you glways ge GOOD GOODS ' Alexander's. -THE W Hi H K B a Bf Ot MM . a. B & II J V - V V Beg an- to announce their aai Sale of Muslin Under wear and showing of Dainty French Lingerie. THE; S IllDll.lME,. FOR ALL !0ilS and NERVOUS DISORDERS, ' . I.- O . - 1 HvMnAiwAl n!nraetiAn HI wa,waaawwaj -w - -g --y J J I U V I BHivva - NEW HOUSE BURNED FIRE DESTROYS RESIDENCE JUST WHEN COMPLETED, New Cottage Being Erected by Frank Robinson Catches From an Old Stove Contractors Must Rebuild, as House Had Not Been Delivered to Owner. Fire destroyed a new house belnp: erected by Frank Itobinson, at the corner of Court and Jane streets, at 9 o'clock this morning. Tho house was not occupied. The carpenters had finished work on It r.nd Mr. Robinson expected to move in within a few days. The paper- hangers had finished their work and Mr. Robinson had a man employed .lading the yard. While this man was at work he was keeping a slow fire in an old stove in the building to dry out the paper. It is thought that the fire waa caused by this stove, but In just what way is not known. It was a neat cottage residence, be ing built at a cost of $1200. The contractors had $1000 insurance on it. This will make the actual loss $200. but tho contractors will have to re build at their own expense, as tho building had not been turned over to Mr. Robinson. The house was a mass of flames when tho Are was discovered, and al though the department arrived promptly, it was impossible to save it. UNCLE SAM'S IRONCLAD RULES. tared only by the Proprietor, Thomas Bekcham, St. Helens, Eng., and uinal street, new ioik. doiq cverywuwe m uura, ivt. uuu uv. 365 J D A. HIP... man, do yoxi desire to lay ntlnn fur wrnl m Kinuriv wnu lei r Inut' vAiiNfllvoi who have In sted In real t ft I nmmAnfA nnw wrtiii um 1 1 u.irLiiii nnvmnniH nr rnr following properties: $750.00 . BLauic ii ii 1 1 iiii . . iini.ini innt- crnma anH f into ann nn ; lots from $150 to $300. MnOlf 7 Inte AAA AA Of 4 lota '650.00 (it 2 Inta oin nn tutu iaa DUUiUU Baking and Groceries.... At money-saving prices at the Miller Cash Grocery. Every thing first-class. Prompt Delivery Minister Wrote a Few Words on tne Wrong Side of a Postal Card, With Surprising Results. "I have no fault to find with the government," said Rev. Hubert Fer guson yesterday to an Oregon Daily Journal reporter, "but it certainlv does indulge In strange caprices occa soinally. An Incident happened a .short time ago which led be to this conclusion. I was writing on a postal card to send to a particular friend in the East. There was hardly enough space pn the back of the card for me to say all I desired, and I concluded with the following line on the oppo site side: 'I wish you good cheer.' to my utter surprise the card came back in a short time marked this way: 'Contrary to Regulations.' Now, it Is certainly going pretty far wiien me postal department objects to a person wishing a friend good cheer, don't you think so?" And the reverend gentleman walked away with uu injured lOOK. tcrday afternoon by making a misstep en the sidewalk at her home, just as she was leaving to do an errand down town. The accident was simple, but it broke tho bones fully, and the girl will be laid iin for some time. J. H. Edwards, of Eureka flat, and Mrs. Belle Raymond, of this city. were married New Year's night, Kev. J. R, Lamb officiaJIng. The couple will make their home on Mr. Edward's big wheat farm. Police Officer Goodwin, who has served for two years, has resigned to accept the position of constable, to which he was elected at the last elec tion. John Conlan took his place on tho force. Dr. G. E. Harnett and W. P. Crowe returned yesterday from Castle Rock Or., where they went to Inspect the ell fields being developed there. They located lands and returned well satls fled with tho prospects. A number of local people have purchased lands in Klickitat county, Washington, In view of the oil development. The funeral of James Hayes, who died suddenly at his farm, 10 miles from this city. New Year's, occurred from tho residence of Chris Ennls this morning. Services were held at tho Catholic church by Father Flohr. ROBSON AS "RICHARD CARVEL.' Large and Appreciative Audience Greets Winston Churchill's Romance. Every seat in Frazer opera house was occupied last nichl, and chairs vere placed In the aisles to accommo date the large audience that greeted "Richard Cnrvcl." The largo attendance at this play was a fitting example of the dramatic taste of the city of Pendleton and shows how strongly the clean patriot ic, elevating literature of the closing Jays of the last century rules in the hearts of (he reading and thinking American public. "Richard Carvel" has been on the book shelves but a short time, yet It has won the hearts of people where ever its patriotic sentiment has been read. The cast of characters is strong all through, but "Richard Catvel" and Dorothy Manners, deserve special mention. It was by far the best per formance that has been given in Pen Diet on this season. MISS SARAH FINLEY, Vice-President of the Palmetto Club, Memphis, Terifl. INK OF CAHDUI Ss a thoroughly pcicntifio and mod ern remedy, meet ing the needs of tho modem woman in the modem way without tho torture of an operation. 