opportunity for
municipal corruption. They don't
look good under any circumstances.
Be open and above board with the
"Better chances for the progres
slve men among us to come to the
front. The policy of 'let well enough
atone1 doesn't apply these days of
strenuous efforts of cities to get bus
mess. Homebody must be 'up and
doing' or we will get left in the race.
Don't wait or you will be too late to
correct tho loss you may suffer.
"Better explanation of what be
comes of the money collected for
taxes. With a poorly equipped police
department, poorly manned Are de
partment, poor streets, poor lights
and poor evervthlnc else that
tains to city management, there Is a
high rate or taxation,
"The Journal does not like to say
these things, ,but there Is only one way
to correct evils that exist, and that
Is to Insist on them being corrected."
There seems to be a determination
on tho part of many Eastern Oregon
citizens to aggravato the vexed range
CllleStion. Without doubt It la rma nt
neither can she tolerate disturbance
that arises from the absence of law,
so there you are. Tho moro you dis
cuss tho matter, tho larger It grows.
1 saw the mountain stand
Silent, wondeitul a nil grand;
Looking out acioss the land
When the golden light was falling
On distant dome and spire,
And I heard a low voice calling:
Come up higher, come up liltili' -From
the lowlands and the mire;
From the wist of earth desire
From the vain pursuit or pelf.
From the attitude of solf,
Come up higher, come up higher'
Think not that wo are cold,
Though eternal snows have crowned
Think not that we are old.
Though the ages die around us!
Underneath our breasts of snow
Silver fountains sing and How;
We reflect the day's young bloom,
While the valleys sleep in gloom!
We receive the now-hoiii storms
On our rugged, rock-mailed forms
Anil restore the hungry lands
With our rlveis and our sands!
Ho who conquers inward foes,
All the pain of battle knows;
And has earned IiIh calm reposo,
Countless Alons ere the races
In the cycles took their places,
We were groaning to be free
From our chains below tl.o sea!
'Till wo heard the sun our sire
Calling, calling, "Come up higher."
And we burst our prison bars,
And from out the mist and fire;
And the ocean's wild embraces
And the elcnientnl wars,
Wo arose and bathed our faces
In the sunlight and the stars.
The jury returned a verdict of acci
dental death on the man who fell from
the window ledge on which he had fallen
asleep. But the death was really due to
I muni iiitv.ic
I the accident
I possible
JCT There are a'
M If 11 ' trrpat tn.mv
lives siul
denly termi
nated as a
result of
although the
medical cer
tificate may
read " heart
When a man
chances with
- his stomach
the warning symptoms of disease, he is
carelessly inviting calamitv.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures discuses of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutritiou. It
enables the perfect digestion and assimi
lation of food, which makes strength.
It stimulates the liver, cu. -s biliousness,
and removes bilious impurities from the
"I hd been troubled with a pin lit lower
part of my toraach for three years, so srrere 2
thougbt it would kill me iu time " writes Mr.
Aaron Van Dam. offKeitfilaetoul n notli Kf
Chicago. 111. "1 could hardly work it felt like
a bif weight hanztug ou me ami got so bad that
I had to take medicine. I used Stomach Bitters
for a time, but it did no Rood so I wrote to Ur.
R. V. Pierce for advice, which lie gave me im
mediately. I followed his directions; used two
bottles of hia medicine and was cured I had a
torold liver which was troubling me ImtMH r.r
cramps (as I thought!, so l)r Pierce told me
I nave pleasure in living now) have gained in
weight ij pounds since then."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-
allpatlou. They do not beget the pill
CUKE von
Ely's Cream Balm
Hair and pleasant to
use. Contains no In
jurious drug.
It Is quickly absorbed
aires relief at once
Itonena and tlfa.tiia
rttl',C01J) HEAD
lloala and Drotects tho membrane. KpnitrA
the senses ot Taste and Smell Largo liie, CO
cents at Drags; its or by malllTiial Bite, 10
M Warren Street, New York.
All kinds for all purposes.
Sash, Doors and Blinds.
Planing of all descriptions done
to older.
Don't place your order ioi
Building Material until you havt
consulted us.
Pendleton Planing Mill
w m
Imnber Vard.
R08CRT rORSTER, Proprietor
Our Big Clearance Sale has
begun and will continue until
all Seasonable Qoods are
closed out.
Special reductions in all
The Place to
Have Yoar Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
Piist'class work guaranteed by
BECK, tbe Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite
Despain & Clark
Wholesale Com
mission Merchants
Will nav cash for poultry. The
Market price always. Bring it in
every day and ail day. Chickens,
Geese, Ducks and Turkeys.
Office in Savings Bank 'Building
Come, Get Our Quotations
Let Murphy Frame those
Pictures for Christmas
Don't put off havisg the
work dene. If Murphy
does the work it will be
good work and you will be
highly pleased, Best stock
of framing material.
E. J. Murphy's
Best work at lowest prices.
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic mid Finish,
In all grades. Alwi all kind
of Dimension Lumber, in
cluding Lath mid Bhlngles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper ami Apple
Boxes Is complete, mid any
one in need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & c. R. Depot
Save Money
the Golden Rule Hotel
A half section of fine wheat
land, all in summer-fallow,
north of Pendleton.
Good improvements.
Almost a section of land in
one body, a short dis-.
tancc north of town.
I have bargained -with a
competent Timber Orniser
to locate
On tli n linn n - imllrnari
now nnder construction,
This means a big ohanoe
lor nrst-oomers. see
Have some good farms for
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir, Tamarack and
Whv buv noor coal when vou
can ge't the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5i
offer, I
B --"Hit
-OK- 1
SUITS rin..,. 1
a The EasttrafJ J
I Ed EbenJ
888 8
Smilesof Satis
Always ornanWa
countenances c 9
patrons Our.La
dry Wotkistheaa
of perfection. H
give it that gem
finish so greatly ii
Court and Thompson
It's a Good :
For auyoiie to mrte ui
more good carriages tn
from bad to worse mm
when a little 1
-Iffht kind atthertoti
them perfectly WfJeew
resolve to kave2",!
1... M.rl Urn. W
nun '
worK rigm. 1
genu .( ww"
Notice Is, to"&wiW
chattel nortae.Stffll
for JSW.UO, duo nine I m gm
Interest at 8 PJJTwl
fr personal prtPWFjg
.nrovsnces 01 .;.,,j,Ji
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11XU at paffe 2
tuo c
Dee ! iui'rtiinfiBuwrrj
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nrwon. to '.".rzij
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