'Wlno of Cardui has cured them in the pri vacy of their homes and it has found a place in the hearts of American women that no other medicine lias found. In their gratitude over 10,000 American women liavo written letters commend ing AVino cf Cardui. Wine of Cardui meets their wants as no other medicine does. It sustains tho young girl at tho shock of her entrance to womanhood. Women who take Wine of Cardui have little discomfort during pregnancy and little pain at childbirth. When tho change of lifo appears they enter a happy, healthy old age. Every month it comes to the roscuo to assist Nature in throwing tho impurities from tho body. Miss Sarah Finley, of Memphis, Tenn., -vice-president of tho Palmetto Club of that city, Bpeaks for ccrselt and many friends when she bestows tho AfUl Barak Flnity following praiso on Wine of Cardui: "Among the numerous medicines placed before suf fering women for their relief none can (ouch McEIrec's Wine of Citdul. It lower above them all as a reliable female remedy. It simply drives pain and disease away and restores health In an incredibly short period. I have taken great Interest la this medicine for the past two years, since It brought health and strength to me. I have also recommended it to a number of my friends and they who have used it speak of it In the highest terms and I feel that It is praise well bestowed." If you are suffering from female weakness Wine of Cardui is tho medi cino you ncod. Yon can havo health tho same M Miss Finley if yon will take the Wine of Cardui treatment. If you need ad vico further than tho complete direc tions given on tho bottle, address Tho Ladies Advisory Department, Chatta nooga Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. WINEofCARJMJI million suffering woman have found relief in Wine of Cardui. IN THE WALLA WALLA NEWS. Our Cash System chasers money. saves pur Miller Grocery Co. 623 Main Street Phone Main 511 MM 1 HER THAT MADE UII.. 1 kinds of lmoortea lnnrhnq. - wmai, sauerKraut and s -"-a-n cat f " Streets near PostotTice It's the Best It's the Tenderest It's the Choicest MIESCKE'S MEATS Our patrons are always sat isfied. Wo deliver goods promptly. Our business is growing rapidly and we would like to your name added to our lint of customers. Tele phone (Red 211) your order if you cannot call personally. O'tto Mies eke X II T S T 11 H ET H riser's Old Stand T.KJL'E P UJO N E RED 2)1 ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNBEIiLOR-AT-LAWB U. S. Supreme Court BEG16TERED ATTORNEY U. S. Patent Ofllce U. 8. and F0HEI8N PATENTS Trade Marks anS Copyrights 1 h. St, N. W.,' Washington, V. C Girl Breaks Her Ankle Police Officer Goodwin Resigns Locating Oil Prospects. , vvana walla, Jan. 3. Lena Dun nam, a school girl, broke an anltle yes Pendleton Fish and Poultry Market 310 Court Street best Everything the right. We handle Prices h Fish, which we receive Fre; daily. Lobsters, Shrimps, Crabs, Oys ters and all salt water foods. Ranch and Creamery Fresh Eccs, Game in Produce of ail kinds. Butter, season, Goods delivered to the city. all parts of We pay cash duce. for country pro- A trial" order is solicited. L. M. Lvman. Prop. Phone Red 591 LET US FILL GOOD OLD-FASHIONED DAYS. Powdered Wigs Formed an Import, ant Adjunct to a pentleman's Ap parel. It is safe 'to say that the majority of bald men of today would gladly levlve the old, dignified custom If they could. But, they can do the next best thing to it; that is, to revive the growth of the hair nature gave them In cases where the hair root or hair bulb has not been completely destroy eu Dy parasites that Infest it. New bro's Herpicide will do wonders ii the way of stimulating the growth of meiess and railing hair. Destroy the cause, you remove the effect. That is the successful mission of Herpicide Bold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Send 10c in stamrs for sample, to the Ilerp icide Co., Detroit, Mich. THE BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER ACCURATE DURABLE' AND EASY OF OPERATION BETTER THAN ANY OTHER IN EVERY PARTICULAR Looking for Paupers. U. M. uader, as executive officer of the trustees of the proposed Joseuh ti. Stubblefield home for orphan chil dren and indigent wldoys, is sending out letters of inquiry to the various counties of the state of Oregon and Washington to determine the number of pauper children in the two commonwealths. This, with other items, such as nrob- able cost of, maintenance per capita and room needed, will be submitted when tho question of buildings Is dis cussed by the board of trustees. YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER We can supply you with Building Material of all descriptions and save you money, DOORS WINDOWS Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters for barns and dwellings & specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard AltaJ St., Opp.Coort House Visiting in Pendleton. J. M. Heeler, a pioneer of Umatilla county, who was In this city when there waB but one farm house on the town site, has been visiting friends and relatives, her for several days. Mr. Beeler was a resident of that nortion or Umatilla county, which now forms Morrow county, and has resided at neppner since Morrow 'was created no speaks highly of the future of i neppner and Morrow county and is surprised tr. see so many changes in tlllQ nlftr ulnno V, ( ,. lna, ..1,11 ....... --'V H""'a w.o mob vinil. I Cheap Rates Westbound. From February 15 to April 30, 1903, inclusive, the O. U. & N. Co. will nave on gaie ticKets from Missouri uiver points to Fendleton for 22 Kn. from St. Paul, 2.B0; from St Louis. ?27.50. Call on the O, It. & N. ticket agent lor run particulars. aue nave you hoard the news? McSolomon is to marry again, the fourth time, I believe. He Yes I've heard about it. Beats all how' the rage for collecting will take hold of a man. oomeumes It's old books or iiamiiB ana sometimes it's postage stamps. In McSolomon'a case It ap pears to be wives, Boston Tran-script. Costs Only Half the Price of Any Other Machine ' The Blickensderfer is a typewriter on a new principle, a machine yielding uneqaled results from unequaled simplicity, the MAXIMUM IN M1NIMO of Mechanics. The efficiency of any typewriting machine is determined by the quantity and quality of the work it can do, with the least amount of effort on the part of the operator, in the shortest possible time. The mechanical construction of the Blickensderfer adapts it to the con venience of the operator in every movement he is obliged to make, enabling him to turn "out a greater volume of work in less time and with less effort than on any other machine. Not cheap, but low priced. FULL KEY-BOARD VISIBLE WORK, DIRECT PRINTING AND INKING INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE EXCELLENT MANIFOLDING QUALITIES, ETC., ETC. In NO OTHER TYPEWRITER, recafdless of nam,, nr nrn. are all of these features found. For Full Particulars See J S. KEES, Sole Agent 74 Main St., Pendleton, Oregon. Big Six" of N'jow York, tho union of printers which has over 4000 mem. bers, has succeeded in putting into effect the 40-hour week for some mem bers of tho craft under its Jurlsdlc-tlon. Technical Education What wo are Coming to. I've got a really excell ent cook now. She develops all ray photos for mo! punch. NEW STORE D. KEMLER & SOlf, Now Open. Alta Street, Opposite Savings Bank A Big Grocery In a Small Room Our stock is entirely new and i fresh. Everything in the Grocery line is found here. We invite the public to call and see us. We want your trade and will offer inducements in the way of low prices, fresh goods and courteous treatment. D. KEMLER & SON Denr Blr:rIhaTe neary finithed thH former boltlo and am practically wen. Mycnse wmonoinoct jjIjI- . . "vu"i uiti pronounced in. c",lab'e;My PPetite la ?ool. have pained 10 pound in welgTit and teal like a new le of life hii tlvm, "V "n oj tie bouiea I aom) for I ..... ,i,uc lur n irinun anil toe other for Biyjclf, a. I rto not Intend o he without It. T. B. HARRie., PURE W GRAIN finFCCe fca f mm wwwm V w t a hmhm, The coffee habit is quickly over come by those who let Grain-O take ita place. U properly made it tastes like the best of coffee. No grain coffee compares with it in flavor or bealthfulness. TRY IT TO-DAY. AtgracaratTervrUt! ISc. and?c pr patkaga. The Queen Hotel Now Open The new huilding, 36 by 80, recently erected by Joe. Ell, on Garden stre;t, between Court and Alta, is now ppen to the public. Contains 30 well lighted, and venti lated and newly furnished rooms. Not an inside room in the build ing. Modern inprovements, elec tric lights and baths, The Hotel is directly back of of the Queen Chop and Oyster House on Main street, and the Queen Chop House and the Queen Hotel will be run m connection by Messrs. Olson & Van Poymbroecfc Proprietors